How To Use Mainsail In A Sentence

  • My greatest trouble has been delamination of my mainsail; it's falling apart. Times, Sunday Times
  • The foremasts carried square-rigged sails, while the mainmasts carried a fore-and-aft-rigged mainsail and square-rigged top sail.
  • Her head was tilted up, checking the luff of the mainsail, and she didn't notice him. CORMORANT
  • Your mainsail changes color if you are being blanketed or backwinded by a competitor.
  • A larger headsail and cruising spinnaker are nice to have for beam reaching and running in light air but many owners find the mainsail and 120% jib work just fine.
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  • This was the first trial of our _sliding-gunter_ mainsail upon our singularly-constructed boat; and Bob and I were thrown into perfect raptures at the truly marvellous speed with which it propelled the craft along. For Treasure Bound
  • When the crossjack was replaced by a gaff, the larger vessels started the square mainsail, and became "brigs," while the smaller kept the spanker as their mainsail, and became "brigantines," so that a genuine old brigantine is a brig without a square mainsail. Golden Days for Boys and Girls, Vol. XIII, Nov. 28, 1891
  • These days, the majority of new mainsails are designed with a loose-footed arrangement.
  • The British boat appeared to be in control of the fifth start when with 40 seconds to go the mainsail dropped when its halyard broke. Ben Ainslie's TeamOrigin cruising ahead of BMW Oracle in 1851 Cup
  • Other ships on the high-seas in the late 1700's and up to the end of the 1800's were the sloop, a single masted ship that could carry a mainsail, topsail and foresail.
  • When this jigger was abolished the sail retained its lateen shape, got on to the mainmast, and became what we may call a main crossjack, thereby rendering a square mainsail impossible. Golden Days for Boys and Girls, Vol. XIII, Nov. 28, 1891
  • Jaric had brailed the mainsail neatly to the yardarm, but jib and spanker lay heaped in the bow, a negligence he never would have tolerated by choice. Shadowfane
  • David was meticulously trimming the mainsail when Howard stumbled out of the aft cabin and went up on deck, blinking in morning sunshine.
  • Other ships on the high-seas in the late 1700's and up to the end of the 1800's were the sloop, a single masted ship that could carry a mainsail, topsail and foresail.
  • The sloop could carry no more than a three-reefed mainsail and forestaysail; with these she held on stoutly and was not blown out of the strait. Sailing Alone Around the World
  • When we drew further from the shore, the wind increased, and the gaff-topsail was unbent, and a reef taken in the mainsail. A Yacht Voyage to Norway, Denmark, and Sweden 2nd edition
  • The fully battened mainsail is loose-footed and stands a bold roach which has to brush past the backstay during a tack.
  • With smooth proficiency, the trimmers backed the jib, and the mainsail was eased, swinging the bow around.
  • Mainsails, genoas, working jibs and staysails, spinnakers, storm jibs, and trisails are all discussed in depth.
  • [Footnote 3: A bilander was a small two-master, with the mainsail of lateen form.] [Footnote 4: The _Lisbon Merchant_, Captain Porteen. Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period Illustrative Documents
  • As the galley righted itself, another wave struck from the other side, and the ship heeled over so far its mainsail almost touched the water.
  • With smooth proficiency, the trimmers backed the jib, and the mainsail was eased, swinging the bow around.
  • But he was deflected by the crash of the mainsheet blocks on the stout deck-traveller, as the mainsail, emptied of the wind and feeling the wind on the other side, swung crazily across above him. CHAPTER II
  • A larger headsail and cruising spinnaker are nice to have for beam reaching and running in light air but many owners find the mainsail and 120% jib work just fine.
  • I saw the familiar black hull, the bowsprit, the gaff rig, the extraordinary long boom that overhung the stern by a good ten feet, the varnished spars, and the wood rings that held the mainsail to the mast.
  • Sailing around with just the mainsail is an excellent way to learn the principles and mechanics of changing direction, but it is not as much fun as sailing with both the jib and mainsail. Sailing Fundamentals
  • These are twin-hulled boats with a centreboard and a rudder on each hull, a two-sail rig and a mainsail.
  • The captain's prediction was verified; for the wind continued to increase, accompanied with fine drizzling rain, until about nine o'clock, when orders were given to take another reef in the mainsail, and double reef the fore-topsail. Jack in the Forecastle or, Incidents in the Early Life of Hawser Martingale
  • By 1980, the mainsail roach had been increased, a full-length top batten added to the mainsail and the jib size increased slightly for a new sail area of 87 square feet.
  • Many times, in the course of the day, alertly and nonchalantly, almost with a quizzical knowingness, Jerry cocked his head at the mainsail when it made sudden swooping movements or slacked and tautened its crashing sheet-gear. CHAPTER III
  • Franck Cammas and his men hoisted the heavy airs gennaker around 11: 00 hours UTC yesterday, with one reef in the mainsail. YBW News
  • The sails on the lower yards are the foresail, mainsail and crossjack, or, as they are often called, fore-course, main-course and mizzen-course -- the course being the sail, just as a sheet is a rope and not a piece of canvas. Golden Days for Boys and Girls, Vol. XIII, Nov. 28, 1891
  • Within a minute the mainsail and gaff-topsail were hauled down, so that the ship might fall off, and the jib hauled down. The South Pole; an account of the Norwegian antarctic expedition in the 'Fram', 1910 to 1912
  • Sailors hop to it, and in an emergency, they can be counted on to reef the mainsail and batten down the hatches.
  • The wind got behind the mainsail, and the yacht gybed. The Short Forever
  • Her head was tilted up, checking the luff of the mainsail, and she didn't notice him. CORMORANT
  • And something to eat, " Harper said under his breath, staring innocently up at the huge mainsail that was brailed onto a massive boom which jutted out over the diminutive white ensign. Sharpe's Escape
  • A gust of wind hit them as the mizzensail was unfurled, followed by the mainsail and the foresail.
  • The Swan 36 comes with a fully battened mainsail and roller furling genoa as standard equipment.
  • She gave the beggars five fathoms of calico for the big mainsail, two sticks of tobacco for the chronometer, and a sheath-knife worth elevenpence ha'penny for a hundred fathoms of brand new five-inch manila. Chapter 18
  • He let go the mainsheet - then reached over and released the halyard for the mainsail - which lowered the boom.
  • Hornblower watched as both ships backed the mainsails, turned the helm hard over, and took up the prescribed position.
  • Thus for this purpose a mainsail is a piece of jute bagging, if you please, or ordinary canvas, and a hawser is a flexible rope. The Dead Men's Song Being the Story of a Poem and a Reminiscent Sketch of its Author Young Ewing Allison
  • A mizzen mast, near the stern carried a fore and aft sail; another sail was spread below the bowsprit, and smaller topsails were set above the mainsail and foresail.
  • We also decided to alter her rig somewhat, by substituting what is known among the initiated as a "sliding-gunter" for a gaff-mainsail. For Treasure Bound
  • The situation has been beginning to get increasingly manageable since Franck Cammas and his men hoisted the heavy airs gennaker around 1100 hours UTC, with one reef in the mainsail. USA Latest News
  • The square sails on the mainmast are called, when eight are carried, the mainsail, lower and upper maintopsails, lower and upper maintopgallants, main-royal, main-skysail, and the moonsail. All Afloat A Chronicle of Craft and Waterways
  • The Swan 36 comes with a fully battened mainsail and roller furling genoa as standard equipment.
  • While the mainsail provides a large portion of power, it also affects the boat's directional control.
  • Our bobstay snapped like sealing-wax, our mainsail rent like ribbon, our foresail flew away, and she would not answer her helm, and we remained in the trough of the waves, which rose awfully high. The Romance of Isabel Lady Burton
  • Squaring her head-yards, the brig dropped her mainsail, braced her cross jack-yard sharp aback, put her helm a-weather and got sternway, while her after sails and helm kept her to the wind. The Mutineers
  • A gust of wind hit them as the mizzensail was unfurled, followed by the mainsail and the foresail.
  • But the big mainsail is still on, and the staysail, jib, and flying-jib are snapping and slashing at their sheets with every roll. Chapter 9
  • The new small staysails help to clean up the turbulent flow and improve the mainsail's efficiency.
  • Her head was tilted up, checking the luff of the mainsail, and she didn't notice him. CORMORANT
  • Early on, the wind filled to 18 knots and the yachts were forced to reef their mainsails and change headsails under difficult conditions.
  • For before the sternmost ships of the squadron were clear of the Straits, the serenity of the sky was suddenly changed, and gave us all the presages of an impending storm; and immediately the wind shifted to the southward, and blew in such violent squalls that we were obliged to hand our topsails and reef our mainsail. Anson's Voyage Round the World The Text Reduced
  • But while we were looking, down came the gaff of her mainsail, and the gaff-topsail fell all adrift; a lucky shot had cut her peak halyards. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, 1995, Memorial Issue
  • The rig is fractional and most boats were sold with a mainsail and 120% jib as standard equipment.
  • We took in topsail and staysail, dropped the main peak, and as we got abreast of the principal wharf jibed the mainsail. Charley's Coup
  • Her bowsprit carries two foresails, and her large mainsail is gaff rigged, with an upside-down triangle of topsail to fill the gap at the masthead.
  • Swash carried a wapper of a fore-and-aft mainsail, and, what is more, it was fitted with a standing gaff, for appearance in port. Jack Tier; Or, the Florida Reef
  • This necessitated frequent tacks, so that, overhead, the mainsail was ever swooping across from port tack to starboard tack and back again, making air-noises like the swish of wings, sharply rat-tat-tatting its reef points and loudly crashing its mainsheet gear along the traveller. CHAPTER III
  • On this night, close-hauled, her big mainsail preposterously flattened down, her luffs pulsing emptily on the lift of each smooth swell, she was sliding an easy four knots through the water on the veriest whisper of a breeze. THE DEVILS OF FUATINO
  • When it happened, I had a single reefed mainsail and the staysail up - and Doha was charging along at 20 knots.
  • I like storms even though one tried to kill me a few years ago, late at night on a 36-foot sloop with its full mainsail still stupidly up, twenty miles from the nearest shore of Lake Superior.
  • On board the Arangi, relieved by the lowering of her mainsail, as the fierceness went out of the wind and the cloudburst of tropic rain began to fall, Van Horn and Borckman lurched toward each other in the blackness. CHAPTER VI
  • Bowdoin carries four sails; a jib and forestaysail forward of the foremast, a foresail, and a mainsail.
  • Price, of the Volcano; and in order to give to his ship a still greater resemblance than it already had to a merchantman, he displayed an old faded scarlet ensign, and drew up his fore and mainsail in what sailors term a lubberly manner. The Campaigns of the British Army at Washington and New Orleans 1814-1815
  • So far, two trimarans have abandoned the TJV - the most recent being Banque Covefi with Bertrand de Broc and Pascal Bidegorry due to battery problems and broken mainsail battens.
  • These are twin-hulled boats with a centreboard and a rudder on each hull, a two-sail rig and a mainsail.
  • Every prostrate Kanaka; every coil of rope; every calabash of poi; every puppy; every seam in the flooring; every bolthead; every object; however minute, showed sharp and distinct in its every outline; and the shadow of the broad mainsail lay black as a pall upon the deck, leaving Billings's white upturned face glorified and his body in a total eclipse. Roughing It, Part 7.
  • The weather was cooperating, the wind soft, probably not more than eight knots, the mainsail eased, the drifter full and drawing well. CORMORANT
  • Then Sanar showed Lirael how to raise and lower Finder's single triangular mainsail, and how the boom would move. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • She gave the beggars five fathoms of calico for the big mainsail, two sticks of tobacco for the chronometer, and a sheath-knife worth elevenpence ha'penny for a hundred fathoms of brand new five-inch manila. Chapter 18
  • Genoas were doused and mainsails on both boats slatted idly in still air as they passed through the Gap on the quiet high tide.
  • With smooth proficiency, the trimmers backed the jib, and the mainsail was eased, swinging the bow around.
  • Each square sail had its name: mainsail, topsail, topgallant sail, royal, skysail, and moonsail; each smaller as one looked upward.
  • Easing Golden Girl up under mainsail, Trent watched the motor yacht roll gently in the swell.
  • Early on, the wind filled to 18 knots and the yachts were forced to reef their mainsails and change headsails under difficult conditions.
  • However, in addition to the mainsail, some manufacturers use the working jib or even a 150% genoa instead of the foretriangle to calculate the total sail area.
  • There was also the Cutter, also single masted but she had a Gaff Mainsail, square topsail and Foresail.
  • [Page 93] 1 Arabic – shoghool: a rope by which the mainsail is regulated. A Thousand Miles Up the Nile
  • Nor is it as frightening as the one that befell Steve Fossett's boat when the mainsail got stuck in a building gale and the boat nearly pitchpoled.
  • Everywhere I looked great canvas sails of grey, from mainsail to main royal, from flying jib to trysail, were bellied out. STONE THE CROWS, IT'S A VACUUM-CLEANER
  • I used the concept of the sailing boat rig with foresail and mainsail in the 70's as a very slow flying hang glider.
  • We took in topsail and staysail, dropped the main-peak, and as we got abreast of the principal wharf jibed the mainsail. Charley's "Coup"
  • As the galley righted itself, another wave struck from the other side, and the ship heeled over so far its mainsail almost touched the water.
  • By the time dinner was over they were forced to put double reefs in mainsail and jib, and still the gale had not reached its height. The Cruise of the "Dazzler"
  • It has a fixed keel (as opposed to a moveable centreboard) and a huge mainsail requiring strength, weight and skill. The Sun
  • These mainsails are the more traditional mainsail cut with short length battens and slab reefing.
  • One model, of a full-rigged ship, twenty-five feet in length, with skysail yards and all sails set, precise in every minutest detail aloft and alow, was undamaged save for a rent in her mainsail from a fragment of shell. With Funston's Men
  • He would simply "scandalise" his mainsail without reefing it, haul the staysail sheet to windward, and let the cutter head reach till daylight. Yorke The Adventurer
  • Her bowsprit carries two foresails, and her large mainsail is gaff rigged, with an upside-down triangle of topsail to fill the gap at the masthead.
  • We took in topsail and staysail, dropped the main peak, and as we got abreast of the principal wharf jibed the mainsail. Charley's Coup
  • The rig is fractional and most boats were sold with a mainsail and 120% jib as standard equipment.
  • These lessons proved to be vital, as we had to reef the mainsail (making it smaller) and change headsails later that evening under difficult conditions.
  • Everywhere I looked great canvas sails of grey, from mainsail to main royal, from flying jib to trysail, were bellied out. STONE THE CROWS, IT'S A VACUUM-CLEANER
  • This gives you a mainsail and jib-headed topsail in one, whilst it does away with the gaff altogether, whereby you obtain a much flatter standing sail; indeed, when this sail is properly cut (and it is not a difficult sail to shape), there is nothing to beat it in this respect. For Treasure Bound
  • The skipper's eye is on the mainsail, which is the point of pivoting. All Afloat A Chronicle of Craft and Waterways
  • Hood Sails is a sailmaker supplying the best-designed and built mainsail, genoa & spinnaker for your boat.
  • Her bowsprit carries two foresails, and her large mainsail is gaff rigged, with an upside-down triangle of topsail to fill the gap at the masthead.
  • In a short time the topgallant sails and mainsail were handed and preparations made to reef the fore topsail.
  • Christopher takes the decision to stop sailing, lashing the tiller to the same side as the reefed mainsail.
  • Jacko bounded like a piece of indiarubber on to Gurney's head; next moment he was clinging to the edge of the mainsail, and the next he was comfortably seated on the top of the mast, where he proceeded calmly and leisurely to "ait" the biscuit in the face of its exasperated and rightful owner. The Red Eric
  • The pirate ship had furled their mainsail and within moments released a smaller topsail, but the distance between the two ships was too great despite the extra sail, and soon they dropped behind, losing heart for the chase.
  • Hornblower watched as both ships backed the mainsails, turned the helm hard over, and took up the prescribed position.
  • When a mainsail was set up in the correct place abaft the genoa, the strain on the headsail sheet was observed to rise considerably.
  • As quietly as was possible, I clewed up the topsails, lowered the flying jib and staysail, backed the jib over, and flattened the mainsail. Chapter 26

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