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[ US /mɑhɑbɝˈɑtə/ ]
  1. (Hinduism) a sacred epic Sanskrit poem of India dealing in many episodes with the struggle between two rival families

How To Use Mahabharata In A Sentence

  • The Mahabharata War was the epochal event of ancient India.
  • It is in the Mahabharata that we get the syncretic picture of lokasamgraha through the concepts of caturvarnashrama dharma and moksha.
  • I love the Mahabharata: it's one of the most complex, meaning dense documents ever written.
  • Erlangga were produced the old prose version of the Mahabharata, in which certain episodes of that poem are rendered with great freedom and the poem called Arjuna-vivâha, or the marriage of Arjuna. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 3
  • One such instance is in the Mahabharata when Pandavas and Kauravas play this game.
  • Narang, S.P. (ed): Modern Evaluation of the Mahabharata (Prof. R.K. Sharma felicitation volume), Nag Publishers, Delhi, 1995. Motherhood Messages From Mythology: a Study of Four Queens as Mothers in Indian Epics Ramayana and Mahabharata « English Lesson Plans « Free Lesson Plans « Literacy News
  • The sage Vyasa (fl. c. 5th century BC) is traditionally named as the Mahabharata's author, but he probably compiled existing material.
  • We are all familiar with the so-called critical text, otherwise onomastically called the Poona text of the Mahābhārata... Archive 2008-12-01
  • Never before have women demonstrated in this manner anywhere in the country, where an attempt to disrobe Draupadi caused the Mahabharata war.
  • The "Mahabharata," the work of many hands, was begun about the fifth century B.C. under Brahmin influence, and in the folowing centuries received additions and modifications, in the interests now of Vishnuism now of Sivaism, till it assumed its final shape in the sixth century of the Christian Era. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
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