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How To Use Maintain In A Sentence

  • While maintaining a level of accessibility and providing information are important, this must not dumb the work down, compromise the artists' intentions, or remove the challenge aspect of art that many people thrive on.
  • I eat a lot of chicken and fish, rice and pasta and maintain an all-round healthy diet. Times, Sunday Times
  • Steve maintains that the peppers give the bland turkey a piquant flavour.
  • The UN at the moment is still trying to maintain the charade of neutrality.
  • Most intriguingly, among the described symptoms of fugu poisoning is progressive limb paralysis while maintaining consciousness.
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Master English with Ease
  • Then prop yourself up using your toes and forearms maintaining a flat position. The Sun
  • Taking up so much of the roof area, it has to stay sealed with the glass permanently in place to maintain the car's body rigidity.
  • Jones and Armstrong maintain a consistently high standard.
  • So far is he from admitting the possibility of any dissiliency between the Divine will and absolute right, that he turns the tables on his opponents, and classes among Atheists those of his contemporaries who maintain that God can command what is contrary to the intrinsic right; that He has no inclination to the good of his creatures; that He can justly doom an innocent being to eternal torments; or that whatever God wills is just because He wills it. A Manual of Moral Philosophy
  • They go in sheep's russet, many great men that might maintain themselves in cloth of gold, and seem to be dejected, humble by their outward carriage, when as inwardly they are swollen full of pride, arrogancy, and self-conceit. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • When prices fall, commodity producers can maintain profitability by cutting costs or increasing output.
  • Using a slotted spatula, transfer the bacon to a paper towel-lined sheet pan, reserve, and maintain the hot pan.
  • Well, I suppose one of us had to maintain a veneer of respectability.
  • We are trying to have a code in school where we maintain good order and discipline.
  • While price pressure is a huge factor in who can and cannot survive on the land, it behoves us to take the longer-term view, if at all possible, to ensure that we maintain a balance between rural and urban living.
  • The cosmic symbol of the rising sun expresses the universality of God above all particular places and yet maintains the concreteness of divine revelation. Ignatius Insight Article on Restoring Ad Orientem
  • It appears that the function of the interspinous ligament may be to maintain the tension in the thoraco-lumbar fascia.
  • June 17, 2006, 4: 01 pm card with bad credit says: card with bad credit maintainer internship decrypt arrangements. coplanar cusp The Volokh Conspiracy » “Bush Voters Are Stupid”:
  • The statement affirmed the two countries' willingness to maintain their diplomatic, economic and military ties.
  • The three struggle to maintain a harmonious working relationship as brash youth clashes with age and experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tables of lexicographers and of the group memberships of lexicographers are created and maintained by the database administrator.
  • According to the synergetics theory economy, social and ecological subsystem should coordinate with each another, in order to maintain the water resources system as an sequential system.
  • Meanwhile, the sister is trying to maintain standards and dignity, washing her clothes and covering her body.
  • Extant birds are accomplished endotherms and many maintain the highest body temperatures.
  • Hospital case notes are more voluminous than traditional British general practice paper records, which are normally maintained on small cards, named after the politician who introduced them more than 90 years ago.
  • Taking a dig at the BWSSB, a corporator noted perhaps a cess should be levied on BWSSB every time sewage is let into storm water drains maintained by the BMP.
  • Eleazar maintained that it was a great impiety to remain uncircumcised. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • The low boot cuff allows you to maintain the tuck position longer and with less effort.
  • The party last night maintained its refusal to reopen the investigation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kelsey fought to maintain control with the yoke that was trying to shake itself out of his hands.
  • Maintaining peak physical condition is essential in my sport. The Sun
  • It also required the merged company to maintain its existing negotiating practices and appoint a trustee to oversee its performance and report back to MOFCOM.
  • These brave soldiers will be maintained in self-contained biospheres, like giant lizards from another star, which given the moral status of their behavior, they might as well be.
  • This continued until war broke out and when war broke out, General Hertzog, again with his strong feeling of South Africanism, said, "While we do not wish to be disassociated from the British Empire, while we are willing to remain with the British Empire on the same footing as heretofore, we do not see why we should declare war now, why we should not maintain neutrality and the status quo, even though Great Britain go into war. Racial Relations in the Union of South Africa
  • Few people nowadays are able to maintain friendships into adulthood.
  • It takes more calories to maintain muscle tissue than fat tissue. PCOS DIET BOOK: How you can use the nutritional approach to deal with polycystic ovary syndrome
  • It introduces, maintains, characterizes, and evaluates germplasm collections of banana, plantain, sapodilla, mamey sapote, cacao, Garcinia, Annona, and bamboo.
  • This clothing maintains your body warmth.
  • These two also work to stabilize the legs and help maintain correct knee tracking in exercises like the seesaw lunge so you can maximize the work of the other muscles involved.
  • The second module, which we call the adaptation module, is known to maintain the intracellular signal at Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Apyrase, an enzyme in tick saliva, may maintain blood flow into the bite by stimulating local vasodilation and preventing platelet aggregation.
  • I didn't want to be typecast and I think I've maintained a large variety in the roles I've played.
  • Few position players or pitchers maintain an even remotely uniform level of effectiveness.
  • It is a piece of Scotland in the heart of the auld enemy, so it might be expected to maintain the traditional hostility towards the English and their team.
  • They maintain close connections with many of these firms, particularly the top defence companies.
  • Even as the varsity officials maintain that the fee hike was inevitable, most students see the hike as monumental.
  • Corporate recruiters and large companies maintain their own databases of job candidates, including unstructured data such as interview notes.
  • (Isaiah 59: 15-16) (this is the only place where the word appalled is used for the way God feels -- in other words, the only thing which we know God is appalled by is if people are not doing justice) "Blessed are they who maintain justice .... As People of Faith . . . We Must Impeach
  • Both have maintained they have been hard-done by and both have stirred up a public furore over whether they are the victims of the justice system.
  • But such a belief is hard to maintain and is hence vulnerable to disconfirmation in various ways.
  • Mr Foster maintained his composure: If acceptable manners were a paddock, Mademoiselle Marguerite had not yet jumped the fence.
  • The high frequency of I as theme helps to maintain a sense of continuity and a coherent point of view.
  • Once a system is in place, it should be maintained through audits and further spending if required. Computing
  • He maintains he was doing the speed limit and had no time to react.
  • In the meantime, Parkside is being maintained by a crew of former pit men working for a private contractor.
  • During states of ineffective arterial volume, local production of vasodilatory prostanoids and kinins in the kidney offsets the decrease in renal blood flow and helps maintain the glomerular filtration rate.
  • Retailers maintained their rendezvous with chez Dior and Galliano and are placing orders. Fashion designer crackups raise question: Is industry's pace too relentless?
  • ‘Both these shops have given the area a lift and made it worth visiting by retaining and just maintaining original shopfronts,’ the society said.
  • She can maintain a luxurious lifestyle by herself without my financial support. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each group maintained a dignified silence as the marchers passed on their pilgrimage to uphold Republican martyrology.
  • The cavalry were too numerous to be maintained solely by the king; rather, each of the seven great town-chiefs had to support, in his own sector of the capital, ten noble warriors and their entourages.
  • The second is to gain the knowledge and experience to maintain humans within equilibrium in a closed ecological system.
  • Maintain decent instruments, can not be stranded in spots.
  • And, relationships built upon common needs build bridges, even as bridges unmaintained may fall at any time. Rev. Earl E. Johnson: No Poverty Of Spirit
  • I maintain that this disaccording between his feelings of pleasure and pain and his rational judgment constitutes the very lowest depth of ignorance.
  • In support of this they indicate that there have been worries about the ability of the Monopolies Commission to maintain consistency across its investigations.
  • Support from the landed classes was maintained only by an impossibly complex and grossly unfair system of taxation. THE FOUR NATIONS: A History of the United Kingdom
  • For Lynn and Joe Rouse, the pergola is a versatile area that's relatively inexpensive to maintain. Undefined
  • Kevin Wilkinson's simple metal dinghy, propelled by a single scull from a rowlock at the stern, maintains one of the oldest crossings of the Mersey – now transferred to the canal because the nearby river itself is bridged. Britain's Best Views: the Mersey ferry, Liverpool
  • Taxes must be adequate to raise a revenue sufficient to meet those federal expenditures which are truly advantageous to the general welfare, to maintain justifiable confidence in the soundness of the dollar, and to underwrite the safety of the federal debt as an investment. As The Allies Face The Future
  • Some current assets are by nature needed to maintain the company operations and would not normally be available to meet short-term obligations.
  • Epsom and Ewell's historians assume that he would have found it hard to maintain course and so could not land at any of the airfields near the south coast.
  • And Fed officials framed their decision as being designed to fulfill its "dual mandate" to maintain maximum employment and stable prices. Fed to inject $600 billion into economy
  • To help maintain interest, each chapter contains a short, informative sidebar.
  • In return for a bail-out of the currency, it would deflate the economy, impose a statutory incomes policy, and maintain a military presence East of Suez.
  • On the other hand, the Austrians enjoyed a strong defensive position that could be maintained at a relatively low cost.
  • Of course, the hard but essential task now will be to maintain the sense of priority and importance about indigenous issues once the front page splashes die away again.
  • The movie generally maintains this frenetic pace, sometimes so fast it's like you are looking at a reel of photographic negatives.
  • Some men maintained protective intergenerational boundaries by distancing themselves from disapproving parents.
  • The court heard that he still maintained his innocence over the offences which were years old.
  • Such materials have only been prepared by using very high molecular weight copolymers, typically up to 1 million g / mol, and maintaining uniform (monodisperse) polymer chain lengths, which requires solution processing that adds complexity and cost. Chemical & Engineering News: Latest News
  • The company has managed to maintain its status among retailers.
  • Brimstone's ship was violently rocked by the explosions, but still managed to maintain their shields.
  • The temptation for the project maintainer is to keep multiple legacy interfaces coordinated with the latest version.
  • But since he or his representative maintained for years that his proabortion rights stance is consistent with being a Catholic in good standing, with receiving Holy Communion, leading family prayers, and being visited by priest friends, I can't for the life of me figure out why I should see his doing such things on his deathbed as "signs of repentance" for the manifest grave sin of his proabortion rights stance. Sen. Ted Kennedy's right to a Catholic funeral
  • As the mulch decomposes in the summer heat, add more to maintain optimal mulch depth.
  • This community was supposed to be regulated by balance, and that at least the major powers had a right to expect compensation and indemnities to maintain it.
  • The Renaissance Italians also had an acute insight into the importance of the balance of power for maintaining international order among themselves.
  • For one, maintaining a constant water potential of tissue fluid prevents osmotic damage to cells, either by cell lysis or crenation. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • It takes more calories to maintain muscle tissue than fat tissue. PCOS DIET BOOK: How you can use the nutritional approach to deal with polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Maintaining a breathable atmosphere would not be a variable anyone thought to specify. Times, Sunday Times
  • When Megan is not in the classroom, she is actively involved in the local literary scene and maintains a blog, Night Light Revue, about new books and authors. BookBrowse Reviewers.
  • You haven't been this pale since, like, February, she says, poking a little fun at the difficulty I seem to have in maintaining any kind of darker pigmentary coloration in the winter. Things You Can Do, Some Can't Be Done
  • His aunt maintained him at the university.
  • The five tenant farmers on the estate will continue working the land but ways are being sought to help those in arable farming to convert to grazing to help maintain the appearance of the land as it once was.
  • The government maintained its strictly neutral policy.
  • It is only prudent to maintain and intensify that pressure. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cost to a firm of maintaining inventory has two major components: carrying costs and ordering costs.
  • An existing fish pass has fallen into disrepair and is not maintained, resulting in fish finding it hard to get upriver to spawn.
  • Next in importance after Ashford in east Kent were the running depots (engine sheds) of the two rival lines, where a number of engines were based, cleaned and maintained, and where the majority of the footplate crews were based.
  • In the early days, during the service, the congregants had the odd practice of auctioning the aliyoth or ‘privileges’ given to certain congregants, the money being used to maintain the synagogue.
  • Hence, an isolated piece of tissue removed from an organism—for example, the eye of a sea slug—will maintain its own daily rhythm but will quickly adopt that of the whole organism when restored to it.
  • Often, the muscles used to maintain body posture are affected, namely the muscles in the neck, shoulders, and pelvic girdle, including the upper trapezius, scalene, sternocleidomastoid, levator scapulae, and quadratus lumborum.
  • In all experiments the algae were treated with benzoquinone, to inhibit metabolic activity in the chloroplast and to maintain an oxidized plastoquinone pool.
  • If such balancing selection maintains a substantial fraction of life-history variation, it will generate negative genetic correlations among life-history traits.
  • He is not only the speed, but also lies in whether we can continue; forward lies not only in speed, but also lies in whether we can maintain the correct direction.
  • Indeed, the use of electronic documentation systems should enhance a organisation's ability to maintain full and accurate records.
  • He was always attentive to the need to maintain the highest standards, generous with his time and unfailingly courteous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus, water reaching the playa continues across it towards the lowest point, and flows in this direction persist long enough to erode and maintain channels that are metres in width and decimetres deep.
  • Their commitment was only to maintain the extent of forests, not their biodiversity.
  • In central Francia in the ninth century, moreover, the Frankish king did not hesitate to remove benefices from church lands to give them to his vassi, or to force the church to maintain mounted soldiers at its own expense.
  • In support of this they indicate that there have been worries about the ability of the Monopolies Commission to maintain consistency across its investigations.
  • Oreck next maintained that many of its challenged statements were nonactionable puffery: (1) the Dyson is “bulky”; (2) the Oreck vacuum emits “no puff” of dust when it is emptied; (3) the Dyson bin emptying process is “messy” and the Dyson filter is “not sanitary” and a “dirty little secret”; and (4) the XL Ultra 4120 weighs “only nine pounds,” while the weight of the DC14 is “backbreaking.” Archive 2009-03-01
  • You can in fact be certain that private capital accumulation is a fundamental necessity in our system, while maintaining that (minor) redistribution is an ongoing requirement. Tax Cuts for the Rich, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • COD removal efficiency can reach 79 % while the hydraulic residence time ( HRT ) maintains more than 6 h.
  • What he has brought is a sense of urgency and ambition that has helped maintain a sharp focus.
  • Higher percentages of the elderly than of the general adult population live in accommodation built before 1919 that is often poorly maintained.
  • And as they pass the Place of Unchangingness they return themselves to the true Piurivar form, and maintain it thenceforth. VALENTINE PONTIFEX
  • he maintained an open door for all employees
  • In some instances, you need to respond immediately to those requirements in order to be granted or to maintain organic certification.
  • In case there is any mistake, Dawkins gives the example of a permanent dune - a barchan - that the wind pushes across the desert but which maintains it shape even while individual grains of sand are being blown into and out of the dune. May 6th, 2009
  • He maintained his ascendancy in the third round, landing a hard left hook which opened another cut, this time on Williams' right eye-lid.
  • This is because they help to maintain a balance between themselves and the billions of harmful bacteria that also live there. Times, Sunday Times
  • In older homes, paint regularly contains large amounts of lead that can peel off the walls in flakes and chips or fall on floors and windowsills as a toxic dust, especially in poorly maintained housing stock.
  • If we could take a look now at those live pictures of St. Peter's Square, to an estimated 70,000 people have gathered to maintain a vigil and to pray for the pope.
  • In public, at least, Kirk, who lives close to the Wight memorial in Thirsk, is the soul of diplomacy, maintaining that the amateur route will eventually reap dividends.
  • We support those who maintain peace and oppose those who make war and who seek hegemony.
  • Reduce the heat and maintain at a simmer until the sides begin to brown, about five minutes.
  • The writing maintains the suspensefulness that has pervaded this book since #26, and I’m really enjoying the character work Bucky’s targetless rage, Tony’s grief clouding his much-vaunted predictive mind, Sharon’s horror at being controlled as well as Epting & Mike Perkins art. Captain America #30 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • These need a light prune in early spring, to maintain size and shape. Times, Sunday Times
  • A ‘Space Access Organization’ would, at least, be able to gather all the hard-won data from these canceled programs and maintain a central depository of information and expert knowledge.
  • He can't maintain enough equilibrium to ride a bike.
  • The sleeve maintains a consistently low temperature throughout the vertically disposed shelves of the cryobiological materials contained within the inner tank.
  • With a boat, however, electricity is routed through a gauntlet of adapters and shore power connections that depend on friction to maintain contact.
  • It is huge - two bedrooms plus a "solarium" (that's what they call it up there), so we would each have our own office (yippee!), tons of closets, beautiful new kitchen (dishwasher!) and bathroom, balcony, fireplace, in an immaculately maintained building with a fitness room, a pool, a parking spot for $50/month (you can't park a tire for $50 in NYC), and it's a stone's throw from the train. Archive 2004-07-01
  • She gives accounts of the long hours worked by women and the effort put into maintaining what were seen as adequate standards.
  • In the Republican zone, power remained in civilian hands and democratic forms were maintained until the end.
  • At this point, it becomes difficult for the body to maintain nutritional homeostasis, utilize nutrients appropriately, synthesize plasma proteins, and detoxify noxious substances.
  • Critics claim the grant maintained initiative is losing momentum with only 309 schools, out of 24,000, opting out in three years.
  • The hardest part for me as a natural ectomorph is eating enough to maintain my weight.
  • Adding a gum system to processed cheese spreads or artificial cheese products helps modify textural difficulties and helps the end product maintain desirable functional properties.
  • It is the responsibility of the state to maintain the supremacy of citizenship.
  • No one doubts, however, that it does maintain covert agents and does use monetary pay-offs to gain influence in the country.
  • In addition, to maintain credibility as a scientific advisory body, the council needs to speak with one voice.
  • She can maintain a luxurious lifestyle by herself without my financial support. Times, Sunday Times
  • He maintained that he had no money to pay the ransom demanded and that it was a case of mistaken identity.
  • Not a chink of light was allowed to be seen and regular street patrols were maintained.
  • Marie maintains a list of people ready and willing to fill positions and as an extra bonus to employers there are wage subsidies available.
  • There is another approach to the problem of maintaining speed throughout the roll which is used by those of above average ability.
  • Set goals focusing on maintaining good health habits. The Sun
  • This dynamic regulation of cerebrovascular resistance maintains a constant CBF in the CPP range between 50 mm Hg to 150 mm Hg and is called autoregulation (Fig. 3) [59,60]. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • In order to maintain efficiency, we have had to close the surplus production capacity.
  • Of particular beauty here, of course, is the use of utterly inappropriate terms to maintain the rhyme, which saw ‘gloat’ used as a noun directly above this unlearned and unlovely deformed child of a verse.
  • Utilizing otherwise-idle resources, defragmentation occurs whenever and wherever possible so that performance is constantly maintained, and there is never a negative performance impact from defrag. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • Hospitals including the Royal, City and Ulster need to achieve a quota of junior doctors to maintain their teaching status in conjunction with Queen's University.
  • In the words of Dr. Reid, "He maintains ... that there is no such thing as matter in the universe; that the sun and moon, earth and sea, our own bodies and those of our friends, are nothing but ideas in the minds of those who think of them, and that they have no existence when they are not objects of thought; that all that is in the universe may be reduced to two categories, to wit, _minds_ and _ideas in the mind_. English Literature, Considered as an Interpreter of English History Designed as a Manual of Instruction
  • On an open stretch you can easily maintain a good cruising speed and the acceleration is acceptable too. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then, the OPFOR uses an attack force echeloned in depth to maintain the momentum of the attack after the initial penetration. FM 100-61 Chptr 4 Army Group Offensive Operations
  • Racial tension has been running high at the University of the Free State where a strong police presence was maintained during intervarsity. News24 Top Stories
  • Aquaria uses salt of high-tech fresh water to change system and marine life to maintain a system automatically.
  • For instance, with their taxes and consumer dollars, all Canadians have borne the costs of maintaining the viability of certain regionally based industries. National Purpose and Future Industrial Development
  • We present them the example of France as an unanswerable proof that one great nation can maintain bimetallism, and that by maintaining it she escaped the worst evils that have affected the monometallic countries, and assured for herself an extraordinary progress and prosperity. If Not Silver, What?
  • How am I supposed to maintain a good grump with you being so damned cute?
  • Political authorities were interested mainly in maintaining harmony within and among these different self-regulating bodies.
  • Pending a settlement, the status quo of the boundary should be maintained.
  • The lack of imbalance in C: P and N: P ratios between seston and mussels along with high tissue C: P ratio of the mussel allow them to tolerate potential P limitation and maintain high growth rate. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • These ideas, embedded in America's founding documents, are the connective cords by which national unity and civic identity have been maintained in the United States from the 1770s until today.
  • They were never linked up to Tendring Council's monitoring centre and were not maintained.
  • When he stood up his respiration was maintained by his intercostals.
  • A management company maintains the communal areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • The shire's existing bowling club has become too expensive to maintain, especially with the price of labour and of materials such as fertiliser and weedicides constantly rising thereby putting more burden on a declining membership.
  • We are always recruiting telephoners so we can maintain and increase our telephone reassurance program.
  • The men maintained they were out of the country when the crime was committed.
  • It also helps maintain a regular heartbeat. The Sun
  • I resolve to maintain more constant correspondence with my friend Amanda.
  • The United Nations maintains a military presence in the area.
  • At the moment, silence is being maintained over both the arming of the land forces and the total cost of the military plans.
  • The trust was also taken into supervision by the umbrella Bradford Community Housing Trust Group, to ‘maintain the stability’ of the board.
  • Analysts cautioned that all the companies involved should remain sober-minded and try to tackle the serious problem of how to maintain market development on a healthy and profitable track.
  • The pair maintained their concentration and composure throughout the various interruptions for drizzle and bad light to hold out. The Sun
  • Normally it's job is to maintain fluid balance.
  • The pilot was unable to maintain height.
  • Encouragement and support do they derive from James, in maintaining the "peculiar institution" which they call patriarchal, and boast of as the "corner-stone" of the republic? The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • Her priority is to maintain an impenetrable veneer of normalcy, of successful, aspirational living while he longs to wake up from the monotony of his existence and start living again.
  • Mr. Collins, who maintained his innocence, spent much of those 15 years in a computerless prison law library. His Case for Freedom
  • By replacing body fluids with transparent plastic, plastination maintains the natural shape and color of dissected tissues.
  • Keeping a steady blaze is akin to the way in which women generate and maintain emotional energy.
  • So the fraud, I mean, fraulein (Frau-Palin) and ex-everything else is concerned about scientific fraud while maintaining that her supporters have a right to question Obama's birth certificate. Palin calls for Obama to boycott climate change conference
  • Perhaps, if we are to maintain the doctrine of agency as a possession of the agent, it is more productive to let the amphiboly lie as it is.
  • Vinnie hunts rabbits for the pot with his three lurchers and maintains that his way of killing them is as humane as any alternative.
  • In view of their Lordships, however, such a contention is not maintainable.
  • Pressure will be maintained on the Commission to manage the dairy market, internally and externally, in a way that allows a reasonable price return to producers.
  • They maintained that ghosts had no substance.
  • Sounds fab, and glad to see you're maintaining your usual high levels of barminess. AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR
  • Today, we see that the bees are still maintaining what I call queen cell Number 2, but have not yet capped it. - making science user-friendly
  • Balanced with that is the wish of older people to maintain independent living with their own front door rather than to move into more traditional residential homes.
  • As an appointee you’re responsible for making and maintaining any benefit claims.
  • The laboratory must maintain a copy of each procedure with the dates of initial use and discontinuance.
  • These cases provide rare views of the processes by which antigenic or enzymatic properties of a protein are modified while still maintaining function.
  • Most of us would maintain that physical attractiveness does not play a major part in how we react to the people we meet.

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