How To Use Maigre In A Sentence

  • A large headline announced across three columns: chief inspector maigret engaged on the fontenay crimes Maigret Afraid
  • Maigret et le Tueur the 98th episode of the maigret saga Maigret and the Killer
  • He could not claim to be acting on behalf of the Police Judiciaire, and, anyway, who was to know whether anyone in this village surrounded by slimy marshes and stagnant water had even heard the name Maigret? Maigret's Rival
  • Maigret called the proprietress, paid for the two drinks. Maigret and the Reluctant Witness
  • Published in the USA under the title Maigret & the Bum Maigret and the Bum
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  • The thus-obtained shark-fin-like edible product has almost the same appearance and properties as natural shark fins as well as being superior in colour, shape, taste and feeling properties such as elasticity, and can be widely used as a material for maigre and Chinese dishes.
  • Maigret and the Apparition maigret et le fantôme the 90th episode of the maigret saga Maigret and the Apparition
  • Forrader it has one of the back of biologistic and new pricelessness maigre in the us, with a untypically ornament of sesquipedalian scrophulariales as socially, viscerally with combinational chronic and sculptural polypropene. Rational Review
  • Maigret and the Dosser maigret et le clochard the 88th episode of the maigret saga Maigret and the Bum
  • When maigre feasts are arranged in these mountains, whether one be cleric or layman, man or woman, great or small, food is offered to all equally.
  • Maigret et les vieillards the 84th episode of the maigret saga Maigret in Society
  • Maigret was stifling in the oversoft chair, in the boudoir whose blue was becoming unbearable to him. Maigret Hesitates
  • The next telegram, a longer one, was from Nantes. to chief superintendent maigret from the flying squad nantes stop corpse identified as doctor janin thirty-five years of age address rue des eglises nantes stop left home tuesday 11th january without luggage stop inquiries continuing stop telephone if further details required. Maigret In Exile
  • Un de mes frères était si maigre que lorsqu'il avait bu un verre de vin rouge, on le prenait pour un thermomètre. French Word-A-Day:
  • He bowed to her in his best company manner, and though he spoke in Dutch, Maigret could have bet anything he was inquiring after her health. Maigret in Holland
  • Maigret et le voleur paresseux the 85th episode of the maigret saga Maigret and the Lazy Burglar
  • Maigret had no idea; the wife of a divisional superintendent usually had to make do with rabbit fur or, at best, musquash and racoon. Maigret and Monsieur Charles
  • And as Maigret scowlingly pointed to the newspaper sticking out of his pocket, he smiled. Maigret Afraid
  • At the beginning of the call Maigret had signaled to Janvier to pick up the second receiver. Maigret and the Killer
  • I tried out all possible combinations of syllables to replace those of the name Maigret, but in vain. Maigret's Memoirs
  • The Maigret Saga - episode 94 le voleur de maigret translation by nigel ryan Maigret and the Pickpocket
  • This was the case with Christiani who, ten years previously, when arrested, had promptly struck Maigret with his knuckle-duster and who was now owner of a couple of “houses” in Paris and another at Barcelonnette. In the Rue Pigalle
  • He would doubtless have changed his mind on seeing Maigret suddenly glance at the camelhair overcoat belonging to one of the customers and hanging on the coat-rack, go up to it, thrust his hand into the pockets and pull out a knuckle-duster; and then on hearing the Superintendent remark goodhumouredly: In the Rue Pigalle
  • There was Parrain, the Deputy Public Prosecutor, Dantziger the examining magistrate, and an old clerk of the court whose name Maigret could never remember, although he had met him hundreds of times. Maigret and the Bum
  • Au petit hobereau, tyran de ses maigres champs, résista Literary translation (English)
  • Expressions: maigre comme un clou = "thin as a nail" (thin as a rail) c'est un peu maigre = it's insufficient faire maigre = to abstain from meat and fatty foods Maigrichon - French Word-A-Day
  • Maki was coughing, in his corner, as if to call Maigret to order. Maigret and the Pickpocket
  • First published in France in 1955 under the title Maigret et le corps sans tête Maigret and the Headless Corpse
  • Maigret et l'homme tout seul the 101st episode of the maigret saga Maigret and the Loner
  • Originally published in France under the title Maigret et le Tueur Maigret and the Killer
  • It tractive off a faceted that mistranslation a maigre of fired fugue vividly the fumigation and synaesthetic avalokitesvara dictamnus from shoreward hausmannite on two purdah platonism. Rational Review
  • Au reste, leur coutume est de tenir leurs chevaux sur le maigre (de ne point les laisser engraisser). The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • There were quite a few good modern authors, including some in English; Maigret assumed the solicitor had spoken the language fluently. Maigret and Monsieur Charles

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