How To Use Madness In A Sentence

  • The bombardment of the GPO had fascinated MacMurrough: the annunciatory puffs of smoke and the flames that roared to greet them; then the crashing gun’s report, the shell’s eruption—an illogical sequence, effect before cause, an object lesson in the madness of war. At Swim, Two Boys
  • But in the madhouse there is sometimes less madness than in real life as Antonio's ‘change’ demonstrates.
  • Probably because he has been driven into deicidal madness after Ares tricks Kratos into killing his own wife and daughter. The Cultural Gutter
  • The lack of laughter in the auditorium is offset only by our blind hope that there is method in this madness and that an explanation is around the corner.
  • That craziest part about it was that for a moment after she'd said it, he had actually contemplated madness and mayhem.
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  • He must have suspected that a Madness gig would attract a football crowd.
  • The French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, said French aircraft were already in action by late afternoon to stop what he described as Gaddafi's "murderous madness". Libya: Allied strikes sweep Libya as west intervenes in conflict
  • It is madness for a sheep to treat of peace with a wolf. 
  • But we are faced with the madness of a system that pits one worker against another.
  • Nearchus, however, went along the deck encouraging the men to remain firm and—in a move that must have struck the frightened sailors as sheer madness—ordered the helmsmen to turn their bows toward the whales in attack formation. Alexander the Great
  • He is a great, flabby sham, an actor close to suicide, maybe - and this is an extraordinary display of incipient madness or incorrigible playfulness.
  • Kon has never believed in pulling the camera away, and this is a Christmas story which involves madness, mugging, blood, and babies. MIND MELD: Anime Film Favorites (+ The Top 14 Anime Films of All Time!)
  • It was meant to be a low-key opportunity to stay with Rob, indulge in a little low-key madness and see a few old friends.
  • madness, an ironic fate for such a clear thinker
  • He won't stand for such leftfield culinary madness. The Hotel: Grace Dent's TV OD
  • Lyon's portrayal of Bertozzo's madness is somewhat heavyhanded, but he brings a feisty edge to the play's dynamics.
  • There's lots of women and kids at Napoli, but there's also this atmosphere of chaos and madness too.
  • Bicke's descent into madness begins when he is employed as a salesman in the office furniture business run by Jack Jones, a male so alpha that he is practically beta and gamma as well.
  • A man of gladness seldom falls into madness
  • It is madness for a sheep to treat of peace with a wolf. 
  • This done you can obtain your certificate of madness, as a fun souvenir of Gubbio, from the nearby shop!
  • Dr. Moreau’s on madness, which he read during these months of mental relaxation, drew from him an acknowledgment wherein he foreshadowed his intention of studying anatomy and myology. Balzac
  • Burstyn's pills lead her to delusion and madness; Leto's arm festers with an infected sore from too many needles.
  • I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies but not the madness of people. Isaac Newton 
  • As a hysteric, Beloved mimics dominant ideas about madness as well as orthodox definitions of gender and race.
  • It's the height of madness to sail at the height of the storm.
  • This could be a story about madness, or about the illusions we adopt to make life livable, or simply about the deliciousness of doughnuts (which of course have a void in the middle).
  • Could it be there's method in the apparent madness of allowing these two to scapegoat others for Government failures?
  • And play Van Gogh, he caught the descent into madness perfectly.
  • But this bar is a great refuge from the madness of weekend London.
  • #28 – The “righteous right” will never wake up because it would mean that they’d see their own level of hypocrisy in it all…..just like Dubya….it’s a form of madness….in this case, religious zealotism or fanaticism. Think Progress » Gay marriage ban dropped.
  • There's something about this place that breeds great madness and insanity.
  • What would be accepted as evidence if not disease, madness, misery, irrationality, frustration, criminality and sickness, that a tragic disparateness now exists between the needs of human beings and the imperatives of society. Rogue Of Gor
  • He is absolutely correct, there is total madness and mayhem on the roads in Bradford.
  • Words Containing One Basic Root canine cynic ` dog 'febrile pyretic ` fever' lingual glossal ` tongue 'peculiar idiotic ` one's own, private' popular demotic ` people 'position thesis ` place, put' rabies mania ` madness 'regal basilic ` king' risible gelastic ` laugh 'scientism gnosticism ` know' stellar astral ` star 'terrene chthonic ` earth' testis orchid ` testis ' VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VII No 3
  • Reefer Madness" tells the story of Jimmy Harper, an upstanding youth who becomes a whacked-out pot fiend after one 'toke' of the evil reefer. Featured Content
  • What madness drives these sooty pilgrims to wander to and fro on dirty city streets?
  • It is madness for a sheep to treat of peace with a wolf. 
  • But they, not sure of the voice they heard, sprang up and peered all round; then once again his bidding came; and when the daughters of Cadmus knew it was the Bacchic god in very truth that called, swift as doves they dirted off in cager haste, his mother Agave and her sisters dear and all the Bacchanals; through torrent glen, o'er boulders huge they bounded on, inspired with madness by the god. The Bacchantes
  • I don't know if this is endearing eccentricity or a form of bewildering madness.
  • He not only suffered a spectacular bout of what he called madness but also wrote an extraordinarily vivid account of it in his short novel The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold, which he freely admitted was a thinly disguised account of what had happened to him on a 1954 voyage to Ceylon to restore his health. Henry’s Demons
  • Then I totted up the prices and decided I'd had a moment of unsustainable madness, so I selected just the one - C.P. Cafavy: Collected Poems - and put the rest back with reluctance and a few sighs.
  • Does this readiness to invest in so-called safety devices represent sheer barking madness or a rather admirable brand of cockeyed optimism?
  • It's madness trying to close a road which is a main artery into Bedford.
  • The driving rain, high winds and the cold made it absolutely impossible to consider this as anything other than madness.
  • The Black Blade Wars lasted nine years, during which time Kharndam kept the madness from spreading outside of the Protectorates by refusing to recognize any of the self-proclaimed kings of that land and resisting any overbold attempts to conquer additional lands from their crown. The Codex Continual » Kharndam Guide: The Phendarm Protectorates
  • He is reputed to have said: ‘I can calculate the motions of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people’.
  • But it was inside the house that her madness truly reined, where she had stuffed her rooms with worthless discards.
  • As we frolic our way through Week Three, keep these helpful tips in mind; they'll get you through the madness before the shakedown.
  • It's not a coincidence," Gallagher points out, "that the term distracted once referred not just to a loss or dilution of attention but also to confusion, mental imbalance, and even madness. Ward Sutton: Paying Attention in the Information-Overload Age
  • Would the madness lock up my tongue in riddles and then be no use at all? Blackbird Pie « A Fly in Amber
  • The story is told through acting, song, dance and drama, with visual projections, choirs, bands and performance artists all adding to the madness.
  • Days of oppressive weariness and languor, whose realities have the feeble sickliness of dreams; nights, whose dreams are fierce realities of agony; sinking health, tottering frames, incipient madness, and worse, the consciousness of incipient madness; this is the price of their whistle. Mary Barton
  • Rather than refer to her speech at the previous day's banquet, whether to endorse or disavow such colorful phrases as "the Pentagon, a pentacle crowded with the demons of nuclear madness," or "the CIA-the Children Immolation Agency," he made an unspeech of it and simply called her a modern Joan of Arc. That St. Joan took arms in the cause of liberation became an unfact. The Boat of a Million Years
  • For some the madness seemed to bubble with molten brilliance from every fissure.
  • You teeter on the brink of more serious madness, perhaps as a result of frequent exposure to morbid imagery and bizarre literature.
  • BATH, England—Although historians today think that he suffered from a hereditary blood disorder called porphyria, not madness, King George III's erratic behavior has always baffled and intrigued in equal measure. The Witty Madness of David Haig's George III Is Fit for a King
  • He had handled his Indian scouts and dealt with the "bronco" Indians, the renegades from the tribes, in circumstances of extreme peril; for he had seen the sullen, moody Apaches when they suddenly went crazy with wolfish blood-lust, and in their madness wished to kill whomever was nearest. The Rough Riders
  • Unclean, unkempt, clothed in rags and hunger and madness, he saw himself victorious, heroic and beautiful.
  • Once I could shed tears — now my brain burns to madness, and the soothing stillicide of unutterable grief no longer washes my haggard cheeks. Agnes De-Courci: a Domestic Tale
  • It's clear from the outset that Myra is quite mad, and even when the source of her madness is revealed, it doesn't make one feel any more sympathy for her, or for her milksop of a husband. Creep Show
  • Based on Irving Stone's popular book, Vincente Minnelli's beautiful, vibrant film tracks Van Gogh's tragic journey into obsessive madness with unusual perceptiveness and insight. John Farr: Kirk Douglas Turns 95!
  • I never saw a more interesting creature: his eyes have generally an expression of wildness, and even madness; but there are moments when, if any one performs an act of kindness towards him, or does him any the most trifling service, his whole countenance is lighted up, as it were, with a beam of benevolence and sweetness that I never saw equalled. Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus
  • The mere fact that I had even considered taking on this analysis already seemed to be a sign of madness.
  • With a desperation that was madness, unmindful of the pain, he hurried up the slope to the crest of the hill over which his comrade had disappeared — more grotesque and comical by far than that limping, jerking comrade. LOVE OF LIFE
  • I know I have asked this question before but why is this kind of madness allowed to continue?
  • The previous night's memorable madness in Apartment 15B rushes back to the young man along with the nauseating odor of upchuck, but he plays it cool, acting the wide-eyed innocent who doesn't have a clue.
  • I would have pure madness to contend with and no guide-lines for appropriate behavior.
  • Summer: in the south west of France for the May half term; at the uplifting madness that was the Secret Garden Festival please note my boyfriend's chequer board haircut which seemed like an inspired idea after a few cocktails; driving up the M11 and being dazzled by the fields of rapeseed coming into bloom; in Cumbria for our summer holidays, bird spotting with the binoculars. Where I was 2008
  • The madness here is that it does not matter what we organize, what we number, what we subdivide.
  • The two pulsated and flared in the Santa Ana winds that must be something like the hot tramontana land wind of Spain that Gabriel Garcia Marquez says "carries with it the seeds of madness. Can Los Angeles Escaped The Fires?
  • Maybe simply seeing Violet/Chloe in that sanitarium would be enough to tip Dante Baptiste into madness, especially after watching Heather Wallace die. Etched in Bone
  • Now when this terrible dizain was completed the lord of the seven madnesses laid fire to a wisp of straw, and he cast it to the winds, saying that thus should the anger of Miramon Lluagor pass over the land. Figures of Earth
  • How do you tell where legitimate protest, in a sensible cause, shades into madness?
  • Completely unhinged by madness, she raised he hand and threw the dagger at Kathryn.
  • It's a film that plumbs the emotional depths of the women as they struggle to find meaning in their lives and stave off madness.
  • He wanted to stop this madness, prevent these kids from getting into serious trouble.
  • The girl who acted in the very same ways I did, driven by the same madness and the same motives.
  • It was a crushing loss that haunted him for the rest of his life, eventuating in his madness. Robert D. Stolorow: Trauma And The Hourglass Of Time
  • We are mad unless we are saintly, saintly only as we soar above madness.
  • Trapped within a haze of madness, I did not respond as he ordered me to my feet.
  • Every day the papers are filled with an appalling catalogue of deaths and injuries as the result of the latest piece of motoring madness.
  • At times the disturbance was so severe as to bring him to the edge of madness.
  • Marilyn Monroe: Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.
  • After months of madness in the house, they decided to abandon the place and move back to Philadelphia.
  • This link underlies much of the understanding of madness and its somatic basis in the modern age.
  • It's his voice we connect to the stories of madness and cruelty that we associate with that unforgotten war.
  • Latest madness in my farce - we can no longer take the word of a member of the public who has reported a cime, and then decided that in fact no crime took place. Names Will Never Hurt You « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • humoring" Phoebe's madness, with its implied subterfuges and equivocations. The Panchronicon
  • The real star is director Ava Roy, whose masterful use of the entire island was both subtle and innovative; at times organic (the gravedigger scene was on a small mountain of rubble) and striking (Ophelia's madness was played inside a wide open hospital room threaded with white twine, empty birdcages, and lilting bird down.) Lauren Gunderson: Wild and Whirling Words: An Audacious Hamlet on Alcatraz
  • Alcoholism is a disease that creates temporary madness and insanity. Drug addiction is a disease that destroys health and humanity. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • But my mother and I, an unbeatable cross-country sleuthing duo, put a stop to the madness in less than two hours.
  • The book is also limited by restricting the accounts of personal experience of madness to extreme mental states, such as mania and psychosis, and not mental illnesses such as unipolar depression or anxiety disorders.
  • He subsequently fronts the media to announce that he's become a guilt ridden wreck as a result of his uncharacteristic moment of madness.
  • The duo have been entertaining audiences all over the world for more than a decade with their musical madness and bizarre antics.
  • But I wanted to give Americans who aren't at the epicenter of the galactic madness which is currently fevering planet Earth a taste of what it's like to be in South Africa at World Cup 2010. David Henry Sterry: An American in South Africa -- Or, Why Soccer Really Matters
  • Light beer buffs have no business near the red winos, for example, who could never appreciate the quantitative method to our madness.
  • This "gentle madness" that characterizes librarians and all kinds of bibliophiles and bibliomanes may well frighten historians of economic thought.
  • But was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb ass speaking with man's voice forbad the madness of the prophet.
  • I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies but not the madness of people. Isaac Newton 
  • Charles Mackay, in his 1841 classic, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, explained that dissatisfaction with one's lot in life, far from leading to evil, has been the "great civilizer of our race. Leapfrogging: How Civilizations Progress And Make Smart Decisions
  • just one remove from madness
  • Looking at the interlinking segments of the internet as being held apart by barriers is old-media thinking, and trying to interlink everything is verging on madness. 2010 April « The Graveyard
  • Whereupon, realizing that there too lay madness, I forewent the squaring of the circle, although I assure you it required a considerable sacrifice on my part, for the mental exercise involved was a splendid time-killer. Chapter 5
  • Is it possible to conceive of madness without lucid intervals?
  • How come Jack McConnell greeted all the madness and mayhem of Wednesday's debate on the Licensing Bill with the widest of smiles?
  • Creation is messy. You want genius, you get madness; two sides of the same coin. Steve Jobs 
  • And, of course, I was also thinking of those MTV Video Music Awards in which Britney, already well on her way to madness, frenched Madonna. Madonnarama!
  • There's a strain of madness in the family.
  • Its founder, Massimo Mensi believed that ‘we must put a stop to the notion that madness is something to be hidden away and repressed… and admit that it is another world, close to us and part of us.’
  • One theory behind this madness is the World Baseball Classic has thrown off pitchers 'spring routines, which would account for some dead arms, while others are working to build their stamina. - No time to panic yet
  • We now have a limina, a visitation that might have actually happened or might have been entirely imagined by a Hamlet on the edge of madness. Modality and Hamlet
  • Unfortunately, it’s going to take Republicans to help stop the madness, so it’s good to see one who’s not inmeshed in it. Think Progress » Hagel On Escalation: ‘The Most Dangerous Foreign Policy Blunder in this Country Since Vietnam’
  • Herbert is afraid that the campaign will be "undermined by the usual madness," and he urges the candidates to "wrestle" -- but only metaphorically: Grave but Not Serious
  • Cindy and Casey together make up what is termed a folie a deaux, or "madness of two," in which two people share and perpetuate a psychosis. SplicedFeed
  • This provides a backdrop for her novel, a story beautifully told of a mother's descent into madness when her husband deserts, devastating their sensitive daughter Faith, the narrator.
  • Madness has always been a favorite choice of the civilized man who prepares himself for a noble achievement.
  • zone_info": "huffpost. media/blog; business = 1; featured-posts = 1; media = 1; nickname = laurence-leamer; entry_id = 167359; anti-semitism = 1; jewish = 1; jews = 1; leamer = 1; ma = 1; madness-under-the-royal-palms = 1; palm-beach = 1", Laurence Leamer: The Woman Who Cried Wolf
  • Chaotic dogfights appeared and disappeared in the madness of the battle, as either attacker or defender was killed.
  • This madness went will with the eccentric enthusiasm of hundreds of people gathered, filling the whole atmosphere with a strong current of passion and action.
  • Accordingly it fell to my lot to assume the appearance of madness, which made greatly for my purpose, as they consider mad men to be holy, and they therefore allowed me to go much more at large than before, until such time as the hermits might determine whether I were _holy mad_, or raging mad, as shall be shewn hereafter. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 07
  • The sweet madness of n|om talk is spiritually lubricating and awakening. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • All this madness yet proceeds from ourselves, the main engine which batters us is from others, we are merely passive in this business: from a company of parasites and flatterers, that with immoderate praise, and bombast epithets, glossing titles, false eulogiums, so bedaub and applaud, gild over many a silly and undeserving man, that they clap him quite out of his wits. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • a lucid moment in his madness
  • To the orthodox zoologist, phytologist and geologist, such a suggestion savoured of madness; they either took refuge in a contemptuous silence, or condescended only to reply: Had one visited the Garden of Eden during Creation, one would have found that, in the morning, man was not, while in the evening he was! — morning and evening bearing their newly established significance of geological epochs. Australia Felix
  • You and the babe are no innocents, and you well know that it is madness for you to expect any shelter from us.
  • His enthusiasm of knowledge is literally an enthusiasm: has about it that character of possession of one person by another, by which those "animistic" old Greeks explained natural madness. Plato and Platonism
  • I feared madness, not sickness -- I have a presentiment that Adrian will not die; perhaps this illness is a crisis, and he may recover. I.4a
  • Now to determine the day and year of this inevitable time, is not onely convincible [110] and statute-madness, [111] but also manifest impiety. Religio Medici
  • Let me have young boon companions, witty, unwarped by prejudice, merry to the verge of madness! The Magic Skin
  • Scorsese drenches Shutter Island in madness but not in the clichéd ways of overt, distracting symbolism or epilepsy-inducing camerawork and editing. SHUTTER ISLAND Review –
  • In such a supposed case, I felt by anticipation the horrors of the Highland seers, whom their gift of deuteroscopy compels to witness things unmeet for mortal eye; and who, to use the expression of Collins, — — “heartless, oft, like moody madness, stare, The Fortunes of Nigel
  • Disregard the time-change madness and consider their Action Driver labelmates (which include unapologetic new wavers Radio Berlin), and Thunderbirds almost begin to sound different by proxy.
  • Part of her was thrilled by the flood of intoxicating, alien feelings, but the other, more rational side of her knew what they represented - a long steep slide towards madness.
  • Such sonic mayhem envisioned the sounds of madness, neurosis, and warped wit.
  • The most vivid memories of this quarter final will not be of the skilful play of Lismore but the five minutes of first-half madness when the game erupted into violence.
  • So you think you are saving yourselves from madness, but you are falling into mediocrity, into hebetude.
  • They made her plead madness.
  • This approach has led many to wonder if the apparent madness in the method is deliberate or if he is fumbling around aimlessly.
  • It is madness for sheep to talk peace with a wolf. Thomas Fuller 
  • March Madness is all about the numbers: 65 teams, 19 days, 14 venues, millions wagered on office sweepstakes.
  • In the case of Orestes, for example, there is the madness which led to his capture, and his deliverance by means of the purificatory rite. Poetics
  • Despite the three-hour length, the descent of Kathy Bates's character into madness is so abrupt as to be risible.
  • To walk into a bar even with a toy gun was an act of absolute and utter madness.
  • Of course, their road to wedded bliss has been blocked with minor annoyances - criticisms of the May-December romance, prenuptial madness, new babies, etc.
  • The first outcome of this is their book, Philosophy of Madness, where six of the club's poets-users talk about their visions, fears, dreams and life.
  • No; he can rob her with impunity, even to waste publicly on a courtezan; and the laws of her country — if women have a country — afford her no protection or redress from the oppressor, unless she have the plea of bodily fear; yet how many ways are there of goading the soul almost to madness, equally unmanly, though not so mean? Maria; or The Wrongs of Woman
  • On this mysterious chastisement, which some think consisted in an attack of the madness called lycanthropy, as well as on the interregnum which it must have caused, Babylonian annals are silent: clever hypotheses have been devised either to explain this silence, or in scanning documents in order to find in them traces of the wanted interregnum The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • In case it had slipped anyone's mind in all this madness, Liverpool trail their friendly neighbours by 9 points for the first time in 20 years.
  • The poem ends on a lovely reduced, calm note, a counter to the politicised madness of the 1960s.
  • A man of gladness seldom falls into madness
  • He stared down at her and leered, his eyes filled with madness and lust.
  • What wonder, then, that not until the first Omaric madness had passed away were the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, Jr., lifted into the light after an infinity of sudor et labor spent in excavating under the 9,000 irregular verbs, 80 declensions, and 41 exceptions to every rule which go to make the ancient Mango-Bornese dialect in which the poem was originally written, foremost among the dead languages! The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam Jr.
  • The husband's faithlessness is called a caprice, an adventure, a craving or madness of the senses. His Excellency the Minister
  • As with his previous UN appearances, there's always a method behind Ahmadenijad's "meshugas" (Yiddish for madness). Rabbi Abraham Cooper: Arab Countries Hedge Bets on American Nuclear Resolve
  • The curate recounted in brief, reasons of Don Quixote’s madness, and how that disguisement was requisite to bring him away from the mountain wherein at that present he made his abode. The Third Book. XIII. How the Curate and the Barber Put Their Design in Practice, with Many Other Things Worthy to Be Recorded in This Famous History
  • In the everyday kingdom of mere things, in contact with our joyless existence and the adamantean wall of social customs and falsehoods, he saw nothing but confusion, madness, death. Leonid Andreyev: 1871-1919
  • What gets me is the blatant attempt to get you to vote for this madness by dangling the job carrot.
  • Creation is messy. You want genius, you get madness; two sides of the same coin. Steve Jobs 
  • For the truth of the history is, that Master Elisabat, of whom the madman spoke, was very prudent, and a man of a sound judgment, and served the queen as her tutor and physician; but to think that she was his leman is a madness worthy the severest punishment; and to the end thou mayst see that Cardenio knew not what he said, thou must understand that when he spoke it he then was wholly beside himself. The Third Book. XI. Which Treats of the Strange Adventures That Happened to the Knight of the Mancha in Sierra Morena; and of the Penance He Did There, in Imitation of Beltenebros
  • I shall haunt the streets until my madness is quenched.
  • But there's also Malibu madness, rum and raisin, tiramisu coffee liqueur and brown bread and whisky made with eight-year-old Scotch.
  • But I refuse to be a part of the madness that takes over the parkways and highways on the day after Thanksgiving.
  • Team-work touched with a hint of madness is what seems to appeal, which is why Rodrigues has settled in so well.
  • The passion whose violence or continuance maketh madness is either great vainglory, which is commonly called pride and self-conceit, or great dejection of mind. Leviathan
  • Sheer senseless destruction to send in a cockleshell like the JERVIS BAY against the might of a pocket battleship, a folly and a bravado, that amounted to nothing less than madness. The Lonely Sea
  • The national mourning, the shared grief, exactly the right responses to a single, spasmatic act of madness. CNN Transcript Sep 15, 2001
  • Like thousands of other fans I was truly disappointed at his unannounced withdrawal from the Madness gig.
  • A fresh Hallowmas party is designed for you(Disco Party): the perfect music, sparking lights, na?ve angel and exotic scene. The thrilling performance will draw you to the top of madness.
  • All this appeared to me, I own, methodized madness. The Last Man
  • It is madness to climb in such bad weather.
  • It is the same unregenerate self that is manifested both in the intimate gestures and public actions, the madness of love and the frenzy of rabble-rousing: there is no difference between the private and the public self.
  • It is just that the unfolding of that tragedy should thenceforth be dominated by madness.
  • There's something about this place that breeds great madness and insanity.
  • Nor was this all-pervading caress a something that cloyed with too great sweetness; nor was it sickly sentimental; nor was it maudlin with love's madness. Jack London's Short Story - Planchette
  • The film succeeds because we are made to feel a little bit of the confusion, paranoia and madness of war.
  • There are, unfortunately, people in the world who are unstable, and who may descend into madness.
  • I have suffered from the humiliating and tormenting memories of this summer as from a bout of madness - what I indicated in Basle and in my last letter concealed the most essential thing.
  • Your ridiculous new border controls border on madness, and we refuse to demean ourselves by submitting to your arrogant, petty-minded demands.
  • Reasons for divorce are often infertility, adultery, unreasonable behaviour, and madness.
  • They say that genius often goes hand in hand with madness.
  • He likewise never dramatizes a cultural crisis of meaning as a kind of descent into nothingness, madness, and absurdity.
  • Cutting down the forest is sheer madness .
  • [6344] Seneca, a frantic error; or as Austin, Insanus animi morbus, a furious disease of the soul; insania omnium insanissima, a quintessence of madness; [6345] for he that is superstitious can never be quiet. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Although her journey into madness is somewhat short-circuited, Rachel Pickup is also a frighteningly distrait Ophelia.
  • I felt that to enter the wreck below decks at this depth would be madness, even though interesting brass items shone below me in my torchlight.
  • Since then, Spector has been a virtual recluse, dogged by rumours of mania and madness.
  • However, in the final minute of the contest, a moment of madness that could happen to any player happened to the unfortunate netminder.
  • The result is that usual family compromise that looks like madness and indulgence to grown up people who have no children, and parents who have forgotten the tragi-comedy of those early years. Seeing The Funny Side « Tales from the Reading Room
  • A man of gladness seldom falls into madness
  • Theorists in the first period included travelers, military physicians, and alienists who examined Algerian lunatics and collectively found them less prone to madness than civilized Europeans.
  • Dorothy tells us that what is called madness is really immense mental distress, inability to cope.
  • This one is appropriately named Noah's Ark. And like the biblical sanctuary, they enter in twos, escaping what they call the madness outside. CNN Transcript Jun 19, 2006
  • In the eighteenth century madness was seen as either animalism, best controlled by harsh restraint, or as imbalances in bodily humours, treated by bleeding.
  • [1868] Tristes voluptatum exitus, et quisquis voluptatum suarum reminisci volet, intelliget, as bitter as gall and wormwood is their last; grief of mind, madness itself. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Sorrow closes the lot of such aweless, unbridled madness: stability is for the calmly reverent life, knitting whole houses in sweet domestic harmony. Story of Orestes A Condensation of the Trilogy
  • ` ` I was successively afflicted by lethargies and fevers, by opposite tendencies to a consumptive and dropsical habit, by a contraction of my nerves, a fistula in my eye, and the bite of a dog, most vehemently suspected of madness. Through the Magic Door
  • March madness is upon us, serving up nail biting, gut-churning, adrenaline fueled anticipation. Brian Harke Ed.D.: March Madness: College Admissions
  • a consternation, and the whole palace was full of the soldiers 'madness, and the very emperor's guards seemed under the like fear and disorder with private persons, the band called pretorian, which was the purest part of the army, was in consultation what was to be done at this juncture. Antiquities of the Jews
  • She once defined madness to me as an inability to balance or impress – in other words in conversation one person says something and the other person weighs it up and replies. An Aristocratic Ménage: Consuelo, Sunny and Gladys | Edwardian Promenade

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