

  1. without using a microscope
    The tubes were examined macroscopically

How To Use macroscopically In A Sentence

  • In the past, tissue damage was quantified macroscopically by visual effects such as tissue mass removal, carbonization and melting.
  • Macroscopically, the largest mass in the lobectomy specimen was firm and white with cystic degeneration and stippling calcification.
  • After classification of the nature of the sputum, those patients with macroscopically mucoid samples did not receive antibiotic therapy.
  • Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and colonoscopy were macroscopically normal and mucosal biopsy specimens were obtained.
  • Macroscopically, they have a thin fibrous wall and contain serous fluid. The gross pathology is confirmed at the microscopic level, where one sees a thin fibrous wall lined by a monolayer of mesothelium.
  • Growth ring limits, if distinct, demarcated by discontinuous marginal parenchyma bands composed of smaller and mostly crystalliferous cells; macroscopically, growth ring limits are quite distinct.
  • The tubes were examined macroscopically
  • These ethnical cultures interact together with the unique environment, as form a culture province macroscopically and some sub-culture province with contiguous cultures microcosmically.
  • The macroscopically apparent thrombosed vessels in case 3 contained tumor emboli and multiple foci of infarction.
  • This macroscopically observable reaction was identified to be coupled with light-induced processes of the photoreceptor phytochrome.
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