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How To Use Maintenance In A Sentence

  • Indianapolis beat out nearly 100 other cities as the site for a huge United Airlines maintenance center.
  • The type of frame material on a storm window unit is important because it contributes to the storm window's heat conductivity and maintenance.
  • The air bleed in the ballast tank facilitated maintenance of a constant pressure.
  • Just because the clothes are less formal, that doesn't mean you skip regular clothing maintenance like ironing and washing.
  • It is, however, evident that this action on chromatin is most important for proper functioning of the genome and for maintenance of genome integrity. Advanced Information: The 2006 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
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  • Routine maintenance of the garden consists of keeping weeds under control.
  • While awaiting maintenance arrival, Airmen Green and Helton continued patrolling the area to verify that all aircraft were chocked.
  • Afterward the rider returns the maintenance station to refuel in abundance carries on the final sprint.
  • The cost of maintenance of parish cemeteries are available at the church doors.
  • In other cases, generating a demand requires the emplacement of an infrastructure of maintenance for the successful adoption of innovations.
  • Combined with customers who would steer clear of Detroit brands because of uncertainty surrounding maintenance warranties, a messy bankruptcy could have have kicked off a vicious downward spiral that could have ended in liquidation and enormous job losses. Wonk Room » If We Had Let GM Go Bankrupt Last November, We Could Have Lost Another Million Jobs
  • Even during dry seasons the road maintenance in those areas leaves much to be desired - particularly in the former Venda and Gazankulu and the ANC Daily News Briefing
  • When control the flying shear, T400 technology board can workout program with parameter mode completely. So it can be provided with exact position, fewer fault, convenient maintenance and so on.
  • One of its clients, Houston Power and Light, uses the object-oriented system to help schedule maintenance of its power stations.
  • Order maintenance is clearly a political enterprise, raising questions of definition, equity and accountability.
  • Under the terms of the lease, you have to pay maintenance charges.
  • As the principal part of the earth land ecosystem, forest, especially the natural forest is most significant in keeping the ecological balance and the maintenance of the biology multiformity.
  • Women engine fitters also undertake major overhauls on liquid- and air-cooled motors and instruction is given in the maintenance of variable-pitch airscrews.
  • Total Capital Expenditures for 2009 are less than historical and current estimates for Maintenance and Obligatory Capital Expenditures which we define as the estimated amount of investment in capital projects and obligatory spending on existing facilities and operations needed to hold production approximately constant for the period. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • The extract inclosed, which is taken from an official publication of the Belgian Government, and the extract from an official statement by the Belgian Minister of War, prove that the Belgian Government had never connived, or been willing to connive, at the breach of the treaty that made the maintenance of Belgian neutrality an international obligation. The New York Times Current History of the European War, Vol. 1, January 9, 1915 What Americans Say to Europe
  • They have to find the fathers who abandon their children and make them pay maintenance.
  • About three to five years experience in equip . maintenance.
  • Participants will ‘test drive’ products and services, including indoor aquatics, sports and fitness, grounds maintenance, and much more.
  • I've bought 15 bags of bark, on special offer at the garden centre, to cover the soil and keep it maintenance-free.
  • The manual stresses the importance of regular maintenance.
  • A manufacturer also is permitted to stop dealing with a retailer who breaches the manufacturer's resale price maintenance policy.
  • And this finished, self-cleaning, anti-static and weather-resistant structure is itself maintenance free for 25 years.
  • Training, maintenance, pre-combat checks, pre-combat inspections, and fieldcraft are what enable good units to execute when the time comes on the battlefield.
  • But when the copier broke down, she called the copier company and discovered that not only did she not have a maintenance contract, but she owed Top News Headlines
  • All light aircraft maintenance workshops would most certainly have one for synchronizing and timing port and starboard magnetos on piston engines.
  • English maintenance or alimony decrees can be lifelong.
  • Varieties like jungle jalebi and jatropha are ideal for wastelands while sadabhar, saijjan, kadambh, maulshree and sweet neem all germinate on their own and don't need maintenance. "
  • One benefit that comes from a city receiving such a designation is that money begins being spent on the maintenance and rehabilitation of various sites. The Two Continents Of Istanbul
  • And, their cars and those big four-by-fours can pile up on your shop for repairs and maintenance.
  • As the entire public health care system in Poland is notoriously underfinanced, the rather costly methadone maintenance does not constitute a priority concern.
  • Maintenance men could tell whether a pole - wooden or concrete - is dangerously cracked before shinning up it.
  • The vakas have sailed over a hundred thousand nautical miles with only one major maintenance fix. The Full Feed from
  • This area requires maintenance costing over $200 million a day and the surreptitious cost of the car culture totals nearly $500 billion a year in the U.S. alone, much of that going to the sustentation of a military presence in the Persian Gulf. Driving Mister Barack
  • Finding a seemingly arbitrary number in the middle of a 40 line block of code is a maintenance nightmare.
  • The prospect of students saddling themselves with enormous debts to pay their course fees and their maintenance is a frightening one.
  • Maintenance staff ordinarily clean up the litter, and it's back to life as usual.
  • These simple maintenance tasks keep your patio planters and window boxes looking their best throughout the growing season and help cold-climate gardeners prepare for winter.
  • These works refer to the contents of software maintenance models, program viewing, program database, hypertext, program high-level abstraction, and decompiler.
  • This year, Diane, his second wife and mother of his two school-age children, filed for divorce along with eye-popping maintenance demands.
  • Features of the CH-53K helicopter include: a joint interoperable glass cockpit; fly-by-wire flight controls; fourth generation rotor blades with anhedral tips; a low-maintenance elastomeric rotor head; upgraded engines; a locking cargo rail system; external cargo handling improvements; survivability enhancements; and reduced operation and support costs. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • After admitting to maintenance and the squadron what had happened, as well as conducting a thorough debrief, the jet and I were back flying later that night.
  • With an understanding that these old houses and cane fields tell no story to those who are removed from their history, the maintenance of the gravesites is a necessary act in the preservation of ancestry.
  • ExecuJet South Africa maintenance director Steve Bothma says bookings for maintenance have already been taken at the company's Cape Town and Johannesburg facilities for a number of narrowbodied and widebodied business jets for the early part of next year. HEADLINES
  • Before the decommissioning and construction of a maintenance facility can occur, however, the Navy must complete an environmental assessment report.
  • Golf originated in low-maintenance natural settings in the British Isles called "links" courses. Michael J. Critelli: Why Golf Matters
  • Navy officials yesterday were unable to provide details about the proposed maintenance center, including its location, functions and staffing.
  • Other low- and no-maintenance looks include chignons, ponytails or donning a bandanna.
  • This state of the art technology will considerably reduce maintenance and increase durability of the needles three fold.
  • Luckily for our boys, it also has a trapdoor in the floor leading conveniently into a series of maintenance tunnels which are accessible through any manhole in Montreal.
  • The functions include data maintenance, parameter definition , risk analysis, warning signal judgment, warning signal diagnosis, etc.
  • Tax relief is provided by the Revenue Commissioners in respect of expenditure incurred on the repair, maintenance or restoration of the approved building or garden.
  • Cleaning, maintenance and service operations will continue throughout the warm-down period.
  • Advertising has also been blamed for maintenance of a contentious concept that long-haired, fair-skinned women with aquiline noses have the monopoly on attractiveness.
  • Bernie, 38, works as a machine operator, printer, for Corenso UK and Andrew, 41, is a maintenance engineer for Tescos.
  • Develop machine uptime and preventive maintenance performance to meet daily production quality needs.
  • Gormley needed a functional, maintenance-free, robust building, with more space to work, and significantly, more space to think.
  • The officials said the board's underground fibre-optic network between Dhaka and Cox's Bazar is often severed by the Roads and Highways Department and other agencies during maintenance work and by cable thieves, resulting in frequent service disruptions. Frequent optical cable cuts worry Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board
  • I hope these suggestions will serve to jump-start the maintenance transformation process and provide a fundamental strategy for rethinking and reengineering Army maintenance.
  • Eighty-five-year-old pensioner Lex Morris took exception to his treatment by an electricity line maintenance serviceman, but is galled to find there is no way to stop him entering his Glanmire Road property.
  • Even allowing for the cost of infrastructure, maintenance and consumables, the fees the managements have sought do not seem to be justified.
  • When it is your shop's day, a petty officer is selected to watch selected maintenance evolutions (basically the same duties as the safety petty officer in the squadron).
  • It seemed that they couldn't afford to spend enough on maintenance.
  • The use of a by - pass around a regulator permits maintenance or repairs without down the line.
  • Root respiration provides metabolic energy for growth and maintenance of root biomass and for ion transport.
  • There is essentially a fear of culture. urger: Suburbs on the other hand often need to seek outside aid just to perform regular needed maintenance. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • Included in the investigation will be a look at aircraft maintenance, weather conditions and the possibility of human error.
  • House maintenance doesn't finish while you're selling houses, in fact it's even more necessary to keep everything shipshape and Bristol fashion when buyers may descend at any moment.
  • Provide maintenance operation guidance and technical training for maintenance technician.
  • Apparatus for tracking and recovering humans utilizes an implantable transceiver incorporating a power supply and actuation system allowing the unit to remain implanted and functional for years without maintenance. The Reinvention of Privacy
  • Nurse Jamieson had got on a favourite topic, and would have expatiated long enough, for she was a professed admirer of masculine beauty, but there was something which displeased the boy in her last simile; so he cut the conversation short, by asking whether she knew exactly how much money his grandfather had left with Dr. Gray for his maintenance. The Surgeon's Daughter
  • She did none of the maintenance on the vehicle itself.
  • The proceeds from the sale of land scrip would then be invested in a fund ‘to pay the endowment, support, and maintenance of at least one college’ in each state.
  • The Landmark Trust buys and restores interesting and historic building at risk, restores them and lets them out as holiday lets, so that the income can pay for their continued maintenance.
  • A review of the aircraft's maintenance records did not disclose any previous work written up as having been performed on the magnetos or engine ignition system.
  • Under Reese's guidance, Hansen focuses intently on building core strength and complementing the building of muscle strength with the maintenance of flexibility.
  • In order to facilitate normal maintenance, disaster recovery, and business continuity, it is recommended that each volume group name be a unique value across the enterprise.
  • The full student maintenance grant was rather less than £2 000.
  • By the letter of the judges of the circuit court of the United States, held at Boston in June last, and the inclosed application of the underkeeper of the jail at that place, of which copies are herewith transmitted, Congress will perceive the necessity of making a suitable provision for the maintenance of prisoners committed to the jails of the several States under the authority of the United States. A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Volume 1, part 1: George Washington
  • The experience of all ages and nations, I believe, demonstrates that the work done by slaves, though it appears to cost only their maintenance, is in the end the dearest of any.
  • The anesthesia care provider anesthetizes the patient using a balanced technique of IV induction and inhalation maintenance.
  • For the above three maintenance policies, the unique optimal policy which minimizes the expected cost rate per cycle under certain conditions is derived respectively.
  • I've been with some high-maintenance women in my time but my daughter takes the biscuit.
  • He insisted he would never become a high-maintenance pop star, but now says his favourite food when eating out is foie gras pate, Chateaubriand steak and sorbet, washed down with champagne.
  • Similarly, four diesel locos were also acquired for support and maintenance trains; and the coaches were acquired from 2 foot 6 inch gauge railroads in western and eastern Europe.
  • He took a course to learn about car maintenance.
  • His passion for the maintenance and advancement of world peace is most evident in the creation of the nonprofit Carter Center in Atlanta in 1982.
  • The association said its proposal is based on increased overhead costs for maintenance, spare parts and fuel.
  • They are responsible for the repair and maintenance of the buildings.
  • In this role, the LAMV would provide multiple benefits - reconnaissance, resupply, medical evacuation, and maintenance supply.
  • Mr. Evans Did the Minister discuss with the unions concerned the maintenance of free collective bargaining and union recognition in the agencies?
  • In 1774 she donated £50 for the maintenance of alms women in the town.
  • Maintenance contracts now give the company a cushion of £1.5m of income.
  • These have the advantage over mineral oil of much greater fire resistance and lower cost and over plain water in that the 5% component provides corrosion protection, and a bactericide, which means that stainless steel components are not required, and that maintenance of the fluid is easier. Next Sealed | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • Therefore, the cost associated with maintenance is low compared to expensive maintenance contracts researchers used to need for classic supercomputers.
  • After a stealth aircraft flies, maintenance workers must recoat the skin, repairing the tiny dings and burrs that increase the craft's radar signature.
  • In the vast majority of divorces, a wife's entitlement to annual maintenance payments will continue to be assessed on her need.
  • Even the contact made with local government was inadequate to plan appropriately for operation and maintenance of the facility.
  • The roof of the ancient temple caved in because of bad maintenance.
  • What is resale price maintenance, and why is it controversial?
  • Two predictive maintenance policies are proposed to minimize the expected cost rate corresponding to whether the threshold of system predictive reliability M is given or not.
  • We are very sorry, Mayflower Chinese Site ongoing routine maintenance.
  • The Street Maintenance Division will patch large chuckholes to eliminate traffic hazards in substandard public streets and clean adjacent ditches, but will not resurface the street.
  • In practice, of course, few paper systems delivered all these benefits but they were the rationale behind their maintenance.
  • Their many satisfied customers include gas and electricity companies, motor manufacturers, circuit board makers and steam railway maintenance organisations.
  • We are appealing all people, all pro people organizations, individuals and democrats to expose and fight conspiracies of exploiting landlords and sangh parivaar combine's anti people and anti democratic acts like bundh against the people and their cause in the name of maintenance of so called peaceful environment, which is for them. CPI(Maoist)Karnataka State Committee on Anti-people band organised by Landlords
  • A few years ago a Kansas health maintenance organization changed its policies and began to reimburse doctors equally for Caesarean and normal deliveries, so there was no longer a financial incentive to do Caesareans.
  • In addition, diesels generally require less maintenance than petrol engines and can retain impressive emission levels over large mileages.
  • The safe carry, maintenance and storage of firearms requires concentration on and attention to details.
  • Relatedness concepts have dominated the discussion on the evolution and maintenance of eusociality in social insects.
  • I'm mostly doing some much-needed maintenance on my archive files and backups: reorganizing folders, deleting duplicates, burning DVDs, that sort of thing.
  • For example, every fixture must include an isolation valve to allow maintenance personnel to shut down individual fixtures.
  • Both driver and staff working at the operating centre need to be fully conversant with effective maintenance procedures.
  • The centralized management, dynamic maintenance and updating, and sharing of the spatial data of land resource has always been the nodus of the land resource management informatization.
  • Equality in access to Montana elk is not basic to the maintenance or well-being of the Union.
  • The maintenance of his fragile coalition caused Namaliu further difficulties in 1990 and compromised his own considerable reputation for integrity and probity.
  • This is also the time of year to carry out maintenance on existing systems, to save having to call out an emergency plumber in the depths of winter.
  • My thoughts go toward things like greasing a squeaky cupboard hinge, removing stickers from glass, general engine maintenance and other uses not involving food preparation.
  • In the competitive airline industry, maintenance is not just an added expense, but a strategic resource for winning customer loyalty and controlling costs.
  • Wild bayberry thrives in the sand with almost no maintenance, will grow in full sun or partial shade, is not harmed by salt spray and is drought-resistant.
  • Since the collapse of Enron in January 2002, maintenance has become more akin to life support.
  • Lyra IG hardware includes eight (8) Intel Xeon processors, nVidia Quadro FX 5800 graphics with hardware genlock, and 6GB RAM in a 1. 5U chassis, 1-year hardware warranty, and an attractive maintenance program. PRWeb - Daily News Feed
  • The 29.5lb predator gave Brockhole's maintenance manager Don Hunt a ‘big surprise’ as he found the fish languishing on the lake shore.
  • This discrepancy may result in a mismatch between perceived and actual diet and thus lead to overrepresentation of patients in the action and maintenance stages.
  • Its functions are viscidity, nourishment, the binding of joints, the solidarity of the body, and the maintenance of sexual vigour.
  • Normally, cowls require considerable maintenance and possible replacement every ten years - a costly consequence of owning an oast.
  • ‘But cleaning luminaires has not been a high priority with many users as maintenance budgets are reduced,’ says Frank.
  • His firm took over the planting and general maintenance of the park last March.
  • Dry cows and in calf heifers can easily be managed inside as maintenance requirements are relatively low and can easily be met.
  • Bosses say that the switch of rail maintenance contracts to Network Rail will be a smooth transition.
  • When snags pose no safety hazard to golfers or course maintenance staff, consider leaving them in place.
  • There are certain things that enhance health, including the maintenance of basic rules of hygiene, religious practices and respecting norms of behaviour.
  • Carry out scheduled or unscheduled preventive maintenance tasks and provide all related onsite service support.
  • For the most part, garbage disposals are self-cleaning and virtually maintenance free.
  • Line Technician is to provide production, quality and maintenance support process line.
  • Having a single header file used by the DLL builder and the executable builder makes maintenance much easier.
  • I help with the maintenance; we weed, then wield machetes and trowels to chop back the viny grass that threatens to overtake bare soil.
  • That led to the second key decision, to send out much of this work to maintenance depots and arsenals in places like Watervliet, N.Y.
  • The complex's 2,300 miners were redeployed to maintenance work, costing RJB Mining about £1 million a day.
  • Engineers are carrying out essential maintenance work on the main line to Cambridge.
  • In regard to maintenance, if your sidelights are more than a few years old, check them at night to see if the lens has perhaps faded from the sun's rays.
  • The maintenance of territorial integrity has become a joint enterprise.
  • In the nuclear age the maintenance of this threshold between conflict and war is a basic objective of Soviet policy.
  • Don't buy any video equipment without a reliable guarantee of maintenance and repair services.
  • Indianapolis beat out nearly 100 other cities as the site for a huge United Airlines maintenance center.
  • Fully comprehensive insurance, maintenance and servicing costs etc. are also not included.
  • Chronic conditions may need ongoing maintenance.
  • In most instances the successful maintenance of a glaucomatous life, exclusive of operative interference, in addition to sustained myosis, demands the investigation of the patient's metabolism, which must be kept at the normal standard, the removal of the evil effects of auto-infection, as we are wont to call it, and especially the elimination of the cause which is responsible for the over plus tension of the arteries and of the veins. Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
  • The wall-mounted commodes and lavatories provide comparable maintenance benefits.
  • These functions are essential for maintenance of immunological homeostasis.
  • Speed doesn't necessarily cause blowouts, as others who have posted opinions have said, poor maintenance of the tire can cause a blowout as can faulty valves or the tire being under pressure.
  • Managing the implementation of Search Engine Optimization principles with content created by PR firms or internal PR staff involves the creation and maintenance of keyword glossaries from which to pick phrases for optimization as well as best practices applied to content creation processs. Online Marketing Blog
  • The maintenance staff are grossly underpaid.
  • This incident involved very senior and skilled technicians, as well as seasoned maintenance-control personnel.
  • * Maintenance *garbled* dation has mission impacted airborne opera *garbled* on most of air breather aircraft. Day by Day Armageddon: Beyond Exile
  • The main emphasis of this section of the competition will be a high level of maintenance and a secondary aim would be to encourage the preservation of traditional features.
  • We use the finest materials, chosen for their resistance, beauty and durability: Kevlar reinforcement in the bow sections, antimonious Lead keels, more expensive but improved performance in safety and maintenance.
  • The residents of the complex are parting with a hefty sum every month for the maintenance of the garden.
  • Taking for example the wear of connecting rod copper sleeve, the paper introduces the application of this method to the prediction of internal combustion engine maintenance and fault detection.
  • Vehicle features: ** bmw full free warranty and full free maintenance good till 50,000 miles**clean car fax and 1 owner california car**. well equipped with moonroof, power front seats, automatic climate control, hi-fi sound system, steptronic automatic transmission, rain sensor and auto headlight, dynamic cruise control and dark burl walnut wood trim. **test drive it today! We Blog A Lot
  • Range filters and hoods are part of this maintenance, as well as garbage cans and disposals.
  • The maintenance of species in captivity in zoos, aquaria, and botanic gardens is sometimes called ex situ conservation.
  • Due to infrequent maintenance in recent decades, many of the city's grand structures are in terminal decay, undone by the vandalism of official apathy.
  • During its investigation the NTSB determined the aircraft underwent extensive maintenance that included the removal, replacement and visual inspection of the left and right main landing gear uplock assemblies. HEADLINES
  • Do procedures require maintenance of adequate documentation in purchase order files?
  • Because of the freeze-and-thaw cycle, concrete dikes tend to require annual maintenance to seal cracks and remain watertight.
  • There is retail price maintenance by the manufacturer, both maximum price and minimum price.
  • The opportunity to reduce energy and maintenance costs and improve occupant comfort will be missed.
  • For a certainty it is valuable to reflect problems and deficiencies of maintenance material management work and enhance the maintenance material support capability.
  • That future is bringing a change from paperbound authorship to online maintenance of a scholar's writing and the discussion that surrounds it. Faculty
  • When public services are privatized they are more unaccountable; citizens put both long-term rate stability and proper equipment maintenance at risk.
  • Are you going to be one of those high-maintenance women?
  • Apart from the civil list, the palace receives government 'grants-in-aid' for maintenance of the palaces and travel. Times, Sunday Times
  • The retail business, which is essential for the maintenance of adequate market liquidity, declined after the 1987 stock market crash.
  • I envision that vaccine approaches like this could be useful as maintenance therapy, " says Kwak. "We would use chemotherapy and surgery to debulk the tumor and then vaccinate to maintain remission.
  • The drug is also approved for use as maintenance therapy for chronic hyperammonemia that results from NAGS deficiency.
  • Griffin output fell because of maintenance and downtime associated with cyclone Gertie.
  • He suggested the definition of health as the maintenance of equilibrium, or an "isonomy" in the material qualities of the body. The Evolution of Modern Medicine
  • Homelessness, overseas aid, prison overcrowding, electoral reform and the maintenance of peace are all on the agenda.
  • For the slow - growing pig the same maintenance cost is spread over half the productive gain.
  • More prosaically, unlike conventional hedge mazes, the gabion cages will require minimal maintenance and should last for 50 years.
  • This looks after the maintenance and levies an annual charge which is divided among the owners proportionately.
  • Complete routine maintenance of functional lab, including instruments, consumables, etc.
  • Our future manning documents must ensure that the placing of warrant officers in the structure allows the best use and maintenance of their technical skills.
  • The drug is also approved for use as maintenance therapy for chronic hyperammonemia that results from NAGS deficiency.
  • This paper deals with the reliability computation of a reparable system of which the main unit possesses priority both in operation and maintenance.
  • Budgets are tight and subject to sudden change, and inessentials, such as maintenance, are cut to the bone.
  • People must know that they all can have a say in the preservation and maintenance of this way of life.
  • The maintenance of peace and order and justice between states bound in federacy.
  • The estimated cost of its building maintenance over the coming decade is £10 million.
  • In Graham Stuart Thomas’ Three Gardens of Pleasant Flowers: With Notes on Their Design, Maintenance, and Plants (1983), p. 9, meanwhile, we find the rather cloying remark, “Plants as a rule increase … and the giving away of manavilins is a blessed form of friendship in which we all take pleasure.” Manavalums
  • These include preparation of firebreaks, maintenance of fire-fighting equipment, and liaison with neighbours and a fire protection officer in the area when a fire breaks out.
  • I have put in an application to pay child maintenance but they have not actioned that application.
  • Landscape projects include a major footpath and bridleway improvement program, establishing a network of cycle routes, tree planting and hedge laying, heathland management and survey and maintenance work on the coastal National Trail. Dorset and East Devon Coast, United Kingdom
  • Maintenance is likewise the same as other bolt-action muzzleloaders since the 10ML-II now has a removable breech plug.
  • Utterly maintenance free, it's a warm natural finish, sometimes with salmon- or ochre-colored striations, and can be troweled smooth or scraped vertically for a rough finish.

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