How To Use Magnetic resonance imaging In A Sentence
Magnetic resonance imaging tests, or MRIs, make use of and may emit small amounts of nonionizing electromagnetic radiation.
They are using a type of magnetic resonance imaging to demonstrate consciousness in comatose patients.
Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in finding acute posterolateral corner injury of the knee.
The study consisted of simple letter-recognition tests given to 17 volunteers, ages 19 to 48, while blood flow to a section in the front of the brain called the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was measured by magnetic resonance imaging.
Archive 2008-12-01
In order to do that, they used a technique called fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging, which detects changes in oxygen consumption by different parts of the brain while it is performing a certain task.
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The best diagnostic test available for DVT is venography, although magnetic resonance imaging may rival venography for accuracy.
Nanoscale magnetic resonance imaging is achieved by manipulating the hydrogen nuclei in the sample with a radiofrequency magnetic field generated by a 'microwire' -- red.
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Those measures may include magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, exams of the breast, considered a more sensitive screening test for breast tumors than a mammogram, Narod said.
It is superseding most diagnostic endoscopic cholangiopancreatography as faster magnetic resonance imaging scanners become more widely available.
Others use magnetic resonance imaging, like those used to find tissue damage in humans, to detect explosives.
In collaboration with scientists at Princeton University, Johnson and colleague Michael Rugg, CNLM director, used functional magnetic resonance imaging to study the brain activity of students.
They are using a type of magnetic resonance imaging to demonstrate consciousness in comatose patients.
Occasionally, a blood test, bone scan or magnetic resonance imaging exam also may be necessary.
Repeat films are usually required, and a bone scan or magnetic resonance imaging if there is doubt.
Magnetic resonance imaging is an imaging technique that provides superior tissue visualization of human anatomy.
With the use of high-tech neuroimaging gadgets like functional magnetic resonance imaging machines (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG), we re slowly understanding how meditation affects the brain
Aditi Nerurkar, M.D., M.P.H.: Medication vs. Meditation: Which Should You Choose?
Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) – detailed images of the heart produced by magnets cardiac catheterization – a thin tube is inserted into the heart through a large vein and/or artery in either the side of the neck, or groin
They include plain radiographs, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasonography, and bone scintigraphy.
Patients requiring preoperative magnetic resonance imaging must remove body jewelry.
Abdominal magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography identified a large mass in the left kidney and numerous obstructing blood clots in the left renal pelvis, left ureter, and urinary bladder.
The team behind the research using magnetic resonance imaging technology believe it could also advance medical knowledge by looking at how diseases progress, even detailing airflows around the lungs.
Others use magnetic resonance imaging, like those used to find tissue damage in humans, to detect explosives.
Objective To probe into the value of clinical application of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning technique in the diagnose of cochlear nerve and vestibular nerve lesion.
Here we use functional magnetic resonance imaging to identify and characterize the neural substrates that support unprompted auditory imagery and find that auditory and visual imagery seem to obey similar basic neural principles.
Magnetic resonance imaging and spectrum were used to study the changes of whole brain and frontal area and hypothalamus area separately.
They are using a type of magnetic resonance imaging to demonstrate consciousness in comatose patients.
Objective To probe into the value of clinical application of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning technique in the diagnose of cochlear nerve and vestibular nerve lesion.
In another part of our research, we had 25 undergraduates undergo functional magnetic resonance imaging while playing a computer-based game in which they were socially included or excluded.
The SCORE study's purpose is to find new imaging methods, such as advanced magnetic resonance imaging techniques and transcranial color Doppler sonography, that can detect strokes earlier than current methods.
Sickle cell disease research at The Children's Hospital
Magnetic resonance imaging showed a 2.5-cm, smoothly marginated, ovoid mass that did not have the signal characteristics typical for benign adenoma or myelolipoma.
The diagnostic relevance of other techniques (ultrasonography, evacuation scintigraphy, pelvic floor magnetic resonance imaging, etc) is under evaluation.
A nuclear bone scan and magnetic resonance imaging of the spine confirmed compression fractures of those two vertebra.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) (functional brainscanning), a variant of MRI, is based on the fact that oxyhemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying form of hemoglobin, has a different magnetic resonance signal than deoxyhemoglobin, the oxygen-depleted form of hemoglobin.
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Because of its superior contrast capabilities magnetic resonance imaging is the current first choice technique for assessing instability of the cervical spine.
Here, we used hyperfunctional magnetic resonance imaging, in which two strangers interacted online with one another in a sequential reciprocal trust game while their brains were simultaneously scanned.
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Conventional methods for cancer diagnosis use roentgenography, scintigraphy, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging techniques for tissue imaging.
To clarify the precise displacement of the popliteal artery(PA) during knee flexion using magnetic resonance imaging(MRI).
Confirmation of a stress fracture is best made using triple phase nuclear medicine bone scan or magnetic resonance imaging.
Cranial magnetic resonance imaging showed a giant intracranial parasagittal frontal tumour eroding through the top of the skull.
Magnetic resonance imaging showed a mass bilaterally in the nasopharynx and the sphenoid sinuses.
Because of its superior contrast capabilities magnetic resonance imaging is the current first choice technique for assessing instability of the cervical spine.
Further investigations such as electromyography, spinal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or computed tomography, with or without myelography, were carried out if deemed necessary.
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Cranial CT and magnetic resonance imaging revealed a small metastasis in the right caudate nucleus.
Magnetic resonance imaging MRI scans have led to another confusing use of the term mini-stroke.
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The present invention relates to a method of measuring motion of an object such as a heart by magnetic resonance imaging.
Science poses the question, "What are you going to believe: the dreams and fantasies of ancient mystics or your eyes, ears, telescopes, magnetic resonance imaging, hadron colliders, and above all, reason and rigorous questioning of all extraordinary claims?
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In addition, researchers did magnetic resonance imaging scans of the women's legs to look for increases in muscle size.
Because of its superior contrast capabilities magnetic resonance imaging is the current first choice technique for assessing instability of the cervical spine.
Such procedures include magnetic resonance imaging, which is often used to evaluate internal organs, and extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy, which uses shock waves to break up large kidney stones.
Results of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging were normal.
Magnetic resonance imaging or computerized axial tomography scans are not sensitive enough to distinguish between hyaline cartilage (ie, normal) and fibrocartilage (ie, scar).
Nanoscale magnetic resonance imaging is achieved by manipulating the hydrogen nuclei in the sample with a radiofrequency magnetic field generated by a \ "microwire\" (red). - latest science and technology news stories
Such procedures include magnetic resonance imaging, which is often used to evaluate internal organs, and extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, which uses shock waves to break up large kidney stones.
Magnetic resonance imaging confirmed recurrent hemorrhage of the arteriovenous malformation into the cervical spinal cord.
If necessary, intravenous pyelography, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging can add more information.
With the use of high-tech neuroimaging gadgets like functional magnetic resonance imaging machines (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG), we're slowly understanding how meditation affects the brain.
Aditi Nerurkar, M.D., M.P.H.: Medication vs. Meditation: Which Should You Choose?
Rao H, Wang JJ, Giannetta J, Korczkowski M, Shera D, Avants BB, et al. Altered resting cerebral blood flow in adolescents with in-utero cocaine exposure revealed by perfusion functional magnetic resonance imaging.
Recent Neonatal Research Publications
Early magnetic resonance imaging features were nonspecific for neoplasm and not distinguishable from mycetoma .
Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging are undertaken to stage the disease accurately.
Magnetic resonance imaging or examination under anesthesia and arthroscopy are options when adequate examination is not possible because of pain or spasm.
Ultrasound, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging may be used to help the physician guide the needle electrode into the tumor.
The Five Stars Scanner Appeal was launched in 2003 to buy a Magnetic Resonance imaging scanner for the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital at Pendlebury.
New medical approaches and imaging methods such as echocardiography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), nuclear medicine, and computed tomography
Ultrasound scans of the brains of all of our patients were normal, and so was cranial computed tomography in two and magnetic resonance imaging in one.
To address the question of whether intention might be reflected in prefrontal cortical activity, the researchers in the new work used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to assess brain activity while subjects concentrated on their choice of intended mental action, but prior to execution of the action.
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The patient underwent magnetic resonance imaging with contrast, which showed the mass to be well circumscribed and located between the right splenius and semispinalis cervicis muscles.
Ultrasound, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging may be used to help the physician guide the needle electrode into the tumor.
Walsh DS, Hubbard AM, Olutoye OO, Howell LJ, Flake AW, Johnson MP, Adzick NS: Assessment of fetal lung volumes and liver herniation with magnetic resonance imaging in congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
CHOP congenital diaphragmatic hernia publications
He had no spinal injury, and the results from magnetic resonance imaging were normal.
A magnetic resonance imaging scan, myelogram, or computed axial tomography scan, and sometimes, an electromyograph are performed to diagnose the specific problem.
Patients requiring preoperative magnetic resonance imaging must remove body jewelry.
Useful clinical investigations for the diagnosis of RS are electroencephalography monitoring and brain magnetic resonance imaging studies.
After undergoing a magnetic resonance imaging test yesterday at Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia, Gagne was told what doctors had already suspected.
Rao H, Wang JJ, Giannetta J, Korczkowski M, Shera D, Avants BB, et al. Altered resting cerebral blood flow in adolescents with in-utero cocaine exposure revealed by perfusion functional magnetic resonance imaging.
Recent Neonatal Research Publications
More recently radiologists have become involved also in ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
In collaboration with scientists at Princeton University, Johnson and colleague Michael Rugg, CNLM director, used functional magnetic resonance imaging to study the brain activity of students.
All had cerebral atrophy, but none had intracranial vascular pathology on magnetic resonance imaging examination.