How To Use Ma In A Sentence

  • It's not bad but neither is it brilliant - which won't bother 99 per cent of buyers one jot as they are in it for the image.
  • I can't find any relevant material on him in the library.
  • When the new foods that came from the Americas - peppers, summer squash and especially tomatoes - took hold in the region, a number of closely related dishes were born, including what we call ratatouille - and a man from La Mancha calls pisto, an Ikarian Greek calls soufiko and a Turk calls turlu. NYT > Home Page
  • Mix together with as few stirs as possible - mixing too much will make the muffins too dense and heavy. The Sun
  • Some were members of Turkey's elite military class known as "pashas," a title of respect harking back to Ottoman military commanders Monday for allegedly planning to blow up mosques in order to trigger a military takeover and overthrow the - Photown News
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  • In my view his confrontational, gladiatorial style has been a major contributor to the widespread disdain of the British public for politicians generally. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sceptics stung by that debacle may still be wary. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm just a little bit caught in the middle. Life is a maze and love is a riddle, I don't know where to go, can't do it alone.
  • These observations will provide a valuable supplement to the simultaneous records of other expeditions, especially the British in McMurdo Sound and the German in Weddell Sea, above all as regards the hypsometer observations (for the determination of altitude) on sledge journeys. The South Pole~ Remarks on the Meteorological Observations at Framheim
  • They could have been classed as ship-rigged sloops-of-war and were built by Thomas Fishburn in 1770 at Whitby.
  • The Staff of Volans has a limited supply of magic energy. Roll a dice after each spell is cast.
  • But at lunch on the first day we were approached by the helpful Hotel Manager Henri and offered a swap to an overwater bungalow.
  • Laura Wade's Posh, timed to open as the Tories edged into power in May 2010, reminded us just what we were in for: overprivileged hooligans in drinking-society blazers who trash a pub as thoughtlessly as they will trash the country. Dominic Cooke: a life in theatre
  • People at MSFC have told me over drinks that this study concluded that EELV are human ratable but they were going to do what Griffin wanted. Obama Policies on Transparency, Openness, and Participation - and NASA - NASA Watch
  • It is, we learned, easier to learn to fly a plane than to master touch-typing. Radio review: Fry's English Delight: The Trial Of Qwerty
  • He wrote and tcanslaited many fortunate connexion « Mr. Boweai other works, and among the rest being unable to pay the costs in-* wa»the author of one play, called curred by the suit in the Spiritual Biographia dramatica, or, A companion to the playhouse:
  • An imprimatur is not guarantee of theological soundness, in reality. Dr. Janet Smith replies to Dr. Schindler, defends Christopher West
  • Several selections contain strings of double notes, primarily thirds and sixths.
  • Moreover, she is being asked to do this while remaining scrupulously impartial and keeping the viewer entertained with talk of trade deals, tariffs and employment figures. Times, Sunday Times
  • That gave us the time to move arbalests and mangonels into position along the walls.
  • Dom recognized a master tactician when he saw one. SOMEDAY MY PRINCE
  • The Plover is to be communicated with each year by a man-of-war — the Amphitrite is the next. The International Monthly Magazine - Volume V - No II
  • Rows of brick garden apartments all backed onto a massive common garden: a shared backyard for children to play, dogs to gambol, and families to eat picnics together. Day of Honey
  • Someone who really wanted to stop unsanctioned immigration would begin here, by busting the small contractors who employ these workers on a contingent basis.
  • The extended period of damage was probably brought on by the cool/wet growing conditions.
  • The bombardment of the GPO had fascinated MacMurrough: the annunciatory puffs of smoke and the flames that roared to greet them; then the crashing gun’s report, the shell’s eruption—an illogical sequence, effect before cause, an object lesson in the madness of war. At Swim, Two Boys
  • You would be hard pressed to find a young captain or major who hadn't flown combat sorties in the area of operations.
  • Sodium thiopental was used by most U.S. states as part of a lethal injection combination, but many have switched to an alternative drug called pentobarbital amid an ongoing shortage. The Seattle Times
  • Moreover, Mr Webb's point about what he calls disinterested management -- that is to say, the management of banks by officers whose remuneration bears no relation to the profit made on each piece of business transacted -- is one of the matters in which English banking seems likely at least to be modified. War-Time Financial Problems
  • In 1949, "pseudo folksongs" were banned by Dalstroi, the Gulag mining camps in Kolyma. Not so secret: deal at the heart of UK-US intelligence
  • Unless the radar signal is normal to some surface (extremely low probability) the radar receives no return.
  • The material you choose for surfaces including counters, backsplashes and floors can also account for variations in price.
  • We believe that it is okay to charge for healing based on the doctrine, ‘The workman is worthy of his hire.’
  • It is recognised as a crime against humanity under international law.
  • Academic excellence was matched with extra-curricular activities of every description - from drama through sport to foreign travel.
  • Management claimed the lockout was a temporary measure and that the plant would be reopened on May 9.
  • Which is stupid, considering the drivers around here A: Don't normally stop for people and in fact have been caught trying to sneak ~around~ them and B: I've been nicked several times and almost hit three times different instances last summer attempting to obey the biking laws, none of those for mistakes on my part as I've been scared shitless at the lack of aware driving that's crept over my town. The funny thing about Pain..... (Let's talk trauma!)
  • We carried spare water for the rad, a hand pump just in case the Dunlop pressure dropped, and maybe even a canister of petrol.
  • Secondly, he makes the team too much money, raking in ticket and merchandise sales like crazy.
  • It is by these special touches that the author infuses the books with the spirit of humanity, without which a fantasy becomes an empty fancy.
  • The poems, plays, and essays of the committed cultural nationalist are characterized by a markedly hortatory or didactic manner.
  • Before Malfurion could ask who she meant, Tyrande brought the glaive up in a salute and murmured something in the hidden tongue of the Sisterhood. WORLD OF WARCRAFT STORMRAGE
  • The brightly colored outfits may be made of either cotton or such dressy fabrics as velvet, satin, and lamé.
  • I learned how to negotiate fights between adolescent girls without making it seem like parental interference.
  • The affinities between music and poetry have been familiar since antiquity, though they are largely ignored in the current intellectual climate.
  • Maurice Mair seemed to spin like a teetotum and pitch upon his face like a ninepin. The Complete Father Brown
  • In 2005, the Mugabe government launched what it called a slum clearance scheme, that bulldozed major shantytowns, brutally displacing hundreds of thousands of people. CNN Transcript Mar 24, 2007
  • When Modin scored from the right circle to make it 3-0, it looked bleak for the Devils, who rallied from one-goal deficits twice before winning Game 2 in overtime. - Tampa Bay creeps closer to New Jersey with 4-3 win
  • The protests were going on about 1 kilometers away in the main street and some of the protesting crowd were running from tear gass used among them, towards Salehi St. The film is shot by my friend who was standing beside me. Iran Election Live-Blogging (Saturday June 20 Part II)
  • Lovecraft dealt not with the supernatural but with the "supernormal," as Joshi puts it -- the unrealized side of material reality. The Lovecraft News Network
  • The main square is called “Rynek” (which basically means “central market place”), and in the middle there are two buildings: “Ratusz” or City Hall (compare with German “Rathaus”) and “Sukiennice”, a long one-level building not unlike a bazaar, filled with stores. Matthew Yglesias » Krakow
  • Demos they may be but these Hazlewood rarities are rounded, rustic country songs: lustrous and lustful, quirkily and dryly humorous, yet poignant stories from the other side of love.
  • By adding the chlorides of strontian, uranium, potassium, sodium, iron, or copper to the liquid, various effects may be produced, and these bodies will be found to produce the same color on the plate that their flame gives to alcohol. American Hand Book of the Daguerreotype
  • As I did at FIAC, I selected 18 galleries and asked their most anglophonic expert to pick an image and talk about it for under two minutes. Michael Kurcfeld: Doing Shots: The Old and the New at Paris Photo 2011 (VIDEO)
  • There's a big difference between an amateur video and a slick Hollywood production.
  • He made a very positive contribution to the overall success of the project.
  • The first batch of ten shows is seen as a test of viewer demand. Times, Sunday Times
  • Come to think of it, it should read "sententia" but you managed to misspell in Latin the word you misspelled in English. When Latin Tattoos Go Wrong
  • The aerobrake - a huge, convex disc underneath the spacecraft - was producing friction with the Martian atmosphere.
  • Forbes: In terms of scale, the size of a bank for lending, is there a point where being bigger does not make you more efficient in lending? Transcript: Richard Bove
  • A second problem is damage caused by the buildup of excessive electrical charges in the plate from the unwanted ions.
  • The scale of the economic gulf between the two parties came as two polls yesterday showed that the election remained wide open. Times, Sunday Times
  • One infers that all of this would be computerised information.
  • A boa made from black water mink is worth about 50 dollars, a collarette about $100,00 and a coat reaching down to the hips would cost about $250,00. Black Beaver The Trapper
  • It might as well be closed, because in many American hospitals you're simply shooed from the windowsill after you've been nursed back to health (usually in 72 hours or less), and you're expected to "fly" on your own. Mark Lachs, M.D.: Care Transitions: The Hazards of Going In and Coming Out of the Hospital
  • If there was any hope of holding on to even a shred of her dwindling self-respect, she should do exactly what she knew Margo would do—close the laptop, take her de-scrunchied, perfumed, and nearly thonged self down to the nearest club, pick up the first passably good-looking stranger who asked her to dance, and bring him back to the apartment for some safe but anonymous sex. Goodnight Tweetheart
  • A lot of them were marked, or born wrong, or crooked, or scabious, looking for help from the Nazarene, for some panacea. A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990
  • An AFTRA statement confirmed the issues' importance, calling the 1% increase the union's "primary objective" in the bargaining. Jonathan Handel: AFTRA, Networks Reach New Three Year Deal
  • So spake he, and Athene was mightily angered at heart, and chid Odysseus in wrathful words: ‘Odysseus, thou hast no more steadfast might nor any prowess, as when for nine whole years continually thou didst battle with the Trojans for high born Helen, of the white arms, and many men thou slewest in terrible warfare, and by thy device the wide-wayed city of Priam was taken. Book XXII
  • What do a few lives matter now if we can find new, unpolluted territories and new ways to survive? THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY REIGN
  • You see that you're undershooting and so, leaving the throttle as is, you attempt to flatten your descent path by lifting the nose a bit - and you enter the region of reverse command.
  • A few fields have the remains of small sunken stone dwellings, intimate as those at Skara Brae.
  • A lot of human nature can be traced to instinctive behaviors evolved in harder times. ProWomanProLife » Why am I so skeptical?
  • She was carrying her overnight case and a basket of dried flowers-statice, strawflower, and immortelle in the pastel colors referred to in seed catalogues as "art shades": fawn, apricot, mauve, and pale yellow. Incubus
  • A barman at the pub said that he was one of the first two men to be arrested. Times, Sunday Times
  • The new taxon is named Gamerabaena, and the authors note, under etymology, "'Gamera refers to the fictional, firebreathing turtle from the 1965 movie Gamera, in allusion to his fire-breathing capabilities and the Hell Creek Formation ... "Look at everything around us. Look at everything we've done."
  • Background-position: background image in the canvas element in the targeted space, designated the upper left corner of the image relative to the level of canvas and vertical spacing interval .
  • We had engaged a very nice mare and stanhope, which we knew we could depend upon, when, the day before the race, the chestnut was declared lame, and not a presentable four-legged animal was to be hired in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 59, No. 363, January, 1846
  • We kept Mnemosyne for over two months, and never once did she misconduct herself or behave in an unseamanlike manner. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 153, December 26, 1917
  • His self-image is rooted in robotic toughness, like the shape-shifting, molten-metal fiend in Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
  • I'd say name it except for your second point, that named Wealden brachiosaurids are plentiful and once better material is described, some would near certainly be synonymized. ‘Angloposeidon’, the unreported story, part IV
  • Malory won the toss and will serve.
  • Visitors are welcome to fuss and pet the animals. The Sun
  • I expect him to win the rematch. The Sun
  • Mr. Sorapong, 35 years old, selected industrial estate developers Hemaraj Land & Development PCL and Amata Corporation PCL among his top picks, with Hemaraj returning 147% over the course of 2010 and Amata providing a 99% return on investment. Real Estate
  • His eyes were fixed on a small house in the middle distance.
  • And I feel hopelessly undereducated, with all the MAs around me.
  • Would you stop making jokes at my expense?
  • Trip steels have a microstructure with retained austenite, ferrite and martensite.
  • The League Against Cruel Sports issued a statement Wednesday calling on Ottawa to "take steps to end the immense cruelty to animals in events such as calf-roping, which is practised at rodeos including the Calgary Stampede. CTV BritishColumbiaHome
  • The main superstructure frame is formed from reinforced concrete with post-tensioned, ribbed slab floors.
  • Attention, Kmart shoppers: privacy for sale, aisle nine.
  • Though serfs were freed in 1864, they remained poor sharecroppers and staged a massive peasant uprising in 1907.
  • My store-bought long dresses are too "dressy" and made of rayon and other finer fabrics that are not suitable for housework. Sewing Simple Clothing
  • I shall be glad when the last of my daughters is married off.
  • They sneak forward to climb up the small gap between the lorry 's cab and trailer. The Sun
  • There's no massive hills and the swim won't be rough. Times, Sunday Times
  • The score may actually have been 32-0, but it seems the scoreboard operator could not keep up.
  • She described him as 'maddening, but lovely' and the untidiest and clumsiest person she had met. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had 112 helpers, many of whom had worked on some of the best fantasy movies of the past decade. Times, Sunday Times
  • At least five people were killed when an overcrowded migrant boat capsized last month which was dramatically caught on camera by Italian coastguards. The Sun
  • These planes are made with two separate stocks held together with either metal or turned wooden screws.
  • The little divil that stole the dog-team an 'wint over the Pass in the dead o' winter for to see where the world come to an ind on the ither side, just because old Matt McCarthy was afther tellin 'her fairy stories? CHAPTER I
  • The seeds were then cut in half longitudinally and deposited on a sterile Whatman No.1 filter paper impregnated with 1% tetrazolium chloride.
  • She regarded him as a somewhat crazy and delusional man, no matter how good he looked.
  • As a young man he wrote words to popular folk airs and had them printed as broadsheets.
  • A man came to load it onto the bus as we ran to find Ranwen's parents and siblings.
  • My hand came into contact with a small lump.
  • Some of these chemicals may mimic hormones, thereby disrupting the endocrine system.
  • This animal is found in Australia, and nowhere else.
  • I still see Mr. Berman's portable shtender in the shul and I have to smile because I immediately see his warm gentle smile and think about how fortunate I was to have met your father.
  • He has received several teaching awards, as well as the unprecedented award of being ‘the most quotable professor’ by MathSoc.
  • It is not just a projection of human motives on to a neutral universe.
  • The friend had also overheard the man say he had disposed of the handgun used in the crime, according to the in - formant. Just A 'Random' Crime
  • The authors concluded that creativity and psychotic symptomatology do indeed reflect equivalent forms of cognitive processing.
  • She even has ambitions to return to college and major in interior design and business.
  • That not only means that more information can be crunched at once, but these chips can also handle more complex instructions.
  • Venuti advocates that translators create a discursive heterogeneity by using non-dominant English forms to make the foreignness of the source texts felt and render the translations visible.
  • We must remember that the prime motive for Housmann's boulevards and circuses was to ensure that a strategically placed cannon could fire down many streets, quelling the citizens who were periodically disposed to revolution.
  • I'll forward any mail to your new address.
  • Although these vegetables adapt well to our temperate climate, they tend to crop poorly.
  • There are some trademark pieces - elegant-legged tables and high-quality marquetry - mixed in with contemporary designer furniture, antique shop finds and some very in-your-face art.
  • He will remain affiliated with the firm as a special associate director.
  • These will involve more rigorous checks on claimants to make sure their disability qualifies. The Sun
  • These small exquisitely carved ivory figurines come in an almost limitless variety.
  • Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.
  • Update: BB commenter DHC says, It's worth noting that his is an outtake from a TV show that Warhol developed and aired on Manhattan cable. Boing Boing
  • He argues that the two main parties are no longer capable of holding together the divergent views within them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pictures show squares within squares - the water-holding depressions that in ancient times made the gardens fruitful.
  • And approaching that very machine, his last pound coin clutched in his fist, was Felix Henderson McMurdo.
  • This textbook provides a modern and accessible introduction to magnetohydrodynamics.
  • The aristocracy are made to look like buffoons; the women swoon, the maids are oversexed, and the artist himself - the center of everyone's fawning attention - plays the dandy.
  • And in a way I want to make my language as mimetic as possible, as sensual as possible, so that you can feel the treetops, taste the lamb chump chops, and hear the wind and the sound of the surf beating on the beach.
  • Martin did well to recover from the onslaught to go a break up in the third set.
  • Most organic farmers try to supply their nitrogen needs with legumes in the crop rotation or with manures and composts.
  • His casual reaction, "you're overreacting," "these things happen, right?" suggests they've gone through this before, with presumably the more recent procedure she discussed with her gyno. Samantha Zalaznick: Mad Men Recap: Help!
  • As you start your married life together hand in hand, may all the things you're hoping for turn out the way you've planned.
  • He had just received my check and was apoplectic with rage, declaring he never wanted to see or have anything to do with ‘that woman’ - meaning me - again.
  • They are both a product of the marketisation of education.
  • demands for rectification of terrible injustices
  • The old man fell against the bucket.
  • Hatching may be synchronous or asynchronous (one or two days apart).
  • The overseer, a great strong man, cracking his "blacksnake" from time to time, to enforce authority, excited our strong indignation. 'Three Score Years and Ten' Life-Long Memories of Fort Snelling, Minnesota, and Other Parts of the West
  • Four principal types of source pertain to the subject: literature, works of graphic or plastic art, archaeological remains, and notated pieces of music.
  • Unions and managers are now referring to the stand-off as ‘class war in the classroom’.
  • Tents and rugs are made from sheep's wool or goats' hair.
  • Why is that man a slave to his genes?
  • The manager never falters in his determination.
  • Race your mate and shake your coconut down through the palm tree!
  • I blame it all on becca who called me in the middle of the night to talk to me all about how the two best friends names are Kate and Becca and that the main character lives in apartment 601 as my address and other kooky details that i have been trying to forget nightly since i saw that movie, And then every sound is that kid coming out of the television and im only writing about it now in order to expunge as i fear she will grab hold of my foot from under the desk and eat me or turn me into something decomposing or whatever it is she does. I-claudius Diary Entry
  • Often the parent feels helpless and very discouraged and may also give up on the child which reinforces the child's feelings of inadequacy and may cause the child to retreat or regress further.
  • The tranquility of Birch's daytime views hardly characterized the disputative climate surrounding the building, then and later.
  • The giant cross has become a familiar landmark to generations of San Franciscans.
  • Spanish-American War of 1898 Edison suggested to the Navy Department the adoption of a compound of calcium carbide and calcium phosphite, which when placed in a shell and fired from a gun would explode as soon as it struck water and ignite, producing a blaze that would continue several minutes and make the ships of the enemy visible for four or five miles at sea. Edison, His Life and Inventions
  • We don't know a millionth of one percent about anything. Thomas A. Edison 
  • For him, cruelty was a legitimate and necessary procedure, almost a profession of faith, and European artists showed him how to excruciate a tame local reality.
  • The magnificent 18 th-century mansion is set in private landscaped grounds at the edge of the town, opposite the golf links and West Sands but totally screened by trees, woods and 18-foot high lodge gates.
  • This triangulation of information will help school practitioners make better decisions about students or programs because data from one source can help confirm or disconfirm information from another.
  • Another harvest has failed, and international aid agencies warn of the threat of mass starvation.
  • There was no mail coach -- no driver in scarlet -- no mail guard -- no passengers, but only a ramshackle iron mail cart -- a "postboy" as driver and carrying no arms. The King's Post Being a volume of historical facts relating to the posts, mail coaches, coach roads, and railway mail services of and connected with the ancient city of Bristol from 1580 to the present time
  • A statistical model for decay and formation of heavy hadronic resonances is formulated.
  • May each hour be a happy one on this special day.Love is always my gift to you for today and every day.
  • We may earnestly believe that they're wrong - whether they're non-Christians, heretics, apostates, agnostics, atheists, or what have you.
  • However, added the mayor, city hall will naturally respect the court's order, whatever it may be.
  • Small businesses have been hit hard / hard hit by the recession.
  • Mostly, however, she seems to be held in some kind of incommunicado status until they need a sound bite, and then they throw the power switch, download the text and out she spits it, with all the emotion of an automaton. Condi a Waste of Time
  • There are two main approaches: one is a synthetic plug the same shape as a cork that can be placed in the top of the bottle in the same way as a cork and removed with a corkscrew, so preserving the ritual of opening a bottle of wine.
  • Practical measures such as quality control and testing are very important in the manufacturing process.
  • The flight crew made a distress call and the aircraft landed safely on one engine around 14 minutes after take-off.
  • Criticism centred on the lack of information provided.
  • For Brown, visiting Gill at South Fork is a six-hour schlep that he's managed only three times.
  • Xmas hurtles at us like a skateboarding troll trundling downhill - it's big, impressive, but to be viewed with a certain trepidation by those in its path. Toys R Us - Military Sword & Sorcery is coming ("#### Harry Potter! Daddy, where's my axe?")
  • But, fortunately, there were cavities in the two teeth on either side of the gap -- one in the first molar and one in the palatine surface of the cuspid; might he not drill a socket in the remaining root and sockets in the molar and cuspid, and, partly by bridging, partly by crowning, fill in the gap? McTeague
  • There's nothing you can do to change the little ones' minds about the gewgaws and gimcracks they expect to find beneath the tree - or to stop your in-laws' annual onslaught, for that matter.
  • In any event, when making a case against the indivisibility of Sinitic, it is not necessary to rebut each of these "common" features individually, since they are largely or wholly extralinguistic. Language Log
  • Fishing. Tie magnets to a string, cut fish shapes out of construction paper and attach a paper clip to the fish's mouth and voila.
  • And I think the resort is about 25% overpriced, considering the worn-down state of the place and the fact you can get a two-night package at the definitely more upmarket Avillion in Port Dickson (also not really PD, but a dozen kilometres south) from about RM800 as well. Vacations: Tiara Beach Resort — Fusion Despatches
  • He adjusts the focus of the Carl Zeiss 120 mm macro lens, which allows him to work very close up.
  • If you had to make one for a particular fashion house, what would it be like? Times, Sunday Times
  • Stealing away, (whence, I suppose, the ironical phrase of trusty Trojan to this day,) like a thief — pretendedly indeed at the command of the gods; but could that be, when the errand he went upon was to rob other princes, not only of their dominions, but of their lives? — Clarissa Harlowe
  • Modern scientific capability has profoundly altered the course of human life. Times, Sunday Times
  • We welcome submissions through e-mail because that saves us the bother of retyping the selected manuscripts.
  • It can make you sweat too, or feel dizzy or breathless. The Sun
  • The heroic deeds of this brave and noble Irishman have brought honour and glory to his native land.
  • Added to that, his company is passionate about the relationship between live music and dance in performance.
  • One man's ‘most respected occult books around’ are another man's old hat ripe for a kicking.
  • Hillary's woman problem is that her reach among women over 30 I don't want to use the term older women is unlikely to change much. Hillary's Woman Problem Part II
  • Interior spaces may also be gendered: the author explores both the activities particular to women, such as needlework or lace-making, and the objects related to female and maternal domesticity.
  • It had multiple shooters, multiple locations, mobile threats, willingness to fight the first responders and follow-on SWAT/commando units, well-equipped and well-trained operatives, and a willingness to die. Cliff Schecter: The Terrorist and the Terror Watch List
  • The one are fellows called devilish good -- the other, fellows called devilish gentleman like. Godolphin, Complete
  • She works days as a chambermaid at a local hotel and at night lies awake fearing the sound of his tread.
  • The causes of asthma are not fully known but it is partly an allergic condition.
  • Cppd crystals are smaller rods, squares, or rhomboids and are difficult to identify with light microscopy.
  • The area of domination and control that affected me the longest isn't limited to just my small church. Christianity Today
  • No, but they more or less remained together, I hate to use the word ideologically, but I guess for want of a better word, they seemed to always react, more or less, the same way to political situations and to political candidates 'platforms. Oral History Interview with Lindy Boggs, January 31, 1974. Interview A-0082. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • It was nice to play a Wii game that wasn't full of bright greens and blues like another title featuring Mario. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • The human was definitely looking at her.
  • But he likes the feeling of pride he gets when marshaling a bomber plane to the runway for a launch - no matter the weather.
  • Norman Neal Williams had been a transient, they learned, an itinerant vitamin salesman with no known relatives. MORE TALES OF THE CITY
  • They estimate the cost of repairing the damaged roads at £1 million.

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