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Magna Carta

  1. the royal charter of political rights given to rebellious English barons by King John in 1215

How To Use Magna Carta In A Sentence

  • That document has been called the Magna Carta of our time. Martha Burk: Let Eleanor Speak For Herself -- Fix The FDR Memorial
  • The concept of due process dates back to 1215 A.D. and the Magna Carta, "No free man shall be taken or imprisoned or disseized or exiled or in any way destroyed, nor will we go upon him nor send upon him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land. Malcolm Friedberg: Fred: You Had It Right The First Time
  • I wonder if Obama chose Greece and Britain when he was taking about exceptionalism as Greece was the Birthplace of Democracy, and Britain with the Magna Carta was the birthplace of many of the freedoms enshrined in the US constitution. Prager on the 2010 election
  • In an important sense, a document such as the Magna Carta or the map of the human genome belongs to everyone, as do humanity's artistic and architectural masterworks.
  • She told her children that our country was the place to go in that it was wedded to the idea of due process which, I believe, first found expression in Magna Carta.
  • The Magna Carta does not, as I understand it, curtail the sovereignty of the proper lawmaker to make what laws seem fit to him.
  • Today, supreme court jurists and Washington politicians display no embarrassment in citing Magna Carta to support their case.
  • If you need a refresher course, the Magna Carta is the first document to grant human rights. CNN Transcript Dec 18, 2007
  • This time the ever-bumbling Inspector Clouseau is on the ever-meandering trail of a thief who steals such priceless artifacts as the Magna Carta (nothing is made of that theft), the Shroud of Turin (Clouseau calls the pontiff Mr. Pope and detects that he's very spiritual) and the Pink Panther Diamond, whose re-disappearance -- it was stolen in the previous film too -- may have been required for the perfunctory script to fill 90 minutes. 'Into You' Is a Frayed Valentine
  • Two more acts followed in 1861 and 1863, repealing hundreds of old laws; these acts and subsequent legislation abrogated much of Magna Carta.
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