How To Use Macromolecular In A Sentence
Using a low energy nitrogen laser, Tanaka showed that he could make gaseous clouds of matrix ions carrying macromolecular ions with them.
Our results demonstrate that the mechanisms of spore coat self-assembly are similar to those described for inorganic and macromolecular crystallization.
At Cardiff, she is promoting a more proactive role for polymers: ‘as integral parts of therapeutics, which could be thought of as macromolecular prodrugs, or even as drugs in their own right’.
Fréchet is head of materials synthesis in the materials science division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and director of the organic and macromolecular facility at its molecular foundry.
During the eighties I initiated work on the problem of combining the traditional techniques of direct methods with isomorphous replacement and anomalous dispersion in the attempt to facilitate the solution of macromolecular crystal structures.
Herbert A. Hauptman - Autobiography
I wanted to explore signals transmitted through more complex biochemicals such as cAMP (cyclic 3',5-adenosine monophosphate) and the wider, more fashionable world of macromolecular interactions.
Roger Y. Tsien - Autobiography
These cosolute molecules bathe and solvate the macromolecular solute as water does.
This action occurs because of the energies associated with the solvation/desolvation of macromolecular surfaces that change solvent accessibility upon reaction.
[3] S.A. Kauffman (1971) Cellular homeostasis, epigenesist and replication in randomly aggregated macromolecular systems.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
Other interesting results obtained by Natta in the field of macromolecular chemistry concern the synthesis of crystalline alternating copolymers of different couples of monomers and the synthesis of various sterically ordered polymers of non-hydrocarbon monomers.
Giulio Natta - Biography
Among these methods were ultracentrifugation, X-ray crystallography, electron microscopy, electrophoresis, macromolecular sequencing, and radioactive tracing.
An impressive number of workers have been active in the macromolecular field during the last decennia.
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1953 - Presentation Speech
Furthermore, cholesterol is required for macromolecular synthesis and cell growth as well as for membrane biogenesis in this microorganism.
Diene elastomers can be recognized by the presence of double bonds in the main chains of the macromolecular molecules.
Poly - lactide is one of the generally acknowledged biodegradable macromolecular materials.
macromolecular compounds
Diene elastomers can be recognized by the presence of double bonds in the main chains of the macromolecular molecules.
I wanted to explore signals transmitted through more complex biochemicals such as cAMP (cyclic 3',5-adenosine monophosphate) and the wider, more fashionable world of macromolecular interactions.
Roger Y. Tsien - Autobiography