
How To Use Magnanimity In A Sentence

  • While compassion makes us feel the richer for our magnanimity, justice stirs up far more complex emotions of self-justification and equivocation.
  • Godscroft, "we will not omit here, (to shut up all,) the judgment of those times concerning him, in a rude verse indeed, yet such as beareth witness of his true magnanimity and invincible mind in either fortune: -- Waverley Novels — Volume 12
  • There was a certain magnanimity, he recognized, in Gay's effort to put things right even while he must have preferred in his heart to have them remain in the wrong. The Miller of Old Church
  • It came in 1990, undermining their magnanimity, but also galvanising me and my colleagues into human rights activism.
  • Joyce regards his world variously, with rigorous irony, satiric austerity - yet with unflagging magnanimity and pervasive humor.
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  • It dawned on me that all the friends I had made, all two of them, were nabobs, and both had magnanimity.
  • Magnanimity is a sign of weakness.
  • For the integrality audit of the remote magnanimity data,(sentence dictionary) it may occupy abundance communicate channel.
  • I had witnessed an act of magnanimity it would not be impious to call godlike; I felt a need to know the outcome. The Mask of Apollo
  • Whether Gandhi made her move out of shrewd calculation or simple magnanimity, it was a political master stroke.
  • “grinding of glasses dioptrical and catoptrical,” in “navarchy and making models for building and rigging of ships,” in “anatomy, making skeletons, and excarnating bowels;” but you miss all that Milton would have taught you of Latin and Greek, Poetry and Philosophy, Italian and Hebrew, moral magnanimity and spiritual elevation, the History of Nations, and the ways of God to men. The Life of John Milton
  • The loss of such a man, in such a crisis; of a man who possessed so large and growing a share of the public confidence, and whose administration has recently borrowed new lustre from the crowning achievements of our armies; of a ruler whom victory was inspiring with the wise and paternal magnanimity which sought to make the conciliation as cordial as the strife has been deadly: the loss of such a President, at such a conjuncture, is an afflicting dispensation which bows a disappointed and stricken nation in sorrow more deep, sincere, and universal than ever before supplicated the compassion of pitying Heaven. The Sin of Reviling, and Its Work
  • Where the Mind is biggest, the Heart, the Senses, Magnanimity, Charity, Tolerance, Kindliness, and the rest of them scarcely have room to breathe. Virginia Woolf 
  • The revolution limits itself to replying because it prefers to sin on the side of generosity, it prefers to sin on the side of magnanimity to prove to those senseless peoples how mistaken they are and to give them time, also, to change their path and to give them time to reflect, because on that road they will gain nothing more than the absolute antiparty (few words indistinct). CONCLUDING SESSION OF ADMINISTRATORS OF INRA
  • If, however, such a man be called presumptuous, this kind of presumption is not opposed to magnanimity, but to that virtue which is about ordinary honor, as stated above (Q. 129, A. 2). Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
  • These two great advantages may be made by those who frequently study poets; — the learning moderation, to keep them from unseasonable and foolish reproaching others with their misfortunes, when they themselves enjoy a constant current of prosperity; and magnanimity, that under variety of accidents they be not dejected nor disturbed, but meekly bear the being scoffed at, reproached, and drolled upon. Essays and Miscellanies
  • The father of one victim spoke with remarkable magnanimity.
  • The sisters are taking the game forward depending on their father's magnanimity and munificence in paying for air passages, schooling and cricket gear.
  • Where the Mind is biggest, the Heart, the Senses, Magnanimity, Charity, Tolerance, Kindliness, and the rest of them scarcely have room to breathe. Virginia Woolf 
  • When a man accepts a public place, he ought to calculate that he will be subject to public animadversion and should act with magnanimity.
  • The father of one victim spoke with remarkable magnanimity.
  • He returned to the shop wreathed in magnanimity and blinding smiles. TEN STEPS TO HAPPINESS
  • They were faced with a remarkable, extraordinary, exhibition of magnanimity.
  • Surely I do not wish to stand beneath Helga in magnanimity! The Girl from the Marsh Croft
  • Tish it was, however, who, not to be outdone in magnanimity, permitted them to go, one by one, to the stream to wash. Tish
  • Akimbo an hatless rhinal for usb wireless modem, arillate help marxist on magnanimity, dutifully than coast. Rational Review
  • Where the Mind is biggest, the Heart, the Senses, Magnanimity, Charity, Tolerance, Kindliness, and the rest of them scarcely have room to breathe. Virginia Woolf 
  • He was all magnanimity and grandness, and he cleared his throat and delivered a great sermon that boomed like thunder through the nave. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Methinks there should be that magnanimity in every Christian, that he should scorn to be outbraved by any, in point of spiritual fortitude; and to make that noble resolution that Nehemiah did, in chap. vi. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. V.
  • For the integrality audit of the remote magnanimity data, it may occupy abundance communicate channel.
  • North Carolina is dear to him -- on the comfort, 'character and feelings,' of her _white_ citizens he sets a high value; he feels too, most deeply for the _character of the Press_ of North Carolina, sees that it is a city set on a hill, and implores his brethren of the editorial corps to 'set an example' of courtesy and magnanimity worthy of imitation and praise. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • While compassion makes us feel the richer for our magnanimity, justice stirs up far more complex emotions of self-justification and equivocation.
  • But this belongs to vainglory, which is opposed to magnanimity, as stated above (Q. 131, A. 2). Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
  • This is not to say that making promises is unimportant, but rather that we accept promise-breaking in everyday life with more magnanimity than we sometimes pretend.
  • The Christian woman who can reflect upon a laborious life of domestic duty, looks back upon a scene of true virtue; and if, in order to perform the whole of her allotted task, she was obliged to repress a taste for pursuits more intellectual, the character of magnanimity is inscribed upon her conduct, however retired, or in human estimation insignificant, may have been the daily exercises to which she was appointed. Autobiography and Other Memorials of Mrs. Gilbert, Formerly Ann Taylor
  • Which suggested she should treat his current vacillation with some degree of magnanimity. ON A WICKED DAWN
  • These principles, bravest of men, might have suited the simple ages of Greece and Rome; a Phocion or a Fabricius might have uttered the like, and compelled the homage of their enemies; but in these days, such magnanimity is considered frenzy, and ruin is its consequence. The Scottish Chiefs
  • But to the last he showed his magnanimity by honoring Cosmo Versál, and upon the latter's death he caused to be carved, high on the brow of the great mountain on which his voyage ended, in gigantic letters, cut deep in the living rock, and covered with shining, incorrodible levium, an inscription that will transmit his fame to the remotest posterity: The Second Deluge
  • In a labial dawn I savoured salty draughts of liquor springing from your tumid lips, luxuriated in a magnanimity your primal crouch expressed, heard half-suppressed love-cries tell the tumult in your loins. When I Close My Eyes (rev)
  • Hopefully, those who are responsible will have the courage and the magnanimity to respond suitably, for the sake of the future of this country and its future generations.
  • Loyalty, honesty, frankness, gratitude, chivalry, magnanimity - these are the hallmarks of the good friend, the good husband and father, the nice guy we all hope our daughters will marry.
  • Mr. Churchill, whose magnanimity is as great as his power of mischief, half rose to his feet, and murmured, with a bow of his head, "If I am not unworthy, Sir. What Is The British Point of View
  • We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence.
  • Till his conversion he had led the ordinary life of the young man of good birth at that time; he was somewhat vain of his appearance, he had wenched and gambled; but at least on one occasion he had shown rare magnanimity and he had always been honourable, loyal, generous and brave. The Summing Up
  • Where the Mind is biggest, the Heart, the Senses, Magnanimity, Charity, Tolerance, Kindliness, and the rest of them scarcely have room to breathe. Virginia Woolf 
  • This treating of injuries from the high ground of magnanimity is the action that shall save the world. Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910
  • -- This is what you call magnanimity -- It is happy for yourself, that you possess this quality in the highest degree. Posthumous Works of the Author of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
  • Caroline heard it she could not help smiling at the word magnanimity, which sounded to her rather too grand for the occasion. Tales and Novels — Volume 07
  • We also learn that the magnanimity hinted at in the sandlot baseball incident-when he is delighted rather than angered by the solecism spoken by Coyle's cousin-was alive and well in him as a young adult.
  • Magnanimity and compassion are my favourite virtues, but realism is close behind.
  • “grinding of glasses dioptrical and catoptrical,” in “navarchy and making models for building and rigging of ships,” in “anatomy, making skeletons, and excarnating bowels;” but you miss all that Milton would have taught you of Latin and Greek, Poetry and Philosophy, Italian and Hebrew, moral magnanimity and spiritual elevation, the History of Nations, and the ways of God to men. The Life of John Milton
  • She kissed the speaker then and there, wrote her letter hot-head, talked about it all that day, and worked herself into such a fever of curiosity that she cut short her villeggiatura by six weeks, so as the sooner to see the girl who could inspire her with such admirable ideas of her own magnanimity. Little Novels of Italy Madonna Of The Peach-Tree, Ippolita In The Hills, The Duchess Of Nona, Messer Cino And The Live Coal, The Judgment Of Borso
  • His father, a simple saddler, had so poor an appreciation of his son's magnanimity, that he apprenticed him to a butcher; but Hind's destiny was to embrue his hands in other than the blood of oxen, and he had not long endured the restraint of this common craft when forty shillings, the gift of his mother, purchased him an escape, and carried him triumphant and ambitious to London. A Book of Scoundrels
  • Positive values include an instruction to be just and fair, to value generosity or magnanimity, to demonstrate honesty and cooperation.
  • In my fragile state, however, I felt like I was the beneficiary of a world-shaking magnanimity.
  • The area was divided into territories, just like in "West Side Story," except that these were not hubcap-stealing Puerto Ricans in Spanish Harlem settling their differences with the occasional knife-fight; no siree, the downtown guys were seriously into guns and shoot-outs that consumed entire city blocks, slaughtering the innocent and the guilty with equal magnanimity. A Gangster Goes to War
  • To enlarge a little upon this subject, May we not infer, that those who would be guilty of throwing these contempts upon a man of temper, who would rather pass by a verbal injury, than to imbrue his hands in blood, know not the measure of true magnanimity? nor how much nobler it is to forgive, and even how much more manly to despise, than to resent, an injury? Clarissa Harlowe
  • But the acharya in his magnanimity accepts him and teaches him all he knows.
  • Even Napoleon's father-in-law, the Emperor of Austria, who had given his daughter in marriage to the arbiter of Europe, did not deign to reply, though only a brief time before he had received many tokens of magnanimity from the French Emperor. The Tragedy of St. Helena
  • We also learn that the magnanimity hinted at in the sandlot baseball incident - when Anders is delighted rather than angered by the solecism spoken by Coyle's cousin - was alive and well in Anders as a young adult.
  • To which General Valencia replied: – That a correspondent reward should follow an heroic action, nothing more natural; but to remunerate a service which does not go beyond the sphere of ordinary things, such as mine in the affair of the 15th to the 26th of July of 1840, by such a noble distinction as the sword of honour with which your Excellency has deigned to gird me, in the name of the National Congress, of this the magnanimity of the sovereignty is alone capable; and so it is that I remain annihilated by a present worthy of the ages of the Roman Senate and Republic. Life in Mexico, During a Residence of Two Years in That Country
  • Against a sky of blackness, where pride is abundant and magnanimity scarce, that little man, that mediocre personage, shines with uncommon refulgence.

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