How To Use Mainly In A Sentence
While the site focuses mainly on their environmental concerns, they're also up in arms about the Bush administration's general abuse and disregard for science - including the idea that abstinence is some kind of cureall.
News from the House of Sticks -
Drinkwise Day is mainly designed to educate people about the destructive effects of alcohol abuse.
Noah had calmed down after a couple of drinks, mainly coffee laced with alcohol.
The activation mechanism is the chemo- activity of mainly due to the strong chemo- activity of chelators to improve the amount of collector adsorbed on chrysocolla.
Words are confusing, but they're nothing compared to non-words, mainly because non-words lead to rash assumptions and misunderstandings.

These pupils were mainly overseas students taking the exams in their second language.
I think the argument of race as a cause of criminality like Walter brings up is somewhat off-point - The reason why those racial divides in criminality show up is mainly because those lines go together with education - or rather: the lack of good education.
Can a Godless Society be a
Its route will pass mainly through soft rock and above deep-lying, brackish ground water.
The landscape was colored mainly in dark ocher, with occasional areas in malachite green.
It is mainly accomplished by using text in the same color as the background color of the page.
At one time the schools were mainly attached to the church.
The Orangery restaurant is not as gorgeous as the rest of the house, partly because it is in a modern extension, but mainly because it is unattractively lit.
The cases have mainly involved small companies and hedge funds or predatory investors.
Times, Sunday Times
Outlook for tomorrow and Sunday: Mainly dry and mild, with sunny intervals after clearance of any early mist or fog.
At birth the femoral head and the acetabulum are mainly cartilaginous, and a normal adult hip joint depends on their correct development.
Horses Wednesday mainly galloped, jogged, or walked, but the first official workouts are most likely to occur on Thursday.
While she mainly stocks silk fabric with organza, most of the designs can also be acquired in a different and cheaper fabric.
Such verses are preserved mainly in the kings' sagas; many ‘lausavísur’ or occasional verses, and some love poetry are included in the narratives of family sagas.
Our extensive battery of outcome measures, which focus mainly on physical benefits, is unlikely to capture the full extent of these apparent social benefits.
Because the alkali waste mainly contains sodium sulphide, sodium carbonate and some organic matters, which restrict the comprehensive utilization of alkali waste.
This meant that events presumably of interest mainly to Poles - such as the 1944 Rising - would often be scanted by the media.
Roulston appears unruffled by the lack of attention, his concern mainly extending to getting the young interested in science and electronics, which he regards as vital for the future of the economy.
More than 200 weedkillers, mainly lawn treatments, are being withdrawn from the market after manufacturers chose not to submit them for EU safety tests.
To a lesser extent, the jaw depressors (mainly digastric, geniohyoid and lateral pterygoid muscles) were examined.
It is women who mainly shoulder responsibility for the care of elderly and disabled relatives.
Scattered trees, mainly acacias and junipers, dot the savanna.
Featuring Simpson's virtuosity on guitar, banjo and ukulele, this collection of songs and tunes, mainly recorded in New Orleans, is a homage to the American South.
Arabic influence may have some part in the genesis of the songs, although the tonality of the Cantigas (mainly Dorian and Mixolydian modes) and basic structure are European; the virelai serves as the basic form, already in use with the Latin conductus, and divided into refrain – mudanza – vuelta – refrain (AA-bb-aa-AA, as in N.º 361).
Archive 2009-07-01
Canadian English borrows words from other languages mainly through the ways of direct loan, half loan, sub tenancy and loan translation.
The uniform canopy is dominated by broadleaf species, mainly kamahi (Weinmannia racemosa) and tawa (Beilschmiedia tawa), with some emergent podocarps (e.g., rimu and matai).
Northland temperate forests
He is a sculptor who works mainly in stone.
First, the impact of the sanctions on the population tend to make the latter even more dependent on the government than before, mainly for provision of the basic rations needed for survival.
The images consisted mainly of mythological creatures such as dragons, fairies, and merfolk.
Quarried stone is used mainly for the production of roof tiles and other heritage products rather than garden rockery stone or sand and gravel.
They performed well - many have sustained their popularity for years mainly because they give excellent performance for low cost.
The authors conclude that spondylolysis is mainly the fatigue fracture due to locally increased stress and is contributing most by backward extension of lumbar spine.
Although the origins of the experimental child psychology are to be found in Germany, the new empirical and evolutionist child study was practiced mainly in the Anglo-Saxon world.
Caucasian oils are mainly composed of defines or substances related to the olefine group.
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
A typical railway line is mainly characterized by two main types of scenario: viaduct and embankment.
A big-jawed and relatively small-brained hominid known as Paranthropus consumed mainly nuts and other hard foods, causing it to die out as these resources became scarce in African habitats.
They're yachts, mainly, and very beautiful, and it wasn't long before my wife was coaxed into taking lessons.
Two departments rely mainly on a single source for their forecasts with perhaps slight alterations to incorporate their own views.
Most units going into Iraq now will go in as motorized infantry, mainly driving Humvees.
I use the internet mainly for sending email messages .
It was more a thing of his head than his heart, revealing itself mainly in short, acrid speeches, meant to be clever, and indubitably disagreeable.
Mary Marston
This old quarter remains mainly intact and well worth exploring.
The Wine Roads of France
The chapters that follow deal mainly with mathematics.
The impact from the 2008 financial crisis did not affect us until 2009, but we are still trying to recover, mainly due to the high unemployment and stagnant economy," said Mr. Kagoshima, who wouldn't give total attendance figures.
Bay Signs
Sound on 18 Doughty Street is mainly some sentences by one person and then cluck chunter chunter squak cluck cluk "so I think..." chunter, "But not withstanding" chunter,chunter.
Steve Norris: 'Let's Get Out of the EU'
But the mantra serves mainly to remind me of my deep attachment to the nubble.
Acupuncture is mainly used for treating conditions in which symptoms are the main problem.
The giggles ceased, mainly because Jocelyn at this awful ultimatum also ceased to waggle her ears.
This paper will mainly illustrate the advance in pathological mechanism of demyelinating canine distemper encephalitis.
We conclude that the quantitative and qualitative evidence supports the contention that increases in fluency are attributable mainly to increases in the degree of proceduralization of knowledge.
After some halting conversation, concerned mainly with the difficulties of the day, Orpishurda produced a bottle.
I think mainly in the realm of film, if something is too hectically edited.
"If there really was a God here, he'd have raised a hand by now."
Saturday will be a cloudier day with outbreaks of mainly light rain in western areas, spreading slowly eastwards, though many central and eastern areas should remain dry.
The driving force of primary migration is mainly abnormal high pressure and that of secondary migration is buoyance and fluid potential difference.
A chemical separation method, leaching works mainly to isolate soluble materials from a solid mixture.
Our survey revealed that these allergies were mainly one-offs.
He brushed the dirt off his coat cursing the whole evening, mainly for the damage it had done to his good coat.
Objective : To observe and analyze the effect of Cervicoshoulder Myofascitis treated catgut through point mainly.
Esophageal probes have been used mainly in the operating room, but esophageal temperature is rarely monitored in critical care areas, and placement of the probe varies.
Pancreatic disease is mainly distinguishable at palpation as tenderness.
In so far as it was concerned with substantive law, it was mainly concerned with the law of war.
The sound of a car stopping outside the hotel drew me to the window as the waitress left me, and I was in time to see an old gentleman with a long white beard step from the interior of a Daimler landaulette, the door of which was held open by a dignified chauffeur, whose attire seemed to consist mainly of brass buttons.
The Best British Short Stories of 1922
This is mainly due to the number of multiple births and the age of the mother - IVF mothers are usually older.
The story they tell you is mainly an internal story, a game of poetic connections between one part of the sculpture and the next.
Times, Sunday Times
Therefore, George advocated allowing landowners to keep a small percentage of the land rent, mainly to avoid the prospect of having all unimproved land revert to the commons.
Most say they want to testify about their childhood experiences in residential care, mainly in industrial and reformatory schools.
Nowadays tunnels are mainly lined with concrete segments or with concrete pumped in between the excavated ground and internal shuttering.
The female urine markers consist of more than 100 compounds, a much more complex mixture than the male glandular scents, which are mainly fatty acids and aromatics.
But convictions were secured against just 50, mainly because witnesses refused to testify against the rest.
The Sun
Currently, stem cells have been characterized mainly through traditional low-resolution karyotypic analyses, which can only identify large scale aneuploidies over 5 MB in size.
Although vigoro is mainly played in Tasmania, Queensland and New South Wales, Hendley said the origins of the game began in Victoria more than a century ago.
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Human impact, mainly from grazing, fires, and firewood collection, has transformed the majority of the existing holm oak forest into secondary, dense shrubland, known as "maquis", or into agroforestry landscapes constituted by scattered trees on grasslands or crops.
Iberian sclerophyllous and semi-deciduous forests
The Makah were renowned whale hunters and stratigraphic unit V yielded the remains of at least 67 animals, mainly humpbacks and greys.
The high pure water system is mainly used for photoelectricity industry and electronic, such as optics resin piece, glasses, precise revertex products ultrasonic cleaning water.
The interior of the country is mainly desert.
The Swedish immigrants were mainly from very poor rural areas Småland that were badly hit by tough years with bad havest.
Are Low-Skilled Americans the Master Race?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
The ownership function mainly has three aspects: productivity function, system function, resource allocation function.
The salts contained in these deposits are mainly borax, ulexite, and colemanite.
The Economic Aspect of Geology
The foreign currency caution money business inspection pattern is to take that USA is to represent government inspection and United Kingdom as the inspection representing an autonomy mainly.
I get a yellow tint to my grayscale gradations (mainly in the lighter areas).
Music, which mainly focused on techno and dance, simply wasn't interesting anymore.
Fairweather painted mainly in earth colours used by the artists of South-East Asia and the Pacific and he was one of the first artists to assimilate aboriginal art into his own work.
Gadwalls forage mainly while swimming, either taking items from the surface or dabbling in shallow water, or diving, which they are more likely to do than most other dabblers.
The cowboy's life was far more prosaic than it appears in modern legend, consisting mainly of endless hours on the trail surrounded by thousands of bellowing beasts.
The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
The jobs are mainly in administration, but exceptional recruits could in certain circumstances take part in surveillance, counter-espionage and counter-terrorist operations.
It is found mainly in timbers less than fifty years old and is a much larger insect than the furniture beetle.
But his budget focused mainly on attracting investment to public-private partnerships to build new public works projects, on which he'll spend 137 billion ringgit ($44 billion).
Malaysia's Growth Muddle
The day should be mainly dry with sunny intervals.
The mineralization, consisting mainly of smithsonite (zinc carbonate), iron oxides and galena varied in true width from 2 to 5 metres.
Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
However, where Horowitz gives you mainly patrician elegance, Moravec seems to give you the lagniappe of something deeply felt as well, without wallowing in it.
But it has mainly been studied in particular patients with profound impairments of memory, despite otherwise normal cognitive ability and intelligence.
The ballade, full of dramatic intensity, mainly inspired by Polish epic poems, was a new musical form invented by Chopin.
Chopin's 'Soul and Heart'
Usually you can expect to see great numbers of pelagic birds - gannets, shearwaters, jaegers, storm-petrels, alcids - that live mainly at sea.
Tangles were commonplace, mainly due to the fact that my rigs were shotted up wrong.
The Dynamo was accustomed to puffing his way through 40 unfiltered cigarettes a day, mainly in his office or his car, both now out of bounds.
Our chats have become explicit and pictures have been sent, mainly by me to prove my love for him.
The Sun
The multitude of other mechanoreceptors act mainly as proprioceptors although some encode both proprioceptive and exteroceptive information.
Recently, however, a group of researchers led by James Cone has challenged this view, arguing that King's theology and oratory sprang mainly from his boyhood training at Ebenezer Church.
Mainly, everyone there seemed astonished at the number of people who'd turned out.
Italian industry is concentrated mainly in the north.
There are already investors, mainly Greek companies, willing to subscribe for shares of the new issue.
The cardiogenic condition was mainly because of left ventricular failure.
These keyboard works were written mainly for the clavichord, an instrument that was on the way out; yet even as he played and wrote increasingly for the piano, he took the earlier instrument to the greatest heights.
The advantages of DMA technology mainly include high speed of transmission, low extra consumption of CPU and system.
But it was aimed mainly at attracting small business and we needed to replace thousands of lost jobs.
The Siberian northern boreal forests, called Taiga, where the fires were burning are mainly spruce and fir trees.
I was jigging about on the cobble stone path, partly because I was excited at seeing my new house for the first time, but mainly because it was mid January and, quite frankly, flipping cold!
Traditional crystalline glaze mainly used in craftwork and commodity ceramic while in tile lately.
Political authorities were interested mainly in maintaining harmony within and among these different self-regulating bodies.
Industrially, they are mainly manufactured as the products of the dehydrogenation, or oxidation, of secondary alcohols.
As cogs in the Soviet military machine, the three countries' armies used to sit mainly near their western borders.
The external changes during growth are comparatively slight and consist mainly of an increase in size at each moult.
Sword play, or fencing, was once the sport of aristocrats, inaccessible to the masses, mainly because they could not afford a sword.
Teeth form mainly from neuroectoderm and comprise a crown of insensitive enamel surrounding sensitive dentine and a root that has no enamel covering.
They target mainly defence industry executives and government employees, the report said.
Times, Sunday Times
The painting is composed from places the artist knew well, but it is mainly a product of his imagination rather than being a painting of a particular scene.
The mainly young protesters, many in their teens, defied the security forces' assaults and chanted slogans against the upcoming presidential elections, calling it a masquerade.
It took almost a year to housebreak her, mainly because in her excitement she could generally only make it a flight or two down from my apartment before releasing her bladder.
El Perro
Unite represents 1.5 million members drawn mainly from the transport and manufacturing sectors.
The Sun
The mainly south-westerly air-stream, alternating with south-easterlies, turned the beat to Temple into a series of short tacks as the fickle breeze tempted boats on to a course before dying away and changing direction.
Mattie reads mainly tabloids and celebrity biographies.
Toolies also continued to cause problems for police, with 27 arrests made on 33 charges, mainly for drug and street offences.
A green manure is a crop grown mainly to improve soil fertility.
A series of mainly South American fisherman have been hauled back to Australia with their ships and prosecuted after they were caught fishing near southern Heard Island, and HSI said it hoped to see similar action against whalers.
Athletics and Cricket were in the summer, which meant overall we did mainly did four sets of sport.
Separately and together they wrote many books, mainly set in Ireland, as well as many articles, letters, diaries, and jottings.
Cell division occurs mainly at the intercalary meristem at the base of the internode, but also throughout the internode at early stages of internode development.
Other private placements are designed mainly for issuers, often to exploit tax loopholes.
Users can therefore search for medal awards (mainly gallantry and meritorious service awards), army and navy commissions, promotions, the naturalisation of an ancestor and much more during this crucial period in history.
The paper is mainly about digital wave filter used to process real-time collected signals and the algorithm to measure the interval between R-R electrocardiograms .
Retailers, mainly garages and newsagents, have already privately canvassed staff on whether they would be willing to work on the Sabbath.
I was actually expecting Princess Lover to be terrible, mainly because of the name, as well as the number of overgenerously proportioned females featured in the promo art.
Anime Nano!
Our survey revealed that these allergies were mainly one-offs.
The idea of making connections to others mainly to advance you career can seem a bit distasteful and phoney.
Times, Sunday Times
Thus, the perception of cannabis as a less dangerous drug is not mainly based on a lack of experience or drug education.
These factories are mainly concerned with manufacturing product for artists signed to the record company.
For the daily chores fell mainly on the shoulders of the women: shopping, running around to find particular things.
That was mainly down to fewer fatalities from heart and circulatory diseases such as cardiac arrests and strokes.
The Sun
They are used mainly for inspection of foundations, assessing the condition of lock gates and checking the progress of repair work.
But this hatred mainly comes from the magpie's reputation as an omen of ill fortune.
The Sun
The stock-market scandal is refusing to go away, mainly because there's still no consensus over how it should be dealt with.
The theater shows mainly kung fu movies and porn.
Some of these arias were written in a virtuoso style, with rich vocal lines and complex instrumental accompaniment; others were cantabile, meaning simpler in style and intended mainly to highlight the feelings or thoughts of a character, with little ornamentation and the instrumentation kept in the background.
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Jerusalem artichoke powder mainly composed of protein, sugar and inulin and trace elements.
Roses grown primarily for flowers in the landscape, like big floribundas and shrubs, should be left higher, and pruned mainly to keep the plants confined to the space you allowed for them in the first place.
Practice is interpreted as repetition, and feedback consists mainly of approving reactions from the teacher.
Banning drugs mainly promotes crime, so it would be better to legalise, control, tax and discourage them.
The airline operates mainly between Florida and Puerto Rico.
Corn straw consists mainly of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin , it is a abundant of renewable resource.
It is believed that eating mainly high-GI foods leads to greater snacking since the body does not feel as full for long.
The sound is stereo for the narration, but the clips appear to be mainly mono as originally recorded.
He went round the back of the house and inspected the incinerator, now full of partly glowing but mainly black ashes.
That consists mainly of recession-resistant retail properties, whose values fell only 5 percent last year.
I am here concerned mainly with claims for damage caused by the deposit of silt on the bed of the river in sufficient quantities to interfere with navigation and the use of facilities such as slipways and moorings.
It includes mainly five facets: technological advance, respecting nature, the whole life period's analysis, ecological and economic benefit, and sustainable development.
The southern half of the Republic of Guatemala mainly consists of beautiful mountain highlands and plateaus, which are susceptible to devastating earthquakes.
The new premier is forming his government mainly from young men.
Graham has a rather unique approach to transport management - mainly by dispensing with the transport element, and then also getting rid of the management angle as well.
If you're going on a mainly pole venue you will generally need more shallow drawer space to store your winders.
Mineral process of hematite in the early time often adopted gravity separation, and it mainly included jig, centrifugal separator, spiral chute, spiral concentrator, shaking table and so on.
Waterfront Plant Landscape: aquatic, biogas plants mainly with terrain target.
Section VI of the proposal covers the challenges and risks to laser weapons ... mainly that of cheaply producing large quantities of Polonium-210 (currently produced only in microgram quantities, and extremely lethal).
Boing Boing
The Lake Superior iron formations now consist near the surface mainly of interbanded quartz (or chert) and hematite, called _jasper_ or _ferruginous chert_ or _taconite_.
The Economic Aspect of Geology
There was no narrative or overt expressiveness in the movement, which consisted mainly of high-energy skips and swoops.
Clastic rock and low - grade metamorphic rock , and the non - disease area is mainly in the coal stratum.
Peel Hunt, which mainly advises on smaller companies, was second judged by client growth.
This is mainly sweetveld which makes grazing a pleasure Thisfarm is a mere 3 hours drive from Johannesburg.
Its route will pass mainly through soft rock and above deep-lying, brackish ground water.
Primary schools consist mainly of: Infant schools - for children aged 5-7 years.
Sportsmen and women will be accommodated mainly two to a room in 32 blocks in six student halls of residence.
If evidence is to be called on factual issues, it is likely to be mainly about the usual industry practice relating to installation of blow-out preventers.
I am a bit of an all-rounder, but it was batting that I mainly refined in the family back garden.
Inflammatory mediators were primarily released from the splanchnic area, and gained access to the systemic compartment mainly by the portal and suprahepatic circulation.
I saw it mainly as an effort to usurp the trade from the father who, as you know, is too old now to steer it aright himself.
From the beginning the emphasis in these journals has been mainly on organismic genetics in a wide variety of animals and plants, and in the early years, on eugenics.
In the east, the water is mainly oceanic with relatively minor dilution from direct monsoonal rainfall and runoff from small streams.
The difference between human and animal sensitivity to scents is thus explicable mainly by the different composition of their brain-air.
In the chick embryo, it was mainly confined to the study of the effects called forth by estirpation of limb primordia or implantation of additional wing or leg buds on their innervating motor and sensory nerve centers.
Nobel Lecture The Nerve Growth Factor: Thirty-Five Years Later
The strike was broken , of course, but mainly by a series of adventitious developments.
However, quarry outcrops of mainly white halitic mylonites display isoclinal folds that suggest a more impressive past.
The regulatory system is mainly legislative, judicial, administrative and social supervision, and other means.
Word-final b is rare, occurring mainly in monosyllables (hub, rib, scab), but occasionally in longer words (superb, disturb, cherub) Double B
Like its cousin the haversine, the hacoversine is mainly useful for doing trig on a sphere when you don't have a calculator handy to square the familiar trig functions.
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
Instead, they went after the lesser-known "petits ma î tres" (mainly 18th-century French paintings, 17th - through early 19th-century Italian and French sculptures), usually following their private tastes for soft-skinned, sensuous women and muscular naked men, whether suave and still or erotically writhing.
Nice Wing, Pity About the Art
I tend to have little time for the argument that evil is an external property that is independent of any viewer or participant of the action mainly because it's often used by people to justify some quite beastly things.
The term mainly refers to King Louis XVI as he was young when he became king of France.
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The buildings looked mainly to be made of wood and roughly cut stone and many farmyard animals were walking around.
The area to be deforested is four times the size of Portugal and would be mainly used for agriculture and pastures for livestock.
Large hypermarkets and stores already offer POS terminals mainly because of two reasons.
Scores of journalists, mainly Spanish and British, converged on the court building.
An interactive CBC map shows another troubled region is in the suburb of Surrey, where Indo-Canadian gangs roam in the mainly ethnic Indian neighbourhoods.
2009 April 07 « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
To prevent succession by trees, heathlands on the southern Massachusetts islands are managed by conservation organizations and state agencies mainly through controlled burning, mowing, or grazing.
TBH I was mainly comparing the traffic patterns of the two streets and the difficulty for pedestrians in crossing them, not so much the relative presence of commerce.
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Some interesting extras are included here, mainly segments deemed too raunchy for television.
It mainly occurs as coatings on walls of cavities and as veinlets in fractures.
We drove in caravans of 3 or 4 cars mainly because we percieved the trip as dangerous.
Corruption in Mexico - Bribetaking on TV