How To Use Magnified In A Sentence

  • In destinations such as Sharm el-Sheikh, which attract willing but poor hands from across the country looking for work, the effect is magnified. Egypt economy awaits its lost tourists
  • By the time we leave, the sun is a furnace blazing magnified through the windscreen, crisping my skin.
  • the fear of being sued for malpractice has magnified physicians' defensiveness
  • Matthew, in annexing this cure to that of the leper, who was a Jew, intimates this; the leprous Jews Christ touched and cured, for he preached personally to them; but the paralytic Gentiles he cured at a distance; for to them he did not go in person, but sent his word and healed them; yet in them he was more magnified. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • The uncertainty concerning the proper scope of IP rights is magnified by the onrush of technology.
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  • This Pavlovian addiction gets magnified when the merchandising of the cartoon characters starts entering into every nook and corner of the house, be it the lunch box, the school note book or the bathroom towel.
  • I think things can get magnified exponentially when you have two celebrities in a situation like this.
  • Some will be held up, magnified and singled out for attention later while others will line binders, file drawers, photoboxes, portfolios and remain hidden away.
  • Nick's blond hair shone in the light, and his big blue eyes were magnified by his glasses.
  • Of medium height, fair-haired, his gray eyes magnified by glasses with steel-blue frames.
  • Tiny ridges, bumps and cracks visible on their surfaces are magnified a thousand fold.
  • Holding the left mouse button on the right pointing arrow to move the magnified area to the right.
  • The importance of the stud starters gets magnified, and Boston has two thoroughbreds in lefty Jon Lester and Josh Beckett. What to watch for in Red Sox-Angels series
  • Their pores were more magnified than their qualms; their scruples were invisible.
  • On the decani side Patrick Ovens, a red-haired little treble, was kept awake by the necessity for altering _Magnificat_ into _Magnified The Nebuly Coat
  • Upon seeing the beast magnified and lit up with his otoscope, he was so shocked that he jumped back, tripped on a chair, and ended up on the floor. Priya Malhotra: The Common Ailment of Cockroach-in-Ear
  • In contrast to the dignified silence from the other side, even slyly whispered accusations are magnified to sound deafeningly crass.
  • The story, as he told it, magnified what he called my coolness and common-sense to a ridiculous extent. The Rise of Roscoe Paine
  • Race, gender, appearance, body language, rictal spouses and offspring, even bursts of tragic grandeur, are all subsumed by marketing and "image-making", now magnified by "virtual" technology. Archive 2008-06-01
  • But it has also presented an immediate and magnified picture of what war means on the ground, removed from any wider context of the political ends being pursued.
  • The magnified parade of protozoas, amoeba proteus and paramecia aurelia, with spirogyras and volvox green algae, amazed the kids.
  • Move the magnified area up by holding down the mouse button on the up arrow and stop at row 39.
  • It could be further magnified because over time non-U.S. firms will have much more information on and familiarity with Iranian oil and gas fields.
  • The above magnified picture was taken from below the varix; the umbo was towards the top. Lessons learned from a specimen of Spisula solidissima
  • One eye, magnified, glared at her balefully over a rounded blotch of white where a cheek was leeched to the pane. A MEANS TO EVIL
  • Inexperience is magnified as a handicap when it is compounded with two further weaknesses: impetuosity and ideology untempered by common sense. The spotlight begins to shine on the coalition's flaws and faultlines | Andrew Rawnsley
  • Logo apes Bravo's Housewives bottom-feeders with the all-male The A-List: New York, where bitchy name-dropping narcissism is magnified by a desperate desire to play to the camera. Matt's TV Week in Review
  • Our guardians of purity have magnified the pain of this family and willfully and vindictively punished them for the ‘crime’ of a biological imperfection.
  • Rather than promoting careful analysis of the ruling and rational debate, pronouncements by religious and political leaders magnified public furor.
  • With all her heart and soul, Mary magnified and glorified the Lord by proclaiming his greatness.
  • The character of Theophilus is a rare example in which religious zeal has allowed, and perhaps magnified, the virtues of a heretic and a persecutor. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The U.S. Treasury will next month issue a key currency report and contention over policy toward China could be magnified by mid-term Congressional elections in November.
  • No one pretends that for a moment, indeed the sharpness of enemy reprisals will certainly decrease as the Allied poundings itself is magnified, but the sting of the Stuka, the jeer of the Ju. 88, the drone of the Dormer, and the mischief of the Messerschmitt, have all been measured by the flying men of the United Nations, who have once again shewn themselves the salt of the earth. The Plans Unfold
  • And insomuch as He finds place in us to work, is His name hallowed, and magnified, and made known. The History and Life of the Reverend Doctor John Tauler with Twenty-Five of his Sermons
  • The Edomites shall be stigmatized as a people hated of God, but your eyes shall see your doubts concerning his love to you for ever silenced; for you shall say, and have cause to say, The Lord is and will be magnified from the border of Israel, from every part and border of the land of Israel. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Not only is it a supramundane and magnified man -- that it will always be while its spots are so anthropoid, and man himself is so anthropomorphic -- but it has ever been, and still is, a being of maleficent and misanthropic disposition. Moon Lore
  • One thing that's magnified is the effectiveness of Shaquille, his incredible ability to overmatch and overplay and over-dominate the other centers. - Lakers one win away from joining exclusive club
  • Hemisquilla californiensis – magnified view of a uropod, or tail feather, of mantis shrimp. Hemisquilla californiensis - The Panda's Thumb
  • His chin was tilted up, creating a belligerent mask-like effect, readily magnified by the frosted glare of his eyes.
  • A simple mistake in judgment was often magnified to the proportions of a major crime.
  • Although our skin looks smooth, when magnified it is full of bumps and holes.
  • Stork notes that pinpricks show that Jan van Eyck's 1432 portrait of Cardinal Albergati was magnified mechanically, with a proportional compass.
  • Those that contain the most taste buds are the fungiform papillae, so called because when magnified they look like little mushrooms. Tastes and Pleasures
  • The hardware system includes LD, PSD, inclinometer, signal magnified circuit, data collection - handling system and LCD module.
  • So the Caliph rejoiced in the acquittance of the youth and his truth and good faith; moreover, he magnified the generosity of Abu Zarr, extolling it over all his companions, and approved the resolve of the two young men for its benevolence, giving them praise with thanks and applying to their case the saying of the poet, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • This problem becomes magnified when you consider the rate at which these ad-hoc data sources are appearing, an outgrowth of the data explosion.
  • The sneer magnified on his face, then changed into mocking laughter.
  • Hemisquilla californiensis by Mike Bok — magnified view of a uropod, or tail feather, of mantis shrimp. Photo Contest Vote: Animal - The Panda's Thumb
  • They also magnified the fall in sugar production from the emancipated work force in British colonies.
  • Most importantly, shifting the magnified view up leaves the unmagnified view of the road unobstructed, which is important for safety and facilitates navigation ... Boing Boing
  • Quoth the Prince, "Then Allah (be His name magnified and His might glorified!) only willed the existence of created things, before they came into being? Arabian nights. English
  • The rest of the city lay burned or burning with the stench of flesh and blood magnified by the sunrise.
  • Jim felt the pulsing of the sun as its heat, magnified by the window it was pouring through, met with soft flesh and willing muscle.
  • The image is magnified by a series of lenses within the telescope.
  • As you fight the evildoers, your movements are magnified by the software, so you appear to be as fantastic a fighter as any fantasy video game character.
  • In poker anyone can beat anyone on the day, but the already large element of luck involved is magnified in knockout tournaments where one piece of bad fortune can send the world's best player home with nothing.
  • A single taste bud magnified resembles an orchid but what that one's drinking from is a woman's eye which must be brineless. The New Yorker
  • He drew from the portfolio a half-plate photograph of the thumb-print which appeared magnified to about four inches in length. The Red Thumb Mark
  • As the blooms dry, minor imperfections are magnified and make the dried blossom appear unsightly.
  • Her terror was magnified in her mind
  • This tour of past splendor only magnified the shock I received later when I heard the news, and saw the reactions all around me.
  • The leaves when magnified are seen to be composed of a single layer of cells, except the midrib, which is made up of several thicknesses of elongated cells. Elements of Structural and Systematic Botany For High Schools and Elementary College Courses
  • An object was magnified 200 times by the microscope.
  • As the yacht surged and rolled over the swell, every movement was magnified enormously at the top of the mast.
  • Romney's support was magnified by the large Mormon population in Nevada who turned out in large numbers to support their co-religionist. Nevada caucuses: Mitt Romney cruises to easy victory
  • In the glare of the bedside lamp she could see the features magnified, coarsened, pores like miniature craters, two unplucked hairs standing like bristles at the corner of the mouth. She Closed Her Eyes
  • Our life is of a microscopical nature; it is an indivisible point which, drawn out by the powerful lenses of Time and Space, becomes considerably magnified. Essays of Schopenhauer
  • That word dispelled the dream and the pain which had held Joan, leaving only the tenderness, magnified now a hundredfold. The Border Legion
  • Uncle Paul took out his watch again, and this time their landlady took the hint, and hurried into the kitchen, from which delicious odours soon began to escape, and in the midst of the examination upon the window-sill, where the bright sun lit up the lenses of the microscope, the magnified hydrae, with their buds and wondrous developments, were set aside, to be superseded by the morning meal. The Ocean Cat's Paw The Story of a Strange Cruise
  • Romney's vote was magnified by the large Mormon population in Nevada who turned out in large numbers to support their co-religionist. Nevada caucuses: Mitt Romney cruises to easy victory
  • Press the zoom key, located above the navigator control, position the green square over the area of the screen you want magnified, press the button again and up it comes at double the size.
  • Rather than promoting careful analysis of the ruling and rational debate, pronouncements by religious and political leaders magnified public furor.
  • Sounds were magnified a thousand fold so that the cats fight sounded like a full out war and the hounds baying at the moon sounded like fog horns on the steam ships.
  • My surprise was magnified when, instead of baiting me, Cale took one deliberate step forward and lazily asked, ‘So, are you going to eat lunch?’
  • Many people feel it's none of our business, and perhaps they're right that off-the-court misbehavior is overly magnified in this TMZ era. Howard Kurtz finds there are news nuggets in the tough, often tacky blog world
  • Justin opened the pickle bottle and did other prosaic and ungodlike acts, and Bettina laid the table on the sands like a real girl instead of a transported nymph, yet each saw the other through a golden haze which magnified the most trivial act and made it important. Glory of Youth
  • The picture shows the insect's head magnified ten times.
  • B, cross section of a very thin slice of bone, magnified about 300 diameters -- little openings (Haversian canals) are seen, and around them are ranged rings of bones with little black bodies (lacunæ), from which branch out fine dark lines (canaliculi); A Practical Physiology
  • Each work has an ethereal feel and rich harmonic texture that is magnified by a polished performance by the Westminster Cathedral choir under master of music Martin Baker.
  • When private companies enter the field of manned spaceflight, those inherent risks could be magnified.
  • I sat through lunch hour staring at a poster of a crab louse magnified to monstrous proportions.
  • A boat is like a floating drum and any noise and vibration are magnified through the water.
  • A small portion of the image surrounding one of the z lines, as indicated by the box in Fig.1 B, was magnified so that individual voxels could be seen.
  • Countries followed imprudent policies that favored monopolistic crony capitalists, inflation that magnified poverty and currency overvaluation.
  • Israel, "from" them shall raise your voices to "magnify the Lord," acknowledging that Jehovah has shown to you a gratuitous favor not shown to Edom, and so ought to be especially "magnified from the borders of Israel. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The microscope magnified the object two hundred times.
  • The pool is motionless and so clear it gives a magnified look to what is underneath the crystal sheet of water.
  • Dad's voice sounded strange in the earpiece, like the buzzily magnified voice of an insect. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • The hot summer magnified the racial tensions in the community.
  • Branched fruticose zoogloea of _Cladothrix_ (slightly magnified). Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • Attachment behaviors are likely to be heightened, and transition stress will be magnified for those who lack a safe attachment to their family members.
  • Large white-painted canvases of fabric, hugely magnified from her original studies of small pieces of cloth.
  • Hedrock knew that the speck was a magnified version of the reality, which was too small to make out with the naked eye. The Weapon Shops of Isher
  • Although research shows that prepubescent athletes sweat quite a bit less, on average, than adults, they also weigh less, so small water losses are magnified.
  • Although our skin looks smooth, when magnified it is full of bumps and holes.
  • The wrought-up, quickened pulse I always felt to some extent when cantering down to the start of a race was unduly magnified, so that I could hear my own heart beating. Dead Cert
  • Somewhere outside there was a street lamp, it was caught in the glass, repeated, magnified and diminished, countless times.
  • Without such a structure, the likelihood of what we now routinely call ‘humanitarian catastrophes’ is magnified manyfold.
  • A simple mistake in judgment was often magnified to the proportions of a major crime.
  • Although our skin looks smooth, when magnified it is full of bumps and holes.
  • We have magnified the duties of the wife, and minified the duties of the mother; and this is inevitable in The Man-Made World; or, Our Androcentric Culture
  • At the Sheffield arena, the speakers were magnified ten times on a giant screen.
  • Were these activities strung together in an integrated fashion - building on one another - the impact and potential for success would be magnified dramatically.
  • This tour of past splendor only magnified the shock I received later when I heard the news, and saw the reactions all around me.
  • The sound was magnified by the high roof.
  • He, too, has worked very large and with heroic, mythic narratives, but once again, seems to take an ironical stance toward monumentality by his use of magnified sgraffito and scrawled imagery.
  • If Rowling had written it, it would be called an Unforgivable, the Broken Heart Curse, to be hit with a hex that forces you to relive your greatest regrets in magnified, accusatory glory. All in a day « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • This floral extravaganza, splashed across the green canvas of a meadow, has been shaped and coloured, magnified and titivated by the past choices made by animal eyes: bee eyes, butterfly eyes, hoverfly eyes. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • Such nondegradable pollutants not only accumulate but are often "biologically magnified" as they move along food chains.
  • The words escaped my lips with a tremble, magnified in an echo that swept through the room.
  • Consequently all the city's contrasts, contradictions and ambiguities seem to be magnified by the scorching sun.
  • In "Casablanca" we're told that Ilsa was due to fly to Lisbon, but in reality, Mr. Lochery notes, the scene at the city's airport with smugglers, spies and refugees was really "Casablanca" magnified "twentyfold. The Capital of Intrigue in a World at War
  • When players are magnified in stature and their abilities multiplied there are two dangers.
  • For interpreters, the problem in magnified since they generally don’t have the time to think about different ways to translate hard words. Reflective Surface - Untranslatable words
  • The slightest miscue was liable to be unflatteringly magnified.
  • The microscope magnified the object two hundred times.
  • At the Sheffield arena, the speakers were magnified ten times on a giant screen.
  • This is a highly magnified photograph of a glochid taken with a scanning electron microscope.
  • The 1848 political season was just beginning, and already it was reaching a white-hot intensity—kindled in part by that dynamic dynast of American politics, Henry Clay, whose magnified presence shone over the nation like a late afternoon sun over the sea. A Country of Vast Designs
  • Young ceratodus, shortly after issuing from the egg, magnified ten times. k gill-cover, l liver. The Evolution of Man — Volume 2
  • That brings a formidable new dimension to the conflict, further magnified by its global scale.
  • When this spectrum is magnified, black lines can be seen superimposed on the colours.
  • Imagine the smell of a dentist drilling into your teeth magnified a thousand times or more as ivory was fed into cutting machines that had to be water-cooled. Ivory's Ghosts: White Gold and the Fate of the Elephant
  • I particularly like this one above, the Atherix ibis (watersnipe fly) aquatic larva magnified 25x by Fabrice Parais of DIREN Basse-Normandie in Hérouville-Saint-Clair, France. 2009 Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition
  • The importance of his remarks has been magnified out of all proportion.
  • First, tadpole foraging and growth rate may increase with increased size, and hence any negative effect of the predator on growth rate will be magnified at high tadpole growth rates.
  • We have magnified the power of our technologies a thousandfold.
  • Trapped for weeks on end with the same group of people, under the same roof, the constant casual cruelties of adolescence were both magnified and intensified - causing me much quiet suffering.
  • God's power and grace are magnified in quickening what to the eye of flesh seems dead and hopeless (Ro 4: 17, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Dick's drug use was much magnified and mythified, as well.
  • The dry summer has magnified the problem of water shortages.
  • Often induced by witnessing atrocities, the trauma's impact has been magnified by the effects of malnutrition and squalid living conditions.
  • Gravity working over billions of years would have magnified these perturbations into the universe we observe today.
  • To get an adequate idea of a floor filled with cabins, you have merely to magnify a layer of the pasteboard pigeon-holes of an egg - crate till each pigeon-hole is seven feet in height and otherwise properly dimensioned, then place the magnified layer on the floor of COFFEE-HOUSES AND DOSS-HOUSES
  • Every minor flaw gets magnified and many even develop a complex about it.
  • Suppose it be desired to photograph four different species of acari on one plate, the image of each when magnified to the desired extent only covering about one-fourth the exposed area of the plate. Scientific American Supplement, No. 483, April 4, 1885
  • Living on her starboard side with the decks at about 35, its imposing immensity is magnified by the metallic reverberations in the ocean.
  • Her eyes are huge, like something you would expect to see magnified behind thick owlish glasses, lovely and bright blue, the sapphire enhanced wonderfully by her ivory skin and dyed black bob.
  • Her brown eyes were three times magnified and bobbed around behind the octagonal glass like dying goldfish, staring me down as she tottered down the aisle to the bathroom for the seventeenth time.
  • Track position is magnified at this place because we've got the valances on the ground, we've got the spoilers way up in the air.
  • Techshare gains were magnified by portfolio borrowings that last summer equaled about 15 cents for each dollar invested.
  • The knocking through the pipes, magnified by the absence of the radiator, was at once ominous, prophetic. THE LAST RAVEN
  • I felt almost faint with awe as I found myself staring at the hugely magnified face of the moon. RESCUING ROSE
  • Prince of True Believers, my handmaid is worth more than this: do but prove her, and her value will be magnified in thine eyes; for this slave-girl hath not her equal, and she were unfit to any but thou.’ The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The manic energy he puts into the story is reflected and magnified in the attitude, motion and beauty of his cast.
  • What he builds this hope upon: "Thou hast delivered my soul from death, and therein hast magnified thy power and goodness, and put me into a capacity of receiving further mercy from thee; and now wilt thou not secure and crown thy own work? Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • On a still smaller scale, magnified several hundred times, similar patterns emerge on the surface of a pollen grain.
  • Crystals of potassium ferricyanide are magnified 40 times in this image made by Stefan Eberhard of the University of Georgia, Complex Carbohydrate Research Center in Athens, Georgia.
  • Its clear globe reveals a magnified view into the pores of the leaf upon which it rests, encouraging appreciation to the macrocosm of beauty that exists at micro scale.
  • The world had all at once grown very large, a distress to her imagination; worse still, she had herself become a person of magnified importance, irrecognisable in her own sight, moving, thinking so unnaturally. The Nether World
  • Did changes in the intensification of farming lead to magnified problems?
  • This photo of a diogenite is magnified 40 times - exactly the same amount as the eucrite.
  • The risk for foodborne and waterborne infections among immunosuppressed, HIV-infected persons is magnified during travel to developing countries.
  • Those small moments of relative lushness are magnified, become powerful and touching, in their drab context.
  • Magnified high-speed videography revealed that both Leptotyphlops dulcis and Typhlops lineolatus ingest and transport their insect prey using rapid jaw ratcheting mechanisms.
  • A simple mistake in judgment was often magnified to the proportions of a major crime.
  • It is easy to see why a fall in interest rates has a magnified effect in Anglo-American economies, and when rates are rising there is a significant depressing effect.
  • One eye, magnified, glared at her balefully over a rounded blotch of white where a cheek was leeched to the pane. A MEANS TO EVIL
  • Slide 30: COMPUTER DOS I METRY  Possible to preplan implants & complete isodose distribution corresponding to final source distribution  Rapid & fast; helps modify implant  Isodose patterns can be magnified & superimposed on implant radiograph  Localization of sources:  Orthogonal Imaging method  Stereo-shift method  CT  Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The ineradicable divisions of Guelf and Ghibelline were a heavy price to pay for a step forward on the path of emancipation; nor was the ecclesiastical revolution, which tended to Italianize the Papacy, while it magnified its cosmopolitan ascendency, other than a source of evil to the nation. Renaissance in Italy, Volume 1 (of 7) The Age of the Despots
  • In the photograph above, for instance, eggs from the Central American stick-insect genus Bacteria are shown, magnified roughly fifteen diameters; the brown, knobby protruberances are the capitula.
  • Here the image is magnified by a second lens, known as the eyepiece.
  • Those small moments of relative lushness are magnified, become powerful and touching, in their drab context.
  • A simple mistake in judgment was often magnified to the proportions of a major crime.
  • At the Sheffield arena, the speakers were magnified ten times on a giant screen.
  • It also offers a magnified view of the target for more precise aiming, which facilitates headshots out to 400 yards.
  • The Internet and social networking applications have bypassed the traditional media filter and magnified the influence of fringe activists on public perceptions of Islam.
  • The dry summer has magnified the problem of water shortages.
  • She had to force her body to cooperate in every move she tried, and any sudden movement that jarred her aching body was magnified ten times more in her skull.
  • My first thought was I had stitched the wrong images together, my second was to check the 550D sensor specs again (22. 3x14.9mm ... it should handle 12mm with overlap in either orientation, so no), but since the problem only affects the 1. 4x TCed shot, it seems logical that the shift is also being "magnified" - something I had not even considered. News: Digital Photography Review (
  • The daring of his exploits had been hugely magnified by constant telling.
  • The deformities of his body are magnified by his motley, and his glassy eye stares all the more blankly for the surrounding grease paint.
  • They varied in length from a point to one-tenth of an inch; and when highly magnified, were found beautifully moniliform. The Ocean and its Wonders
  • Her blue eyes were magnified from the lenses of her glasses, making them appear like pools of the Pacific Ocean.
  • A simple mistake in judgment was often magnified to the proportions of a major crime.
  • Yet if vulnerabilities and safeguards aren't linked, and vested interests are allowed to get in the way of objectivity, risk will only be magnified.
  • The top of the clear block is very slightly domed, as if held by surface tension; it renders the concrete floor beneath it so vivid it seems magnified.
  • The hot summer magnified the racial tensions in the community.
  • The more boring details drop away into a passacaglia's inevitable ground bass, whilst the exciting become magnified beneath a glass destructive of proportion and accuracy.
  • But I don't think he will: his bobbles so far have actually been pretty minor, magnified mainly by the hyper-scrutiny of the blogosphere.
  • This floral extravaganza, splashed across the green canvas of a meadow, has been shaped and coloured, magnified and titivated by the past choices made by animal eyes: bee eyes, butterfly eyes, hoverfly eyes. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • In remote and isolated regions of the Pacific Rim, for instance, these problems are considerably magnified.
  • 5 And your eyes shall see, and ye shall say, The Lord will be magnified from the border of Israel. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Maggot of House-fly (_Musca domestica_), _a_, side-view, magnified 5 times; _b_, prothoracic spiracle; _c_, feeler; The Life-Story of Insects
  • The innumerable nuances and petty snobberies of noble life before 1789 were reproduced and magnified in the princely courts of Turin and then Koblenz.
  • In P, another clone has been magnified, showing ectopic ocelli and bristles in the frons.
  • Crook's promise of a separate reservation in the north-however qualified, however magnified by agency peace-talkers-secured the surrenders on White River.
  • ‘Since I started off in management, the pressure on managers has magnified a hundredfold,’ he laments.
  • With his sculptures of colossal buttons, gigantic clothes pins and over-sized typewriter erasers, Oldenburg magnified and monumentalized the objects of his time and place, "said Coggin, designer. Undefined
  • I'm talking about the way in which the game is brought to the fans at home - the magnified shot of whether or not a ball hit the ground, the immediate slo-mo that is still crystal clear, that kind of stuff.
  • Yet a khan, whose power they vainly magnified, is said to have received at their hands the rites of baptism, and even of ordination; and the fame of Prester or Presbyter John 117 has long amused the credulity of The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • But the plight of Cameron - whose guilt must have been magnified by the island's microscopic smallness and the glare of the lighthouse lamp - was peculiarly unaffecting.
  • He could walk around in his mind, but every step he took, he noticed that there was a magnified clop that followed.
  • There, in perfect view, a glowing sphere of blues and whites and greens magnified in the black sky.
  • However much she mocked her imagination, the sound became more and more like breathing magnified into menace. THE LAST RAVEN
  • In other words, the synergistic effects of one solution can be magnified by other solutions in the chain.
  • There is no shortage of bad calls during the season, but in the playoffs the importance is magnified.
  • Yea he extolled him to a more heigth then was appliable to the nature of man, calling him the woorde, the spirite, the soule of GOD, borne out of a virgines wombe, whome he also with many wondrefull praises magnified. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
  • The natural evolution of language has integrated colloquialisms, or slang words, into everyday speech, but it has also magnified complexities associated with English grammar.

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