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How To Use Macrophage In A Sentence

  • Slide 13: MHC molecules and T cell function  Class I MHC molecules  Most nucleated cells of the body  Infected / cancerous cells display parts of foreign antigens on surfaces  Recognized by cytotoxic T cells  Class II MHC molecules  Dendritic cells, macrophages, B cells (APCs) display phagocytized antigen fragments on surfaces  Recognized by helper T cells  T cells that have receptors for self - molecules are destroyed  self - tolerance Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Methods: To determine macrophage phagocytosis, hemolysin antibody and cell proliferation and B lymphocytes.
  • Methods: To determine macrophage phagocytosis, hemolysin antibody and cell proliferation of T and B lymphocytes.
  • Once the bacterium is within the macrophage, the macrophage's bactericidal mechanisms destroy the microbe.
  • The venous sinuses are lined not by endothelium but by specialized reticular cells, which are fixed macrophages.
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  • This removal of apoptotic neutrophils by macrophage phagocytosis is a critical process for the resolution of inflammation.
  • BHT could induce apoptosis to pulmonary macrophage in the perfusate of isolate perfused rat lung as examined by the technology of PI fluorescence stain and comet assay.
  • The changes of oxidant and anti-oxidant system of alveolar macrophage (AM ) of rats exposing to coal-quartz mixed dust were investigated in the developmental process of experimental anthracosilicosis.
  • In conclusion, the use of specific molecular probes and insitu hybridisation allows a functional analysis of tissue macrophages.
  • As the bacteria are released from the newly lysed cell, more macrophages begin the process of phagocytosis, and the cycle continues.
  • One of the important functions of macrophages is to scavenge xenobiotic substances.
  • Barberry contains berberine, which is believed to enhance immune function by stimulating immune cells called macrophages, white cells that circulate throughout the blood, gobbling bacteria, viruses, and other foreign invaders. Earl Mindell’s New Herb Bible
  • Macrophages may be activated by cigarette smoke and other inhaled irritants.
  • Macrophage cells secrete chemicals that can dissolve bone under an implant.
  • The injured or ruptured cells attract neutrophil leukocytes and activate alveolar macrophages, causing inflammation in the lung.
  • The team's research shows that Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is able to stimulate macrophages - the immune cells the bacterium infects - to accumulate fat droplets, turning them into "foamy" cells. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Macrophages in the starry sky pattern may be engaged in clearing lymphoma cells lytically infected with EBV.
  • Through a process called phagocytosis, the macrophages digest the damaged tissue and release its components. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Objective:To investigate the renal expression of macrophage migration inhibitory factor(MIF)in lupus nephritis and its correlation with renal injuries.
  • The Lancet report showed evidence of extensive destruction triggered by blood cells called macrophages.
  • At the same time it increases the cytotoxic action of macrophages in destroying tumor cells by stimulating the production of lymphokine interleukin. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • Zinc has been shown to inhibit some functions of polymorphonuclear leucocytes, to inhibit alveolar macrophage activity, and to facilitate pulmonary tissue injury.
  • This effect allows aspirin to inhibit granulocyte adherence to damaged vasculature, stabilize lysosomes and inhibit the migration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and macrophages to the site of inflammation. Aspirin: effects, poisoning
  • Among them, one of the most studied is the anaplerotic utilisation of intracellular carbon sources through the glyoxylate shunt enzyme ICL icl gene after M. tuberculosis infection of macrophages and dendritic cells PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • This method can be applied to both macrophages and microphages.
  • IgG2a isotype antibody is known to be more effective than other isotypes in clearing virus infection via multiple mechanisms including complement activation, stimulation of antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity and clearance of opsonized virus by macrophages PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The systemic immune effects include increased apoptosis of thymocytes, decreased macrophage phagocytosis, thymic atrophy and diminished allograft rejection.
  • Other cells such as macrophages and/or marginated neutrophils, which are known to have a high NADPH oxidase activity, could also contribute to the lung oxidant burden that takes place during the ischemic storage.
  • In the first study, Satoshi Nishimura and colleagues from the University of Tokyo show that CD8+ effector T cells play an important role in macrophage recruitment and adipose tissue inflammation. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Will Immunotherapy Provide a New Treatment for Obesity?
  • The neurohypophysis was replaced by fibrotic tissue containing perivascular macrophages and activated microglia, and in the cerebellum, there were large areas of myelin pallor.
  • Absolute cell counts of macrophages, lymphocytes, and eosinophilic and neutrophilic granulocytes were calculated.
  • Objective Discusses one kind of simple macrophage to swallow the saccharomycetes method.
  • The lack of h2-calponin also significantly increased macrophage phagocytotic activity, suggesting a novel mechanism to regulate phagocyte Journal of Biological Chemistry current issue
  • The pathogenesis of mycobacterial infection is associated with an ability to interfere with maturation of the phagosomal compartment after ingestion by macrophages.
  • These results confirm increased macrophage activation in inflammatory bowel disease and suggest functional heterogeneity within the intestinal macrophage population.
  • Compared with that of respective control groups, the released content of NO from macrophages, neuroglial cell of the NGF groups was decreased in the normal mice and the NOD mice.
  • Total RNA was prepared from purified T lymphocytes obtained from patients with sarcoid T-cell alveolitis or normal T cells or purified alveolar macrophages from patients with active sarcoidosis and control subjects.
  • These plaques, included for our immunohistochemical examination, were characterized by area of myelin reduction containing numerous macrophages with clear and foamy cytoplasm, positive with acid periodic Schiff staining (PAS) after diastase digestion. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In a mouse study, Dickek and his team transplanted bone marrow containing macrophages that overproduce a protein-digesting enzyme known as urokinase into aged, atherosclerotic mice. Innovations-report
  • Macrophages throughout the reticuloendothelial system ingest and sequester the organism.
  • For immunocytochemistry, grids were incubated with the antibodies against macrophages.
  • Objective To investigate the toxic effects of Zinc gluconate and Manganous chloride which were used solely and together to oppose the toxicity of silica on alveolar macrophage.
  • H2-calponin-free macrophages demonstrated a higher rate of proliferation and faster migration than that of h2-calponin-positive cells, consistent with a faster diapedesis of peripheral monocytes and neutrophils. Journal of Biological Chemistry current issue
  • Among them, one of the most studied is the anaplerotic utilisation of intracellular carbon sources through the glyoxylate shunt enzyme ICL icl gene after M. tuberculosis infection of macrophages and dendritic cells PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Many of these are inflammatory cells, such as leukocytes and macrophages.
  • Interestingly, the positive cells and associated debris were mainly located within lacunae, indicating that most lytically infected cells were phagocytosed by the infiltrated macrophages.
  • Methods: To weight immune organs, detect macrophage phagocytosis and hemolysin antibody production, lymphocyte transformation and MTT.
  • Once injected, the iron-carbohydrate complex is metabolized [by macrophage of the reticuloendothelial system] and the iron is released where it then binds to transferrin in plasma and the redundant carbohydrate moiety is then cleared by the liver. Home Page
  • IL-6 production may be a marker of a predominant THELPER2 cells responses or implicate macrophages as important antigen-presenting cells in generating the early mucosal lesions in pediatric IBD patients. IBD clinical studies: diagnostic testing
  • In this study, we demonstrated by parabiosis that type I alveolar epithelial cells and lung fibroblasts as well as interstitial monocytes/macrophages could be derived from circulating slem/progenitor cells.
  • EPR-and light absorbance spectroscopy [3]; mouse macrophage enzyme: cytochrome P-450 type hemoprotein [9]; naturally occuring neuronal mutant with a 105-amino acid deletion in the heme-binding domain as a result of in-frame mutation by specific alternative splicing, contains heme, but shows no l-arginine and NADPH-dependent citrulline-forming activity in presence of Ca2+ - promoted calmodulin, the heme coordination geometry is highly abnormal [28]; Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • In all infants, the spleen provides important protection against invading bacteria; it is also a source of opsonins and fixed-tissue macrophages, as well as antibody production.
  • The injured or ruptured cells attract neutrophil leukocytes and activate alveolar macrophages, causing inflammation in the lung.
  • Responding to the invasion, macrophages may huddle with other immune cells to form little nodules called granulomas, or tubercles.
  • Despite the macrophages' defenses, the creature, because of its thick rind, often survives and slowly replicates itself until each macrophage is so full of tuberculosis bacteria that the cell bursts and dies.
  • The role of macrophage apoptosis in containing the growth of the bacilli is also discussed.
  • Use the Giemsa staining method to detect the mouses peritoneal macrophages phagocytosis function.
  • Objective To evaluate the effects of a Maca healthy product compounded with ginsenosides on cell-mediated immune function, humoral immune function, macrophage phago-function and NKC activity of mice.
  • There are two main groups: the type of white blood cells known as polymorphs (polymorphonuclear leucocytes - those with multi-lobed nuclei); and macrophages that derive from the monocytes in the blood.
  • Cells were incubated in the presence of phorbol ester myristate to induce macrophage differentiation.
  • UW researchers learned that, inside some advanced plaques, macrophages that overproduce a protein-digesting enzyme known as urokinase into aged, atherosclerotic mice. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • At 5 June, 2008, macrophage was started to translate and expanse.
  • Both macrophages and neutrophils are now clearly implicated in the development of smokers' emphysema.
  • This was due to increases in both polymorphonuclear leukocytes and macrophages.
  • The environment in the phagosome of macrophages infected with the mutant differed from the environment of vacuoles with M. hominissuis wild-type in the concentration of zinc, manganese, calcium and potassium. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Then finally there is the monocyte, which is an immature macrophage in the blood stream. - Articles related to Physicians in Qatar work on treatment of ovarian cancer
  • Kim E. Nichols, MD is studying the signaling mechanisms that regulate the activation of lymphocytes and macrophages types of white blood cells involved in many disease processes, including cancer, the lymphohistiocytoses, autoimmune diseases and immunodeficiency. Pediatric cancer research
  • Whipple's Disease • Histology of the duodenal biopsy showing clubbed epithelial villi with inflammatory infiltrate including numerous foamy macrophages (haemtoxylin-eosin stain, magnification × 250) pyoderma gangrenosum • Ulcerative lesion of pyoderma gangrenosum measuring 6.0 x 4.0 cm on the right medial shin of a 34-year-old woman with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • These results confirm increased macrophage activation in inflammatory bowel disease and suggest functional heterogeneity within the intestinal macrophage population.
  • The increased numbers of alveolar macrophages in the smokers resulted only in part from increased proliferation.
  • Weakened resistance to infection is caused by decreased antibody and complement production, leukocyte phagocytosis and intracellular killing, and macrophage phagocytosis.
  • Macrophages are something like a cross between a Pac Man and a vacuum cleaner.
  • Interestingly, the positive cells and associated debris were mainly located within lacunae, indicating that most lytically infected cells were phagocytosed by the infiltrated macrophages.
  • It is well established that osteoclasts, specialized multinucleated giant cells responsible for bone resorption, i.e. osteoclasts, were derived from activated macrophages and play a role in the direct lysis of bone.
  • Consequently, macrophage biology will be a major focus of the Keystone Symposia meeting on Molecular Basis of Vascular Inflammation and Atherosclerosis.
  • This removal of apoptotic neutrophils by macrophage phagocytosis is a critical process for the resolution of inflammation.
  • Giant cell arteritis, or temporal arteritis, is an inflammatory disorder of large and medium-sized arteries affected with granulomatous lesions containing T cells and macrophages.
  • Cytokines that are secreted from lymphocytes are termed lymphokines, whereas those secreted by monocytes or macrophages are termed monokines.
  • Macrophage: a large scavenger cell present in connective tissue and in many major organs and tissues.
  • Macrophages, lymphocytes, neutrophils, and eosinophils were counted.
  • They not only found that large numbers of CD8+ T cells infiltrated obese epididymal adipose tissue in mice fed a high-fat diet (while there was a depletion of CD4+ T ells), but also that this infiltration preceded the accumulation of macrophages in fat tissue. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Will Immunotherapy Provide a New Treatment for Obesity?
  • As well as the polymorphs and macrophages, there are cells that do not originate in the bone marrow, nor travel in the bloodstream, which can also act as phagocytes.
  • Destruction of the red cells occurs as a result of the red cell-bound autoantibodies to the Fc receptors on monocytes and macrophages; phagocytosis and cytotoxic lysis of the red cells subsequently occur.
  • But a new study shows a different approach that targets cells known as alveolar macrophages to deliver the gene therapy to the lungs of mice with this form of inherited emphysema was successful in treating the condition for two years. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • These apoptotic bodies and the organelles are phagocytized by adjacent cells and local macrophages without initiation of an inflammatory response as is seen in necrosis. Cell damage from toxicity and tissue repair
  • Its primary function is at sites of inflammation, where it is produced in macrophages, fibroblasts, and synovial cells.
  • However the difficulties involved in macrophage isolation mean they are some of the body's least explored cells.
  • Additional pink epithelioid macrophages compose most of the rest of the granuloma.
  • Almost all lacunae included macrophages and degenerated cells with shrunken or condensed nuclei.
  • Many of these are inflammatory cells, such as leukocytes and macrophages.
  • Sukhova G, Murphy C, Libby P, lutzky J (1998) Macrophages in human atheroma contain PPAR-gamma: differentiation-dependent peroxisomal proliferator-activated receptor gamma PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • They are expressed in cell types supposed to be involved in MS development such as neurons, endothelial cells, oligodendrocytes, macrophages/macroglia and lymphocytes. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • One type of phagocyte—a macrophage—is known as “big-eater.” Cell-Level Healing
  • This was due to increases in both polymorphonuclear leukocytes and macrophages.
  • ANTITUMOR Immune enhancement; activating macrophages, T cells, and NK cells; increasing TNF-α production; inducing cancer cell apoptosis and cytotoxicity Forever Young
  • The accumulating cells are either macrophages or smooth muscle cells.
  • Some of the mineral dusts can directly translocate into the bronchial mucosa without the help of macrophages.
  • In addition, electron microscopy and immunoblotting data indicated that these analogs induced robust autophagy in human macrophages. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Macrophages are not as numerous as microphages, and there are no large reserves of them, but they are longer lived than microphages.
  • Macrophages, scavenger-like cells that roam the body, have a surface receptor called CD 163 which binds the protein haptoglobin.
  • The T-cells can also summon macrophages from the reticuloendothelial system to digest the invader. The New Super-Nutrition
  • IgG2a isotype antibody is known to be more effective than other isotypes in clearing virus infection via multiple mechanisms including complement activation, stimulation of antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity and clearance of opsonized virus by macrophages PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • It has to be taken into consideration that many cells of the lung, such as macrophages, eosinophils, dendritic cells, mast cells and granulocytes, interact with lymphocytes and vice versa via a number of cytokines and chemokines.
  • Itoh K, Ruiz E, Leake DS, Unoki H, et al. (2004) Role of Nrf2 in the regulation of CD36 and stress protein expression in murine macrophages: activation by oxidatively modified LDL and 4-hydroxynonenal. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Apoptotic cells expose phosphatidylserine and are swiftly engulfed by macrophages.
  • Mobile forms of macrophage circulate in the blood, ready to be recruited into inflamed tissue to reinforce the cells already there.
  • Several drugs have been shown to derange macrophage functions, bactericidal efficacy and production and secretion of cytokines.
  • The neurohypophysis was replaced by fibrotic tissue containing perivascular macrophages and activated microglia, and in the cerebellum, there were large areas of myelin pallor.
  • A mixture of opsonins adhere to the bacterium and facilitate ingestion by alveolar macrophages.
  • The reservoir monocytes assemble in clusters in the cords of the subcapsular red pulp and are distinct from macrophages and DCs.
  • Gaucher disease is a typical lysosomal storage disease resulting from an inborn deficiency of -glucocerebrosidase, which leads to the accumulation of glycolipids in macrophages.
  • The effect of thymic peptide on the functions of tissue macrophages, tumor-associated macrophages, and tumor-induced apoptosis of thymocytes was studied.
  • The adventitia is rich in collagen bundles, and contains some cells that may be fibroblasts or macrophages.
  • In support of this concept are the high levels of ROS and oxidatively modified proteins in airways of patients with asthma. 14 High levels of ROS are produced in the lungs of asthmatic patients by activated inflammatory cells (ie, eosinophils, alveolar macrophages, and neutrophils) .15 Increased ROS production of asthmatic patients 'neutrophils correlates with the severity of reactivity of airways in these patients, and severe asthma is associated with neutrophilic airway infiltrates. Undefined
  • This mutant, in contrast to the wild-type bacterium, was shown both to have impaired the ability to replicate within macrophages and to have prevented phagosome/lysosome fusion. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • There is now general agreement that the cells supporting productive infection in brain are the microglial cells and macrophages, whereas the neurons and oligodendrocytes are relatively rarely infected.
  • Schnappinger D, Ehrt S, Voskuil MI, Liu Y, Mangan JA, et al. (2003) Transcriptional adaptation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis within macrophages: insights into the phagosomal environment. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In response to infectious pathogens or their by-products, monocytes and macrophages generate and release proinflammatory cytokines.
  • All of these entities lack prominent foamy macrophages.
  • During phagocytosis, monocytes, neutrophils and macrophages generate Superoxide radicals, hydrogen peroxide and the highly reactive hydroxyl radicals3.
  • Naive monocytes and macrophages are the primary cell types encountered by the bacterium during the invasion process.

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