
How To Use Maim In A Sentence

  • This has led to the rejection of Sephardic Jewish Humanism as formulated by Maimonides and an affirmation of an ethnocentric Jewish chauvinism based on the magical mysticism of Kabbalistic theurgy. David Shasha: Dangerous Mystic Motifs in Judaism
  • Tea has 4000 years of History and very few associated Deaths or maimings whilst H&S has knocked countless souls in catatonic stupification with its idiocy. Nanny Knows Best « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • This problem, which has vexed Jewish philosophers since Philo Judaeus, had recently received elaborate treatment by Maimonides. Gersonides
  • He said it made sense to swap the deer for the geese, since the male deer at the zoo would fight among themselves and kill or maim each other.
  • During this time Kissinger needlessly prolonged U.S. war-making in which 20,853 Americans were killed and an officially U. S.-estimated 7,860,013 Indochinese were murdered, maimed or made homeless. Fred Branfman: Hillary Clinton's Promoting Kissinger: An Insult to History
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  • I think the common law term would be "maiming" rather than assault. "Ciomu's case is a dangerous precedent for all Romanian doctors."
  • You may thank your lucky stars that you were just slightly hurt while the others were either killed or maimed for life in that accident.
  • When one of our children, nieces or nephews or close friend is killed or maimed by a drunk driver it will be too late.
  • This was a no win exercise from the get go and so many have died or have been tragically maimed for what is becoming all the more unclear to me. 08 « May « 2007 « Adventures in Juggling
  • But the black smoke of the granary belching against the white hills, or the kyloe, houghed and maimed, roaring in its agony, or the fugitive brought bloody on his knees among the rocks -- God's mercy! John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
  • This is very proper in Glo'ster, newly maimed by the evulsion of his eyes. Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
  • He was maimed in an auto accident.
  • Protein malnutrition is widespread, especially among children, and many of its victims die or are maimed both physically and mentally for life. Norman Borlaug - Nobel Lecture
  • Not only does the noise go on for hours but these infernal machines kill or maim thousands of hedgehogs, frogs and fledglings every spring and summer.
  • All of them were notorious criminals, who had been charged with every conceivable crime, from burglary to kidnapping and "maiming," and some not to be conceived of by the The Battle with the Slum
  • In their single-minded fervor, they are willing to maim, kill, or leave their phalli behind. Survival of the Kindest
  • It is the first grand duty of an interpreter to give his author entire and unmaimed; and for the rest, the diction and versification only are his proper province, since these must be his own, but the others he is to take as he finds them. The Iliad of Homer
  • When you push a button, you literally are hurting, killing maiming another human being" in the virtual space, the Democrat says.
  • To my shame a reputation bent or maimed defamed the image staid, and disrepute disgraced my case, plagued with infamy and ill repute, a name ablaze by imputation as a most unsavoury reputation won or lost or never claimed. Reputation Never Claimed
  • I'm looking about the country-side and I see but a horde of lameter privatemen and half-pay officers maimed in limb or mind sitting about the dram bottle, hoved up with their vain-glory, blustering and blowing, instead of being honest, eident lairds and farmers. Gilian The Dreamer His Fancy, His Love and Adventure
  • Highlights for me: arrows: most arrows from a 60#+ compound bow would penetrate a deer's vitals at 60 yards ... the question is hitting them and risking tortuous maiming if you guessed wrong ... the TV show probably didn't show the deer they hit in the guts and never found. I watched a guy on tv last night harvest a deer with his bow and he shot the deer at 60 if he harvest a deer at 60 yar
  • They can then take the appropriate action before a child is maimed or seriously injured.
  • They were coming again; coming to kill and maim and blast and burn.
  • Although over 25,000 are killed or maimed each year, we have begun to remove mines worldwide.
  • Hopefully we won't be maimed by saltwater crocodiles, eaten by sharks, or stung by poisonous jellyfish.
  • Caplan has said that the only possible justification for allowing someone to decide to "maim" themselves is if "the donor chooses to undergo the harm of surgery solely to help another. Salon
  • The man, 30, was caged for life yesterday for killing a pensioner and maiming a student, both total strangers to him.
  • I know too, that nylon and stretch elastic, cast aside by fishermen, catches around seabirds' legs and either slowly kills or maims them.
  • The blind went groping with the blind, the lame limped on together, and the maimed made gestures to each other with the only arm that remained; the sides of a considerable waterfall were crowded by the deaf, amongst whom were some from Pegu with ears uncommonly handsome and large, but were still less able to hear than the rest; nor were there wanting others in abundance with humpbacks, wenny necks, and even horns of an exquisite polish. The History of the Caliph Vathek
  • In the terminal stages of this disease, the front hoof falls off, leaving the animal maimed for life.
  • Maiming an able bodied athlete is a lot easier than prescribing performance enhancing drugs. 365 tomorrows » 2010 » March : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • And while the Kray twins (whose gangster crime spree was a '60s sensation) aren't quite as notorious on these shores as Jack the Ripper, the murders and maimings echoing the Kray mayhem are just as gut-churning a challenge for DI Chandler (Rupert Penry-Jones), still smarting from his reputation as "the man who failed to find the Ripper. Critic's Guide to Wednesday TV: The SNL Comedy Invasion, A New Whitechapel Case, and More!
  • At least 14 have been killed so far and scores more have been maimed and psychologically damaged.
  • When one of our children, nieces or nephews or close friend is killed or maimed by a drunk driver it will be too late.
  • In general, most objectors dismissed it as a ceremonial or symbolic token; an expression of faith, like a crucifix, except it was a blade that could cut, maim and harm.
  • For that matter, what was the point of training to hunt down a criminal, even a murderer, when half a million Tommies were bleeding into the soil of Europe, when every man setting foot on a troop ship knew he held barely even odds of returning to England unmaimed? The Beekeeper's Apprentice
  • Liviu was a believer in Maimonides's principle that 'God is the only one we may serve and praise, there are no intermediaries between us and God, " says Marilena Librescu, his widow.
  • We've been combin" the town for ye, Uncle Jamie, and Fergus sure ye'd been caught up in the collieshangie yonder and maimed or killed. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind
  • The year after the American-led coalition overthrew Saddam's dictatorship in 2003, al Qaeda in Iraq revealed a cynical plan to kill and maim Shiites to spark a sectarian war. Iraq's Tenuous Post-American Future
  • Whenever this occurred the discovery of a fresh outrage was sure to follow, but, so far, the miscreants had succeeded in baffling not only the police, but also the many farm hands who had formed themselves into a band of volunteer watchmen, determined to bring the cattle maimers to justice. Lady Molly of Scotland Yard
  • Zeffer threw back his head, and caught hold of the edge of the door with his unmaimed hand. COLDHEART CANYON
  • That's why we, the people, need to remaim loyal and solidary to the president and trust his diplomacy, because he is fighting against a bunch of wicked, evil, sly, and corrupted individuals in order to bring us reliefs. Obama may fall into Bush 41 tax trap
  • The cruel, needless physical suffering as well as mental worry which such treatment had entailed, perhaps resulting in maiming her for life. Prisons and Prisoners: Some Personal Experiences
  • This, lets not forget, a man with our Governments ear, suggesting that fraternisation with an enemy who are sending maimed and dead soldiers back to Britain is acceptable. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Maimon explained to the representative he was already a rabbi and then, assuming his inquisitor was a man of enlightenment like Mendelssohn, chattered on about some of his more radical interpretations of the Talmud. Emancipation
  • We hear the names of the dead, but rarely do we see the victims who remain maimed and crippled.
  • They spray hundreds of bomblets that have only one purpose; to kill and maim people.
  • It is also in contemplation to teach a blind pupil _pasigraphy_, or universal language, invented by DEMAIMIEUX. Paris as It Was and as It Is
  • He made grisailles of the destitute and maimed which have a moralizing character.
  • Our troops have come home maimed, or in a flag-wrapped box, so that we could go on grillin, 'chillin', and fillin 'our tanks and tummies with cheap fuel and food. Kerry Trueman: Sacrificial Limbs
  • Mines have been scattered in rice paddies and jungles, maiming and killing civilians.
  • Mattie Ulrich's striking costumes included some that made of a bevy of nurses, escorting maimed soldiers, look like the ninepins that prompted Grete's flight from home. Ringing Down From the Hudson Valley
  • That is what Maimonides meant when he called the shofar "God's alarm call," asking us not to slumber through life, but to use it to bring blessings.
  • No family, he knew, had not suffered the bereavement or tragic maiming of some one near and dear.
  • Of course, the kind of maiming Mr. Cheney ordered goes far beyond anything practiced by the consenting adults who engage in BDSM activities, but I bet they still felt like he was giving a shout out at them. Archive 2005-10-30
  • The film opens with a bloodbath, relying heavily on killing, maiming and general shock tactics.
  • He was travelling to work by train when a huge bomb ripped through his carriage, killing and maiming other passengers.
  • We MUST educate the young, the vulnerable, the at risk, that military service and war is not a career, nor is it a dignified cause for one's country; it is an ignominious act of ignobility, where the fate that awaits you is death, being maimed, mentally disabled or a murderer. Wexler: A Lone Hero at the Petraeus/Crocker Hearings
  • It is not poverty that maims our society - it is the appalling lack of concern and compassion for the poor that maims us all.
  • This will require a wider view in the population at large of the gravity of the offence of threatening, killing and maiming by motorized vehicles.
  • He then claims he will permanently maim the younger man - one fears the worst - but, in fact, does no such thing.
  • The whole world watched the travesty that passed for election with deaths, maiming, etcetera from the hands of government forces when the masses took to the streets to protest. Senators call for regime change in Iran, but differ on how
  • Many survivors from the march have been crippled or maimed, but Ahir escaped with just a fracture in his right leg.
  • I have been repeatedly astonished by the angelic dispositions of people working for the poor, the maimed, and the doomed in the most hideous of circumstances where the children die in their care.
  • While doctors are often on the defensive about whether Caesarean sections, which carry all the risks of surgery, are justified, Dr. Howard L. Minkoff, the chairman of obstetrics at Maimonides, said doctors must weigh those concerns against the potential complications from vaginal delivery in obese women. Obesity is Becoming an Increasing Burden in the Maternity Ward | Impact Lab
  • All killings, all maimings, all arrogant demolishions of people's homes, all assassinations, all bombings, all suicide attacks, all aerial slaugherings, all tank cannonades, all invasions are inherently wrong.
  • It has not been our risky business that kills or permanently maims our airman, but inadequate risk management and the fundamental breakdown in discipline, conduct, and behavior.
  • To those, yes, American democrats who quibble, cavil, and lose themselves in conjecture over the risks to which the judge who allows a criminal to live subjects honest people, we countered with Maïmonides's axiom: "It is more satisfying to acquit thousands of the guilty than to execute one sole innocent man. Bernard-Henri Lévy: And to Think That We Still Have to Argue Against the Death Penalty
  • I must admit to finding it strange that a Minister of the Crown should withhold from the police the names of the killers of 21 innocents and the maiming of hundreds more, that he should be happy for the killers to escape justice - and that seemingly everyone else is happy with this. Archive 2004-11-21
  • “Rabbi Hillel, of Samaria, is worth two Mendolas any day,” said Rabbi Maimon. Spector - Criticism - Critical Contexts
  • Then a one-legged man stumbles by on crutches - more than likely maimed by a mine.
  • According to the historian, cattle maiming fell into the category of ‘an historical outrage’ because the peasantry had for centuries regarded cattle as their enemy owing to clearances designed to make way for pasturage.
  • In the Talmud, and again in Maimonides, he would have seen an obsessive love of moral detail - a minute examination of human passion and action, combined with a suspicion of the schematic morality of abstract principle.
  • Although no one was injured, the bombing plot had the potential to kill and maim many people, experts said.
  • We know that a percentage of those with good intentions will take the risk and ignore the advice, even though they know they are breaking the law and may well kill or maim someone.
  • Until Saturday, such booby-trap attacks had badly maimed two other officers but killed nobody. Booby-trap bomb kills Northern Ireland policeman
  • My concern is especially for the innocents who are maimed or killed though the irresponsible behaviour of the motorbike drivers causing the problems.
  • A large measure of generosity - aid, medicine, a program to remove the land mines that keep Afghan fields untilled and maim Afghan children - can prolong the smiles on the faces of those liberated in the past two weeks.
  • Glenn is more like the snake oil salesman who asks for a pretty young volunteer, only to maim them for life with his product. Think Progress » The Right-Wing Backlash Against Glenn Beck: Stop Being A ‘Clown’ Who’s Trying To Divide Conservatives
  • Several cadets threatened to resign, some advocated maiming him for life, and a Democratic 'pleb' from Illinois exclaimed, 'I'd rather die than drill with the black devil.' The colored cadet at West Point : autobiography of Lieut. Henry Ossian Flipper, U. S. A., first graduate of color from the U. S. Military Academy,
  • Aunt Maimie's voice droned on.
  • A five-year-old girl was maimed in the bombing.
  • In the end, their human organism maimed, their Dionysian impulses defeated with the process of industrialization, they are becoming the living dead.
  • Maimbo Malako from Finish Line was in sixth position.
  • That the women of the tribes were puzzles for him was perhaps a kind of maiming, though that thought was startling in it - self and he did not have time to consider it now. Merlin's Mirror
  • And he's done in an extremely Ovechkin style, with multiple hat-tricks worth of the phrase "haha," enthusiastic misspellings like announcing he was "in Maimi" or pledging to "bay some staff," and rapid-fire deployments of exclamation marks. How Alex Ovechkin got back on Twitter
  • Five kids in a week in this country are maimed or killed because of gun accidents in the home.
  • Hopefully we won't be maimed by saltwater crocodiles, eaten by sharks, or stung by poisonous jellyfish.
  • Hormones and overstraining injure, maim and kill racehorses off the track. YesButNoButYes: Lunch Hour Veg
  • Do not take this as a castigatory remark designed to wound and maim.
  • I have quelled the ferocious beasties that are computer viruses, all without hurting those that should be maimed horribly.
  • The unholy triumvirate of developer, planner and architect had maimed it for ever in the sixties and seventies.
  • The prudent course is to avoid giving Islamofascists an excuse to kill or maim them. Television
  • Did you know that poorly-performed cover tunes kill or maim more people each year than drunken drivers? Entrenched and depressing.
  • In dissent, Justice Samuel Alito said that the court's ruling would frustrate congressional intent and "maim" a law that was enacted as an important defense against organized criminal enterprises. Justices Rule for Defendants
  • There is a horrendous toll of workers being maimed, injured for life and killed in the building industry.
  • The exhausted nurse, Hana; the maimed thief, Caravaggio; the wary sapper, Kip: each is haunted by the riddle of the English patient, the nameless, burn victim who lies in an upstairs room and whose memories of passion, betrayal, and rescue illuminate this book like flashes of heat lightning. The English Patient « Books « Literacy News
  • Then there are slight variants from our modern orthography or meanings, as _mained_ for maimed, _markman_ for marksman, _make_ for mate, Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Vol. XVI., December, 1880.
  • I know too, that nylon and stretch elastic, cast aside by fishermen, catches around seabirds' legs and either slowly kills or maims them.
  • A sizeable population of the villages neighbouring the border are crippled and maimed.
  • This charcoal cartoon was completed with a large stick of scene painter's charcoal and Maimeri triangular charcoal.
  • Good try, and I look forward to seeing a steady improvement in methods, materials and maiming in future. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Because ofthe Cheney/Bush administration'sillegalneedless warand occupation of Iraq ~ where arrogancefullyembraced incompetenceandwherehundreds of thousands of innocent civilians have been killed and maimed ~Americastarted on the path of its own karmic downfall and Obama has done nothing to stop its momentum with his ongoing militarybuildup in Afghanistan. The Fourth Stage Of America's Karmic Destiny Is Bankruptcy
  • Mines have been scattered in rice paddies and jungles, maiming and killing civilians.
  • Passing the town-wharf laggingly like the maimed thing she was, limping nearer and nearer the spot whence she had set out three-quarters of an hour before, Mr. Carstairs's _Cypriani_ slowed down at an abandoned private landing -- the same one by which Peter's trunk had been conveyed ashore that morning -- and ran out her stairs. Captivating Mary Carstairs
  • Maimonides "codified" in the sense that he took the rulings of the Talmud and reported them in systematic organized fashion, reporting the black letter law without the discussions and debates that arrived at that law. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Because ultimately, the Scot is one of those unvarnished antagonists, a man whose endeavours have brought him a decent reward, but nothing more than you would expect for a rider prepared to risk being mangled and maimed by machinery.
  • The great twelfth century rabbi Maimonides ranked eight types of giving in order of virtue.
  • What but butchery by piecemeal can, under such circumstances, be expected from a man brutal enough at first to 'maim' and 'disable' him, and now exasperated by being obliged to pay his full value to the master, and to have, in addition, the daily care and expense of his maintenance. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 3 of 4
  • Here are the legless, armless, eyeless and toothless; the polio-crippled, the mine-maimed, the buboed and leprous, the self-mutilated and the plain mad.
  • On May 15, 1960, a cylindrical rod of synthetic ruby placed inside a spiral flashlamp by American physicist Theodore H. Maiman in his laboratory at Hughes Aircraft Company in California momentarily produced light 10 million times more powerful than sunlight: the first laser, an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. A nice blog review of Lost in Translation
  • How many tragedies with the death, maiming, and permanent disfiguration (countless statistics with small children, in particular) will it take to show the more-than-obvious menace that irresponsible pet ownership poses? Une plaie - French Word-A-Day
  • As someone else mentioned, this kind of logic and moral depravity is probably matched only by al Qaeda itself, who see their maiming and murder of innocents as entirely morally justified because of the "existential threat" that the US poses to them and theirs (in their sick minds). Balkinization
  • Those laws do not permit him to kill, to maim, or to punish beyond certain limits, or to overtask, or to refuse to feed and clothe his slave. Cotton is King, and Pro-Slavery Arguments Comprising the Writings of Hammond, Harper, Christy, Stringfellow, Hodge, Bledsoe, and Cartrwright on This Important Subject
  • So essentially He just kind of toyed with His (sentient) creations and watched them maim and murder each other for while. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • She caught the faded, sweetish yet stale smell that always hung about Aunt Maimie, lingering even in her hats. THE GOLDEN LION
  • They kill and maim people and are too afraid to take the consequences of their actions.
  • Feeling more at home in the Muslim world of Spain, North Africa and the Middle East, Sephardim such as Maimonides took up the challenge of that new civilization, a civilization best characterized by the term "religious humanism," and produced an efflorescent literature that was matched by an economic dynamism that in the early modern period extended its reach into Holland, England, and Italy. David Shasha: Collateral Damage: Jewish Fratricide and the Demonizing of Córdoba
  • There is to us an all-embracing moderation linked to the delights of our weather, which rarely succumbs to the outbursts of violence that maim people and flatten buildings.
  • Three harbor seals have been trapped and maimed in recent months and left to wash ashore on New York beaches, prompting a Federal investigation.
  • The unholy triumvirate of developer, planner and architect had maimed it for ever in the sixties and seventies.
  • The Sages relied upon their deeds and their testimony regarding the customs of their fathers and husbands, and their statements constituted binding precedent (Maimonidean responsa, Laws of Forbidden Foods 5). Torah Study.
  • We fear that many viewers will share Dr Weaver's revulsion at the ‘psycho’ who killed Lucy and maimed Carter.
  • The foot claws of some phorusrhacids also support the idea that they used their feet in maiming or killing as the claws are laterally compressed, curved and sharp-tipped. More on phorusrhacids: the biggest, the fastest, the mostest out-of-placest
  • The ghastly condition of the maimed, truncated cadaver, its upper torsal region embrued in gore, was in itself profoundly appalling. Nevermore
  • Page 146 enough at first to 'maim' and 'disable' him, and now exasperated by being obliged to pay his full value to the master, and to have, in addition, the daily care and expense of his maintenance. American Slavery As It Is: Testimony of a Thousand Witnesses
  • I would hate to wound or maim a deer trying something new, when I know my fixed blades work and whare they are going to shoot. Rage broadheads
  • Automobile accidents maim many people each year.
  • There are many more people who helped me, but they'll probably maim me for life if I were to mention their names.
  • The apartment is paid in full by the club, which is really an after hours hangout for the grifted and the philosophically maimed. Big City
  • What a true Christmas gift for about three million people who would otherwise be alive or unmaimed today. Think Progress » Hagel On Escalation: ‘The Most Dangerous Foreign Policy Blunder in this Country Since Vietnam’
  • Instead we happily divert to supposed ‘safe’ spots, there to be uncivilly mugged or traffic-maimed.
  • Almost all the girls who still run away to Agnes are reunited with their families -- once they agree to leave them unmaimed. Johann Hari: Witch-Hunt: The Hidden War on African Women
  • Bombs not only throw off shrapnel themselves, they create lots of deadly flying debris, including flying glass from broken windows, that can kill and maim.
  • The final polemic is found in Maimonides, who objects to Karaite practices which had proliferated among the Jews, i.e. bathing in drawn water, laxity in accounting of the seven clean days and, even worse, sprinkling instead of immersion. Female Purity (Niddah) Annotated Bibliography.
  • A major problem with a weapon like napalm, dropped from a great height on those who are thought to be soldiers, is that there is great risk of also killing or maiming civilians.
  • The movie is brimming with witchcraft and wizardry, temptation and all manner of nasty people killing, maiming and thieving.
  • It seems to be a sort of rule, that no old sailor who has not lost a limb, or an eye at least, shall be eligible to the office; but as the kind of maiming is so far circumscribed that all cooks must have two arms, a laughable proportion of them have but one leg. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 401, November 28, 1829
  • Palomides, I promise you that I shall be with you by that day if I be unslain or unmaimed. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • But virtually all begging street urchins, maimed men, mothers suckling infants and other ragged destitutes are Tibetan, not Chinese.
  • A maiming subserviency is so conditional to their very existence that it becomes an aim in itself, an ideal. Prisons and Prisoners: Some Personal Experiences
  • In recent years, it has seen an influx of war-displaced Cambodians, including maimed land-mine victims and orphans whose parents died in the civil war.
  • To those, yes, American democrats who quibble, cavil, and lose themselves in conjecture over the risks to which the judge who allows a criminal to live subjects honest people, we countered with Maïmonides's axiom: "It is more satisfying to acquit thousands of the guilty than to execute one sole innocent man. Bernard-Henri Lévy: And to Think That We Still Have to Argue Against the Death Penalty
  • My uncle was maimed, as I have said; Pippi, like all impostors, was a coward; it was my unrivalled skill with the sword, and readiness to use it, that maintained the reputation of the firm, so to speak, and silenced many a timid gambler who might have hesitated to pay his losings. The Memoires of Barry Lyndon
  • Isidore certainly influenced Muslim scholars in Spain but, Bede apart, no Christian scholar from the mid-7th to early 11th century made an original contribution to scholarship comparable to those of Muslims such as Avicenna and Averroes or Jews such as Moses Maimonides. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Tom was seriously maimed in the war.
  • Maim: Rank 2 of this ability is properly a stun and can be escaped by Blink.
  • Palomides, I promise you that I shall be with you by that day if I be unslain or unmaimed. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • But how do I know, thought I, that even these bruises and maims that I have gotten, while I pursued only the laudable escape I had meditated, may not kindly have furnished me with the opportunity I am now tempted with to precipitate myself, and of surrendering up my life, spotless and unguilty, to that merciful Being who gave it! Pamela
  • Tom was seriously maimed in the war.
  • Maimonides compares this to the intense yearnings that a man feels for a woman.
  • Going based off a tip from a talking raven, Maimon decides to cross a dessert in order to catch up to the legendary drow, Drizzt, whom Maimon believes is in procession of his stone. Archive 2010-02-01
  • His oh-so-careful slimy grin that lashed out and maimed as much as a punch or a kick.
  • The violent sadistic few tend to go on with maiming and violence until someone dies or they are caged.
  • They include incendiaries, poison gases, herbicides and other types of chemical substances that can kill, maim or temporarily incapacitate.
  • And Anne, you seem to think Arabs 'abridge' the human rights of Jews, a month after Israel killed 1300 Palestinians, maimed thousands more, refuses to lift the blockade etc etc etc. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • He was damp and filthy and his little clothing hung half off him, but I could see nothing but the ghastly maiming to his eyes.
  • Had the AWOL Bush and the 5 time draft dodger Cheney not acted from the "gut" but been more deliberative, 4500 young Americans may still be alive, not to mention all the ones maimed. Axelrod slams Romney
  • And interest-free business loans were at the top of Maimonides's ladder of charitable giving, since they foster independence. When Religion Restricts Lending
  • For theologians like Aquinas and Maimonides and many others past and present, the very essence of God is his incommunicability.
  • His oh-so-careful slimy grin that lashed out and maimed as much as a punch or a kick.
  • Furthermore, motorists are responsible for killing, injuring and maiming large numbers of other road users - often those not in cars.
  • And when Sir Palomides was come to the city they made passing great joy of him, and then they beheld him, and saw that he was well made, cleanly and bigly, and unmaimed of his limbs, and neither too young nor too old. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • There were many of his kind so maimed, and the wolfers, abbreviating the term peg-legs, called these three-footed ones "pegs. The Yellow Horde
  • I am now a well behaved individual, I have cut down on my quixotic outings, though the prospect of getting fatally maimed on one of those windmills is always enticing.
  • I don't recall him expressing "moroseness" over the 4,000+ dead Americans, 20, 000+ maimed Americans, and 600, 000 thousand dead Iraqis in the war for which he relentlessly propagandized. Bart Motes: W. is not Batman
  • Yeah, good example, because those 3 American hikers are a serious threat to Iran, have fired thousands of rockets into souther Iran resulting in deaths, maiminings and the virtual shut down of at least one Iranian city, have pledged the destruction of Iran and the death of all Persians living there, import arms for that purpose, mount armed insurrections, and have powerful foreign sponsors only to eager to give them military and financial aid. The Volokh Conspiracy » Pollak on Uniquely Israeli Stupidity
  • people were maimed by the explosion
  • Down the alleys maimed statues stretched their arms like rows of whining beggars; faun-eared terms grinned in the thicket, and above the laurustinus walls rose the mock ruin of a temple, falling into real ruin in the bright disintegrating air. The Duchess at Prayer
  • They deliberately went out to kill and maim innocent people.
  • The serial killer was unable to control his desire to maim; he had a cacoethes for hurting innocent people.
  • Had nothing happened in Lebanon this summer, Beaufort would have been just another film, albeit a courageous one for Israel, about the lives of young grunts who have barely begun their lives, and who follow orders that don't make sense and try to emerge alive and unmaimed. GreenCine Daily: Berlinale Dispatch. Beaufort.
  • But from Maimonides's judgment concerning the works of "Empedocles," we may legitimately infer that he would have been no more favorable to Gabirol; for, as we shall see, Gabirol's system is also based upon a point of view similar to that of the so-called A History of Mediaeval Jewish Philosophy
  • Africans had seen too many military coups, too many wars within and between countries, and too many people massacred, killed, maimed, displaced and turned into refugees.
  • The first laser was built by Maiman4 in 1960 by pulsing intense light from a flash lamp onto a ruby rod to stimulate emission in the visible spectrum.
  • You may thank your lucky stars that you were just slightly hurt while the others were either killed or maimed for life in that accident.
  • The unholy triumvirate of developer, planner and architect had maimed it for ever in the sixties and seventies.
  • They have been bullying the mainland into continuing retreat and concessions whilst they continue to maim kill and execute people in the province.
  • Ask the maimed and crippled survivors of attacks on unarmoured Land Rovers in Afghanistan. John Rentoul today puts Trevor Kavanagh and myself in the...
  • My mother complained to the principal and the Commissioner of Education that we were being taught to glorify war, admire military strategy, and objectify the killing and maiming of human beings.
  • Later I was charged for ‘wounding with intent to maim and disfigure a person’ and bail was set at one thousand dollars.
  • At his rescue, the only survivor, miraculously unmaimed, her hope had revived. Man in his Time
  • He then embarked on intensive study, first of the philosophy of Maimonides (too rational), then of the esoteric Kabbala, which was rather more to his taste.
  • I'm sorry, but there's no way this disaster of a president, this serial trasher of the Constitution, this slaughterer of 100,000 innocent Iraqis, this waster of nearly 30,000 American lives (the dead and the maimed victims in uniform of his pointless invasion of Iraq), was mourning anything. Bush Mourning 9-11? Oh Sure!
  • Running errands for Aunt Maimie, helping Aunt Dulcie with her war wounded, she moved as if sleepwalking. THE GOLDEN LION
  • And when Sir Palomides was come to the city they made passing great joy of him, and then they beheld him, and saw that he was well made, cleanly and bigly, and unmaimed of his limbs, and neither too young nor too old. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • That's not to say musk-oxen are docile around people: Aggressive bulls will bellow at or charge humans when confronted and, on rare occasions, maim or even kill.
  • Nevertheless, with God's aid they were preserved unmaimed. St. Januarius and his companions
  • Johnny Got His Gun, wherein a maimed soldier, rigidly comatose, is agonizingly aware of his surroundings while utterly unable to communicate even a hint of his own sentience to those around his bed. Nasty, Brutish, and Short
  • Appear promptly at the palace at ten o'clock to answer to the followin 'charges, to wit: breach of the peace; seditious and treasonable utterance; violent assault on the chief magistrate with intent to cut, wound, maim, an' bruise; breach of quarantine; violation of harbour regulations; and gross breakage of custom house rules. THE FEATHERS OF THE SUN
  • If the woman is maimed for life and is saddled with the other responsibilities, her lot is worse.
  • Anecdotal accounts, however, give a picture of the extent of the killing and maiming.
  • The last thing I needed was to be maimed by a wild animal two hours before my birthday.
  • XII it appeared he'd dropped his morbid obsessions and gone back to working with annonaceae, concentrating on-a species Maimon hadn ', t mentioned: a. zingiber. Blood Test
  • And I don't think any player goes on the field to deliberately hurt or maim someone.
  • The day the flag pole on the Gardiner Stand snapped, happily without killing or maiming anyone.
  • Memory foam pillow top were transmontane with curtained whisky and greed than any pyrolignic sumptuosity damnatory in the aortic maimed and a uncannily. Rational Review
  • A spate of recent bomb blasts have scared people, maimed citizens, claimed hundreds of innocent lives and brought about suffering to the bereaved.

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