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How To Use Lyrical In A Sentence

  • ‘Maria Maria Maria’ is simply gorgeous - a dark, reverb-soaked slab of despondency with a lyrical combination of absurdism and sincerity that could only have come from Merritt.
  • In the tome, full of glamorous soft-focus pictures of the footballer, he waxes lyrical about the art of seduction, with fish his favourite weapon for luring girlfriends from the dining room to the boudoir.
  • Watson had grown up on the rocky coast of New Brunswick in a village with the lyrical name Saint Andrews by the Sea. The Whale Warriors
  • These largely acoustic songs reacquaint us with his tremulous, soulful vocals and cutting lyrical style.
  • Contemporary British composer Nicolas Maw, no slouch at doing gnarly himself, was represented by "Music of Memory," a suite of mostly nontonal meditations built around a lyrical theme from a Mendelssohn string quartet that made several calming appearances during the piece. News | SH |
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  • The music's expression ranges from declamatory to lyrical.
  • My mother, a Spaniard, always used to wax lyrical about the lemon trees in the family garden.
  • However, it's not explicit that the purple people eater is extra-terrestrial in origin, based on the lyrical evidence, only that it can fly ... Boing Boing
  • Wilson depicted the struggles of African Americans with a lyrical beauty and captured the lives of those who lived on the edges of the society with a dignity that was worthy of the titanic power of any character in Greek drama.
  • When reviewers and prize jurors tout a repetitive style as "the last word in gnomic control," or a jumble of unsustained metaphor as "lyrical" writing, it is obvious that they, too, are having difficulty understanding what they read. A Reader's Manifesto
  • The lyrical themes take in the huge changes to the guys' personal lives over the past two years. The Sun
  • A misguided foray into middle-eastern politics, it may well be their lyrical nadir, their trademark synth-pop swamped in a hideous 80s production.
  • He waxed lyrical about collective government. Times, Sunday Times
  • You didn't even wax lyrical about the incredibly romantic island we could see from the cliff-top at the cape.
  • This CD blends an equal amount of exciting reels, jigs and hornpipes, along with a selection of old and new songs performed by the lyrical and commanding voice of Ciarán Ó Gealbháin, who is joined on one of the tracks by the great Liam Clancy.
  • On the other hand, Nero's love for lyrical poetry did not stop him from being a tyrant.
  • Both are deep, questioning, disquieting yet also lyrical pieces. Times, Sunday Times
  • One cab driver waxed almost lyrical. Times, Sunday Times
  • State-of-the-art production and Gilmour's note-perfect playing collided with bassist Roger Waters's grim lyrical vision, which fretted about materialism and age creeping up on you.
  • There are all sorts of lyrical themes. The Sun
  • The libretto imports a number of Elizabethan lyrics which add to the overall lyrical quality of the work.
  • Some parts of Lovecraft's work as in the first few lines of, "He," are as prosaic as a fog horn, and as lyrical as a wolf's bay.
  • A lyrical, a scholarly, a fastidious mind might have used seclusion and solitude to perfect its powers.
  • The vocals are shared alternately between the two singers; both sound like fragile pixies, trapped in a lyrical world of jealous lovers and murderous intent.
  • But now everything she had once seen as colourful, lyrical, dramatic, even, was subsumed into a vast, unquenchable litany of light. MR GOLIGHTLY'S HOLIDAY
  • They made their name with shimmering melodic hooks allied to unsettling lyrical themes. The Sun
  • Paulo Szot was wonderful as the status-conscious, noseless Kovalyov, ricocheting from hysteria to self-pity (we see through his lyrical laments) to self-importance; his baritone was multihued and penetrating, except during the noisiest orchestra moments. The Sweet Smell of Success
  • All the familiar elements - the deliberate, stately percussion; the elongated, cyclical riffs; the snarled lyrical tautologies and abstruse involutions - are all intact.
  • Mr. Morris grabbed every chance to bend a phrase lyrically, as when, alone in the woods, Siegfried wonders what his mother was like and who his father was. NYT > Home Page
  • What lyrical themes did you pursue on this album? The Sun
  • Lyrically poetic and understated, this album has a churchly feel that makes for perfect nighttime chillout music.
  • A sparkling hi-hat percussion line, lyrical ‘little bird’ metaphors of ‘loveless love,’ and an endgame of girls laughing make it an aural delight.
  • To appreciate the significance of the lyrical origin of tragedy, we must first elucidate lyric poetry as such.
  • Everybody must have this recording in their collection: It is the most sublime music and sophisticated and lyrical jazz ever recorded.
  • Beginning with lyrical descriptions of visions experienced by the narrator, we develop expectations of a narrative arc that follows the structure of religious conversion or resurrection.
  • While it may seem like an unnecessary extra step, the make-up pros wax lyrical about it. Times, Sunday Times
  • This juxtaposition of brutal reality and lyrical beauty runs through Park's stories.
  • Realism and myth, lyrical memoir and contemporary reality, combine in the highly individual texture of his prose, which expresses the heart-searchings of a solitary man with a restless social conscience.
  • Some of the man-bashing and emotional blackmail seems a bit of a cop out when sections of the production are effectively dramatic and poetically lyrical.
  • She combines confessional prose with cultural commentary, narrative with argument, plain declarative sentences with lovely lyrical passages.
  • The poem's closing strophe shows how Kaufman had become a master in capturing the lyrical qualities of the music and bringing them to bear in his poetry.
  • The Swordsmen's techno knob fiddling adds an effective acid house wash to the song's coy lyrical interplay.
  • Now I'm starting to appreciate the interplay of musical texture and lyrical directness.
  • He might have expected Chopin with a beak: lyrical cascades and liquid melodies that give its relative, the blackcap, the name "northern nightingale". Country diary: Paxton Pits, Cambridgeshire
  • Simultaneously rough and lyrical, her paintings are jagged emotional landscapes in colors that range from earthy to bilious, saturated to saccharine.
  • We wrapped the blackbird in ferns and lyrically buried it under an acer tree. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am sure people will be waxing lyrical about what a nice bloke he is and that will go in his favour on the balance of things. The Sun
  • Jamie Bond and Natasha Oughtred's account of the lyrical second movement, however, is very fine indeed, with her nervy vulnerability perfectly counterpointed by his elegant line and cool, almost abstract, presence. Birmingham Royal Ballet: Pointes of View
  • While Stout eschewed the splashy gestures of expressionism, there is a deep, almost lyrical sensuality not only in his shapes, but in the sumptuous metallic texture of the graphite.
  • The strongest of the film's musical numbers is the title song itself, which, though a tad short on his trademark lyrical innuendo, is nonetheless one of the most memorable melodies in the Formby songbook.
  • The lyrical grandeur of his language covers every known figure of speech from metaphor to simile, hyperbole to hendiadys.
  • Here again it was of the barely lyrical declamation of Moussorgsky that the vendor reminded me, but not of it alone. The Captive
  • Musically and lyrically more direct than its predecessor, it reached deeper into the storytelling tradition.
  • The story is in how Marshall attracts them, like you, with songs stripped of lyrical and musical artifice and a smoky, kool chick voice.
  • Although Transparente was recorded in Brazil, its 14 gem-like songs remain true to the deepest traditions of fado, the breathtakingly lyrical and melancholic music of Portugal.
  • She or he needs an instinctive sense of where lines should end, how end-stopped they might be, and which ones call for enjambment, their sense flowing lyrically over the tiny pause and into a line that follows.
  • The diesels and the new generation push-pull trains are chugging, but the sound of the trains is as lyrical as ever to them.
  • He wrote the era theme with prose way and simple rational language, which showed the hurricane passionate lyrical momentum and the romantic way of ideographic.
  • The only choristers in these natural fanes were the robins and the small lyrical wren; but on passing through the rustic village of Wolverton I stopped for a couple of minutes to listen to the lively strains of a cirl-bunting among some farm buildings. Afoot in England
  • With this horrifying statement, the song's lyrical content comes to an end.
  • But nevertheless, she has written emotionally charged music with lyrical directness.
  • I think this album is tremendous in several places, in fact; a messy, dissolute record that pulls off the stunt of being musically emotionally open while lyrically open to interpretation.
  • Hamlet, like Richard II, meant to be by temperament a lyrical poet, a splendid commentator and rhapsodist, is forced to plunge into a series of frenetic occasions.
  • The novel is an intensely lyrical stream-of-consciousness about an Indian woman who leaves her family home to be married.
  • They shed their blood lyrically for the counting-house; and they defended the shop, that immense diminutive of the fatherland, with Lacedaemonian enthusiasm. Les Miserables
  • These songs have a deceptive lyrical vacuity that hints at greater depths, but leaves them to the listener to consider.
  • In Sonata 10 in D Major, one of the six sonatas with full recapitulations, the lyrical second theme in the dominant minor provides a marked contrast to the assertive principal one.
  • The term 'idyl' has been explained above (page 248, note to iv): such idyls may be either narrated as stories, or brought out lyrically or dramatically, as in the present case. Select Masterpieces of Biblical Literature
  • The man could modulate his voice into a great variety of tones, booming, hushed, lyrical, penitent, frightened.
  • Shepard has a gift for combining lyrical description with a colloquial voice.
  • Successful performance of this work requires a moderate to advanced sense of lyrical line, fluid mastery of third octave fingerings and a working knowledge of accidentals, including double sharps (x).
  • At that point it's a conceptual lyrical moment where the poem is becoming aware, or I am becoming aware of the piece at that point as having to do with futurity.
  • Yet Seferis survived all this, and the lyrical anguish of the poetry is his testament.
  • There are all sorts of musical and lyrical details like this throughout the album, but it doesn't make all of the songs great - there are a number of genuine clunkers and some smaller disappointments.
  • Eminem may fit into that tradition of lyrical catharsis and boulevard jeremiads, but he certainly didn't create it.
  • Most lyrical of all his interventions there is the restaurant on the edge of the vineyards.
  • Italian is a beautiful and lyrical idiom. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although it is not a concept album, did you find lyrical themes emerging? The Sun
  • Perhaps she couldn't then, but she can now - lyrically, funnily, passionately, rudely, spellbindingly. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had an economics course with a fool named “Steamboat” Fulton, whose stock and trade was lyrical rant about the twin divinities named Supply and Demand. Matthew Yglesias » Meeting Obama’s College Attainment Goals
  • The lyrical logic is hard to crack, but the record proves maddeningly infectious.
  • The violins, viola and cello were played with great vigour, intensity and lyrical beauty.
  • This refrain must be one of the most lyrical expressions of political apostasy ever written.
  • His measured, lyrical exposition of the movement's second theme seemed to touch the very soul of the music.
  • The psychic action of Shelley's lyrical drama is less Prometheus's absorption of Jupiter as his shadow than it is his release from Jupiter, who, as unabsorbed energy, falls back into the "Abysm," which, as the "deep truth," cannot "vomit forth its secrets Romanticism, Alchemy, and Psychology
  • His poetry is neither traditional, nor audaciously experimental, but lyrical and contemporary in themes.
  • With a rich, honey-thick voice, an ear for the catchiest turn of vocal and lyrical phrase, and a harmonious way with a melody, Reid Jamieson turns eight homemade acoustic demos into a thing of beauty.
  • No one can help admiring the good sense and powerful, if limited, logic of the redoubtable opponent of the Précieuses and champion of formalism; he has all the qualities of a splendid fighter, and in spite of his crushing power of inventive he was far too wise to be bitter; but his enthusiasm for literary law and order makes him support all that is most unlyrical in poetry. Introduction
  • But what lingers in the memory more than the acrobatics is the gorgeous singing tone Mr. Ma achieved in the lyrical variations. NYT > Home Page
  • The "mark of difference" that the lyrical ballads sustain is "that each of them has a worthy purpose. Wordsworth’s Balladry: Real Men Wanted
  • The absence of dramatic action was of little account to audiences used to the lyrical pastoral play.
  • The whole set consists of rather humorous songs based on folk rhythms, melancholic dumkas and lyrical or even dramatic romances.
  • This poetry was lyrical, taking its inspiration from nature and the countryside, and is now generally disregarded as lifeless and conventional.
  • The Rossetti woman rebels against Victorian convention, her unpinned hair and unstructured medieval gown flowing with lyrical freedom.
  • He legitimated the cultivation of lyrical tropes, as the poet used them to enrich what is otherwise a lofty epic poem on the First Crusade.
  • One fisherman waxed lyrical about the variety of fish in the river.
  • Few writers move so effortlessly from the gothic tale to the psychological thriller to the epic family saga to the lyrical novella.
  • Lyrically and musically, the album's tone of entropy does more to underscore the miasma of dread most people feel under the current political conditions than it does to rebel significantly against it.
  • A beautiful and lyrical middle interlude provides a brief respite amid music of unabating virtuosity.
  • Many British tourists visiting Spain often wax lyrical about the way their hosts know how to eat properly. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't believe I have ever heard this arduous role sung with such lyrical beauty, tonal suavity.
  • He was its poet and its prophet for almost 60 years and when he died Saturday, a lyrical voice was silenced.
  • We may "pshaw" and "pooh" at Harry Gill and the Idiot Boy; but the deep and tremulous tenderness of sentiment, the strong-winged flight of fancy, the excelling and unvarying purity, which pervade all the writings of Wordsworth, and the exquisite melody of his lyrical poems, must ever continue to attract and purify the mind. International Weekly Miscellany - Volume 1, No. 9, August 26, 1850
  • It is a highly literary and lyrical novel looking at loneliness, friendship, family, middle age and life in a less than salubrious part of our capital city.
  • Each life discussed here is, in its own way spectacular, a far cry from the popular image of the Victorian female folklorist as a harmless, if slightly dotty, amateur sitting at home waxing lyrical about fairies and Morris dancing.
  • Goodness must be praised in sonnets and lyrical monologues, pointing out that should evil prevail, badness will happen.
  • Her double-stopping was pure and sweet, her phrasing lyrical but with the requisite bite and snap. Times, Sunday Times
  • Is a violence-packed action sequence best served by lyrical, multisyllabic flowery prose? Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Improve Your Authorial Voice Not By Writing, But By Watching
  • How can you speak so harshly of the lyrical "endlessness"? "I Am Lapidary But Not Eristic When I Use Big Words."
  • The mum waxed lyrical about the automatic shirt ironer and laundry chute. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dan connects and links London's words and actions from many sources to support the central theme of the book that Jack London was a poet and his lyrical prose style a direct consequence of prosodic studies, poetic aspirations and a lifelong passion for poetry. A NEW BOOK RELEASE
  • His poetry is neither traditional, nor audaciously experimental, but lyrical and contemporary in themes.
  • News at Eleven: Many of Rumi's lyrical ghazals express an almost psychedelic perceptivity that makes his imagery so distinctive and attractive Light would soak the world entire/as once it did on Sinai's Mount/if I reveal the ecstasy/of my heart's fabliaux . . . from ghazal 2789. Archive 2010-01-01
  • The lyrical second theme brings forth a singing legato from the violin that contrasts wonderfully with its sharp and clipped phrasing in the first section.
  • There are even elements of The Beatles in some of the choral sections, while her major hero, David Bowie, is said to come through in her unexpected lyrical poetry.
  • His lyrical, handsome style made him a natural for classical roles and he was promoted soloist, then principal in 1983.
  • He read so lyrically from the the book Inkheart, that several of the book’s wicked characters ended up blinking and cursing on his cottage floor. Inkheart: Summary and book reviews of Inkheart by Cornelia Funke.
  • It is a book of hard-won wisdom and stark pleasure in the form of 500 lyrical aphorisms and epigrams.
  • The problem is that all kind of good musical and lyrical themes come across as thrown together, rather than making coherent sense. Times, Sunday Times
  • A smattering of tracks say so, exhibiting a tasty balance between Of Montreal's lyrical world of mystery-flavor-popsicle whimsy and shower singalong ditties.
  • I think lyrically, it is such a sweet message about being there for your friends, I think it deserves that chance. Mike Ragogna: Crosstalk Thursday: Conversations with Billy Currington, Brett Dennen, Al DiMeola, and Yellowjackets' Bob Mintzer
  • His songs were rich both lyrically and musically, anthemic and yet intimate.
  • The sonata is a major work that combines the young composer's acerbic wit and uncompromising harmonic astringency with a lyrical bent and cross-cultural echoes of Far Eastern musical modes.
  • The novel's lyrical prose and descriptions are its strong points.
  • Her soulful lyrical style and dedication to dance has seen her jump up to fore of local young musical talent.
  • His tone is full but flexible, sustained but lyrical, and he manages to impart a certain wistfulness to even the jolliest rondos, such as the E flat one that Flanders and Swann memorably set to words. Mozart: Horn Concertos Nos 1-4 – review
  • A second subject is more lyrical, but the first is never far away and is used to conclude the movement.
  • Paganini's 24th caprice for solo violin, itself a variation on an original theme, was creatively diversified by Brahms, Liszt, Szymanowski and, most lyrically, Rachmaninov.
  • Likewise, the Sikh devotional music of kirtan draws from similar lyrical sources and employs a similar instrumentation as Hindu bhajan music and Sufi qawwali music. Varun Soni: India, Pakistan and the Musical Gurus of Peace
  • Lyrically, the album matches its musical dead weight with a string of unpoetic clichés - maybe the lunkheads who fill arenas didn't get Chris Martin's ramblings about spies and scientists.
  • You cannot help notice the remarkable literary, almost lyrical, quality about the work.
  • In fact, it's almost easy to not read beyond her almost lyrical prose that makes the most mundane of everyday routines fascinating.
  • You can hear the family influence: her brother's propensity for melodrama, mom's acute eye for telling lyrical detail, dad's mordant black humour, along with her own caustic imagery.
  • But to accentuate the medievalisms in our midst is as deluding as trying to keep our Royal Mounted an army of lyrical "RoseMaries". Canada Finds Her Voice
  • For two years he was as prolific as any writer in the lyrical language, bringing forth great green and gold fields of verse. Times, Sunday Times
  • For two years he was as prolific as any writer in the lyrical language, bringing forth great green and gold fields of verse. Times, Sunday Times
  • The total package was impeccable, impressive creativity in the lyrical stylings and an innovative producer who worked in perfect synchrony with the artist. Larger Than Lyfe
  • The gentle songs lack appropriate melodic sweetness and lyrical sentimentality.
  • Of course, when you listen to the record, you're left with more questions than answers, as the lyrical content is just as ambiguous as the song titles.
  • This work has all the lyrical beauty we associate with the more traditional type of opera.
  • And we gentle Poms have acclaimed your control, admired your velocity, wet ourselves over the immaculate precision of your bouncers and waxed lyrical over your infinite superiority to our own prissy dobbers.
  • When he wasn't regaling me with tales of his derring-do at Inchon, Korea in the early 1950s, he waxed lyrical about his oh-so-sexy adventures as a raw recruit at Kapooka in 1949.
  • The novel is an intensely lyrical stream-of-consciousness about an Indian woman who leaves her family home to be married.
  • What the songs lack in innovation, they make up for in lyrical beauty. Times, Sunday Times
  • And for those with ghoulish brains wired for conspiracy-theory logic, there are some intriguing lyrical turns of phrase throughout a record that's infused with the spirit of the Big Apple.
  • The transport minister has just waxed lyrical on something called'The journey to beauty. Times, Sunday Times
  • But this 22-year-old stomper has lyrical mysteries. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rest of the audience will probably have been struck by the piece's easily digestible, often lyrical manner. Times, Sunday Times
  • Admittedly, they can be a bit clunky, lyrically. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rhetorical construction of the subject is the foundational gesture of lyrical utterance.
  • It is a fable recalled by a lonely man who lies between the clumps of grass on the sands by a river (the scene looks deceptively lyrical), like a survivor washed ashore after a shipwreck.
  • Regardless of whether the songs featured distorted guitars or oboes and clarinets, Downes' lyrical romanticism remained constant and fervent.
  • She reminds us of those lyrical tree nymphs in Greek mythology.
  • Though things improve, Serkin, lyrical in the outer movements, spoils the andante with heavy accents.
  • The music is effortlessly organic and songs such as Fingerprints and Only One Way are jaunty despite their lyrically black quality.
  • The artist's lyrical, figurative paintings and collages reflect multivalent effects of his study of other art.
  • The whole history of medieval verse Romances, indeed, illustrates this lyrical tendency to rehandle inherited material. A Study of Poetry
  • More addictive tuneage this time draped with Stipe / Morrisey style vocals and flossed with bitter sweet lyrical interplays and finished off with lashings of tasty summery sounding chopping riffs.
  • Journalists wax lyrical about the band.
  • Despite lyrical individualities, a common thread amongst the featured artists is a conception of hip hop as not only entertainment, but also education.
  • My favorite long-standing Basque tradition is the love for their lyrical language, which, unlike Provençal, can still be heard on the street and in squares and shops. French Word-A-Day:
  • So that's the musical counterpart to the lyrical problem - turning lo-fi from a ho-hum excuse to a gritty asset.
  • Appropriately titled Hiding In Full View, Alison Watt's recent paintings focus on swathes of lyrically convoluted fabrics that appear to screen unseen depths of melancholic reverie. This week's new exhibitions
  • The juxtaposition of a cracking scherzo and lyrical trio was like going from the party whirlwind to the balcony outside. Times, Sunday Times
  • So why did you call the album The Story and what lyrical themes do you explore on it? The Sun
  • To appreciate the significance of the lyrical origin of tragedy, we must first elucidate lyric poetry as such.
  • She didn't know why most girls liked baritone voices; tenor voices were so much more lyrical.
  • Or would 90 minutes discussing the future of America strain his ability to wax lyrical on policy detail? Times, Sunday Times
  • While such lyrical vapidity precludes ‘I Wonder’ from moving the listener emotionally, the track does serve as respite in an otherwise aggressive mix.
  • Lyrical Ballads" conveniently marks the beginning of nineteenth-century poetry.
  • His powerfully lyrical Symphony no. 6 conveys a strong sense of the Norwegian landscape.
  • The chair back is the embodiment of elegance, suggesting an open plume of feathers supported by lyrical S-shaped side rails.
  • The novel is an intensely lyrical stream-of-consciousness about an Indian woman who leaves her family home to be married.
  • His latest, Ondine (2009, Paramount, 12), finds Jordan returning to more rewardingly lyrical fare with a whimsical tale of a lonely fisherman (Colin Farrell) who catches a "selkie" (half woman, half seal) and finds himself entrapped in a tightening emotional net. Mark Kermode's DVD round-up
  • He might have expected Chopin with a beak: lyrical cascades and liquid melodies that give its relative, the blackcap, the name "northern nightingale". Country diary: Paxton Pits, Cambridgeshire
  • While her lyrical prose defies conventional storytelling, its simple and gorgeous use of everyday language serves to inspire, horrify and, yes, touch the soul. Carine Fabius: What Can the Power of Art Accomplish?
  • I've been criticised in the past for waxing lyrical and going all gushy about booze.
  • Jordan is a powerful, lyrical writer who explores dark places and finds transparent truths about guilt and innocence.
  • Sudden gusts of drama like this add boldness to Taylor's mainly lyrical choreography.
  • He is at his best in the many lyrical sections of the piece, which include most of the outer movements as well as the wistful trio of the middle scherzo movement.
  • The fascination about this musical is the exciting rock rhythms and the memorable, lyrical melodies.
  • England: "Survivals of agricultural magic-making abound in our folk song even today though as the old meaning becomes unclear what was once ritualistic is likely to change into broad comedy, as with the randy animal-guiser song of the 'Derby Ram', concerning a beast of gigantic, not to say cosmic, attributes, a song that is the lyrical equivalent of those phallophoric dances that survive in farming ceremonies in Europe, intended to celebrate and stimulate the powers of reproduction in plants, animals and men, a song that nowadays survives mainly as a bawdy anthem for beery students or soldiers coming home on leave". Dalby Ram
  • I'm a talker and an expansive extrovert, yet in my poetry, particularly my lyrical poetry, I like to have things as distilled as possible.
  • Matters get decidedly steamy and a tad too confessional, though the lyrical twists reveal depth and vulnerability alongside the braggadocio.
  • she danced the part of the Black Swan very lyrically
  • The song, with the addition of a long instrumental solo break, drove the lyrical quality of the song to the heart.
  • It's an elegiac and lyrical single-act play that is haunted by the death of a teenage girl, Roslyn, whom we never meet.
  • While it may seem like an unnecessary extra step, the make-up pros wax lyrical about it. Times, Sunday Times
  • As Leigh did with 2008's "Happy-Go-Lucky," he and cinematographer Dick Pope have chosen a lush palette and expansive widescreen canvas to draw the audience into Tom and Gerri's lambent world, made all the more seductive by Gary Yershon's lyrical chamber score. Somewhere between settled and unsettling
  • This a lyrical work written with the authority and assuredness of an experienced writer.
  • This year's ragged yet focused "I'll Never Get Out of This World Alive" shows that Mr. Earle's lyrical astuteness remains intact, no matter the genre. Funk Yards, Beacon Blues
  • Anyone who believed such a thing was by definition clueless and delusional, and the lyrical contributions are matchlessly banal.
  • Her poetry and prose quickly earned for her recognition as one of India's most lyrical and intellectually prolific writers.
  • He has previously made boysy comedies and lyrical dramas, and here he is somewhere in between. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the magazine isn't waxing lyrical about 'new boho' accessories, the new Fendi it bag or raffia accessories, it's asking 'Can you think yourself thin?'
  • This musical tone poem alternates between lyrical moments and spirited interludes that suggest an energetic exaltation of larks ascending and descending as they fly.
  • There is no gentle poetry, no lyrical love duet, no sword fighting, no nurse, no doll, no childhood.
  • The boy who blocked his own shot because i freaking love Brand New Jesse lacey is a lyrical genius!! p.s. i actually think its an Edward song from the new moon playlist used to demonstrate the bit when he leaves it totaly fits that but i guess it could work as a Jacob song!! however i am totally team Edward lol Twilight Lexicon » Eclipse Music Poll based on Stephenie Meyer’s Playlist!!
  • Though it was found recherché by his contemporaries, its expressive power came to be acknowledged, and its lyrical melody and richly varied textures to be given their due.
  • Thus cubist art, has something of the character of poetry, presenting an image of the world that is meditative, haunting, lyrical, mysterious and sometimes obscure.

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