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How To Use Magistrate In A Sentence

  • The cognomen Maro is in origin a magistrate's title used by Etruscans and Umbrians, but cognomina were a recent fashion in the first century B.C. and were selected by parents of the middle classes largely by accident. Vergil
  • And had I made the observation sooner," continued the magistrate, "I might have spared myself a good deal of trouble and a headache which extends from my occiput to my sinciput. Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon
  • Painter and decorator Geoffrey Jenks was so shocked when he failed a roadside breath test, he felt his Cokes must have been spiked, Kennet magistrates in Devizes heard on Tuesday.
  • Newspapers have, however, reported that prosecutors are convinced the investigating magistrate in charge of a corruption and fraud inquiry involving the regional governments of the Balearic Islands and Valencia will soon officially name him as a suspect in the case. Spain's king blocks scandal-hit son-in-law from royal duties
  • His wife, Belinda, recently retired as a magistrate on the Kennet bench after 22 years and now the couple can enjoy their retirement.
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  • The accused is linked to the bombing that took place in Abuja," said Hein Louw, the magistrate overseeing the court proceeding. Nigerian militant leader charged over car bombs on independence day
  • He is due to appear before magistrates in connection with a public order offence.
  • The magistrates agreed to the defence counsel's application for the defendants' costs to be taxed and paid out of central funds.
  • Local people demanded that the District Magistrate apprehend the miscreants.
  • He is due to appear before magistrates in connection with a public order offence.
  • The Magistrate smoothed down his beard and inserted a small nip of whisky before replying. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • He was remanded in custody until 28 June by Bow Street Magistrates.
  • Many people might find this magistrate's sentence abominably scandalous.
  • Finally, I turn to consider the practical consequences of giving the magistrates' court jurisdiction.
  • Before even applying for the Fairbanks Magistrate judgeship I spoke with members of the federal court concerning the employment of Kathleen. Joe Miller's Wife Took Unemployment Benefits After Working for Him
  • We've heard of your liberality with magistrates and the like, so we thought to come and see for ourselves.
  • The magistrates committed her to Preston Crown Court for sentence after ruling their powers of punishment were insufficient.
  • Legal Aid WA rookie Dragana Nuic, 22, jumped off The Gap - just days after being "berated" by a magistrate in a West Australian court, whose conduct is now being investigated by the | Top Stories
  • If one considers the last situation, the magistrates' court which committed a defendant will not have made any order as to costs.
  • Magistrates adjourned the case until next month for the probation service to prepare social reports and said they were considering a community penalty.
  • After that, she was obliged to describe where she had been the night before her husband's death, the mode of transportation which had brought her home, and more et ceteras? all, in short, that she'd told Lord Quentin and the magistrate, repeatedly. Captives Of The Night
  • I have answered the questions posed by the magistrates in the case stated in the final paragraph of the judgment.
  • The crown court, however, upheld the magistrate's decision.
  • The judge, sitting with two magistrates, had been told the Crown did not oppose the appeal.
  • A 16-year-old boy will appear before a magistrate today, charged with housebreaking and larceny of $20,000 worth of household items.
  • Quaestors, praetors, and consuls were often employed after their year of office at Rome as ‘pro-magistrates’ to administer the provinces of the Roman empire.
  • But because conscience is a relative term, and so must refer to something which it is to be conversant about, I shall shew, that men are commanded a subjection to, and dehorted from a resistance of the civil magistrate, by two things. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. III.
  • Ironically, the district attorney could have kept charges in magistrate court pending while they went to grand jury. Cult leader Wayne Bent remains free on bond
  • She alleged that the article defamed her both personally and in her office as a magistrate and pleaded 3 false innuendos.
  • Then, upon reflection, Erik went back to fetch the Punjab lasso, which is very curiously made out of catgut, and which might have set an examining magistrate thinking. The Phantom of the Opera
  • If the work is so daring as to merit public animadversion, the magistrate summons the printer, who either stands mute or names the author.
  • The Customs officer, policeman, and magistrate began to nod, at first uncertain, reluctant, then with growing accord.
  • Swindon magistrates remanded him in custody and committed the case to crown court.
  • Police opposed bail, but the Magistrate agreed to his release on the condition he pay a surety and comply with other bail conditions.
  • Each person served with a summons will be given six weeks before they have to appear in the Magistrates' Court.
  • He had then made the time-worn accusation that the pretensions of the courts reduced the kingdom to an aristocracy of magistrates.
  • Magistrates ordered him to do 240 hours of unpaid work within 12 months.
  • Magistrates heard he was extremely abusive to the police and was warned.
  • The courts employ 60 clerks who act as legal advisers to magistrates.
  • Allegations that her comments caused a disturbance at Bradford Magistrates Court between white and Asian youths proved to be unfounded.
  • The police believe magistrates are under pressure to grant bail, even when officers advise them it could be dangerous.
  • This temporary supreme magistrate called the interrex held office for five days only as custodian of Rome; he had to be patrician, the leader of his decury of senators, and in the case of the first interrex, the senior patrician in the House. Fortune's Favorites
  • Then, there is the right of Prohibition which says to the junior magistrate or the inferior magistrate that he mustn't outstep his jurisdiction. Is Quebec A British Province?
  • a stipendiary magistrate
  • Mr Chirac has flatly rejected requests to accept a summons for questioning by magistrates in the travel scandal.
  • The board of magistrates consisted of two duumvirs, two aediles - they were in charge of public buildings, streets, markets, etc. and two quaestors - treasury officers.
  • Magistrates were drawn from local property holders, and were almost without exception major planters.
  • There is a crying need for more magistrates from the ethnic minority communities.
  • _ On November [_sic_] nineteen, one thousand five hundred and ninety-one, there met and assembled before me in Manila, Esteban de Marquina, public and cabildo notary of this city, and the magistrates and regimiento of the same -- namely, Captain The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 08 of 55 1591-1593 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • Magistrates issued the ASBO which bans him from parts of Penhill estate and includes a curfew after hearing Liam led a gang of louts who terrorised residents.
  • The magistrates agreed to the defence counsel's application for the defendants' costs to be taxed and paid out of central funds.
  • He kept scrap cars and other waste on land near York for years, against regulations, York magistrates heard.
  • The Magistrates' Court may bind you over to keep the peace for a specified period in a number of different circumstances.
  • “On the various induction courses magistrates undergo, of which diversity training plays a major role, there is a constant stream of questioning, often denigratory, of everything the police stand for, their actions and their attitudes.” I haven’t had a dream in a long time « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • A spokesman said 16 of them would appear before magistrates in Grimsby and Cleethorpes today while another two were bailed to appear before magistrates tomorrow.
  • But the District Judge, sitting at Dewsbury Magistrates Court, told the defendant that his dogged pursuance of the case had wasted a lot of taxpayers' money.
  • Magistrates heard how hours before one of his friends was allegedly knocked down by a van carrying Ipswich fans.
  • He was yesterday given bail by South Yorkshire magistrates.
  • We practised as attorneys-at-law in Johannesburg in a shabby building across the street from the Magistrates 'Court. OLIVER TAMBO
  • Judicial branch: Supreme Court of Appeal; High Court (chief justice appointed by the president, puisne judges appointed on the advice of the Judicial Service Commission); magistrate's courts Malawi
  • He even sent notices to the magistrates of Bononia and Mutina—your cities, stuffed with your clients! Antony and Cleopatra
  • Mr Murray told magistrates that Porter was suffering from an untreatable paranoid personality disorder.
  • She pleaded guilty to the offences at Dewsbury Magistrates Court on October 22 when she was committed to the Crown Court for sentencing.
  • Burnley magistrates heard that yardman Hywel Rees Roberts, 45, of Prestwich Street, Burnley, had been more than three times the limit and lost his licence for 30 months in February 2002.
  • He said to this end training of magistrates, investigators, bankers and supervisors has been on-going, and anti-money laundering television programmes have been conducted to try and raise the levels of awareness.
  • The goede vrouws were summoned before the magistrates and fined for their discourteous conduct.
  • The magistrates, who can grant financial help in extreme circumstances, turned down his request.
  • Magistrates were given wider discretionary powers.
  • The magistrate found that the prosecution had not satisfied the onus of proof that was required.
  • The beachcombers were able to gather and hide a rich harvest before the local magistrate learned of the Spanish wrecks and claimed the treasure in the Queen's name.
  • The censorian judgments, although arbitrary and as a rule spontaneous, were sometimes elicited by prosecution: and an accuser was found to bring the conduct of Gracchus formally before the notice of the magistrates. A History of Rome During the Later Republic and Early Principate
  • In the following section of the case stated the magistrates summarise the testimony of the witnesses who gave evidence.
  • Magistrate from his subordinates, and this fence, being made of long splinters of wood placed diagonally, was called _cancellus_, from its likeness to network, the regular Latin word for a net being casses, and the diminutive cancellus [177]. The Letters of Cassiodorus Being A Condensed Translation Of The Variae Epistolae Of Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator
  • Therefore, it all dates back to the illegality of the magistrates.
  • They would simply hand her over to the magistrate as a thief.
  • Indeed, since bribery is considered essential for lubricating a deal, corruption-busting magistrates can find themselves accused of harming French business interests.
  • A barrister launched a blistering attack on an anti-social behaviour order imposed by magistrates on Thursday.
  • In Britain, regulars and the part-time yeomanry, though placed at the disposal of local magistrates, disgraced themselves by firing on the crowds at Peterloo in 1819 and at Queen Caroline's funeral in 1821.
  • British driving ace says sorry over stunt FORMULA One driver Lewis Hamilton has apologised for his "hoon" antics in a letter to a magistrate who fined him for doing a burnout as he left the | Top Stories
  • The guidelines would serve "as a guide rather than prescript" for magistrates in their implementation of the 1998 Domestic Violence Act. @ FLOODS-KZN ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Police had a warrant to search her home for drugs, but did not have magistrates' permission to strip-search people there.
  • It's an old habit of his, using people's legitimate feelings of outrage ... for ends that are clearly electoral and demagogical, Nicolas Leger, national secretary of the USM magistrates union, told The Associated Press. French judges revolt, shut down courthouses
  • Blackburn magistrates heard that David Ainsworth was ranting and raving during the assault, calling his former wife a ‘slag, a whore and a slut’.
  • Peter Butterfield, mitigating, asked for magistrates to consider the defendant's previously unblemished record.
  • The thugs will then be issued with a civil summons to attend magistrates court where police will apply to the bench for banning orders.
  • After a magistrate committed him to trial, the office of the Director for Public Prosecutions, or DPP in Queensland, decided not to proceed with the cases.
  • If magistrates give the go-ahead, the new bars will join an array of trendy nightspots which have opened up in the town centre during recent months.
  • Magistrates, priests, agents, middlemen, tax-gatherers, and tax-payers rush into print to abuse the 'blackguard' -- he is always the blackguard -- who invented the lie; and men upwards of ninety are quoted to show that so long as they could remember, there never was a man injured, nor a rick burned, nor a heifer hamstrung in the six baronies round! Lord Kilgobbin
  • It seems strange to me, that the Lord Jesus Christ should commit this architectonical power in his house unto magistrates, foreseeing of what sort the greatest number of them would be, yea, determining that they should be such, for the trim and affliction of his own. The Sermons of John Owen
  • Licensing magistrates granted a Section 77 to the riverside pub, giving drinkers a chance to stay there until the witching hour three days a week, with the chance to bop on the dance floor or guzzle the substantial food.
  • With jurisdiction limited to the Johannesburg magisterial district, the court will have the power of an ordinary magistrate's court and will be able to issue fines up to R10 000 or a term of imprisonment of no longer than six months.
  • Hartlepool magistrates yesterday ordered the forfeiture and destruction of the cannabis plants.
  • ‘One way to stop this is for magistrates and the judiciary system to give exemplary sentences to anyone convicted,’ he said.
  • Like the ‘Centuriata ‘it was convened by consuls or praetors and became the main legislative body and elected most of the lower magistrates.’
  • The coroner was due to open an inquest into his death today at Burnley Magistrates Court.
  • Salinger concludes that this was likely because “magistrates did not place drunkenness high on their list of offenses warranting prosecution.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • Similarly prosecutions relating to water pollution and contravention of planning notices are dealt with in the Magistrates' Court.
  • I have been, in return, telling him the story of the Irish schoolmaster who puzzled the magistrate's bench by a petition about a small cornuted animal, meaning a kid. Dynevor Terrace: or, the clue of life — Volume 1
  • He was hauled before Manchester magistrates who read our story in open court.
  • The magistrate criticize the lawless behaviour of the football crowd.
  • The Committee on District Courts establishes the number of magistrates in each district.
  • But it may be said the ephori seem to have a check upon all the magistrates. Politics: A Treatise on Government
  • They were convicted of obstruction, the magistrates taking the view that the only lawful use of the highway was to pass and repass about one's lawful business, and for any purposes incidental to that.
  • A year later the county magistrates do not seem to have thought his continuing obscuration exonerated them from defending themselves against the charge of 'intermeddling' with his prerogatives. Sir Walter Ralegh A Biography
  • He was plebeian aedile 199 and praetor 198, when he may have carried the Porcian law which extended the right of provocatio (appeal to the people against the action of a magistrate) to cases of scourging.
  • Through all of these evaluations, assessments and hagiographies, commentators sometimes lose sight of the fact that Tocqueville was, by training and choice, an attorney, and what is more, a civil law trained attorney, a magistrate, a member of the Legislative Assembly, a drafter of the Constitution of France's Second Republic and a member of Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte's Cabinet. Archive 2008-02-01
  • He is due to appear before magistrates in connection with a public order offence.
  • Magistrates were also asked to take 53 further matters into consideration.
  • But in February, 1991, he received a summons to appear before magistrates on an allegation that he owed £269.40.
  • Time waits for no man, nor does the court of justice, nor the subsellia of the magistrate.
  • Christ silently submitted to it; but, when he grew proud of it, he made him know himself: "All the power thou hast is given thee from above," which may be taken two ways: -- First, As reminding him that his power in general, as a magistrate, was a limited power, and he could do no more than God would suffer him to do. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Later that year the school was visited by GB Smith, the local Magistrate, who said, ‘I have much pleasure in reporting the care and energy displayed by the instructress.
  • On the various induction courses magistrates undergo, of which diversity training plays a major role, there is a constant stream of questioning, often denigratory, of everything the police stand for, their actions and their attitudes. I haven’t had a dream in a long time « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • If you wish to have a bar extension, then the catering company will make an application to Crawley Magistrates.
  • Four Italian football fans were fined by magistrates after a violent disturbance at Stansted Airport.
  • The speed of decision making of some tribunals is broadly comparable with that of magistrates' courts and the county courts.
  • An elderly man in a shabby black overcoat and wide-brimmed beaver hat was standing in front of the magistrate's desk, clutching a newspaper in one hand and dabbing his eyes with a none too clean handkerchief.
  • But the same end could be achieved by less draconian means if the magistrates' courts were empowered to work faster so that those found guilty could be jailed with dispatch.
  • His father died, he lost his job and he split up with his girlfriend, Darlington magistrates heard.
  • How much more harsh and vindictive can our magistrates be?
  • And, secondly, about those things that more strictly refer to their own character and profession, and which distinguish them from all other professors of Christianity; avoiding two extremes upon which many split, viz. persecution and libertinism, that is, a coercive power to whip people into the temple; that such as will not conform, though against faith and conscience, shall be punished in their persons or estates; or leaving all loose and at large, as to practice; and so unaccountable to all but God and the magistrate. A Brief Account of the Rise and Progress of the People Called Quakers
  • The prison governors’ call for the removal of the right of magistrates to impose prison sentences may be too much of a broad-brush reaction to a pressing problem.
  • Communism, 'a gogga emanating from the guilty conscience of society ', was not acceptable anywhere outside Russia, 6 Hertzog agreed that legislation was needed to offset the effect of the judgement handed down by the Supreme Court at Grahamstown in the appeals of the Buntings and Gana Makabeni against sentences imposed by the magistrate of Umtata during their election campaign. Class & Colour in South Africa - Chapter 18
  • Four days after this learned 'lucubration' the voice of the warm-hearted magistrate speaks in a reminder of the prevailing abject misery of the London poor who “in the most miserable lingering Manner do daily perish for Want in this Metropolis.” Henry Fielding A Memoir
  • Prior to this act being gazetted, advocates could appear on behalf of clients, in any court in Namibia, whereas attorneys could only appear in regional and magistrate courts.
  • Their identity is known, but the public has been urged to come forward and help the authorities garner enough evidence to persuade local magistrates to impose tough anti-social behaviour orders upon them.
  • The 43-year-old, who has battled drink problems, gave his address as no fixed abode at his appearance at Manchester City Magistrates Court on Tuesday.
  • He was bailed to appear before Cheltenham magistrates on Wednesday.
  • So judges and magistrates are not subject to litigation from disgruntled litigants.
  • The seats of the magistrates were all behind us and were styled in pew fashion.
  • On his refusal to install the new magistrates appointed by Maupeou after the suppression of the Parliaments, he was transferred to the intendance of Provence and then to La Rochelle. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • But in May 1650, he sold Gorbals to the Magistrates and Council of Glasgow; to be held by them - one fourth for the behoof of the city, two-fourths for behoof of Hutcheson's Hospital and one-fourth for behoof of the Trades’ Hospital.
  • Now decommissioner updates us on the progress of the court case; The public gallery was crowded in Brighton Magistrates court to hear the submissions for bail reviews in court. Indymedia Ireland
  • Merlin Michael Williams appeared at a magistrates' court in the southern English coastal town of Portsmouth wearing his full Druidic regalia of green robe and blue cloak, with talismans around his neck.
  • He was flanked by two police officers and a court security officer as he stood in the glass-enclosed dock at Harrogate Magistrates Court.
  • When the farmer had arrived safely in the dock he looked about in a very dreamy manner, and in answer to the Magistrates' Clerk said ‘Prapsh I have had - hic - a lil drop - hic - er whisky,’ provoking great hilarity in the court.
  • Young magistrates formed a union and voted to establish an independent judicial system.
  • There can be no doubt that the magistrates were entitled to reject the argument of self-defence or defence of another.
  • But the case was abandoned Thursday after magistrates found he had not committed a criminal offense.
  • "Hopefully we are nurturing the next generation of black and Asian magistrates.
  • The examining magistrate 's office was on an upper floor along a dispiritingly yellow-painted corridor. MOONDROP TO MURDER
  • He stared intently at the magistrates' bench and his defence solicitor throughout the case and spoke only to confirm his name and address.
  • As fiscal pressures increased, certain magistrates in the 1760s began to call for lost estates to be restored.
  • As the lawbook of the Inquisition, the "" Malleus '' was translated into a half dozen languages and on the desk of every judge and magistrate in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries. The Witch Within Me
  • The magistrates' court ruled that it had no power to determine whether Mr Ferris had been liable to pay child support maintenance.
  • Take the information that police and magistrates receive in in-service training and/or seminars on the subject.
  • Anyway, the sentence was duly suspended by some half-witted magistrate, just as you would imagine. The Sun
  • Finally, about two years ago, he was arrested amidst much fanfare, only to be released promptly by a magistrate.
  • The magistrates decided against sending the boy to crown court for a harsher sentence.
  • I, Melchor de Baeça, declare, in the name of the cabildo, magistrates, and regimiento [9] of this city, that the rights of those whom I represent require that a formal report of this inquiry be made, in order to notify the king, our sovereign, concerning the lack of harm and the great profit which would be derived from commerce between The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 08 of 55 1591-1593 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • Such crimes would have deserved the animadversion of the magistrate; but in this promiscuous outrage, the innocent were confounded with the guilty, and Alexandria was impoverished by the loss of a wealthy and industrious colony.
  • Rome, under the republic, allowed no individual the right to coin money; no magistrate could put his name thereon, though this honor was sometimes allowed, as Anecdotes of Painters, Engravers, Sculptors and Architects and Curiosities of Art (Vol. 3 of 3)
  • The county within which the sheriff exercises his jurisdiction is still called his bailiwick, while the term bailiff is retained as a title by the chief magistrates of various towns and the keepers of royal castles, as the high bailiff of Westminster, the bailiff of Dover Castle, &c. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • He admitted two counts of selling motor vehicles in an unroadworthy condition on October 31, when he appeared at Witham Magistrates' Court on Friday.
  • The Magistrates, believing that imprisonment would not reform the woman, decided to send her to an inebriates' home for two years.
  • So if he is not extremely vigilant throughout his house and grounds, he may be caught with a hundred dollar fine, OR be imprisoned three months in the House of Correction at the pleasure of the magistrate!! and for every subsequent offense may be _imprisoned in the House of Correction_ as much as one year, and then required to give security for obeying the law. Buchanan's Journal of Man, June 1887 Volume 1, Number 6
  • A company which refused to make attachment of earnings deductions against one poll tax offender, was fined £200 by magistrates.
  • The Resident Magistrate said he had considered the matter of compensation but had decided not to award compensation.
  • The magistrate concluded that the primary purpose of the plastic pot is for the growing of the plant.
  • As a curial is a gentleman and a government magistrate, the punishment is just enough; but why should Cassiodorus (certainly not King Dietrich) finish a short letter by a long dissertation on volcanoes in general, and Stromboli in particular, insisting on the wonder that the rocks, though continually burnt, are continually renewed by 'the inextricable potency of nature;' and only returning to Jovinus to inform him that he will henceforth follow the example of a salamander, which always lives in fire, 'being so contracted by natural cold, that it is tempered by burning flame. Roman and the Teuton
  • But whilst by some this work is despised, at least counted unnecessary, by some it is neglected utterly; and others, by reason of their private capacities, whereby they are disenabled to speak unto magistrates, cities, or the community of the people, think not themselves concerned therein, [and] it is almost wholly laid aside. The Sermons of John Owen
  • A woman picked up by police for being drunk three times in the space of a few days had a tragic past, Swindon magistrates were told.
  • He was remanded in custody until 28 June by Bow Street Magistrates.
  • The difficulty for the applicant is that he has been unable to point to any errors of law in the judgment of the federal magistrate or, indeed, in the judgment of the Justice, which affirmed the federal magistrate's decisions.
  • Douras was remanded into police custody and is due to reappear before magistrates on July 7 for committal.
  • The clavus was a purple border, by which the senators, and other orders, with the magistrates, were distinguished; the breadth of the stripe corresponding with their rank.] [Footnote 225: In which the whole humour of the thing consisted either in the uses to which these articles were applied, or in their names having in De vita Caesarum
  • Twelve freeholders were chosen, who, having sworn, together with the hundreder, or presiding magistrate of that division, to administer impartial justice, [**] proceeded to the examination of that cause which was submitted to their jurisdiction. The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part A. From the Britons of Early Times to King John
  • Thirty-year-old Jitendra Jotangia was remanded in custody by Milton Keynes magistrates until later this month.
  • An annually elected magistrate of the ancient Roman Republic, ranking below but having approximately the same functions as a consul.
  • The new facility became operational last July and incorporates crown, magistrates and county courts.
  • Judge Linda Sutcliffe, sitting with two magistrates, agreed to overturn the ban.
  • The magistrates said that the distributors had not tested any of a batch of 46,000 Dracula capes imported from the Far East and had relied on certificates from their overseas suppliers.
  • Not all the versions they hear may be the same so the magistrates have to decide which one is the true story.
  • The Chief Magistrate whom, in his touching letter to his clergy, the Episcopal Bishop of this State applies the high title "of the beloved and revered," is dead. A Discourse on the Death of President Lincoln
  • Town magistrates heard that Davis was stopped in his Iveco artic on Shrivenham Road on the morning of Tuesday, March 4.
  • The Utopians helped some of their neighbors get rid of their tyrants, and the neighbors, seeing what great ruling Utopia had, asked the Prince if they could have magistrates rule over their own countries.
  • The long-suffering wife looked up at the magistrate and her reply was terse.
  • Magistrates agreed not to impose any financial penalty due to his financial circumstances.
  • The media cited that Magistrate Frazer was dismissed for unprofessional conduct.
  • However, Gazette editor Gary Lawrence asked the magistrates to exercise their power to waive the rule.
  • It would be a case, not of bigamy but trigamy; the neighbourhood or the magistrates should interfere. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The various quarters of Rome organized a parade in which were thirteen floats led by the gonfalonier of the city and the magistrates, which passed from the Piazza Navona to the Vatican, accompanied by the strains of music. Lucretia Borgia According to Original Documents and Correspondence of Her Day
  • He appeared in Bundaberg Magistrates Court on Saturday morning and has been remanded in custody until next month.
  • What feeling he, as a magistrate who had taken in so many ideas, could make room for, was unmixedly kind. Middlemarch: a study of provincial life (1900)
  • Donald Murphy was remanded in custody on an assault charge by Teesside magistrates last Friday.
  • He will appear before the magistrates tomorrow.
  • But magistrates heard he was now willing to accept what had happened as he trusts the victim and believes what she says is true.
  • Yes, the indicting magistrate is on the left, but according to the Economist the complainants are members of far right organizations with a vested interest in avoiding digging into the past (figuratively and literally). The Volokh Conspiracy » Judge Baltazar Garzón Indicted
  • Magistrates have adjourned the case until 22nd February.
  • We do not like a periodical change in the first magistrate; and we like quite as little a periodical permanence in the political officers immediately under the chief magistrate; we are, in short, wedded to our own forms, and therefore opposed by judgment to forms differing from our own. North America
  • For example, the magistrates could only exercise their power of committal to prison on a finding of wilful refusal to pay or of culpable neglect.
  • She also appeared before magistrates for brandishing a pickaxe during an argument with her boyfriend.
  • A major chunk of this magistrate's docket is DUI cases. IsThatLegal?
  • Despite the magistrate's informative and urgent letters, the Qing central government was insensitive to the additional administrative and budgetary needs of the county yamen in the midst of drastic changes in the nineteenth century.
  • In an unprecedented move Magistrate Nicholas got up from the bench and sat at the bar table with the witness and the accused.
  • A reasonable observer would no doubt conclude that the First Amendment was not meant to be a platform for ritually re-enacting Paul's colloquy with the Roman magistrate.
  • The principal magistrates are, the two avoyers, who hold their offices for life; the two treasurers, who continue for six years; and the four bannerets, who remain only four.
  • In an unprecedented move Magistrate Nicholas got up from the bench and sat at the bar table with the witness and the accused.
  • If dealt with in the magistrates court, minor indictable matters are prosecuted by the police.
  • Magistrates said they wanted full reports on him and said they must consider prison.

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