
How To Use Magpie In A Sentence

  • My favourite it the Magpie- my friend made a film about them a couple of years ago and i'm in it saying 'they're like English parrots don't you think?' and then going on to show how I think they have really great bums that you just want to squoosh your face in. It's a Giveaway!!!!
  • Like jays and crows, their cousins, magpies are mischievous and bold.
  • Magpies are also building their domed nests of long twigs in the trees, but have been finding it hard in the strong winds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Three oldish men from among the high-somebodies stood nearest him, watching him as a magpie watches a cat. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • It knew none of the games that the magpie invented save one, and that was a kind of aerial “peep-bo” to which the brainier bird lured it by means of a prize. My Tropic Isle
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  • Magpies are also building their domed nests of long twigs in the trees, but have been finding it hard in the strong winds. Times, Sunday Times
  • It blasts away for openers - not for the first time - with the overture from Rossini's otherwise neglected opera The Thieving Magpie.
  • An evening at the Magpie and Crown in Brentford was certainly lively, intellectually stimulating and at times hysterically funny; and I think their cask-conditioned scrumpy is probably at least twice the advertised strength... A busy weekend...
  • But this hatred mainly comes from the magpie's reputation as an omen of ill fortune. The Sun
  • Intense management efforts have helped build up the populations of the Seychelles magpie robin on Frégate Island, and to translocate it to other islands. Granitic Seychelles forests
  • Mr Fletcher said that a number of people had been caught keeping wild birds, particularly finches and magpies, as pets.
  • Footy is back, carn the mighty magpies!
  • Magpie nestlings, as well as most nidicolous birds, change skin color from red to orange.
  • You can hear him drawing breath - tiny gasps during "Bloom," big gulpy lungfuls during "Morning Mr. Magpie" - but he exhales the same as ever: in a mumbly, monochromatic moan where the vowels are dramatic and the consonants are tough to make out. Album review: Radiohead, "The King of Limbs"
  • Columbine, aquilegia ‘Magpie’ resembles an elaborate bonnet to be worn on special occasions for the more fashion forward among the fae. Fairies Part One « Fairegarden
  • Storm teased her over what he termed her magpie mind, which picked up snippets of information to store for future airing. The Outrageous Dowager
  • For the rest of his long, innovative and hugely prolific career, he drew inspiration from the comics, novelties, magazines, toys and cheap novelettes collected over the years with magpie insatiability.
  • His magpie's eye for the odd and beautiful will engage and delight. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said the proliferation of Corvids birds like grey crows, magpies and rooks could be directly linked to the decline in songbirds in the area.
  • The brain-to-body ratio of crows, ravens and magpies equals that of dolphins and nearly matches humans.
  • Disturbance after eggs are laid provides opportunities for predation by carrion crows, jays, kestrels, magpies, foxes and mink.
  • The campus, which was once a barren patch of land, was converted into a haven for magpies and robins and blue jays in a short span of 30 years.
  • Besides they were beset by clouds of voracious magpies, who were bent on devouring them alive.
  • I could only assume that it was predating some ovine parasites and it made me wonder whether this complimentary veterinarian service had ever been entered in the farmer's logbook of magpie crimes and misdemeanours. Country diary: Claxton, Norfolk
  • At nesting time the parents become bold and pugnacious attacking crows, magpies, cuckoos and kestrels crossing their territory.
  • Garden birds need undergrowth to hide and rest in and nest sites in your large hedge, away from the prying eyes of the magpies.
  • Look out for rescued giant tortoises, turtles, magpie robins and other wildlife. Times, Sunday Times
  • Carcasses left by wolves supply food for scavengers such as ravens, eagles, magpies, and wolverines.
  • My country is on the eastern side of Melville Island where people today hunt for magpie goose and go fishing for freshwater barramundi.
  • Magpies have been feared and loathed for centuries. The Sun
  • Crows, seagulls, collared doves, magpies, and large flocks of starlings - all squawking, hooting and messing on everyone's property.
  • He collects dance forms like a magpie and then puts his own spin on them. Times, Sunday Times
  • He observes that the stanza "may be read as a nonsense-verse replacing some traditional bawdry which is represented by the rest of the song in the [Burns] MS. and MMC; but goose, hen and magpie are all low terms for a woman, and from the Nicht Owre
  • Long-eared Owls usually nest in abandoned stick nests, often the nests of magpies, crows, ravens, or hawks.
  • At nesting time the parents become bold and pugnacious attacking crows, magpies, cuckoos and kestrels crossing their territory.
  • The evil magpie watched in confusion, but didn't come anywhere near us.
  • We are living in a society based on the concept of ownership; a magpie culture.
  • I am like a magpie, seduced by all the shininess.
  • It had long been used in Europe to kill predators and ‘noxious’ birds such as crows and magpies.
  • With the exception of magpies and pigeons, birds are rarely seen in gardens, but the talk included pictures of all kinds of birds in their natural habitats.
  • While clearly inspired by a Romantic sensibility, he is never quite free from the bonds of his precise, inquiring, magpie mind.
  • Some people are having a hard time dealing with its intimations of bad luck; the magpie is oblivious, its wings fully flung as if about to leap into flight, its beak dark and glittery, unaware it’s an omen of any kind. September « 2006 « Squares of Wheat
  • I'm not in the least bit Gandhian, people who're voracious and magpie-minded and unfocussed and unpolitical and far from noble usually aren't, and I'm one of those.
  • Opening for them will be none other then the diva of trip hop, Magpie, and the essential selecta, taro.
  • All the while the distinctive bird, which has a bright red tail, faced the wrath of swooping magpies.
  • Above him the magpie carolled a musical warning, but he knew how to take care of himself. MURDER SONG
  • Along with the mysteries there are also plenty of adventures that Magpie encounters: awaking an ancient djinni that must help save the world, having vampire-like creatures sent after her to distract her from her goal, and even having close encounters with the humans known as “mannies”. Archive 2009-02-01
  • and rumoured and whispered, loquacious as magpies, the Gaddirs merely smiled and nodded and refused to confirm or deny anything. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • While paired Australian magpie-larks like to travel with their mates, both apostlebirds and white-winged choughs prefer to flock in small groups of up to twenty birds.
  • As though I did not exist; as though it were an automaton who cleared brambles and counted magpies.
  • Netting unless very well put on the trees prove no good as the clever jackdaw or cheeky magpie can get in with ease in the smallest opening.
  • But no sooner did he declare himself in form, than the gaudy wretch, as he was before with her, became a well-dressed gentleman; — the chattering magpie (for he talks and laughs much), quite conversable, and has something agreeable to say upon every subject. Pamela
  • What solitary humanist may have put up that inscription, coming out from Rome to commune in that wilderness, amid the rustle of the oakwood and of the laurel-trees, and the screaming of magpies and owls, with the togaed poets and philosophers of the Past? The Spirit of Rome
  • Other residents include egrets, moor hens, herons, coots, white-necked storks, lapwings, grey wagtails, grebes, black droungos, green bee-eaters, tailorbirds, magpies and robins as well as numerous species of migratory birds like flamingos that often visit the place.
  • Seemingly invisible on our horses we rode amongst azure-winged magpies, great bustard, hoopoes and a hundred other species of birds.
  • The magpies were chattering in the trees
  • Out of her pages rise a parade of characters, each with a story to enact: a Bolshoi ballet mistress, morning magpies, the odd cousin, unborn children, a retired BBC reviewer, a bullocky, the Queen at her coronation.
  • Waikato was not dropping its head however and soon found its way back over the try line through Kahui after the Mooloo forwards stepped-up and really took it to the Magpies, allowing the backs to do their thing. Latest All Blacks News
  • The columbine, aquilegia ‘Magpie’, grown from free seeds included in a Thompson and Morgan order several years ago, is now opening, and was glad to get a shower to wash off the yellow pine pollen from its petals. Blessed Rain « Fairegarden
  • The pair compared data from studies covering 18 different species, including dwarf mongooses, meerkats, Florida scrub jays, western bluebirds, and Australian magpies.
  • Many of these, including tiding of magpies, murmuration of starlings, unkindness of ravens, and exaltation of larks, are poetic inventions that one can trace back to the fifteenth century.
  • The things inside came from Rayburn's magpie collection of boxes, art supplies and flea-market treasures, and they were arranged to suggest the way they'd once been stashed in his studio.
  • Then a magpie began to pipe his arpeggios, which sounded sweet and clear in the morning air; and this seemed to be the signal to start a chorus of whistling and shrieking up in the thick boughs, where a flock of paroquets were hidden; and a glow in the east made the morning grey look so opalescently beautiful that it was hard to believe there could be any danger. First in the Field A Story of New South Wales
  • Common hosts are friarbirds, the magpie-lark, and figbirds.
  • That's because, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word "pie" - defined as a baked dish topped with and sometimes also surrounded by pastry - may well derive from the Latin word pica, meaning magpie. News
  • He was the human sampling machine, selling millions of records and drawing degree-level analysis from critics impressed by his magpie eclecticism and arch intelligence.
  • Great Horned Owls do not build their own nests, but use nests built by hawks, crows, magpies, herons, or other large birds.
  • NEWCASTLE, England - Alan Shearer began work as Newcastle manager on Thursday, taking charge of his first training session as he tries to save the Magpies from relegation. Grand Island Independent Home RSS
  • Out of forty perchers eleven are missing — yellow oriole, yellow fig-bird (SPHECOTHERES), black-backed magpie, black-headed diamond-bird, helmeted friar-bird, silver-eye, and the blue, pied, shining, white-eared and spectacled flycatchers. Last Leaves from Dunk Island
  • Up in the timber above them a magpie carolled and a sparrowhawk hung in the sky like a floating cross. MURDER SONG
  • Yet if Paolozzi's work was the result of the brilliant deconstructions and recontextualisations of a magpie mind, at its heart lay simple draughtsmanship, a natural engagement with beauty.
  • Up in the timber above them a magpie carolled and a sparrowhawk hung in the sky like a floating cross. MURDER SONG
  • A musical magpie of a record, it steals cheekily from everything from dancehall and reggae to two-step, pop, showtunes, electro, film soundtracks and beyond.
  • I supposed the racket was about an insubordinate magpie or a treed cat.
  • The corvines - crows, rooks, jays, magpies and jackdaws - are relentless stealers of other birds' eggs and chicks.
  • Farmers don't like magpies and we are surrounded by farmers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then, like magpies, they hurry back to their workshop loaded with wisps of lace and coils of steel mesh, strands of silk and ropes of jute.
  • Indeed, just now there are too many acorns for even such greedy birds as crows and magpies.
  • Paterson began writing novels in her28th year, penning two westerns in short succession: The Magpie's Nest and TheShadow Riders, which contained a strong pro-free trade message.
  • But this hatred mainly comes from the magpie's reputation as an omen of ill fortune. The Sun
  • For 109 years the Australian magpie has been the Collingwood Football Club's emblem.
  • Magpies are attracted to small shiny objects which they carry away to their nests.
  • Birds (12) buzzard; hobby; wood pigeon; crow; chiffchaff; blackbird; chaffinch; grey heron; gull (unspecified); green woodpecker; magpie; owl (unspecified); How to get back to nature when camping
  • At the second pond I found a magpie hopping around near the water, some red-wattled plovers in the field, and a few Dead Sea Sparrows carrying nesting material.
  • Columbine , aquilegia ‘Magpie’, another seed grown success that has shown itself to be true to seed , the babies have the dark hood and white center so charming in the shade garden. Color in the Garden-GBDW Part Four « Fairegarden
  • One can detect his magpie mind at work throughout these 60 tracks, constantly seeking silver keys with which to unlatch the doors of grooviness.
  • It is waterfalls at midday, billabongs at burning dusk, galleries of rock art five times older than the Egyptian Pharaohs, and two million magpie geese - and crocodiles in the river any time you're silly enough to risk swimming.
  • Awareness is what enables a hunter, as he stalks an elk or a sheep, not to focus so exclusively on that animal that he is blind to all the signs -- such as scat or tracks, a dip ahead in the terrain where a bear could be concealed, magpies clustered in a tree, the scent of decaying meat -- that could possibly signal a bear's presence. Being Bear Aware
  • A sudden flash of ebony and ivory caused me to scream shrilly without intention as the bird, a magpie, flew directly at my exposed face!
  • He has a magpie eye for the telling, chilling detail. Times, Sunday Times
  • Newcastle 4-1 Blackpool - title beckons for Magpies, BBC - Ouch
  • Magpies are also building their domed nests of long twigs in the trees, but have been finding it hard in the strong winds. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Magpies have an awful record in this competition with only one quarter-final appearance in the last ten years. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was the occasional chatter of magpies or jays, and once the bobbing flight of a greater spotted woodpecker.
  • This year I did not see a single magpie during the breeding season. Times, Sunday Times
  • Poolside, I watched a pair of magpies divebomb a crow that was hopping from palm tree to palm tree behind the cabana, deflecting their attacks. Whiz Kid: James Wolcott
  • There are 113 members of the avian family called Corvidae, or corvids, which includes crows, jackdaws, rooks, ravens, as well as jays, nutcrackers and magpies.
  • After the first broadcast, which you recall was on mimicry of Australian magpies.
  • The patterns displayed the dragon, the phoenix, cranes and magpies, all auspicious animals representing nobility, luck, fortune and longevity.
  • This suggests that Scotland's best hope lies in the evolution of a creative magpie cuisine that draws on diverse culinary influences, tempered by the realisation that less is more.
  • The Ding Foundation is the squirrel and magpie of the theatre world - collecting and rescuing abandoned objects, and all the debris and detritus of other people's lives, and animating them in order to tell stories.
  • Together with the introduced species of chaffinch, goldfinch, yellowhammer, skylark, magpie, etc, they provide a tuneful accompaniment to your walk.
  • All around the greedy jackjaws, blackbirds, thrushes and magpies eye the ripening fruit and at the exact moment that the fruit ripens they pounce leaving nothing but pips.
  • Now and than a magpie would call.
  • The word here is possibly derived from the magpie, a noisy, chattering bird.
  • Such are the artist's magpie tendencies that one of the reasons he chose his flat in Leith was that it afforded him a view of a scrapyard.
  • The telegraph wires in the fields held a large number of bee eaters, woodchat shrikes and corn buntings, there were several azure winged magpies and large numbers of swallows and martins.
  • It's a priceless experience, as is being shown special parts of their land like the ‘Jungle’ - wetlands where flocks of brolgas, jabirus and magpie geese gather - and ‘Paradise’ - where shallow falls rage into an emerald lagoon.
  • The meadowlarks and magpies would gather right outside.
  • So could he see himself at the Magpies for the long haul? The Sun
  • The corvines - crows, rooks, jays, magpies and jackdaws - are relentless stealers of other birds' eggs and chicks.
  • In learning to escape the vigilance of crows, birds also avoid the attention of some other predators, such as jays and magpies.
  • Now and than a magpie would call.
  • He asked anyone who finds a dead crow, raven, magpie or jay or other member of the corvid bird family to call the health authority.
  • The better-known Salsa Celtica also stood out amongst the crop of musical magpies, playing to a jam-packed Fruitmarket and augmenting their Cuban sound with pipes and fiddles following the lead of the brass section and keyboards.
  • But then Henry found an alexandrite ring for me, and my magpie tendencies took over. …is there something i’m missing? « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • But when you get to magpies or butcherbirds the training period becomes longer, so in fact magpies have to learn for about 5 years before they are ready to breed.
  • The Magpies are still winless in nine games but now only goal difference is keeping them in the drop zone. The Sun
  • A pair of long-tailed magpies is building a nest in the trees along the millstream that runs down from the hills and through town.
  • For the rest of his long, innovative and hugely prolific career, he drew inspiration from the comics, novelties, magazines, toys and cheap novelettes collected over the years with magpie insatiability.
  • There are 113 members of the avian family called Corvidae, or corvids, which includes crows, jackdaws, rooks, ravens, as well as jays, nutcrackers and magpies.
  • English prides itself on being the magpie language, freely picking up foreign words to incorporate into its flexible vocabulary.
  • The colourful packaging, all purples and pinks, should appeal to your magpie tendencies, while the actual products - eau de toilette, bath crystals and more - will not disappoint.
  • All it means is that you've got a magpie eye that picks up lots of things. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chit-chat - keep talking to your baby about what you see and hear as you walk along, anything from the noisy bus to the magpies squabbling in the trees.
  • Magpies can be trapped and humanely destroyed, but when a correspondent stated that they followed this practice, the reaction was almost universally hostile.
  • In a nursing home herself, with the help of a retired schoolteacher, she rewrote her entire memoir and added it to her massive magpie stack of letters, clippings, essays, and keepsakes.
  • And I've written now five new life poems, and I'm going to read you one of what I call magpie translations, because the magpie is a thief, and I'm appropriating Joseph Brodsky's imagery, but making it my own. Great Regulars: There's this one poem by Joseph Brodsky,
  • Carn the mighty (Pordadelaide) Magpies!
  • Between the bars of the rabbit hutch she thrust enough greenstuff to last the two little occupants for days; and everywhere she went she was accompanied by a legless magpie, which, in spite of its infirmity, hopped cheerily and quickly on its stumps. The Getting of Wisdom
  • Magpies have long been known as clever mimics, not afraid to tackle the call of another species of bird, or even the sound of a tractor, but Gisela Kaplan has enormous respect for them for other reasons.
  • I refuse to get involved in any arguments about black-backed maggies versus white backed Magpies or Pica Pica versus Gymnorhina Tibicen.
  • Just 40 metres away was the lynx, sharing its meal with some noisy magpies.
  • Not satisfied with the elected councilors squabbling among themselves they altercate like belligerent magpies over over who gets to peck the bottletop, and lick the cream of the milk.
  • It's lucky to chivvy the hawk what chivvies a magpie. The Romany Rye a sequel to "Lavengro"
  • A three weeks 'frost had effectually stopped the hunting; all the best tandem leaders were completely screwed; the freshmen had been "larked" till they were grown as cunning as magpies; and the Dean had set up a divinity lecture at two o'clock, and published a stringent proclamation against rows in the Quad. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 54, No. 338, December 1843
  • Collective nouns for magpies include gulp and murder. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are two sub-families: The Corvinae includes crows, ravens, nutcrackers, jackdaws, and rooks, while jays, magpies, and choughs compose the Garrulinae.
  • Disturbance after eggs are laid provides opportunities for predation by carrion crows, jays, kestrels, magpies, foxes and mink.
  • Up in the timber above them a magpie carolled and a sparrowhawk hung in the sky like a floating cross. MURDER SONG
  • Staff at the Magpie Cafe said every effort is being made to minimise the impact of the queues.
  • As the Magpies turned up the heat, Wilkinson netted again but his effort was disallowed because Emmett's pinpoint cross was deemed to have swerved out of play.
  • They are not too much like our own magpies, these ones being specialists in primary rainforest. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pair compared data from studies covering 18 different species, including dwarf mongooses, meerkats, Florida scrub jays, western bluebirds, and Australian magpies.
  • GRANT: The magpie is quiet, so Jess Relton asks a favor. Magpie Attacks Have Aussies Ducking
  • I've started a new Margaret Pie aka magpie as per my take on her from the Charles de lint book Some place to be flying. Archive 2006-11-01
  • Driving through farmland you will come across a variety of wildlife including spur winged plovers, white faced herons, and magpies playing roadside roulette and taunting cyclists.
  • Plus, it is discovered that an ambitious Calethar leader has had a new ship built, one that outguns the Magpie. Archive 2010-02-01
  • Hence we have Magpies, Robins and Wrens here which are not related to their European namesakes.
  • She opted to automatically add the tag magpie to identify tweets from advertisers. Undefined
  • They've all read the Magpie column but arrive at differing conclusions.
  • The trees are full of noisy magpie families. Times, Sunday Times
  • The magpie is monogamous, territorial, sedentary, and relatively long-lived for passerine birds, with a well-described biology.
  • Two cuckoo and two magpie nestlings were removed from different nests a day before being tested together in a same artificial nest.
  • She maun gang down the Bow wi’ the lad in the pioted coat63 at her heels. — 63 The executioner, in livery of black or dark grey and silver, likened by low wit to a magpie. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • It was Jo Gordon's trademark Dr Who scarves that first aroused the magpie eyes of the UK fashion pack three years ago, sounding the first death knell for the soppy pashmina.
  • The exquisite but inexpensive jewellery acts like a magnet to magpie wives and their pleased husbands who can finally afford ‘something really nice’ in the cheap displays.
  • So could he see himself at the Magpies for the long haul? The Sun
  • I have a magpie tendency to just buy things when I see them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Magpie, the implication is happy, always very popular.
  • I managed to avert my eyes in the Christmas decorations section - they're just so sparkly, you see… my magpie tendencies cannot resist.
  • CALL us magpies, but you can't beat a bit of bling to put sparkle into an outfit. The Sun
  • I wondered whether it includes such poems, or only nice ones, the way the RSPB is really the Royal Society for the Protection of Nice Birds – no crows, ravens, magpies, or seagulls need apply. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Perfect sunny day - in the shade of towering trees with magpies doing elegant swooping fly-bys, lorikeets twittering in packs and huge, vivid rosellas chattering from aloft.
  • The corvines - crows, rooks, jays, magpies and jackdaws - are relentless stealers of other birds' eggs and chicks.
  • Put bluntly, these birds, which include crows, ravens, magpies, and jays, can be real jerks.
  • There are also quietly baffled first-person narrators, like the man who hits a talking magpie when driving home from a café. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Together, they form a visual diary of his trips, containing thousands of photographs, ephemera, pages from magazines and newspapers - anything that catches Galliano's magpie eye.
  • He has already caught the magpie eyes of the scouts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Disturbance after eggs are laid provides opportunities for predation by carrion crows, jays, kestrels, magpies, foxes and mink.
  • Sleep through that, and you could still be woken early by magpies clattering along the corrugated rooftop like Cajun washboard-players, or an ill-bred bluetit noisily investigating the eaves. Wildwood
  • Black and white magpie geese rise like a thousand startled handkerchiefs while elegant, long-legged brolgas pick among the giant water lilies.
  • All the farmyard life was wonderful there, -- bantams, speckled and topknotted; Friesland hens, with their feathers all turned the wrong way; Guinea fowls that flew and screamed and dropped their pretty spotted feathers; pouter pigeons and a tame magpie; nay, a goat, and a wonderful brindled dog, half mastiff, half bulldog, as large as a lion. Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 7
  • A magpie is a very talkative and intelligent bird, which is even capable of imitating sounds. <i>Rowrrrrrr!</i> Manhattan's Fat Cats Size Up Last Candidates Standing
  • As we took the top out of it I found a huge nest which is what I assume was the magpie house.
  • So could he see himself at the Magpies for the long haul? The Sun
  • and rumoured and whispered, loquacious as magpies, the Gaddirs merely smiled and nodded and refused to confirm or deny anything. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • Birds (12) buzzard; hobby; wood pigeon; crow; chiffchaff; blackbird; chaffinch; grey heron; gull (unspecified); green woodpecker; magpie; owl (unspecified); How to get back to nature when camping
  • If we do not get magpies under better control the damage they do to other birds eggs and newly-hatched chicks will continue.
  • Magpies are also building their domed nests of long twigs in the trees, but have been finding it hard in the strong winds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Long-eared Owls usually nest in abandoned stick nests, often the nests of magpies, crows, ravens, or hawks.
  • and rumoured and whispered, loquacious as magpies, the Gaddirs merely smiled and nodded and refused to confirm or deny anything. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • It's great for an artist to be like a magpie, not afraid of being inspired. The Sun
  • And the word haggis or haggesse turns out to be an alternative name for magpie. News
  • The corvines - crows, rooks, jays, magpies and jackdaws - are relentless stealers of other birds' eggs and chicks.
  • See only one magpie? Times, Sunday Times
  • The brain-to-body ratio of crows, ravens and magpies equals that of dolphins and nearly matches humans.
  • Which isn't to say that their music is entirely created by others - but it is a collaborative, magpie process, drawing on the talents of remixers as much as their own restless experiments with samplers and computer programs.
  • While at this water we occasionally saw hawks, crows, corellas, a pink-feathered kind of cockatoo, and black magpies, which in some parts of the country are also called mutton birds, and pigeons. Australia Twice Traversed, Illustrated,
  • They are very far from being traditional; they are magpie collectors of everything that might suit them, and that includes rhetoric.
  • Cranberry bogs harbor a range of species that are normally associated with more northerly ecoregions such as cranberry (Vaccinium spp.), blueberry (Vaccinium spp.), bog rosemary (Andromeda glaucophylla), buckbean (Menyanthes trifoliata), northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis), fisher (Martes pennanti), and black-billed magpie (Pica pica). Appalachian mixed mesophytic forests
  • Rationalise and declutter - famous last words from a magpie who keeps everything. Times, Sunday Times
  • Magpies are also building their domed nests of long twigs in the trees, but have been finding it hard in the strong winds. Times, Sunday Times
  • NEWCASTLE, England (AFP) - Andy Carroll celebrated his birthday in style at St James 'Park as the Newcastle striker secured a point for the Magpies in an entertaining 2-2 draw with West Ham.
  • Yet, because of its magpie genesis, the new Look was vulnerable to the sharp-eyed but short of cash.
  • Magpies have been feared and loathed for centuries. The Sun
  • Magpie nests are usually high in trees, bulky structures of sticks lined with grass.
  • It also eats birds such as magpies and pigeons, rodents, wild boar and young deer.
  • Herons Ardeidae, sparrows ( Passerinae ) and common magpies ( Corvidae ) are suggested as useful bioindicators of environmental pollution.
  • The pair of magpies I watched from the bus stop came back after the snow and are well settled in their rough ball of mud and sticks (much like our apartment) over the millstream.

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