a remedy (drug or therapy or preventive) that cures or prevents a disease
there is no magic bullet against cancer
How To Use magic bullet In A Sentence
- In the good old days, cocaine was the ‘magic bullet’ against alcoholism, morphinism and that ‘vicious habit’ of nicotinism, but it had one tragic flaw - people liked it.
- It is very easy to understand how someone may have taken, for want of a better word, a punt on a new product, in the belief that it is a magic bullet - a cure-all - and something from which he or she will make a considerable profit.
- There is no magic bullet against cancer.
- There's no magic bullet for school reform.
- Methadone is not a magic bullet that removes all offending behaviour.
- There's no magic bullet for school reform.
- A magic bullet for inflation, claim some writers.
- For the general population, beta carotene is not a magic bullet.
- It may not be the magic bullet to get everyone eating right, but it is a step in the right direction — a simple and clear tool to promote balance, portions, variety and wholesome food at mealtime. Government replaces food guide pyramid with a plate
- A lot of people are looking for some sort of magic bullet that will solve this problem.