How To Use Machination In A Sentence
They will not see through the superficial machinations of modern baaskap whose heart is filled with envy at seeing the dream becoming true, of a people united in a social contract, working together black and white, to determine a better future for themselves.
Instead, we now have a 60 minute animated movie that tells us the story in excruciating detail, and adds a whole new series of plot twists and machinations.
He wrote a book called The Prince in which he described the amoral maneuvers and machinations of men in power.
Students are too busy having fun and learning how to get rich to join in the political machinations of their teachers.
Times, Sunday Times
The script does a poor job of explaining the complicated sociopolitical machinations that many believe will accompany the end-time.

It would not further confuse a public who already find the machinations of Westminster almost unfathomable.
Times, Sunday Times
I don't want to get involved in all his machinations.
An outsider's account of the machinations involved makes fascinating reading.
He was perhaps the crookedest lawyer I had ever come across; it still smarted that eighteen months before I had been forced to abandon a case against him through the ruthless machinations of his patron, Richard Rich.
Excerpt: Revelation by C.J. Sansom
And its death was not due to the great tactics or machinations of the Bush administration, but due to its own crimes and callous repugnancy.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
In yet another egregious political machination, however, Fujimori supporters in congress unconstitutionally thwarted this popular initiative on a dubious technicality.
The story is a simple one of the machinations of a rich society girl and her various romantic escapades on the eve of her wedding to a dullard.
The old magnifico's zest is infective and the audience is swept along with his machinations only to find itself, along with the anti-hero, hovering at the edge of criminality.
That organisation would have to operate independently from the plans or the political machinations of any foreign powers.
To combat this double machination of Satan, he was obliged carefully to reperuse the work, and to form this singular list of the blunders of printers working under the influence of the devil.
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 17, No. 475, February 5, 1831
But Fontaine was also slowed by the gridlock created by internal Liberal Party machinations.
A distinguished predecessor was Claud Cockburn, who published the news-sheet The Week in the 1930s: which was considered by embassies and mandarins as the most accurate insight into the machinations of the British Empire, as it then was.
Please explain to Alan Blinder that it is not the breach of an arbitrary government machination like the "debt ceiling" that will serve as the trigger for a default.
Who's Right: Blinder or Druckenmiller on Debt Limit?
Take, for example, the machination of the body that is pornography.
ProWomanProLife » Malcolm Gladwell and the origins of the Pill
I also had this thought that the actual structure and machinations of the story were really good, because I really didn't know what was going to happen.
Both were executed, along with 52 others suspected of involvement in the machinations of Batz, dressed in red, the colour of parricide.
First, the novel makes the reader privy to all the secret plotting and machinations, so that the tension of the plot cannot hinge on unrevealed secrets or hidden motives and actions.
It's a pity you're distracted all the time by the plotless, joyless machinations of everyone else involved.
It exposes the machinations famous people use to profit off what they call their "fans" aka "consumers.
Celebrity Inc.: The Truth Behind Kim Kardashian's Divorce
Albarn is a lifelong supporter of the group but the continued political machinations within the movement is another source of frustration for him.
Due to some unforeseen plot machination, your character is washed up on the beach of a tropical desert island.
I made no attempt to argue because by that time my thoughts had returned to Lyle's Machiavellian machinations.
Teeming with the rich period details that make historical fiction so rewarding, Gullands dynamic and nuanced portrait of Louis notorious reign thrums with page-turning expediency and deliciously seductive machinations.
Mistress of the Sun by Sandra Gulland: Book summary
It tells of the lies and the machinations behind the creation of one big supernation, yet why is this not necessary reading amongst politicians and even better taught in schools, so we can all see the deceit around us?
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Hollywood suffers, as does parliamentary journalism, from a belief that people are far more interested in the inner workings and machinations of the business than they are.
deep political machinations
The problem for natural individuals, Hobbes wrote, is that ‘the weakest has strength enough to kill the strongest, either by secret machination, or by confederacy with others.’
If a treaty is a more grave thing (since it can entangle the country with European machinations) it stands to reason that ratifying should be subject to a large supermajority.
The Volokh Conspiracy » An Eminently Sound Approach to (Supposed) International Human Rights Norms, from the Ninth Circuit
It operates in a way that there is this big machine that Chancellor Palpatine later the Emperor gets control of and though there are people using the democracy as best they can, Padme and Bail Organa, there is this whole other machination of greed going on.
Bryan Young: Why Aren't You Watching The Clone Wars?
Despite a commitment to more open government, the public are still being kept in the dark about the inner machinations of the Cabinet.
What you see is what you get: petty machinations, jealousy and recrimination.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet, when we factionalize, we become distracted by our own machinations, and we forget that no one group of women is more valid or significant than another.
Indeed, Furedi explained, the problem went far beyond the electoral machinations of political party machines.
They do not want to get caught up in a machination of U.S.
US Works to Balance Relationships With India and China
The real concern of the union bureaucrats is to not be left out of the ruling class' machinations.
Watching the sly but brilliant machinations of the programme - makers as they assembled their castaways, I was consumed with fury that these imbeciles were going to have the privilege of living on my island without appreciating it.
No sooner had the lights gone out than there were mumblings of sabotage, some kind of conspiracy, foul play, under-hand machinations.
Retired general Valentin Varennikov, a onetime coup plotter against Gorbachev, says that "only some machination can keep us from power.
Pitching The President
The wry performances of the leads gloss over the trite machinations of the plot.
The Sun
These colonial machinations resulted in mass poverty, exploitation and oppression as the basic facts of life for the African.
Popular and familiar love songs underscore every bumbling error or ill-conceived machination of the lovers' various courtships.
I love it when third parties confirm my evil machinations have gone to plan.
Of course he denies all of this and, in an act of arrogance that seems consistent with the Machiavellian machinations imputed to him, refuses to dignify the charges with a response.
Both reader and character are united in unease at Kindersley's plot machinations.
And there were endless meetings and private conversations and arcane machinations, many never recorded.
Instead, it's uncomfortably present-day in its stark depiction of the machinations of money, wealth and love, all heightened by Davies's refusal to sentimentalize those topics.
We are living at war: the shame and horror of being citizens of the country which, in its ruthless imperialism, is not only ravaging Southeast Asia but, with its military bases, its Polaris submarines, the machinations of its CIA, and the tentacles of its giant corporations, is everywhere the prime force of antilife and oppression -- this shame and horror cast their shadow over all we say, feel, and do.
Statement For A Television Program
When the tell-alls have been published and some of the machinations exposed, we will gain a more nuanced picture of Dean's rise and fall, but I suspect the arc will be roughly this.
Then there are the political machinations at the RFU.
Times, Sunday Times
The story of the final weeks of the annexation issue, including the Stockton subplot, is best told through the personalities and machinations of the outsized figures involved—Stockton, Wickliffe, Sherman, Texas president Anson Jones, Sam Houston, and U.S. Minister Donelson.
A Country of Vast Designs
The machinations of Booker juries are a smugly guarded secret, but one senses a good few compromises and second-bests here.
I made no attempt to argue because by that time my thoughts had returned to Lyle's Machiavellian machinations.
Away from the interminable platform speeches, there was the intrigue and the machinations that could make party conferences interesting.
Times, Sunday Times
Cornyn credits Sinatra with getting cold feet at the last minute, but based on my research (go here if you're curious), it seems more like the machinations of the label execs, who doubted the album's commercial potential.
Tony Sachs: Forty Years On, Frank Sinatra's Great Lost Album Finally Surfaces
Alfredson is Swedish, which may account for his detachment in viewing the film's setting as another country with three layers of 'foreignness' - the recent past, Britain, and the machinations within the Circus. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
Hoffman's tale of the oligarchs' rise through ehborate Ponzi schemes and backroom machinations is dizzying.
But the hand of Heaven weighed heavily indeed on the machinations of this junto; producing collateral incidents, not arising out of the case, yet powerfully co-exciting the nation to force a regeneration of its government, and overwhelming, with accumulated difficulties, this liberticide resistance.
Memoir Correspondence And Miscellanies
And they enslaved you over again — but not frankly, as the true, noble men would do with weight of their own right arms, but secretly, by spidery machinations and by wheedling and cajolery and lies.
Chapter 38
Despite a commitment to more open government, the public are still being kept in the dark about the inner machinations of the Cabinet.
The profligates that biologists call stem cells have their own secret for staying young: run away and hide in a place far from the machinations of transcription factors with an eye on your genes.
Spare a thought for the machinations of the global economy and the cold statistics we hear and read so much.
It also explores his failings, as an FBI snitch during the 50s and a foreign policy blunderer whose machinations verged, on criminal.
Tonight's TV highlights: Bible's Buried Secrets | Katie; My Beautiful Friends | Katie: Jade Changed My Life | True Stories: Love, Lust And Lies | Storyville – American Idol: Reagan
Their individual and collective endeavors were thwarted by the machinations of powerful men, institutions, and a tradition-bound, preliterate society.
The plot evolves from her machinations; he's only along for the ride.
It is also important to remember that political manoeuvres and machinations can fail.
In life, Cleopatra Selene survived the machinations around her and became queen to King Juba of Numidia, in North Africa; in this absorbing historical novel, she becomes a woman with a tenacity and heart that would have made her famous mother proud.
A Kingdom of Wonder, For Those With Eyes to See
Here I am, about to turn 30, and I've sacrificed everything, only to be shanghaied by the bi-curious machinations of a cabal of doughy, misshapen teens.
Glee's Sue Sylvester: A Timeline of Tyranny
It was Galen who had discovered fragments of four-billion-year-old genetic code contained within the DNA of dozens of humanoid species throughout the quadrant, and his research eventually had revealed this commonality to be a deliberate machination, left by an ancient and now-extinct humanoid civilization.
Star Trek: Typhon Pact Paths of Disharmony
Acts 2 and 3 are a bit more contrived in their plot machinations but still hilarious.
There are many fabulous details that the public, steeped in the hyper-marketed machinations of the dream machine, now claim as their own.
Originally a reaction against realism in theater, ‘theatricalism’ reveals the machinations and artifice of theater.’
It neither dismisses nor lingers indulgently on the love story and the machinations of plot.
AS IF Scotland did not have enough on its plate with an unholy alliance of political machinations and a spate of injuries bringing expectations to an all-time low, the national team must now face France in Paris first up.
The convolutions eventually snare the corrupt powerbrokers in their own deceptive political machinations.
The "Nobel" in Economics, by directly rewarding some of those unworldly machinations and indirectly sponsoring the misplaced mathematization of finance, had a large hand in the ugly consequences.
Pablo Triana: The Nobel Crisis
The wall-to-wall media coverage was matched only by the grubby machinations of numerous entrepreneurs offering their ‘services’.
But Hollinghurst doesn't rely on tabloid-inspired plot machinations to keep the book's engine ticking.
Further machinations of the Duke prevent this mischance.
Still, Mr. Monti or another nonpolitician who might be called upon to form an interim government would have a tough time navigating the political machinations of Italy's Parliament.
Italian Premier Fights to Hang On
And they enslaved you over again — but not frankly, as the true, noble men would do with weight of their own right arms, but secretly, by spidery machinations and by wheedling and cajolery and lies.
Chapter 38
Ontheir eighth album, they stay true to form in their machinations of artfrom misery; pop from catastrophe and embitterment; beauty from heartwrenching bitterness.
But it would be less humorous, and less tragic, if this prologue did not also serve as an appropriate introduction to the author, who makes us, as readers, complicit in mocking the "calflike" enthusiasm of the ghetto faithful and their endless machinations.
All this involved considerable political machinations.
BLOOD AGAINST THE SNOWS: The Tragic Story of Nepal's Royal Dynasty
And they should expect more of this kind of machination from the Republicans.
Printing: Bush Announces De-Classification of April NIE Document; Do you Trust Him To Release A Full Disclosure, Truthful Document
The quotidian machinations of court life in the great European cities of the time are utterly bewildering - one sort of sinks into a delighted daze at the insane levels of ever-shifting information flows.
The long preview I saw had Fenn in an Arkham basement plotting evil machinations, or something.
Instantly into the story with aircar antics, and what looks to be political machinations between various space-adapted and not groups of humans just keeps getting wilder and wilder, with Ragnor Rangers, space superbeasts, and more.
Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: The Eternal Frontiers - James H. Schmitz
The heathens then justify their own machinations - like public humiliations, for starters - with an ugly air of moral superiority.
Through various science fictional and televisional machinations.
Thoughts on Red Dwarf
The crafty machinations of the camera yield the spontaneity of the snapshot.
Are you surprised at all these legal machinations still continuing?
It may be reassuring to some Americans to think of our country as above the community of nations and beyond the footling machinations of minor states.
deep political machinations
But the hand of heaven weighed heavily indeed on the machinations of this junto; producing collateral incidents, not arising out of the case, yet powerfully co-exciting the nation to force a regeneration of its government, and overwhelming with accumulated difficulties, this liberticide resistance.
He wrote a book called The Prince in which he described the amoral maneuvers and machinations of men in power.
The air in political circles here is heavy with talk of machinations and manoeuvrings, all executed with an eye to the future.
Clerical internecine strife and electoral machination under Anne caused another tidal wave of Whig anticlerical legislation in the 1730s.
Within less than 300 pages, he tells the whole complicated story of 13th century Mediterranean history - the struggles of the Hohenstaufen dynasty to maintain their power as Holy Roman Emperors after the death of Frederick II; the growth of the power of Aragon; the political machinations by the Popes; the doggedness of the Byzantine emperor Michael Paleologus.
The Sicilian Vespers, by Sir Steven Runciman
Despite a commitment to more open government, the public are still being kept in the dark about the inner machinations of the Cabinet.
She stands opposed to machinations and attempts to reduce legislators especially senators to cringing servants of the Executive.
All the machinations that the Court de-ployed to make certain that responsibility would be thrusted upon the WRA reveals not the genuine honesty of the Court but its political con-nivance.
Is That Legal?: Who's to Blame?
How many people today really imagine "art" as a privileged category, exempt from the machinations of the marketplace?
The opposition in Kazakhstan is a ragged assembly of former officials who got exposed for their machinations.
Global Voices in English » Kazakhstan: Propaganda Allergies
But, somehow, for Obamalogists like DTM, all the overt quid pro quos won by the parasites IN “backroom deals” are betrayed by the expertly constructed rhetoric which reveal only to the most perspicuous reader of official texts, the super-coy machinations of O which will deliver HCR that is good HCR behind the backs of very powerful patrons who oppose HCR.
Matthew Yglesias » Setback for Public Option Revival as Rockefeller Says No
Despite a commitment to more open government, the public are still being kept in the dark about the inner machinations of the Cabinet.
It's a testimony to them that the show has held up and held on as well as it has, even with all the recycled and silly plot machinations.
A reticent leader, he acted by means of political machinations and diplomacy and never developed the showiness that had been so typical of his father.
The mayor could be independent of party politics, which would certainly cut through some of the backroom machinations.
Illness in African society is often attributed to the breaking of a taboo or machinations of malicious or sometimes displeased ancestral spirits.
Up until the sword rose, I was sure Ned would get out in a Batman/Bond-esque machination.
Houses Collide: Game of Thrones Discussion — Things Come To a Shocking Head
The machinations of the plot, of course, might be hard to follow if they weren't so meaningless.
The business machinations and the marketing eye, the stuff that has no relevance to the feeling skating gave you as a 12-year-old bombing hills and ollieing stairs with your friends.
Perfect for those who like their politics with added machinations.
The Sun
So while the upper level machinations are being machinated, and assuming that Obama is indeed the shrewdest gambler since Kenny Rogers, then why not in the meantime give the majority of Americans who voted Obama into office on a swell of hope a show they can actually get behind?
Steven Weber: Team Dispirit
He reveals details of boardroom machinations and backstairs skirmishes which only a fly on the wall could have witnessed.