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[ UK /mˈæɡɒti/ ]
  1. spoiled and covered with eggs and larvae of flies
    flyblown meat
    a sack of maggoty apricots

How To Use maggoty In A Sentence

  • The mushroom man, for instance - who also sold dates, walnuts and the best olives I've ever eaten - treated me better after an epic row over maggoty porcini which secured the refund I was after and also attracted a small approving crowd.
  • a sack of maggoty apricots
  • The investigation began with the discovery of a deer carcass, decaying and maggoty, that had been dumped at the school's front door.
  • There are menacing hyenas and a maggoty baby (both of which you'll recognize from Exorcist: The Beginning), but these aren't the moments where you feel Schrader is strongest.
  • A west Wiltshire informant tells me that as a child he was cautioned against picking maggoty blackberries, ‘because the fairies had weed on them.’
  • There he stands, shuffling his feet, this adolescent whose potbellied father used to thrash his hide not more than half a year ago in order to train him with such methods to become a merchant in maggoty flour and mouldy jam: there he stands, moaning and groaning, this addlebrain, torturing himself as he tries in vain to remember the pertinent paragraphs of the rules that were crammed into his stupid head -- and he cannot make up his mind whether to use his hatchet on the noble don, to shout for help, or to simply wave him on his way. Hard to be a god
  • Get your maggoty ass on the bus.
  • I went & saw him Sunday & he was going very maggoty because he had been shoved on the Permanent Staff.
  • They look kind of ... maggoty. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the hold of the Dunera they had drawn drawings, held lectures in philosophy, formed a debating society, fashioned chess sets out of maggoty bread-dough.
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