How To Use macer In A Sentence
- It has been shown that optical techniques can provide a quantitative measure of the fusibility of individual macerals.
- The needles were bleached with a 4% sodium hypochloride solution which macerates the mesophyll, and vascular and epidermal tissue were brushed off.
- The macerated cells were dissociated in a clean slide with a fresh fixative solution.
- Therefore, they use shorter maceration and fermentation, but with techniques that nonetheless extract good color; age in smaller barrels in order to oxidize and soften tannin gently and to add a note of vanilla; and perform a secondary fermentation called malolactic to achieve less belligerent acidity. - News
- The grapes are destalked and crushed, and the skins briefly macerated to preserve as much as possible of the aroma and flavour of the grapes during fermentation.
- The macer ` pitched the baby card, 'and of course lost, as well as the unfortunate victim. The Gaming Table : Its Votaries and Victims : Vol. 2
- He gart the cannons and guns to roar, and the very macer cried 'Cruachan!' David Balfour, Second Part Being Memoirs Of His Adventures At Home And Abroad, The Second Part: In Which Are Set Forth His Misfortunes Anent The Appin Murder; His Troubles With Lord Advocate Grant; Captivity On The Bass Rock; Journey Into Holland And Fran
- Macerata's duomo, or cathedral, has an unfinished facade that is nothing spectacular, and I prefer this view, the back of the church.
- βIt is really a matter of necessity,β said the younger counsellor, retained for her sister; and Jeanie reluctantly followed the macer of the Court to the place appointed. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
- The amount of this colorific matter may be estimated quantitatively by noting the quantity of the chloride of lime solution required to destroy this blood-red color in different cases: or the same result may be obtained by macerating for a short period in milk of lime -- filtering -- precipitating the filtered liquor by acetic or muriatic acid -- collecting this precipitate on a weighed filter -- drying at ordinary temperatures and again weighing. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o