
How To Use Macroscopic In A Sentence

  • Note the extremes of acidity and alkalinity in which macroscopical growth has developed (Range of reaction). The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • [18] But according to noted sindonologist Giulio Fanti, "the image in discussion does not match the main fundamental properties of the Shroud image, in particular at thread and fiber level but also at macroscopic level. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • At the macroscopic scale, samples held in test-tubes spontaneously demix under the influence of gravity into a top isotropic phase and a bottom birefringent nematic phase.
  • Consumption is the main variable of macroscopical economy.
  • The model makes it possible to calculate the macroscopic behaviors of the two-fluid flow, such as effective pressure, effective viscosity and shear viscosity of particle phase.
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  • The Cambrian fossil record suggests that many metazoans were macroscopic and adapted for life in the macrobenthos.
  • Wound reactions of trees have been the subject of numerous investigations at the macroscopic and microscopic levels.
  • More recently, we have also developed a method for examining the microscopic and macroscopic properties of fluids with restricted flow geometries, such as permeable and semi-permeable membranes, and used it to study phenomena such as osmosis, reverse osmosis and electro-osmosis. Contributor: Sohail Murad
  • A CAS is a heterogeneous collection of interacting agents that evolves over time at the macroscopic system scale. Archive 2006-07-01
  • Temporal programs reflecting the 24 h cycle of day and night are expressed by most organisms from microscopic cyanobacteria to macroscopic humans.
  • But according to noted sindonologist Giulio Fanti, "the image in discussion does not match the main fundamental properties of the Shroud image, in particular at thread and fiber level but also at macroscopic level. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • In the past, tissue damage was quantified macroscopically by visual effects such as tissue mass removal, carbonization and melting.
  • Ultimately, El Hanani's drawings are meditations on the relationship of the macroscopic to the microscopic, the infinite to the infinitesimal.
  • Starting at the macroscopic chromosome level we see that its structure can strongly vary throughout the cell cycle on timescales of hours or days.
  • Macroscopically, the largest mass in the lobectomy specimen was firm and white with cystic degeneration and stippling calcification.
  • If matter is atomic, then it is already a collection of determinate objects in its own right, and it becomes natural to regard the properties of macroscopic substances as mere summations of the natures of the atoms.
  • Using RS information to do the RS digit image map have many advantages: macroscopical, real time, no limited of frontier and political position when catch information, short cycle, high quality.
  • Removal of all gross tumor and omental involvement reduces the tumor burden by 80% to 90%; however, microscopic and macroscopic metastatic disease frequently is present.
  • Quantum whistling is analogous to a phenomenon in another macroscopic quantum system, a superconductor, which develops an oscillating current when a voltage is applied across a non-conducting gap.
  • After classification of the nature of the sputum, those patients with macroscopically mucoid samples did not receive antibiotic therapy.
  • Methods: Using literature textual criticism , macroscopic and physical and chemical identification Methods : To identify Halloysitum rubrum.
  • We should distinguish it into macroscopical and microcosmic labor axiology.
  • DPMs consist of the gene products of what is known as the "developmental-genetic toolkit," but considered in subsets, as dynamical networks embodying physical processes characteristic of chemically and mechanically excitable meso - to macroscopic systems like cell aggregates: cohesion, viscoelasticity, diffusion, and spatio-temporal heterogeneity based on lateral inhibition, and multistable and oscillatory dynamics. ScreenTalk
  • The macroscopic anatomy of the cerebellum and the brain stem of the Chinese buffalo was studied in detail.
  • CONCLUSION: The main macroscopical and microscopical characters can be used to identify these crude drugs.
  • Hence some studies require the more detailed analysis which can be undertaken by macroscopic simulation models or dense network assignment models.
  • The diagnosis was based on macroscopic, histologic, immunohistochemical, and occasionally ultrastructural features.
  • Objective : Searching for new method of synthesizing macroscopic quantities compounds of cluster.
  • Changes on the microscopic level eventually spill over into the macroscopic level.
  • Right now, the most underrepresented groups in terms of percent of undescribed species are probably macroscopic. The Scientist
  • Energy is not only involved in macroscopic processes, but in microscopic processes as well.
  • Repeat gastroscopy showed macroscopic features consistent with coeliac disease and duodenal biopsies showed total villous atrophy.
  • Some spontaneous macroscopic evolutions are reversible and isentropic, and an expanding radiation-dominated universe is one example. Against Bounces
  • Assessment of laser radiation on biological tissue has traditionally been limited to macroscopic effects and histopathological endpoint analysis.
  • The associated de Broglie wavelength of a probing particle rather than the "macroscopic" wavelength defines the minimum object size that can be resolved. Accelerators and Nobel Laureates
  • Director Wolfgang Becker focuses on the microscopic to explore the macroscopic as he tells the story of a small family divided by incompatible political ideologies and the changes wrought by time.
  • Maxwell equations, which are now known as the macroscopic Maxwell equations (valid in the presence of continuous polarizable matter). Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • These waves are literally gravitons - the hypothetical particles that carry the gravitational force - that have been stretched to macroscopic lengths by the cosmic expansion.
  • The borosilicate pipettes were coated with dental wax to record macroscopic currents and with sylgard to record single-channel currents.
  • The macroscopic table and the submicroscopic table are the same table; what differs is our viewpoint, our scale and level of reference when we consider the table.
  • Dr. Hagelin: Modern science has probed deeper levels of nature's functioning, from the macroscopic world of classical physics to the world of the atom, then to the underlying nucleus and the subnuclear. Jeanne Ball: 9/11: Have We Overlooked the Most Effective Way to Prevent Terrorism and War?
  • Institute, have proposed a new nomenclature for macroscopic encephalic anatomy, which, while seemingly imperfect in many respects, has, at least, the merit of stimulating thought, and has given an impulse to a reform which will not cease until something has been actually accomplished in this direction. Scientific American Supplement, No. 520, December 19, 1885
  • By means of this concept he was able to write down modified [[Maxwell equations]], which are now known as the macroscopic Maxwell equations (valid in the presence of continuous polarizable matter). Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • By means of analyses on macroscopic inspection, chemical composition, mechanical property, microstructure and fractography, the reason of cracking failure of boiler pipes is short-term overheat.
  • A direct comparison is made between microscopic measures such as densitometry and macroscopic measures such as planimetry to examine the different answers obtained with the two approaches.
  • Individual consumption demand is the important variable in macroscopical economy.
  • It seems clear that quantum mechanics is fundamentally about atoms and electrons, quarks and strings, not those particular macroscopic regularities associated with what we call measurements of the properties of these things. Bohmian Mechanics
  • We should distinguish it into macroscopical and microcosmic labor axiology.
  • Sponges subsist on macroscopic detritus material, but also consume cellular material, bacteria, and nonliving particles so small they cannot be resolved with a light microscope.
  • How is it that microphysics is time-reversible, yet macroscopic systems show increasing entropy?
  • This is how I think about the fact that buckminsterfullerene, C 60, reached macroscopic stability - in the special reaction conditions of a carbon arc in a helium atmosphere.
  • Structural economic benefits has the characteristic such as sex of macroscopical sex, durative, omnibus, free.
  • The macroscopic membranes or plaques can interfere with or even prevent cell-to-cell communications, which results in neurological disorders.
  • Adding to this unexpected, macroscopic demonstration of crack blunting, computer simulations of fracturing in even more elastic materials pointed to blunting as a barrier to crack growth on a microscopic scale.
  • So not only we have chaos at macroscopical level what was already clear but this chaos is heavily interacting with other equally important parameters . Exponential Growth in Physical Systems « Climate Audit
  • [20] But according to noted sindonologist Giulio Fanti, "the image in discussion does not match the main fundamental properties of the Shroud image, in particular at thread and fiber level but also at macroscopic level. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Solenoids are often important components of circuits and switches in their macroscopic form.
  • This direction, namely x, could then be ascertained by a macroscopic measurement.
  • Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and colonoscopy were macroscopically normal and mucosal biopsy specimens were obtained.
  • The essays are heavily laced with anger, remorse and angst, as Powell examines his life on microscopic and macroscopic levels.
  • The emergent principles of thermodynamics, which were introduced to describe macroscopic systems such as steam engines and refrigerators, were eventually derived from the submicroscopic atomic theory of matter. Victor Stenger: The Hubris of Holism
  • This project involves: investigate fast methods of simulating water and gas: ranging from molecular dynamics but with simplified potentials, various optimizations, coarse graining methods, to lattice Boltzmann methods; investigate existing libraries for water simulation (for example take a look at elbeem library from Blender) implement selected method of simulation or incorporate selected library in StepCore implement GUI in Step for creating and modifying macroscopical quantities of gas and watter KDE TechBase - Recent changes [en]
  • On the macroscopic scale, for most problems in celestial mechanics, Newtons theory of gravity, supplemented by treating relativistic effects as a small (very small) perturbation and irregularities in the mass distribution of gravitating bodies as multipole effects works extremely well. Matthew Yglesias » Cato’s David Boaz Joins George Will in Peddling Bogus “Global Cooling” Stories
  • It is true that Newton did suggest that if we could know the forces that operate on the minute particles of matter, we could understand why macroscopic processes occur in the ways they do.
  • Even more generally, one could ask whether the results of decoherence could thus be used to explain the emergence of the entire classicality of the everyday world, i.e., to explain both kinematical features such as macroscopic localisation and dynamical features such as approximately Newtonian or Brownian trajectories, whenever they happen to be phenomenologically adequate descriptions. ...anything but love...
  • These elements include loading conditions, rate of crack growth, and macroscopic and microscopic appearance of fracture surfaces.
  • The event is recognized as a macroscopic discontinuity in the counter.
  • On the macroscopic scale, the ability to carry current, called conductance, varies linearly as a function of the length and cross-sectional area of the wire. Undefined
  • Risk factors associated with HS bronchopneumonitis were oral–labial lesions, HS in the throat, and macroscopic bronchial lesions seen during bronchoscopy .
  • To measure the macroscopic properties of the extract, we use a mechanical rheometer to investigate the onset of gelation, and the frequency- and strain-dependent network response.
  • The macroscopic table and the submicroscopic table are the same table; what differs is our viewpoint, our scale and level of reference when we consider the table.
  • Feeding on them are microscopic and macroscopic herbivores, with carnivores preying on them.
  • The cause for corrosion-induced failure of inner cavity of pulsation vacuum sterilizer was analyzed through physical and chemical inspection, macroscopical and microscopical examination.
  • The resulting mesoscale model integrates atomic detail where essential with a macroscopic representation at the polymer level to permit long time trajectories of a large system.
  • The article describes reservoir macroscopic heterogeneity with statistical method, logarithmic normal curve method and Lohreng curve method.
  • The fungal kingdom consists of macroscopic fungi (mushrooms, puffballs, and gills) vs. microscopic fungi (yeasts and hyphae).
  • The oldest fossil that may represent a macroscopic organism is about 2.1 billion years old.
  • Macroscopic factor that is the result of uncertainty of the society environment change and illegibility of accountant acknowledgement measure will result in accountant information distortion.
  • This study shows that theory developed for the 'macroscopic' world applies equally to the microscopic one," said Sam Scheiner, program director in NSF's Division of Environmental Biology, which co-funds the EID program with NSF's - latest science and technology news stories
  • Macroscopically, they have a thin fibrous wall and contain serous fluid. The gross pathology is confirmed at the microscopic level, where one sees a thin fibrous wall lined by a monolayer of mesothelium.
  • After quenching and tempering, material H13 steel core bar was broken during alignment There are naphthalene fractures on macroscopical fractures surface.
  • On the scale of an erythrocyte, a change in the primary nucleation rates could have profound effects even if macroscopic experiments revealed very little difference.
  • Whenever you (approximately) say that the entropy is "macroscopic The Reference Frame
  • Growth ring limits, if distinct, demarcated by discontinuous marginal parenchyma bands composed of smaller and mostly crystalliferous cells; macroscopically, growth ring limits are quite distinct.
  • mount slides for macroscopic analysis
  • Conscious mastery of price circulation law is the guideline policy of government control macroscopic price fluctuation.
  • On the macroscopic scale, for most problems in celestial mechanics, Newtons theory of gravity, supplemented by treating relativistic effects as a small (very small) perturbation and irregularities in the mass distribution of gravitating bodies as multipole effects works extremely well. Matthew Yglesias » Cato’s David Boaz Joins George Will in Peddling Bogus “Global Cooling” Stories
  • The cultural administration is the combination of the macroscopic cultural administration system and the microscopic cultural administrative operation mechanism.
  • Bottom-dwelling shellfish, ammonites, etc., occur within this matrix as a distinguishable, generally macroscopic component.
  • The contrast between resultants, like the weight of a macroscopic object, and emergents, like an object's colour, seems intuitive enough; but on examination, it is very hard to make precise.
  • The tubes were examined macroscopically
  • In the attempt to trace the connecting nerve tracts through this white substance by either macroscopical or microscopical methods, most important aid is given by a method originated by Waller in 1852. A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume IV: Modern Development of the Chemical and Biological Sciences
  • KASSNER, E.W. and COLLINS, E. (1943) Indian belladonna: Some notes on its alkaloid content and on the macroscopical characters and alkaloid content of plants grown at New Barnet (England). Chapter 5
  • Another aspect arising from the macroscopic chirality of gel networks refers to applications in material science such as sensors or switches, he told Reactive Reports.
  • From the macroscopical examination he pronounced a case we examined to be ague, but I was not able to detect the plants either in the urine or blood. Scientific American Supplement, No. 384, May 12, 1883
  • At the microscopic and macroscopic levels fracture results from the passage of a crack through a region of material.
  • Thus, the kidneys, after many injections of the protein, showed the characteristic macroscopic picture of the third stage of the amyloid nephrosis.
  • Modern science has probed deeper levels of nature's functioning, from the macroscopic world of classical physics to the world of the atom, then to the underlying field of the atomic nucleus, and then to the subnuclear levels. Beyond Nuclear Deterrence: A Complementary Protective Approach for Israel
  • Almost two thirds of people with adult polycystic kidney disease also develop microscopic or macroscopic haematuria.
  • The brain weighed 1620 g, and macroscopic examination revealed congested leptomeninges covering the cerebral hemispheres.
  • His classification of tissues was macroscopical and physiological; he relied upon texture and function in distinguishing them rather than upon microscopical structure. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • These ethnical cultures interact together with the unique environment, as form a culture province macroscopically and some sub-culture province with contiguous cultures microcosmically.
  • The implementation of forest green GDP calculability has vital significance to the forest macroscopic management and policy formulation of our country.
  • Then the paper reveals the significances of post-evaluation of vertical integrated project of animal husbandry from both macroscopical and microcosmic view.
  • The macroscopically apparent thrombosed vessels in case 3 contained tumor emboli and multiple foci of infarction.
  • In contrast to thermodynamics, where molecular motions can be averaged out over macroscopic scales, genetic details do influence phenotypic evolution.
  • This type of leadership involves microscopic perceptions and macroscopic expectations.
  • Some modelling techniques are a combination of both models and cannot be defined as either solely macroscopic or microscopic.
  • Electrons, positrons, and photons can be separated and isolated at macroscopic distances.
  • Common sense doesn't really work any more, at least not once you try to look at both quantum and macroscopic physics at once. LOSING IT
  • Feeding on them are microscopic and macroscopic herbivores, with carnivores preying on them.
  • A macro and micro mechanics model is presented based on the relation between macroscopic and microscopic stress and strain fields, in which composite macroscopic stress strain relation is obtained.
  • If this macroscopic change altered the microscopic laws, these laws would eventually reach a form capable of supporting an H-theorem.
  • SBY showed his capacities as a leader that oversee problems in macroscopic way, but he failed to show comprehension to solve the micro issues. Global Voices in English » Indonesia: Disappointing Election Debate
  • Moreover, some controversy exists about the use of microscopic or macroscopic constants to calculate the relative concentration of each microspecies.
  • Here we use reconstituted actin gels seeded with particles as a model system to explore the relation between the macroscopic and microscopic properties of actin.
  • At the same time when these broad macroscopical distinctions were being drawn there were other workers who were striving to go even deeper into the intricacies of the animal mechanism with the aid of the microscope. A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume IV: Modern Development of the Chemical and Biological Sciences
  • Each precipitate is more or less adherent, depending on how it combines with phlogiston and on the quantity of oil, present as an intermediate, available to join coloring particles to cloth. 25 His explanation for the use of this material again relies on a macroscopic analogy based on his practical experience. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • The combination of a detailed macroscopic description and archaeometric study, using both chemical and petrographic analysis, showed a mainly local origin for both common ware and tableware. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Ceramology Report 1
  • Methods: Using literature textual criticism , macroscopic and physical and chemical identification Methods : To identify Halloysitum rubrum.
  • The haploid myxamoebae act as isogametes; individuals of different mating types pair and fuse to form diploid zygotes that develop into macroscopic, diploid plasmodia after repeated mitotic cycles without cell division.
  • The presence of myocardial infarction was confirmed by macroscopic and histological examination of the myocardium.
  • Sorel un gran signore, una nobilt di altri tempi. we tedeschi tutti straordinari professionisti ... un altro francese che prese un premio the Cannes, un story Stephan Freys, o qualcosa di simile, uno stronzo macroscopico ... Archive 2009-11-01
  • The shifting scale which allows the artist to see events from both a macroscopic and microscopic perspective forestalls the despair which enveloped his hero Goya at the end of his life.
  • He only saw the formula in its microscopic form and didn't realize that it could be macroscopic.
  • The model makes it possible to calculate the macroscopic behaviors of the two-fluid flow, such as effective pressure, effective viscosity and shear viscosity of particle phase.
  • Swordsmanship is the microcosmic basis of sword technique, without this basic, How the macroscopical things exiting?
  • This macroscopically observable reaction was identified to be coupled with light-induced processes of the photoreceptor phytochrome.
  • Banded iron formations are so named in part because of their distinctive banded or layered structure, which occurs at various scales from microscopic to macroscopic.
  • It occurred to Waller that by destroying such centres, or by severing the connection at various regions between a nervous tract and its trophic centre, sharply defined tracts could be made to degenerate, and their location could subsequently be accurately defined, as the degenerated tissues take on a changed aspect, both to macroscopical and microscopical observation. A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume IV: Modern Development of the Chemical and Biological Sciences
  • All those concerned with disorders of the human body must start from a background of knowledge of its normal macroscopic and microscopic structure.
  • While we remain perplexed about how the microscopic and the macroscopic relate to each other, this extension in the direction of the cosmic is a bold move whose feasibility is not necessarily obvious.
  • The nonlinear lattice dynamics and an expression of nonlinear macroscopic polarization are derived in terms of optic phonon modes.
  • Another part of us recognizes instinctively that nature designs in fractals, with intriguing detail on every scale from the microscopic to the macroscopic.
  • [11] But according to noted sindonologist Giulio Fanti, "the image in discussion does not match the main fundamental properties of the Shroud image, in particular at thread and fiber level but also at macroscopic level. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • We have reported two cases of bladder carcinoma manifesting as macroscopic haematuria in adult polycystic kidney disease.
  • The linking process form microcracks to a fatal macroscopic crack is dominated by the strong interaction among neighboring microcracks.

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