How To Use Macabre In A Sentence
The now not-so-young British artist is best known for his macabre installations, business savvy and yobbish personality.
Damien Hirst's Birthday: June 7 (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
Let the dance macabre begin.
The Sun
One particularly macabre statue of Saint Sebastian, arrows poking out of every limb, was given centre stage.
The story of secrecy, scientific ethics and national security is macabre, grisly and disturbing.
Some of the photographs possess a macabre, ethereal quality.
Times, Sunday Times

Beginning May 27, Mr. Gilbert will conduct a production of Gy rgy Ligeti's opera "Le Grand Macabre.
Gilbert's Home Improvement
His book was sad, and also funny in macabre, characteristic bursts.
However, these serials depict only the macabre and fearful aspects of these supernatural characters.
You could have a sense of the macabre if you allowed your imagination to run away with you.
Times, Sunday Times
Each panel expresses the nearing dissolution of life, concluding with the macabre image of a man face down on a rock-bound shore, the sea at his feet.
It had scores of documentary photographs of case studies and procedures, and was not nearly as macabre as it may sound.
Further macabre details of summary executions, including the use of dynamite to dismember prisoners, are expected to be released soon.
Sadly this door has covered half of this rather macabre but curious fresco.
Umbria - the green heart of Italy
It is a common device in the literature and cinema of the macabre and the fantastic that an object - often a painting but sometimes a mirror, a statue or a curio - will haunt its protagonists.
Its name is a macabre reminder that public hangings once took place outside.
Times, Sunday Times
People rot in jail awaiting trial, making the constitutional guarantee of a speedy trial a macabre joke.
Almost immediately following the vintage Universal logo (nice touch) and subsequent verbal recap of the zombie world situation, we are greeted with a macabre, hilarious off-key (to say the least) undead oompah band.
She's small with big eyes framed by laughter lines and is dressed entirely in black, but that seems to be the extent of any macabre crime writerly persona.
The paradox of Aquin as author is that out of impotence and disease he made masterpieces of flashing, lapidary prose, that as a failure he was able to write macabre, lewd, violent, hilarious and arrogant novels.
I attended a spectacle which was comic, realistic, horrifying, macabre.
Macabre can mean a small tart yellow fruit, just as easily as "lemon" can be used to describe an ornate candleholder.
Jeff Klima: Setting Sail With the Language Pirate
The first song has the refrain, ‘Dark is life, is death,’ and ends with the macabre image of an ape howling in a graveyard.
His taut style and sense of the macabre were informed by his mother's tales of Norwegian trolls.
Times, Sunday Times
As the crowd waited outside, the macabre ritual in the prison itself approached its consummation.
He picked up one of the jars and swirled it round, watching the contents move in a slow danse macabre.
One particularly macabre statue of Saint Sebastian, arrows poking out of every limb, was given centre stage.
Currently I think that it will be a suite of macabre short stories in verse.
Times, Sunday Times
His early stories were often existential reflections on the experience of war and flying, but later he became known as a fabricator of elegant, subversive plot-driven tales, earning him the soubriquet 'Master of the Macabre'. Videos
Currently I think that it will be a suite of macabre short stories in verse.
Times, Sunday Times
Here the public and shooters hang dead feral cats from an old mulga, and at any time there may be dozens of the stinking carcases dangling like macabre Christmas decorations.
The macabre crimes have remained unsolved to this day.
Times, Sunday Times
Even the police were horrified at the macabre nature of the killings.
The fighting was still noiseless, like a macabre puppet show, save for the snarls and grunts of his companions.
The enjambment of ‘un/earthly’ comes across not so much as violent or macabre (as the word unearthly might suggest) but again as hesitation.
The trio brings appropriate whimsy to Gorey's playfully macabre material, an accordion main soundtrack to besotted mothers and weeping chandeliers.
This macabre maladministration (not to excuse previous ones by any stretch of the imagination) constantly trot out the UN resolutions against Iraq (and others) and their noncompliance as a cause for a ‘just’ war (and sanctions) and I say ptooey.
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Seeking clues, the Black Panther returns to the scene of yet another earlier murder, in a nearby cemetery and is immediately attacked by the corpselike minions of Baron Macabre.
Retro-View: Jungle Action Featuring The Black Panther #10 (Marvel Comics)
It has become a macabre ritual here: the bombs go off, pandemonium, followed by investigation.
The banyan replaced the Hanging Elm in Washington Square Park as my favorite tree, because it isn't so much a tree as a tree monster, a macabre tangle of branches oozing to the ground so as to support ever more branches, threatening to squeeze to death anything in its path, a tendency that earned it the cute nickname "strangler fig.
Aloha? More Like Boo!
Towards midnight a macabre scene of pain and death dominated the capital.
Let the dance macabre begin.
The Sun
We also share a silly, sometimes macabre sense of humour.
Times, Sunday Times
The Elvira pardon the expression bumpers extend the overall running time to 99m 57s and are retained from a 1983 MOVIE MACABRE broadcast from KHJ-TV, when the "B-movie queen's" disposition was more that of a sour Valley Girl than the bubbly double entendriste we know and love today.
Archive 2007-11-25
From the first his work was macabre and fantastic, influenced by Goya's Caprichos, the drawings of Beardsley, the eroticism of Rops, and the symbolism of Redon.
Masks add a touch of macabre humour to a conflict that offers few moments of levity.
Times, Sunday Times
His book was sad, and also funny in macabre, characteristic bursts.
Sensual and macabre, the drawings celebrate the luminous and tactile quality of fur while provoking acknowledgement of the animal absence in these forms.
We also share a silly, sometimes macabre sense of humour.
Times, Sunday Times
Mark Svenvold has retraced McCurdy's life, death and eventful afterlife in a fascinating tale of the macabre under-belly of American sideshows and carnivals.
You could have a sense of the macabre if you allowed your imagination to run away with you.
Times, Sunday Times
I didn't mind at all when Brenda called it macabre or morbid or whatever she said.
He plots it with a series of crazy twists and sequences, word play and jugglery, and some seriously funny macabre humour.
Those macabre photographs that benumbed the civilised world were worth a million words each.
The macabre theme is emphasized by an Escher-inspired set where stairs lead up and down into unknown places.
Ginger and her sister Brigitte are suburban teenagers with a taste for the macabre.
All my dead leaves, they hang to me — and — and go through a kind of danse macabre —’
The Trespasser
Her reading consisted of a staple diet of lurid romances and whodunits, and her thoughts tended towards the macabre.
A man who is not a hopelessly bad critic, though he may not have in him the _catholicon_ of critical goodness, may fail to appreciate _La Morte Amoureuse_ because of its dreaminess and supernaturality and all-for-loveness; _Carmen_ because Carmen shocks him; _La Venus d'Ille_ because of its _macabre_ tone; _Les Jeune-France_ because of their _goguenarderie_ or _goguenardise_.
A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
Trotsky had been declared a non-person and left radicalism had experienced a macabre renaissance in the form of the so-called Third Period of class struggle propagated by the Stalinist-dominated Comintern since 1928.
This danse macabre had once formed an integral part of the stonework of the cathedral at Nogykanizsa.
It's like a scene out of Anthony Powell or Evelyn Waugh, a bit of macabre comedy that seems innocent compared with the grotesqueries of the bloodshed ahead.
Similarly, Darcy's music privileges a quaintly macabre sensibility; there's an echo of Appalachian murder ballads and maudlin clipper-ship shanties.
In this 4 minute video, a colorful futurist gives a zappy overview of climate shock and its dark impact on economists, corporations and the Rich; with a macabre climax.
OpEdNews - Quicklink: Welcome to the Future: Climate change vs the rich
That blending of macabre with the lovable is executed very well in the film.
Rabid Rewind: 9
But the goal of this film is not to tell a story, it's to develop a reputation by stringing together a series of macabre scenes.
The macabre crimes have remained unsolved to this day.
Times, Sunday Times
He's in a Gotham City (the very name allusive of the word gothic, if not outright derived from it) graveyard, in fact, at the grave of Batman, the mainstream superhero of the DC universe most easily associated with horror--from the very concept of his character and its association with vampires (an association made literal in comics from Red Rain to Nosferatu), it's hardly an accident that he's the superhero who appeared in Len Wein and Bernie Wrightson's macabre early issues of Swamp Thing.
Archive 2009-08-02
Although forensic odontology could seem a macabre means of identification, for the families of victims it may be the only means of obtaining peace of mind.
Death at such an early age and in such a macabre manner seems so unfair.
And what happened next was 70 persons butchered and burnt in a macabre dance of death.
The premise of the film sounds like that of a particularly macabre Choose Your Own Adventure story -- an American Average Joe is trapped in a coffin somewhere in the Iraqi desert with nothing but a cell phone, a Zippo, and his cajones -- but with killer timing, buckets of low-fi ingenuity, and a stunning one-man show from Reynolds, Cortés is able to craft a riveting bonafide action movie.
Farihah Zaman: 2010 Fantastic Fest #2: Good Movies, Stupid Plots
They create a sort of macabre excitement with each crazy new stunt, and I, for one, am agog to see Neil's latest media circus creation, which he this week described as ‘nonsense on stilts’.
It was a macabre reminder of how cyberspace has become a conduit for scenes of death.
Times, Sunday Times
The cube is effectively a more macabre 3D version of the graphs you frigged about with in school.
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This macabre neo-noir cleverly satirises both ratings-driven news and soulless self-improvement.
Times, Sunday Times
During a Halloween party, the Simpsons tell three horrifying tales of the macabre.
This is just another bit of his macabre theatre and the best thing for this monster is to just let him starve.
The Sun
After the brief ceremony there was a macabre wedding breakfast in the Fuehrer's private apartment.
Mr Dahl was well-known for his macabre adult stories called "Tales of the Unexpected".
macabre tales of war and plague in the Middle ages
In these impoverished dense settlements, where both schooling and policing had almost ceased, older rural strategies and conflicts were given a macabre new twist, including the use of necklacing.
When he wants to be, he is a master of the macabre and a skilled technician of suspense.
He seems to have lost his touch since Day of the Dead, which I thought was fantastic and creepy and was very atmospheric as far as the macabre, decrepitness goes.
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A perfect day had begun with a wedding reception in a marquee at the family home, but had ended with the most appalling and macabre tragedy.
In a macabre move, his party has decided to keep its deceased leader as its head until after this week's elections.
More macabre was the tailor's dummy strung up from a noose dangling off scaffolding on a building being demolished on Micklegate.
Log on to the Hammer Web ring, with 12 more sites devoted to macabre movies.
But even though the college has left its grisly past behind, it's hard to dissociate it from the macabre tales of its early beginnings.
A robust grandfather, once the bane of Hollywood screenwriting, regales his frail, fidgety grandson with horrible tales of the macabre and the supernatural.
Over one hundred people were reportedly killed in this macabre death of dance.
The episode, described in eyebrow-raising detail, also illustrates the novel's occasional tendency to slip into macabre campery.
The Times Literary Supplement
macabre tortures conceived by madmen
In a kind of danse macabre, they whirl around its carcass, a symbolic union of rotting flesh, human and bestial.
Another Shark Washes Up In the Hamptons
The impression, with the surrealistic lighting, was of some grotesque theatre of the macabre.
The triumphant success of this gangster paradigm lies in the script's wit and macabre irony.
The wind, always strongest on this part of the island, had veered southward, and rattled its danse macabre at the doors and windows.
In the macabre league of risky sports, it is a revelation to learn that fishing outperforms skydiving for leaving its participants with nasty injuries.
Some of the photographs possess a macabre, ethereal quality.
Times, Sunday Times
As it is I feel like a killer, and it's more than a little macabre having a Chamber Of Death in the corner of the lounge.
Josephine: It is actually a landler not a danse macabre. wait …. it is a danse de cours not a danse des ...
Parterre box
Log on to the Hammer Web ring, with 12 more sites devoted to macabre movies.
In any case Death and Decay are the provenience of this curse known as Liberalism, so we ought not to be surprised by their macabre desires, their ghoulish lusts.
NYT Encouraging Old Folks to Give up and Die - Warner_Todd_Huston’s blog - RedState
For a period in the 1990s, she suppressed her own image and focused on macabre elements involving human detritus and prosthetic body parts.
The Times Literary Supplement
Another fun item is the use of macabre claymation models, which appear every now and again, to scarify sleepyheads.
Tickets are £5 apiece and I am told that despite the relatively obvious macabre aspects of the plot, there is some comedy involved.
Trotsky had been declared a non-person and left radicalism had experienced a macabre renaissance in the form of the so-called Third Period of class struggle propagated by the Stalinist-dominated Comintern since 1928.
Their work has brought them into contact with some macabre, yet scientifically fascinating, specimens.
As if that quest were not macabre enough in itself, I went as if under some sort of malediction.
It has a suitably macabre way of disposing of its victims, by detaching the head and ripping out the hypothalamus (a fairly important part of the brain).
Police have made a macabre discovery.
We would probably unearth the trio, only to find them linked to our eternal horror in a macabre, cannibalistic wheel — Limbaugh greedily gagging on Robertson's legs, Robertson, beatifically goitered on Beck's body up to the hip, and Beck, eyes a 'tearing from gorging on ol' Rush past even that fabled pilonidal cyst, their animal hunger winning out over humanity after but a day's worry.
Like Hell Needs A Heat Wave...
However, he wasn't speaking to her because of this dereliction of duty; he was asked to talk to her because of something far more macabre.
One of her favorites is a macabre conceit of her own called the deathbed Oscar.
Girl from Berlin
A robust grandfather, once the bane of Hollywood screenwriting, regales his frail, fidgety grandson with horrible tales of the macabre and the supernatural.
It's not gory, although it is quite macabre for quite a large portion of the plot.
Sadly this door has covered half of this rather macabre but curious fresco.
Umbria - the green heart of Italy
The opening titles interweave through an animated sequence depicting macabre images of death and decay occasionally twinned with illustrations of traditional British university life.
In a macabre twist, websites are also springing up that allow you to store emails that will be sent at staggered intervals after your death.
Times, Sunday Times
His book was sad, and also funny in macabre, characteristic bursts.
They were still standing there yesterday, a macabre tableau of 19 wrecked and burned-out vehicles.
The heart of the novel is a long, dazzling set piece that is simultaneously satiric and macabre.
In a macabre twist, websites are also springing up that allow you to store emails that will be sent at staggered intervals after your death.
Times, Sunday Times
The atmosphere it creates visualizes the most grim and macabre nature of the artist.
The outcome is often almost cartoonishly macabre.
Times, Sunday Times
VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Welcome to the Future: Climate change vs the rich'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'In this 4 minute video, a colorful futurist gives a zappy overview of climate shock and its dark impact on economists, corporations and the Rich; with a macabre climax.'
OpEdNews - Quicklink: Welcome to the Future: Climate change vs the rich
Isolation, fear, death, blood, the macabre, pain: this film has it all - and then some.
He was the great showman of modern art, who combined the absurd and the macabre with the profound and ridiculous.
Times, Sunday Times
With all its macabre desolation it is one of the most haunting images of our era.
Times, Sunday Times
The Archbishop Turpin, disturbed by this macabre turn of events, decided to examine the corpse.
Up to about 1918 he painted scenes of nature that have an obsessive, macabre quality, often based on childhood memories and fantasies.
For a period in the 1990s, she suppressed her own image and focused on macabre elements involving human detritus and prosthetic body parts.
The Times Literary Supplement
The three sculptures on show have a macabre taint but, in each piece, the nightmarish quality resonates at a different pitch.
It was a macabre murder on Christmas, an extraordinary crime scene, which included a lengthy handwritten ransom note, a garotte, and stained underwear (which many years later, yielded the interesting DNA).
Craig Alan Silverman: JonBenet Truths Might Still Be Told
Althoff's paintings are eerily beautiful, displaying delicate mastery of line, color and form, while their subjects veer toward the strange and macabre.
Bolivians who keep close relatives' skulls at home as a macabre talisman flock to the cemetery chapel once a year to have the craniums blessed and to bring themselves good luck in the future.
Ms Taylor has spoken about how her daughter spent a lot of time in suicide chatrooms with a macabre obsession with death.
Modern pharmaceutical research is playing Dr Hart's law out on a macabre global scale.
Interviews with cold-blooded killers, spine-chilling crime-scene photographs and a deluge of gory details make this a favourite for those who are fascinated with the macabre - so it should prove popular.
It's funny to see how macabre the decor these abortuaries put out to try to offend the Christians and make them go away.
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Everyone stared, their blank, featureless masks almost macabre.
Sadly this door has covered half of this rather macabre but curious fresco.
Umbria - the green heart of Italy
Horrified at the realisation we are all drawn to the macabre.
I now it's not one of his more conventional works, but I love it when humor artists get macabre.
The story of secrecy, scientific ethics and national security is macabre, grisly and disturbing.
His taut style and sense of the macabre were informed by his mother's tales of Norwegian trolls.
Times, Sunday Times
It's not gory, although it is quite macabre for quite a large portion of the plot.