
How To Use Magus In A Sentence

  • In PvE, the magus is a decent damage dealer, it doesn't quite pack the punch, (at least at lower levels,) that other DPS classes seem to. - Articles related to Global stocks lower as Hungary adds to debt fears
  • The term simony comes from a sorcerer named Simon Magus, who tried to bribe the Apostles into selling him their power (Acts 8: 18-20). Orrologion
  • While the wizards were most certainly using spells to scour the mountainsides for spies or scouts, it would take a magus of exacting skill to locate her.
  • I wonder from time to time whether Luke, by emphasizing Jesus' growth in wisdom and stature, by highlighting Jesus doing all that he did through the power of the Spirit, and by making Simon Magus the only person in his two-volume work to claim to be something like "God incarnate", is not polemicizing against another view of Jesus that is circulating in his time. Ecce Recensus: The Only True God Persuades A Skeptic
  • If magus deemed the item and the inscriptions acceptable, the enchantment would be activated.
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  • Their hierarchy was headed by an archimagus; we do not know his title in the national language, but we do know that, after the king, he was the chief person in the empire. A History of Art in Chaldæa & Assyria, v. 1
  • More - over, the Greek fragments of the Magusean works ascribed to Zoroaster, Ostanes, and others, though probably composed outside of Iran in Asia Minor and therefore reflecting a westernized version of Zoroastri - anism, demonstrate a knowledge of some of the tech - niques of late Babylonian genethlialogy. ASTROLOGY
  • The jawbreaking 'Anorthosis Famagusta' (sounds, in fact, a bit like a medical complaint affecting the jaw) are playing in Group B of the Champions League and are doing fairly well too, thank you. Dublin Opinion
  • Magus, hapu, värske ja soojavärviline - ehkki peab olema aega ja kannatust, et mõtteviljade valmimist oodata nagu selles antiikses vanasõnas, et aja ning õlgedega valmivad nespolad. Tatsutahime Diary Entry
  • At Famagusta on the south coast, where sunny sandy beaches abound, is the newly erected Grecian Hotel, considered to be very fine. Cyprus—1966!
  • The Magi'i wish to forget him because he was a stronger magus than the First Magus and turned his back on what he saw as the ever-narrowing traditions and inbreeding of the Magi'i, then became a Mirror Lancer officer who used his magely abilities to lead the northern Mirror Lancers in the devastation of Cerlyn and the establishment of the northeastern cuprite mines. The Magi'i Of Cyador
  • Denoriel was no Magus Major, but the elf who could not clothe and reclothe him - or herself with a single thought when Underhill hardly deserved the name of Child of Dannae. This Scepter'd Isle
  • The otherness of ego enwraps each of us like a prison, but the magus takes all of earth as his body.
  • Bagdemagus sendeth you greeting, and bade that ye should bear this shield, wherethrough great adventures should befall. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Right so came Dinadan, and mocked and japed with King Bagdemagus that all knights laughed at him, for he was a fine japer, and well loving all good knights. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • The speaker was the Su-Suheris Maundigand-Klimd, High Magus to the court of Prestimion. KING OF DREAMS
  • Etymology: Hindi & Marathi mãgus, from Prakrit mamgusa Feminist men...
  • However, old man Magus and his great-niece, Ayla, saved my life.
  • In the greater arcana of the tarot, Mercury is always associated with the first trump, the Magus or Juggler - names which sum up the extremes of the planet, sage and trickster.
  • The capital of the new canton, however, was located at its south-western corner, where the major Iron Age stronghold at Chichester was succeeded by the Roman town of Noviomagus.
  • The candy-striped Duomo must be the only Christian church anywhere to host - on the intarsia marble floor - a portrait of that old neo-Platonic magus, Hermes Trismegistus.
  • Magus clicked on a rewind button on his movie player, and switched to another camera angle.
  • The aire of Famagusta is very vnwholesome, as they say, by reason of certaine marish ground adioyning vnto it. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Once, the King sent a herald with banner, trumpet and tabard, to invite the captain of Famagusta to surrender.
  • A creative magus, he conjures the illusion of a surface, and just as quickly makes it disappear.
  • The most curious feature of the performance is that here again it is from end to end a travesty of Éliphas Lévi, slice after slice from his chief writings, combined with interlineal additions, which give them a sense diametrically opposed to that of the great magus. Devil-Worship in France or The Question of Lucifer
  • The archimagus, or high-priest, wears, in resemblance to the ancient breast-plate, a white conch-shell ornamented so as to resemble the precious stones on the _Urim_, and instead of the golden plate worn by the Levite on his forehead, bearing the inscription _Kodish Diary in America, Series Two
  • The other is a modern magus, galloping towards his fiftieth birthday with a lifetime of grand work behind him, and so much more still to do.
  • Both Goddio and Egyptologist David Fabre, a member of the European Institute of Submarine Archaeology, think a "magus" could have practiced fortune telling rituals using the bowl. Archive 2008-10-01
  • _jobbernowl_, and shaded his right peeper, while a white beaver crowned the occiput of the Magus. Rookwood
  • PvE, the magus is a decent damage dealer, it doesn't quite pack the punch, (at least at lower levels,) that other DPS classes seem to. - Articles related to Global stocks lower as Hungary adds to debt fears
  • There they meet a scientist named Yuri Popov, who explains he is the research assistant to Professor Vladmir Magus, who has been studying parapsychological phenomena under the sea. Aquaman Special #1 - 1988
  • When the king died and his successor was not on the spot to assume the reins of government, the archimagus was regent during the interregnum, as, for instance, between the death of Nabopolassar and the accession of Nebuchadnezzar. [ A History of Art in Chaldæa & Assyria, v. 1
  • Your so-called magus, Dee, or perhaps it was the one you call your Spirit, both pretending knowledge of matters far beyond their ken? Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer
  • But when a new mother, who also happens to be a kind of magus, says it, it takes on a suddenness that appalls us. News at Eleven: I was dumbstruck by this stanza
  • The highest church of all was "_the fire-temple_," the residence of the archimagus, first established by Mysticism and its Results Being an Inquiry into the Uses and Abuses of Secrecy
  • The Persian or Iranian word magus cognate with English might, mighty denoted a priest or sage, of the Zoroastrian religion in particular. ... Archive 2008-03-01
  • The back of a second, kneeling Magus and of the seated Virgin supporting the Child form two sides of an equilateral triangle located plumb in the centre of the design.
  • Smoldering beneath the pleasant exterior and the uniform of a lancer is a magus - or a lancer with the power of a second-level adept. The Magi'i Of Cyador
  • And then they'd go on, faithfully leaving similar letters and similar impressions on Krim, and Lohala, and Tralee, and Famagusta, and throughout the Coalsack stars until the stock of addressed missives ran out. The Pirates of Ersatz
  • The root for both words is "magus" which, in its basic sense, means "wise man " i.e., one steeped in the knowledge of the wisdom of the ages. Archive 2008-10-01

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