
How To Use Magnificence In A Sentence

  • It was still cold and a little gloomy but there was a dour magnificence to it.
  • While poor excommunicated Miss Tox, who, if she were a fawner and toad – eater, was at least an honest and a constant one, and had ever borne a faithful friendship towards her impeacher and had been truly absorbed and swallowed up in devotion to the magnificence of Mr Dombey and Son
  • Such a cosmogonic extravagance appeared to diminish the magnificence of the created order in our own world.
  • And when the silent darkness enveloped all this beauty, and grandeur, and magnificence in undistinguishable gloom, my mind experienced that wonderful sense of freedom and relief which come from all that suggests the idea of boundlessness -- the deep sky, the dark night, the endless circle, the illimitable waters. The Story of My Life Being Reminiscences of Sixty Years' Public Service in Canada
  • It is autocracy reverting to its normal state of palace crime, blood - stained magnificence, and moral squalor.
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  • Dear Mollie -- I was glad to know that bound with the fetters of Science, and depressed by thought, you were Struggling yet to ascend the rugged Steep -- where "Star eyed Science" and fame unfold their banners to every anxious aspirant, and under whose folds of magnitude and magnificence all alike are permitted to recumb, and recur those who have in vagrancy strayed "tracing Shadows" -- beware of Letter from Young John Allen to Mollie Houston,June 2, 1854
  • The magnificence of royal palaces, no matter how richly appointed, cannot take away the disappointment of a bad performance.
  • But it is unseemly to see such a Grand Potentate in such a state of decay: the son of Bajazet Ilderim insolvent; the descendants of the Prophet bullied by Calmucs and English and whipper-snapper Frenchmen; the Fountain of Magnificence done up, and obliged to coin pewter! Notes of a Journey From Cornhill to Grand Cairo
  • Magnificence there was, with some rude attempt at taste; but of comfort there was little, and, being unknown, it was unmissed. Ivanhoe
  • His magnificence are Chinese civilization magnify and expression of ages atmosphere.
  • The magnificence and splendor of the city is at its peak during this season.
  • Tholouse, whom Montoni had mentioned with more eclat to his own vanity than credit to their discretion, or regard to truth, she determined to give concerts, though she had neither ear nor taste for music; conversazioni, though she had no talents for conversation; and to outvie, if possible, in the gaieties of her parties and the magnificence of her liveries, all the noblesse of The Mysteries of Udolpho
  • Humbled by the magnificence of the falls, Lewis felt his written description impossibly inadequate.
  • These displays soon became celebrated as exemplars of enlightened princely patronage and magnificence.
  • With the leap to exterior grandeur from the 1870s went a new concentration on the magnificence of the interior arrangements of stations.
  • Salacious in a grubby way; even in his peculations there was no magnificence.
  • It is autocracy state of palace crime, blood - stained magnificence, and moral squalor.
  • The range, magnificence and diversity of the monuments in the Luxor area is unsurpassed in all of Egypt.
  • Sufetula was built one hundred and fifty miles to the south of Carthage: a gentle declivity is watered by a running stream, and shaded by a grove of juniper-trees; and, in the ruins of a triumpha arch, a portico, and three temples of the Corinthian order, curiosity may yet admire the magnificence of the Romans. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Distressed Duenna, on whose behalf I bear a message to your highness, which is that your magnificence will be pleased to grant her leave and permission to come and tell you her trouble, which is one of the strangest and most wonderful that the mind most familiar with trouble in the world could have imagined; but first she desires to know if the valiant and never vanquished knight, Don Don Quixote
  • Ibsen's magnificence is hard to put across: the drama opens in a drawing room and ends in a howling waste. Ulster Bank Dublin theatre festival – review
  • The city of Old Goa was once said to rival Lisbon in its magnificence.
  • Another tribute to the magnificence of Oppenheimer's mind: in the end he became my master at the game -- he who had never seen a chessman in his life. Chapter 14
  • Mount Tai, with its magnificence, precipitousness and natural beauty, is famous for its rich cultural relics.
  • Historians have stated that its completeness, setting, size and sheer magnificence make it the finest citadel on earth.
  • A sudden impression of the magnificence of this church, its vastness filled with dusk, a few wax tapers scattered along the nave; in the far distance a lit-up altar throwing its light up into the vault of an aisle, showing the shimmer of golden coffering; the crowd circling unseen. The Spirit of Rome
  • Above all, Tchaikovsky's enduring music soars with its timeless magnificence.
  • But there is lusciousness in those desserts, an in-yer-face magnificence, which didn't quite show itself in the same way elsewhere. Restaurant review: the Kingham Plough
  • He accompanied them, with all the grandees of the court, as far as to the Escurial, which is a famous royal palace not far from Madrid, built and furnished in the most sumptuous style of magnificence and splendor. Charles I Makers of History
  • To think an animal of that magnificence is being exploited by an outfitter -- whose only claim to "fame" is plain, dumb luck; being in the wrong place at the wrong time -- greatly sickens me. Exclusive Video: Is This the Walking Record Whitetail?
  • Tholouse, whom Montoni had mentioned with more eclat to his own vanity than credit to their discretion, or regard to truth, she determined to give concerts, though she had neither ear nor taste for music; conversazioni, though she had no talents for conversation; and to outvie, if possible, in the gaieties of her parties and the magnificence of her liveries, all the noblesse of The Mysteries of Udolpho
  • To understand the magnificence of the wonderful structure, the reader must have in mind the laws affecting light in transmission through water -- the frangibility of the rays, the frequent alternations in dispersion, reflection, interference and accidental and complementary color. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 28, July, 1873
  • Diplomatically, Britain had been cornered and her splendid isolation was more discomforting than her solitary magnificence.
  • Derec scarcely noted this magnificence, his attention instead riveted on the admiral's other visitor, a portly man plainly dressed.
  • In addition, he possessed of himself all the natural attributes of chiefship: the gigantic stature, the fearlessness, the pride; and the high hot temper that could brook no impudence nor insult, that could be neither bullied nor awed by any utmost magnificence of power that walked on two legs, and that could compel service of lesser humans, not by any ignoble purchase by bargaining, but by an unspoken but expected condescending of largesse. THE BONES OF KAHEKILI
  • A golden footstool is mentioned (2Ch 9: 18) as attached to this throne, whose magnificence is described as unrivalled. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Jane could stretch out on a lounger on the balcony, enjoying the dwarfing magnificence of the volcanoes on neighbouring Bali and Lombok.
  • Lucullus spent the remainder of his days in voluptuous magnificence
  • The extent and magnificence of the ruins was dazzling to behold.
  • We might as well have been in Paris or Rome, such was the beauty and magnificence of our trip.
  • We are not demoralized or effeminated by the luxury and abundance which are ours, but elevated rather, and strengthened by the very magnificence and opulence of our circumstances, and by the perfect freedom, under healthful restraint, which we enjoy through the community's strong, vigorous, moral and intellectual tone. The Dominion in 1983
  • As he 'chewed' on it in meditation the depths of the meaning and the power in the words came through in all their magnificence and, through it, he both touched God and was touched by God. St. Francis's 'Our Father' prayer and meditation reveals his understanding of God and His goodness - which is everywhere and in everything!
  • At first he planned a reproduction of Rubens 'palace in Antwerp, open _loggie_ for studios, leafy gardens covered with flowers at all seasons, and in the paths, gazelles, giraffes, birds of bright plumage, like flying flowers, and other exotic animals which this great painter used as models in his desire to copy Nature in all its magnificence. Woman Triumphant (La Maja Desnuda)
  • never had the wildest flights of fancy imagined such magnificence
  • The Queen's building itself has a magnificence and a splendour that befits its reputation.
  • Geared from the start with her charm, fierce determination and a precocious vocabulary, I didn't like her, and I didn't like the character of the debouched marshal played with obnoxious magnificence by Jeff Bridges. Carol Smaldino: Examining Our Nation's True Grit: Can We Change Our Minds?
  • 'I do not think you can convince mankind,' said my husband, 'that there is not a certain magnificence about a great empire in being.' Black Lamb and Grey Falcon: Part IV
  • In the drawing room he is polish'd, well bred, and from the pomp and magnificence of style in which he lives he cannot fail at first to impose on the stranger a good opinion of at least his gentlemanly manners, and courtlike behaviour. Charles Philip Yorke, Fourth Earl of Hardwicke, Vice-Admiral R.N. — a Memoir
  • Certes, we can say none otherwise than that the king's magnificence was a virtue, whilst that of the churchman was a miracle, inasmuch as the clergy are all exceeding niggardly, nay, far more so than women, and sworn enemies of all manner of liberality; and albeit all men naturally hunger after vengeance for affronts received, we see churchmen, for all they preach patience and especially commend the remission of offences, pursue it more eagerly than other folk. The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
  • I felt I had truly come to know this contradictory and elusory person and came to have even greater respect for the sweep and magnificence of his achievements
  • The eye of the spectator is disappointed by an irregular prospect of half-domes and shelving roofs: the western front, the principal approach, is destitute of simplicity and magnificence; and the scale of dimensions has been much surpassed by several of the Latin cathedrals. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Page view page image: where dwelt priests and nobles, illumined the propyla of the temples, burnished the lakes, gilded the obelisks, and flooded the whole City of the Sun with magnificence; — for there is a splendor and glory in the sunshine of Egypt unknown in other lands, the result of the purity of the crystalline atmosphere. The pillar of fire, or, Israel in bondage
  • This version is splendid in its magnificence, and gives the film its proper due.
  • Palaces, with gorgeous façades and triple stories of colonnades, composed street after street, while fountains and statues and propyla, temples, monoliths, andro-sphinxes and crio-sphinxes presented, as I rode along through this superb “City of the Sun,” an endless spectacle of architectural grandeur and marble magnificence. The pillar of fire, or, Israel in bondage
  • It's a sad story," said Will, thinking of the strange magnificence of Bartholomew's folly. SACRAMENT
  • Elegant enclosure made by valuable log, together with gilding vertical shaft and beautiful curlicue shows magnificence.
  • Arising from the mist of a lake's memory, a glorious, colorful canopy of magnificence is being readied for its introduction. Jack Schimmelman: Central Park ... A Performance in Four Seasons (Autumn)
  • They have torn the soul of Christ into silly strips, labelled egoism and altruism, and they are equally puzzled by His insane magnificence and His insane meekness. Orthodoxy
  • He had known how to brace himself for that other authority -- there had, at any rate, been consistency and even a kind of chiselled magnificence in that stiff brutality -- now there was degradation, crawling devilry, things unmentionable .... Fortitude
  • The Shaugh keepeth a great magnificence in his court: and although sometimes in a moneth or six weekes none of his nobilitie or counsaile can see him, yet goe they daily to the court, and tary there a certaine time vntil they haue knowen his pleasure whether hee will commaund them any thing or not. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Shorthorn harem, and the Shorthorn harems of bulls that were only little less than King Polo in magnificence and record; and Parkman, the Jersey manager, was on hand, with staffed assistants, to parade Sensational CHAPTER XVI
  • On each side, there are niches in the intercolumniation of the walls, together with pedestals and shafts of pillars, cornices, and an entablature, which indicate the former magnificence of the building. Travels through France and Italy
  • They have with them an unutterable glory of conscious power, the magnificence of a perfect, God-given nature, such a haughty spirit of rivalless dominion as might have swelled the soul of a Jewish queen, monarch of Israel, ruler of God's chosen people in the day of their unbroken pride, when she felt that none greater than herself dwelt upon the globe. The Continental Monthly, Vol III, Issue VI, June, 1863 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • As she rocked to and fro she felt the tensity of woe in abandonment, the magnificence of wrath after deception, the languour of sorrow after defeat. Sister Carrie
  • Floral magnificence should not be missed at a flower festival taking place this weekend in a York village church.
  • for magnificence and personal service there is the Queen's hotel
  • This delightful anthology of prose and poetry, mostly homegrown but with contributions from Pliny on the magnificence of the box hedges cut into a thousand animal shapes in his Tuscan garden (with hippodrome), the 9th-century Frankish monk Strabo on the cultivation of dung heaps, and Thomas Jefferson on his ever-expanding vegetable patch, is the perfect companion for weeding, dead-heading, pricking out and mulching. Back to nature
  • The peristylium itself, despite its mute and lonely magnificence, bore traces of the turmoil that reigned throughout the city; there were obvious signs that men had lived and worked here but a very little while ago, that they had been afraid and then had run away. "Unto Caesar"
  • Imperiall seale, to sundrie forren Princes, vnto whom he was minded to iourney: which your magnificence did purchase unto him happily, according to his desire, both passage without all perill, through your notable credit, and also atchieuing of his iourney through your commendation. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • To-day they are the only landmarks of this necropolis, which is nearly six miles in length, and was formerly covered by temples of a magnificence and a vastness unimaginable to the minds of our day. Egypt (La Mort de Philae)
  • But the magnificence of the movie lies in its portrait of Sheriff Ed Tom Bell, a 19th-century-style lawman caught up in a late-20 th-century narco war.
  • And tonight it seemed so anticlimactical … so slight in the magnificence of our victories. The Story of World War II
  • He cradled a golden scepter in the crook of his right arm, and a golden crown of unmatched magnificence was perched on his head.
  • When he went in, Mrs. Davis was standing behind the counter, dressed in a cap of wonderful grandeur, and a red tabinet gown, which rustled among the pots and jars, sticking out from her to a tremendous width, inflated by its own magnificence and a substratum of crinoline. The Three Clerks
  • And oftentimes in their dinnerless despair hugely gluttonized, and would fain have grown fat, by reflecting upon the magnificence of their genealogies. Mardi: and A Voyage Thither, Vol. I (of 2)
  • And there, also, were parks, pleasure-grounds, and public squares, all so admirably defined by the agency of the winds and rains of ages, that the traveller might readily imagine himself to have arrived within the precincts of the deserted city of some peopleless country, whose splendor and magnificence once more than vied with the far-famed Palmyra of the desert, even in its best days. ROCKY MOUNTAIN LIFE
  • He held his head high and regal, and all of the distinguished princely magnificence was back in his bearing as he marched toward the field.
  • In its heyday, the Cathay was renowned for its luxury and magnificence.
  • She has been painstakingly restoring the property to its original magnificence during the past three years.
  • A pair of hob-nailed bluchers and a battered straw hat gave a somewhat feeble finish to these magnificences. Aunt Rachel
  • But only long enough for her to look the other way, so I can once again catch a glimpse of magnificence.
  • She is overawed by the moody magnificence of Glencoe, and entranced by the beauty of Edinburgh.
  • He propped it against the legs of a chair, that the dapperling might view his own magnificence.
  • The abundance, colour and contentment of Autumn reflect the magnificence of our God so what better time to stop, reflect and pray?
  • I may not remove overfar from you, I purpose to relate to you of a marquess, not an act of magnificence, but a monstrous folly, which, albeit good ensued to him thereof in the end, I counsel not any to imitate, for it was a thousand pities that weal betided him thereof. The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
  • It is a flying and lively and mysterious and magnificence world with the rich aesthetics which comes from flexuous line, life, fly, belief.
  • [551] A pleasant study, in poetic use of imagery and phrase, is the gradation from the bare and grand Lucretian simplicity of _silentia noctis_, through the "favour and prettiness" (slightly tautological though) of the Virgilian _tacitae per amica silentia lunae_, to the recovery and intensifying of magnificence in _dove il sol tace_. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
  • What kingly magnificence could mean is brought to life by the great barrow-burial at Sutton Hoo on the East Anglian coast.
  • It was a marvelous display of an orderly universe and a never-to-be forgotten experience of eerie beauty and magnificence.
  • The chief characteristic of Milton's poetry is its sublimity, which is the natural outcome of the magnificence of his conceptions and of his own pure imaginative genius. The Astronomy of Milton's 'Paradise Lost'
  • We might as well have been in Paris or Rome, such was the beauty and magnificence of our trip.
  • Henry's natural inspiration partially comes from the excitement, brilliance and magnificence from the art world.
  • Delhi is a city of magnificence and desolation, grandeur and history, all seeped in red and purple.
  • The magnificence and diversity of the wildlife and landscape is unsurpassed.
  • I am simply unable to adequately come up with words to convey the beauty and magnificence of this film.
  • These historians believe that the Taj Mahal symbolizes the tyranny of a powerful ruler exploiting his subjects and flaunting his magnificence to the world.
  • While we contemplate the magnificence of the universe, and mensurate the fitness and adaptation of one part to another, the small philosopher hangs upon a hair or creeps within a wrinkle, and cries out shrilly from his elevation that we are blind and superficial. Imaginary Conversations and Poems A Selection
  • The background is no incidental backcloth for the staging of the figure's magnificence.
  • But we are visibly stunned by the disappearance of one of those monuments to our own magnificence.
  • It had been an historic send-off in the medieval magnificence of the abbey's Gothic stone vaults.
  • He is, as he so loves to be, correct - but not in any sense which would make his golden gloriole radiate with greater magnificence.
  • -- Outwardly there was pomp, stately manners, pageantry, high magnificence; inwardly, a burning-up of the national imagination to ensoul it. The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19
  • There was earlier magnificence in a series of tableaux showing Australia's ancient and modern history, and then an athletes' entrance full of such warmth that it overran by almost an hour.
  • It's a sad story," said Will, thinking of the strange magnificence of Bartholomew 's folly. SACRAMENT
  • A new future will spread its magnificence out before us.
  • Creation's magnificence leads us to such foundational religious concepts as respecting the stranger, venerating God, and so on.
  • We must, in other words, transform this tragedy into a triumph, a triumph of man's magnificence to man.
  • Moreover their capital was famous as a City of Palaces, able to rival in grandeur and magnificence anything in South Asia.
  • Wherefore, sitting up in the bedde, and particularly observing all the things about him: albeit he knew sufficiently the magnificence of Saladine, yet now it appeared far greater to him, and imagined more largely thereof, then hee could doe before. The Decameron
  • The rage for mirrors reached an apogee in the construction of the great Hall of Mirrors at Louis XIV's palace at Versailles, completed in 1678; here the Sun King's magnificence could be endlessly reflected.
  • Even through all their fear, the trees still impressed them with their magnificence.
  • This pagoda had four sides and five storeys, and the carvings on the sides were famous for their magnificence.
  • But only the next morning could we fathom the magnificence of the temple with its huge pylons and obelisks.
  • Retaining its magnificence and glory, Surakarta Keraton, along with the Mangkunegaran Fort, has continued to serve as a symbol of Javanese culture.
  • The Queen's building itself has a magnificence and a splendour that befits its reputation.
  • The sheer magnificence and beauty of the pictures will appeal to scientists and artists alike.
  • As Modeste, dazzled by the magnificence of the great lords, entered and beheld this lesser Versailles, she suddenly remembered her approaching interview with the celebrated duchesses, and began to fear that she might seem awkward, or provincial, or parvenue; in fact, she lost her self-possession, and heartily repented having wished for a hunt. Modeste Mignon
  • `Nothing," Thopas replied, `I was just overcome by the magnificence of it all. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • After lunch we assayed the Chateau itself and managed to complete tours of both the State and Private Apartments which were only slightly distinguishable in terms of their magnificence.
  • Busoni's hitherto unparalleled magnificence as a pianist was naturally reflected in a substantial amount of music for piano.
  • Amy ordered the housekeeper to arrange them, thinking that the magnificence might lift her father's spirits. THE WHITE DOVE
  • Only Mrs Norton, having deposited her grey satin magnificence upon the sofa, protested mutely against what she considered a tendency to 'rowdyism' in her hostess; flirted -- intellectually -- with any one who had the hardihood to sit near her; and on the stroke of ten rose with a suppressed yawn and a transparently insincere little speech about an enjoyable evening. The Great Amulet
  • The woman strode quickly to the tables, scooped up a few fallen petals, and dusted the throne with a clean rag, though it was already sparkling magnificence.
  • I stood some time and admired the riches and magnificence of the room; but above all, the footcloth, the cushions and the sofas, which were all lined with Indian stuff or gold, with pictures of men and beasts in silver admirably executed. Fairy Tales from the Arabian Nights
  • The magnificence and splendor of the city is at its peak during this season.
  • The lithe spirit is somewhat changed for the Sixth Concerto which is a full blown four movement work containing much barnstorming and magnificence all around.
  • There was the streaming of lamps and chandeliers, the swell of enchanting music, the whirl of the fascinating polka, redowa or mazurka, while throngs of richly attired and lovely women were constantly enhancing the magnificence of the scene by their arrival. Edmond Dantès

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