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How To Use Magnitude In A Sentence

  • Listen to our astronomers talk about the magnitudes and disunites and composition of the stars, and compare with their story that which was written in the astronomy of a few centuries ago. The World's Great Sermons, Volume 10 Drummond to Jowett, and General Index
  • As the P concentration increases to a suitable quantity, the photoconductivity of the alloy en-hances 2-3 orders of magnitude and the conduction mechanism changes from P to N type.
  • We show that such a variational state is necessary for obtaining a superconducting condensation energy with reasonable magnitude and for the effective mass of the charge carriers not being too large.
  • El Pueblo Clinic has faced adversity before, but never of this magnitude.
  • Every south coast derby is important but because of the club's position, stage of the season, and what's at stake the magnitude of this fixture has trebled tenfold.
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  • The fourth largest quake was a magnitude 9 on Russia's Kamchatka peninsula.
  • The watermen of the Mississippi delta will tell you that if you wish to gauge the magnitude of a vessel that has passed by, all you have to do is measure the size of the waves the vessel has left in its wake. Manifesting Michelangelo
  • As the signal propagates down a path, the voltage magnitude is related to the effective impedance up to the point in the signal's flight.
  • When people lose things of such magnitude, they easily lose hope too.
  • What distinguished the 1996 plan from the Arkansas effort was its sheer magnitude.
  • Ministers underestimated the magnitude of the task confronting them.
  • Obviously waves may have frequencies of intermediate magnitude and so be difficult to classify as either destructive or constructive.
  • The magnitude of the angular change associated with the transition from rigor to relaxation was similar for both light chains and amounted to less than 5 deg.
  • I provide this here so that you may see the magnitude of the battle we are waging against ignorance and scientific illiteracy.
  • In the overmodulation region, the new voltage vector's magnitude of strategy 2 is always larger than strategy 1's which leads to better dynamic performance.
  • KNOXVILLE - The University of Tennessee at Knoxville says all students and faculty on a school trip to Chile are fine and accounted for after an 8. 8-magnitude earthquake. - Local News
  • Asset deflation of this magnitude for the average American is thus very painful.
  • Still only 21, he is a nerveless and deadly finisher regardless of the magnitude of the occasion.
  • So this levee was not designed to withstand a hurricane the magnitude of Katrina.
  • May 12, 2008, a magnitude about 8.0 large earthquake has taken place in Wenchuan County at Sichuan Province,China. In spite of the big earthquake, we will not shake the resolve and even bigger rain, we poured immortal love. Without frontiers, Chinese people's love spread in the disaster.
  • It would be irresponsible for me to downplay the magnitude of this crisis or assure you that everything is under control.
  • Whatever reaction it provokes, there is an obligation to history to unmask an apparent lie of this magnitude and establish the truth.
  • Although tsunamigenic earthquakes in the Mediterranean are smaller than the biggest ones around the Pacific rim, Magnitude 8 events have been recorded, such as the 1303 Crete quake whose tsunami devastated Heraklion and Alexandria. BBC News - Home
  • Sheer orders of magnitude matter, and the orders of magnitude do not come down on the side of the real-balance effect.
  • While there is likely some rightward political bias, the magnitude of the bias might not be that significant.
  • Horrified. Sickened. I love life above everything, so when an event of this magnitude occurs, you can bet I am heartsore over the lives lost because they are covered in oil.
  • The patterns for other health authority performance indicators are similar, and the magnitude and direction of the errors in ranking may be systematic.
  • Obviously waves may have frequencies of intermediate magnitude and so be difficult to classify as either destructive or constructive.
  • I cannot emphasize too strongly the magnitude of this problem.
  • He had a little dread of the magnitude and corners of this dwelling that was to be his in the future, and of the old men who sat in it all day saying nothing, but it was strange indeed (thought he) if with Miss Mary within, and the sunshine and the throng and the children playing in the syver sand without, he should not find life more full and pleasant than it had been in the glen. Gilian The Dreamer His Fancy, His Love and Adventure
  • Magnitudes and phases corresponding to alternating load and deformation were obtained by Fourierism transform.
  • For it is the peculiarity of linear extension that it alone allows its magnitudes to be placed in _absolute_ juxtaposition, or, rather, in coincident position; it alone can test the equality of two magnitudes by observing whether they will coalesce, as two equal mathematical lines do, when placed between the same points; it alone can test _equality_ by trying whether it will become _identity_. Essays on Education and Kindred Subjects Everyman's Library
  • The magnitude of the observed anisotropic flow effect is sensitive to the degree of thermalization at the collision's earliest moments.
  • Observers south of the equator can see Scorpius rising after midnight. Compare Delta's brightness to Beta Scorpii, magnitude 2.6, and Antares, magnitude 1.1.
  • We did not think the cuts would be of this magnitude.
  • felt discouraged by the magnitude of the problem
  • The earthquake registered a magnitude of 6.8, according to early estimates.
  • Therefore, remaining interactions would be expected to be normal in terms of magnitudes and durations.
  • We were enthusiastic about making our practice more evidence based but initially daunted by the potential magnitude of the task.
  • Grasses, for example, produce an insulative thatch that reduces the average temperature and the magnitude of temperature fluctuations in surface mineral soils.
  • On the other hand, the temporal value of the unit which appears as the result of subjective rhythmization undergoes a progressive decrease in absolute magnitude as the rate of succession among the undifferentiated stimuli is accelerated. Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
  • An operation of this magnitude is going to be difficult.
  • The results support the idea that the strength of hydrogen bonding reflects the magnitude of the charges on the associated proton donor and acceptor atoms.
  • The magnitude of concern has reached the point where the state's environmental agency and a state assemblyman want the work halted until all the questions can be answered.
  • The results indicate that the amorphous film gradually transfers into microcrystalline Si, and the grain size is nanometer order of magnitude.
  • There is nothing of that magnitude, of what I call chunky, that is on the near-term horizon that is going to have to be dealt with, and in fact I think that this is probably a good point just to talk about the granularity in this loan portfolio. The Ad-Free Personal Finance Blogs Aggregator
  • With the thermodynamic value of total power, we can then estimate the average magnitude of tectonic stress.
  • Even among red wines the concentration of resveratrol can vary by more than an order of magnitude.
  • Uplift of this magnitude could have occurred during Hercynian times with the stripping of considerable amounts of Carboniferous overburden.
  • I have drawn this chart to a larger scale because it provides an excellent check of the limiting magnitude of binoculars.
  • The last 'megaquake', estimated as a magnitude 9, occurred 311 years ago. Times, Sunday Times
  • Importantly, sound - and wind-sensitive Johnston's organ neurons exhibit different intrinsic response properties: the former are phasically activated by small, bi-directional, displacements of the aristae, whereas the latter are tonically activated by unidirectional, static deflections of larger magnitude. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • This binding affinity to supercoiled DNA is approximately two orders-of-magnitude larger than on relaxed DNA.
  • Dear Mollie -- I was glad to know that bound with the fetters of Science, and depressed by thought, you were Struggling yet to ascend the rugged Steep -- where "Star eyed Science" and fame unfold their banners to every anxious aspirant, and under whose folds of magnitude and magnificence all alike are permitted to recumb, and recur those who have in vagrancy strayed "tracing Shadows" -- beware of Letter from Young John Allen to Mollie Houston,June 2, 1854
  • Most of the brighter stars plotted are of the second magnitude, while the fainter ones are of the fourth.
  • I want to know the magnitude of this equipment.
  • There was no way to simulate a spike of that magnitude.
  • If, on the other hand, as was assumed in crystallography, a regular arrangement of the atoms or the molecules in a space lattice was the basis of the shapes of the natural crystals, then, according to estimates, the distances of the points of the lattice ought to be exactly of that order of magnitude that was required for the decomposition of X-radiation in a spectrum. Nobel Prize in Physics 1924 - Presentation Speech
  • This correlation may have been increased when few extreme animals per family were selected, because the average magnitude of residual effects was likely increased.
  • The problem which the Phillips-Lipsey model then had to confront was one of measurability: not a directly observable magnitude.
  • I was overwhelmed and humbled by the magnitude of what surrounded me.
  • May 12, 2008, a magnitude about 8.0 large earthquake has taken place in Wenchuan County at Sichuan Province,China. In spite of the big earthquake, we will not shake the resolve and even bigger rain, we poured immortal love. Without frontiers, Chinese people's love spread in the disaster.
  • Some parameters affecting the frequency and magnitude of power supply, such as supply voltage, duty of control sigal. the R and C of oscillation circuit are discussed.
  • However, in practically important cases of inhomogeneous pores, as in this study, this approach gives an order of magnitude estimate only.
  • Some mills were small, although others were of much greater magnitude.
  • The method is at least one order of magnitude more efficient than conventional finite difference scheme and 3 to 5 times more efficient than pseudospectral method.
  • Objective To study the inference factors and their influence magnitude in the determination of glucose by hexokinase and oxidase method.
  • At any time, since the momenta of the two masses are opposite and equal in magnitude, the total momentum of the ‘device’ is zero.
  • In addition, the magnitude of growth-associated is similar between xylem and mesophyll and between xylem and epidermis.
  • The magnitude of the early railway works was enhanced by the severe limitation the engineers placed upon themselves as regards gradients.
  • To a certain degree this also applies to the magnitude of tje snow load.
  • The giant waves followed a massive earthquake with a magnitude of 8.0, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, that struck about 120 miles off the Samoan coast at 6:48 a.m. local time Tuesday.
  • He carried out a large survey of stellar magnitudes while at the Göttingen Observatory, publishing Aktinometrie (the first part in 1910, the second in 1912).
  • We did not realize the magnitude of the problem.
  • Clearly, given the magnitude of the task, there is no single response to the multifarious aspects of international criminality.
  • I have never underestimated the magnitude of the task before us, but nor have I flinched from my resolve that this is a road which the entire party must travel.
  • D is the magnitude of the displacement vector D.
  • Estimates differ of the magnitude of the slowdown in the second half of 2004 and in the year as whole.
  • Electronic dosimeters offer an alternative approach to biological and chemical systems, and they can be used to quantify instantaneous exposure at many time points to assess the magnitude of changing UV radiation exposures.
  • This fact accords with results of previous studies, but given the scant data and the magnitude of the values, no conclusions can be drawn.
  • The lights were all of a greater relative magnitude than Sirius - perhaps equaling or greater than Venus in brightness.
  • Signal magnitude and frequency response are functions of coil & spark plug characteristics and cylinder design.
  • The scalar product of a vector with itself is the square of the magnitude of the vector.
  • A strong, magnitude 6.5 earthquake shook Alaska's remote Aleutian Islands early Friday, the US Geological Survey reported. No casualty has been reported yet.
  • 9 To supplement a ring tape, magnitude in as good as symbol upon a behind where a fasten is to be located. Archive 2009-12-01
  • Stars of the first magnitude are visible to the naked eye.
  • Most of the brighter stars plotted are of the second magnitude, while the fainter ones are of the fourth.
  • The problem is of the same order of magnitude for all concerned.
  • These magnitudes are approximations and should in no way be considered as standard magnitude values.
  • Given the magnitude of these numbers, a substantial volume of recruitment would be expected for direct care-givers such as nursing aides.
  • Gravity doesn't act that fast, on the other hand, electric force, the coulomb attraction, is 39 orders of magnitude stronger than gravity and explains why "changes over just a few months" can be observed & measured. New Movie Reveals Birth of Super-Suns | Universe Today
  • Use the visual magnitudes and distances you found earlier to find the absolute magnitudes of these stars.
  • Organizers wish to express their enormous appreciation to community and corporate sponsors without which an event of this magnitude could not happen.
  • We've never dealt with a problem of this magnitude before.
  • One interpretation has it that Plato took numbers to be ratios of geometric magnitudes.
  • Obviously the crimes ear-marked for the extra tax are not of the magnitude which deserve severe punishment.
  • Nor could I consider the magnitude and complexity of my plan as any argument of its impracticability. Chapter 3
  • As with any book of this magnitude and diversity of authorship, there are differences in style, presentation, and depth of literature coverage.
  • The usual photographic plates, which have their principal sensibility in the violet parts of the spectrum, give us the _photographic_ magnitudes of the stars. Lectures on Stellar Statistics
  • El Pueblo Clinic has faced adversity before, but never of this magnitude.
  • Risk assessment is to qualitatively and quantitatively analyze the risks in the production system and assess the system's hazard possibility, the consequential loss and loss magnitude.
  • The unpaired electron makes the atoms themselves act like spinning bar magnets, with a magnetic moment three orders of magnitude stronger than that of precessing nuclei.
  • The approximate magnitude of the adherer effect was a 15% relative risk reduction. The adherer effect | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Only the blindest of ideologues could look at this situation and think the government is to blame, let alone to blame on the same order of magnitude as our incompetent response to the flooding in New Orleans. The Volokh Conspiracy » Now that the Government has Proved as Incompetent
  • If the atom, at the same time as it receives from without a quantum of light, emits a quantum of light of a different magnitude, and if the difference between these two quanta is identical with the quantum of light which is bound or released when an electron passes from one path to another, the quantum of light coming from without is absorbed. Nobel Prize in Physics 1930 - Presentation Speech
  • When corrections are made to take account of these differences in crustal density the magnitude of gravity anomalies is significantly reduced.
  • The magnitude of the thermal process is a function of product pH or acidity.
  • The magnitude of underpricing increased during the first month of aftermarket trading before being eliminated.
  • An operation of this magnitude is going to be difficult.
  • For children of both age groups and adults, the magnitude of the single event probability appeared to impact the proportion of correct responses in conjunctive problems of the kind presented here.
  • Thus, to say that there was an electric current of a certain magnitude in a wire was to say that, if one were to attach a voltmeter to one end of the wire, it would indicate that very magnitude.
  • The magnitude of such events being celebrated at this venue by the district administration becomes high with the participation of numerous schools and colleges.
  • The city had larded the blighted 16-acre site with subsidies, but no developer wanted to take on risk of such magnitude in a borough that hadn't seen a new office tower in a quarter-century.
  • That was a problem but this crisis is of a different order of magnitude.
  • A common response to a problem of this magnitude might be to donate some cash to a charity or to leave a bagful of staples -- rice, pasta, canned tomatoes, for example -- in the new bins for the hungry at the exit to your supermarket after you've done your own shopping. Diana Farr Louis: Food Aid Takes Off in Athens
  • The word length errors using truncation of sign magnitude code are analyzed.
  • Methods The taste threshold, magnitude matching and the number of the fungiform papillae on tongue were evaluated and compared between the menopause females and younger females.
  • The position and figure of any object are determined by determining the position of a sufficient number of points in it; and the position of any point may be determined by the magnitude of three rectangular co-ordinates, that is, of the perpendiculars drawn from the point to three planes at right angles to one another, arbitrarily selected. A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive
  • Her calculation was out by several orders of magnitude.
  • The level of the moral and psychological state is calculated as an arithmetic mean value of the magnitudes of the corresponding indicators with account taken of their weight coefficients.
  • Where the funds are going, and as Rose Ferlita so clearly pointed out in her arguments, the generosity to areas that disproportionately "augment" private business enterprise eg, sports authority beneficiaries, does not demonstrate a magnitude of benefit to justify the level in increased expenditure and are therefore ... inappropriate when other services are being left ... - Financial News
  • But unless the radiation is at least a couple of orders of magnitude above background, the additional cancers due to radiation are indistinguishable among the cancers due to chemicals, foods, viruses, and ancestry. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » My Personal Experience with Climate Alarmist Spin
  • The magnitude dependent error is the brightness when the error becomes 1.0 mag.
  • This is the star HIP 62646, of 5.7 magnitude, lying some 15 arcmin away. Telescopes Open Up the Jewel Box | Universe Today
  • Its magnitude is officially given as below 9, so that it should be invisible with binoculars.
  • The experimental results indicate that the present OLM system is capable of identifying both the location and magnitude of load with a high precision and has the satisfactory fault-tolerance.
  • A creature of this magnitude would need immense open spaces.
  • Little did he realize the magnitude of the issue which he raised, and that it would occupy his leisure for nearly twenty years.
  • An earthquake of magnitude 7 is reckoned as a major quake.
  • Stars, however, come in a staggering range of luminosities, spanning ten orders of magnitude ten powers of ten.
  • A 5.1-magnitude earthquake triggered the collapse of the mountain's north flank, unloosing the biggest landslide ever recorded and an eruption equal to 500 Hiroshimas.
  • A vector quantity has magnitude and direction.
  • The government has placed blame on the magazine for printing an unsubstantiated and uncorroborated story of this magnitude.
  • It is demonstrated that the detection sensitivity can be greatly improved, and the resolution of SFM(scanning force microscopy) image can reach nanometer order of magnitude.
  • The magnitude of the associations between CSA and subsequent high-risk sexual behaviors in these studies varied from a twofold to a ninefold increase in risk.
  • Redox mediators can accelerate the electron transfer from a primary electron donor to a terminal electron acceptor, which may increase the reaction rates by one to several orders of magnitude.
  • In the latter case there is obviously scope for a harmonizing measure of greater magnitude.
  • Cosmographical Dissertations; containing the cosmographical mystery respecting the admirable proportion of the celestial orbits, and the genuine and real causes of the number, magnitude, and periods of the planets, demonstrated by the five regular geometrical solids. ' The Astronomy of Milton's 'Paradise Lost'
  • The aura's brightness increased in magnitude.
  • In aquatic systems these processes are two orders of magnitude slower than assimilation and dissimilation.
  • A 5.4-magnitude earthquake hits southern Oregon, killing a motorist whose pickup was hit by falling rock.
  • A phasor is simply the complex representation of the rms magnitude X and the time difference [phi] (expressed in radians).
  • The short-circuit capacity of power grid and the magnitude of short-circuit current increase continuously with the growth of power system's capacity.
  • Water stress decreased the chlorophyll contents, stomatic density, and stomatic size of ginger leaves, and reduced the root activity and magnitude of bleeding sap of ginger roots.
  • I thought the ClF3 chlorine trifluoride he wrote about previously was bad, but this is a whole level of magnitude beyond that. Making Light: Open thread 136
  • Only by recognizing the magnitude of this tragedy can we impel the world to rise up and say more forcefully than it already has: 'This is not okay. Rabbi Steve Gutow: What Has Gilad Shalit Missed and What Have We Experienced?
  • The concept of unit volume polarizability is suggested in this paper, it is regarded as a criterion for the solubility magnitude of nonpolar gas in the water.
  • The largest earthquake in the northeast was probably the Cape Ann earthquake in 1755 off the coast of Massachusetts, which might have been a magnitude 5.9 quake.
  • Numbers that denote the magnitudes of sets are called cardinal numbers.
  • Friday afternoon at least had the magnitude of the snow moving in the right direction, though the substantial accumulations north of D.C. never really got incorporated into the forecast until CWG entered the "nowcasting" phase. Capital Weather Gang
  • After a century of technological evolution, advances in materials and tooling, and orders-of-magnitude leaps in computer-assisted design, automobiles circa 2012 are almost always pretty good and frequently amazing. A Nissan at CrossPurposes With Competence
  • The size and magnitude of the attendance alone is mind-boggling.
  • By using a list of stars of known magnitudes it is possible to determine the magnitude of the faintest visible stars on any particular night.
  • There was a slight tremble just before that which had a magnitude of around 1.1.
  • It would not even have constituted what accountants call a rounding error to make a saving of £2.7 billion in a total of that magnitude, yet Mr Brown could not bring himself to sack a few thousand from his overmanned client state, or trim spending elsewhere, like the private sector is being forced to do thanks to his mistakes. More anger over the 10p tax con
  • Therefore, the line seeks direction and magnitude at each brief episode of the journey.
  • But an item-by-item inventory of the most valued pieces carried away by the looters hardly seemed to capture the magnitude of what had occurred.
  • A circuit amplifies the signals to give them the proper frequency weighting, and the network combines the outputs nonlinearly to approximate the true magnitude of ambient magnetic fields impacting the body.
  • Lots of acoustic emission during the entire loading are recorded. The recording is able to indicate the occurrence time, location and magnitude of every damage (micro-crack) in the specimen.
  • Eurasian continent is considered to be the best study area for mountain altitudinal belt spectra (MAbs) researches thanks to its MAbs' magnitude and diversity.
  • One of the city's best known landmarks, the Space Needle, was built to handle a 9.1 magnitude earthquake.
  • Using this single value as a dependent variable, one can then examine what other factors - potential mediators or moderators - affect the magnitude of the difference.
  • They don't seem to grasp the magnitude of the problem.
  • In other words, it was a typical seismologic day -- in terms of sheer numbers of tremors -- in the United States; what was slightly out of the ordinary was the magnitude and location of the earthquakes, said Rafael Abreu, a News -
  • So falls are not unusual although falls of this sort of magnitude are relatively rare.
  • To each triangle, there exists a similar triangle of arbitrary magnitude.
  • In regard to the immense territory of the United States, magnitude is best conveyed by considering the variety of the society settled on it, as various as that of Europe.
  • No one ‘has a right to be anything unless he carries already in his heart such a sense of the magnitude and the capacity of his occupation as makes him teachable by experience for all that his occupation has to make known to him.’
  • The local contrast enhancement adjusts the intensity of each pixel based on its relative magnitude with respect to the bilateral filter output of its neighboring pixels .
  • Furthermore, we show that gases sampled immediately after the eruption have metal concentrations that are orders of magnitude higher than those of gases emitted during periods of quiescence.
  • It is useful to be able to provide verbal labels for likelihood ratios of various magnitudes.
  • Facing a disaster of such magnitude, understandably the government was unprepared and initially lost touch.
  • While Colorado's mountainous terrain offers innumerable beautiful sights that leave one longing for more and never satiated, its magnitude of awe and grandeur also invoke a humbling effect on mankind.
  • A narcissist of that magnitude could not resist parading his phiz on television.
  • The sheer magnitude of the force behind Joren's leg was enough rupture the man's innards and send him flying off into a tree.
  • Measuring and understanding the magnitude of the dielectrophoretic force exerted on important biopolymers such as DNA is a difficult fundamental problem that we address in this article.
  • Mercury sets an hour after sunset on the 28th and shines at magnitude - 1.3.
  • The magnitude of the electromotive force does not depend sensibly on the temperature.
  • His cell is larger than the others, owing to the sheer magnitude of his size, and it's a single.
  • This underrepresentation is of the same magnitude as the average for genes in the human genome.
  • The U.S. Geological Survey said the tremor had a magnitude of 4.8, and that its epicenter was six miles northwest of Tbilisi.
  • A vector quantity is an entity with a magnitude and a direction in space.
  • It was important that an operation of this magnitude had continuity.
  • The presence of abundant fault splays, the along-strike changes in dip magnitude and direction, and the breadth of the fault zone may indicate a negative flower structure.
  • These rises were similar in magnitude to the effects of intracolonic deoxycholate in this study.
  • Table 11.7 lays out the main elements and their likely proportional magnitude.
  • Differences between the three principal components of R (diffusion rate tensor) up to an order of magnitude signified anisotropic motion of the spin label at some locations.
  • The forces between atoms on a polymer chain are about two orders of magnitude stronger than those between chains.
  • The second thing they must guess/assess is their faith in you to do accomplish something of a similar magnitude to the comps, generally expressed as a percentage. posted by redbarren at 6: 27 PM Investing in Badly Dressed People.
  • His answer to the Eleatic problem was that continuous magnitudes are potentially divisible to infinity, in the sense that they may be divided anywhere, though they cannot be divided everywhere at the same time. Continuity and Infinitesimals
  • Unable to state how much would be required, he said a tournament of such magnitude called for substantial resources and his association was appealing for assistance to make the tournament a success.
  • Despite the magnitude of these developments, they were overtaken and eventually eclipsed in the nineteenth century.
  • For astrology pretendeth to discover that correspondence or concatenation which is between the superior globe and the inferior; natural magic pretendeth to call and reduce natural philosophy from variety of speculations to the magnitude of works; and alchemy pretendeth to make separation of all the unlike parts of bodies which in mixtures of natures are incorporate. The Advancement of Learning
  • The actual measurement is two orders of magnitude greater than we expected.
  • The reason last year's quake generated a tsunami while Friday's quake at roughly the same spot didn't even spark a warning was largely a function of strength, with the 8.8-magnitude quake being about 800 times larger in terms of energy released, said Nathan Becker, an oceanographer at the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. Earthquake Rocks Chile
  • Nevertheless, the data reflect the magnitude of the impact of agriculture on tropical forest areas.
  • Proposals of this magnitude inevitably raise serious equity and class questions that need to be addressed.
  • A temple project would often be of such magnitude that more than one generation of master cutters and masons would be required to finish it.
  • The potential changes for the next century can be put into context by comparing their rates and magnitudes to those estimated for the changes documented by paleoecological and other evidence from the late Quaternary Period (Table 7.1). Late-Quaternary changes in arctic terrestrial ecosystems, climate, and ultraviolet radiation levels
  • Most will be of greater magnitude than camping.

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