How To Use Madwoman In A Sentence

  • She ran like a madwoman for the longest time, jumping over people, swirling around houses, and tearing through the forest.
  • You know," he added, changing the subject," I left my bag in that madwoman 's inn. STARDUST
  • I get overwhelmed with deadlines and act like a madwoman on a crazy work bender.
  • In other words, Mala is simply discounted by others as an old madwoman: neither her person nor her stories are considered relevant or important.
  • However, its interest to scholars - who, following the manuscript's purchase by La Musée des Lettres et Manuscrits in Paris, will be able to study the work - is not proportionate to its size. 's 19 pages is a vivid tale of murder and madness entitled "A Letter from Lord Charles Wellesley", which includes an episode prefiguring one of the most famous scenes in fiction: when Jane Eyre's Bertha - the so-called "madwoman in the attic" - sets fire to her husband Mr Rochester's bed. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
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  • Maura, the village madwoman, danced more wildly than all the rest, chanting uncouth rhymes.
  • What bird could resist following a madwoman scattering bits of stale Welsh cake?
  • What this 47 year old woman can do is take responsibility for not letting her inner 'madwoman' ruins her day by what cognitive behaviorist Aaron Beck has dubbed 'catastrophizing.' Dr. Cara Barker: The Problem With Fear
  • When we'd arrived at her place she'd panicked over Ken not being there, and rushed around like a madwoman checking to make sure things were still there.
  • Walker told police she had left the house ‘like a madwoman possessed’.
  • She cleaned like a madwoman when she was nervous.
  • But if she was, she was the sanest madwoman he could imagine. YESTERDAY'S SHADOW
  • The bassist's fingers at times became a blur as she plucked away at the strings like a madwoman.
  • I wanted the character to be sufficiently normal that no one doubted what she said, that she didn't come across right from the start as a madwoman.
  • Since Gilbert and Gubar's The Madwoman in the Attic, critics have assumed that attics house madwomen.
  • Madwoman in the Attic Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar call attention to the specifically female associations of this debris as well as of the "dim hypaethric cavern" in which it is discovered). Paley, "Apocalypse Without Millennium"
  • Who is responsible for the fire at Thornfield - the madwoman, the drunk woman, or the husband who, despite these warnings, did not dismiss the drunk woman and put the madwoman under proper supervision?
  • I really appreciate this, because I wasn't able to catch everything that was read, seeing as how I was running around like a madwoman and drunk.
  • I was by no means unfamiliar with the area, yet I had wandered here like a madwoman; insane and shell-shocked out of all sense.
  • The flaw in Beatriz's plan, of course, is that in the economy of desire such transgressive behavior threatens societal order and may cast her in the role of madwoman.
  • ‘She ran towards them like the madwoman that she is,’ answered Ric.
  • Even though I've been dodging the sun like a madwoman I've still got a bit of a tan.
  • And even more scary, was the eerie phone call by an insane madwoman.
  • But whatever possessed that madwoman to pick on you - you of all people - to accuse? MISS MELVILLE REGRETS
  • One of these gentlemen just happens to be the madwoman's father, a charming chap who seems unfazed by most things in this day and age.
  • She gave a crazed cry, the cry of a Harpy, the cry of a madwoman who had long lost all sanity, the cries of one who faced death and would never forget.
  • Sadly, the paper creation was knocked out of her hands as Kami rode past on her expensive two-wheeler, pedaling and laughing like a madwoman.
  • Under the impetus of the feminist movement and criticism, the image of madwoman in Jane Eyre has come to arouse some interest and attention from people, but not seemingly enough.
  • Due for release later this month, the film shocks with a scene of deteriorating madwoman Charlotte Gainsbourg (She) performing a clitorectomy on herself -- after bashing, then jacking off, her semi-conscious husband Willem Dafoe (He) who spews semen mixed with blood. Brad Balfour: Defiant Danish Director Lars von Trier Tackles Antichrist
  • Because the producers were eager to show how ordinary and non-ideal she really was, the actress who played Mary as an adult looked like a madwoman whose hair resembled the nest of a very large and careless bird.
  • She remembered being hyper on another one of their trips to the mall and skipping and twirling around, and his happy laugh as he watched her act like a madwoman.
  • ‘Let me go,’ I shrieked, feeling very much like a madwoman.
  • And while you might think that you have all the right in the world to lead Orlath, I am not fighting merely to replace a madwoman with a fanatic.
  • Katrina, of course, drove like a madwoman again.
  • While Anna was very active whenever any good song came on, and danced like a madwoman, I hung back, studying the sea of unfamiliar faces.
  • Charlotte Brontë's novel is not very different from typical gothic thrillers - everything from a sadistic schoolmaster to the arsonist madwoman in the attic.
  • This is the story behind the Victorian madwoman in the attic, of all the forgotten women whose rewritten histories replace isolation with hysteria, and non-conformity with insanity.
  • After chatting with the vet, I went home and cleaned like a madwoman in anticipation of Julie, best friend extraordinaire's, arrival.
  • The magic of his evocation of the feminine apart, his portrayal of the dependent daughter and sister, the rejected lover, and the madwoman, is magnificent.
  • Houses like this can either feel like they've never been occupied - full of treasures polished by an invisible army of servants - or appear all too lived in, suggesting a handful of ghosts and a madwoman or two in the attic.
  • You are the madwoman from the German hospital who came here a week ago. The New Magdalen
  • ‘Okay,’ she whispered, eyes wide, smiling like a madwoman.
  • In the 1970s the book gained a new lease of life when it was installed as a key text in the emerging feminist literary canon and the phrase "the madwoman in the attic" entered popular discourse.
  • I couldn't just charge out there like a madwoman.
  • The woman started up the engine and drove like a madman… pardon me… I meant madwoman to the marionettes hotel.
  • Grossman mentioning the "madwoman" who suggested to her that nothing should be read in translation at the graduate level ... The Elegant Variation:
  • The tile I have been freecycling like a madwoman is out by the fence, by the couch, and in the car. Dru Blood - I believe in the inherent goodness of all beings: August 2005 Archives
  • One of these gentlemen just happens to be the madwoman's father, a charming chap who seems unfazed by most things in this day and age.
  • The set-up is horror-film heaven - three Norwegian filmmakers on a road trip through Louisiana stop to take in the local colour and end up being antagonized by a madwoman.
  • While dressing for the performance of their ‘mystery’, the monks playing the Madwoman, the Ferryman and the Traveller are daubed with Christ's stigmata.
  • A defiant voice in the midst of a repressive era, she was mischaracterized as a madwoman and even a witch. The Fiery Spirit Of Carmen Mondragon
  • Under the impetus of the feminist movement and criticism, the image of madwoman in Jane Eyre has come to arouse some interest and attention from people, but not seemingly enough.
  • The bassist's fingers at times became a blur as she plucked away at the strings like a madwoman.
  • She blubbered, completely unable to stop herself and completely humiliated that she was crying like a madwoman in front of Jordan!
  • Ms. Codd, the second floor monitor, pushed her way through the gaggle of children, shouting and waving her arms like a madwoman.
  • She is "imprisoned - speechless - in the windowless attic room at Thornfield, a tempting human 'enigma'; clearly the so-called madwoman demonstrates what Leo Kanner identifies as 'disturbances of affective contact'. Wrong Planet Asperger / Autism Forums
  • Even if you train like a madwoman on a mission, a Pilates Mat class will remind you that you have a body and when you're nice to it, it's nice to you right back.
  • That laugh, that insane laugh, that maniacal smirk as the madwoman's yellow eyes glinted with lunacy.
  • Besides, inspired by the writer"s biography, we can easily find logic reasons for appearance of the image of madwoman.
  • In her first major film, in 1997 as Keanu Reeves' wife in Devil's Advocate, she negotiated the transformation from vibrant baby-faced blonde to wasted madwoman.
  • Girly vocals and madwoman warbling sit side by side in three-part harmonies, while clean hooks and serious riffage carry the tunes along with an easy urgency.
  • She drove like a madwoman, skidding round corners, braking at the last moment. COVER STORY

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