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[ US /ˈmæɡˌjɑɹ/ ]
  1. a native or inhabitant of Hungary
  2. the official language of Hungary (also spoken in Rumania); belongs to the Ugric family of languages
  1. relating to or characteristic of Hungary
    Hungarian folk music

How To Use Magyar In A Sentence

  • I'm finding it difficult to get myself motivated for the game, but if only to avoid the taunts and jeers of the Magyar Armchair Brigade, I'm hoping for at least a draw.
  • Were I not translating that off the cuff, I'd have used "Hungarian," I suppose, but I just like the word Magyar, and, through the Czech exposure, don't really register it as that odd in English. TRANSLATING SCHWEIK.
  • Had I been staying longer than a couple weeks of vacation and if I were foolhardier I would have made my own shirt made "Turista vagyok, nem magyar". PARADICSOM.
  • Still he regards the Magyar and Finnic languages as having greater mutual affinities than the others, though not to such a degree that one of these races of men can be supposed to be derived from the other. The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 2, January, 1851
  • Magyar, Wendish, etc. Certain variants of the ballad bear the title of _The Croodlin Doo_, and the ‘handsome young man’ is changed for a child, and the poisoner is the child’s step-mother. Ballads of Romance and Chivalry Popular Ballads of the Olden Times - First Series
  • In response to the audience's enthusiastic ovation Fleischman repeated the final Magyar dance movement.
  • Magyar language and that of the Finns is now almost generally admitted. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • If the Magyars talk of introducing universal suffrage, they want to extend it to Magyar electors, and on one condition only, viz. that all the candidates shall be of _Magyar_ nationality, or, as the Hungarian Premier, Count Esterhazy, put it, "democracy in Hungary can only be a Magyar democracy" -- that is, a system utterly at variance with the principles of justice. Independent Bohemia An Account of the Czecho-Slovak Struggle for Liberty
  • The text is available in Magyar and English. via Information Aesthetics Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Disaster Map
  • This Hungarian version is one of the more interesting chicken stews in the world, with the typically Magyar ingredients of onion, sweet peppers and paprika.
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