How To Use lymphatic tissue In A Sentence
- The filtering function of lymphatic tissue enables the tonsils and adenoids to trap pathogens.
- Primary extranodal Hodgkin disease unassociated with lymphatic tissue is extremely rare.
- In the case of the susceptible animal the receptors of the cells of the different organs combine with the toxine to a greater or less extent, which explains the fact that different degrees of injury are produced in the different tissues; the toxine of tetanus, or lockjaw, for example, combines by preference with the nervous tissue, that of diphtheria with the lymphatic tissue. Disease and Its Causes
- A lympyangioma is rare benign tumor of the lymphatic tissue, most common in the neck and head, which clinically manifests itself mainly in childhood.
- It is mostly localised in lymphocytes of lymphatic tissues and yet, we found that most of the lymphocytes present in the blood are sick! Luc Montagnier - Autobiography
- Among his other interests were leucaemia, disorders of the lymphatic tissues and polycythaemia, but his most important contributions to knowledge were made in his studies of anaemia. George R. Minot - Biography
- In many regions of the body the lymphatic tissues are not sharply delineated, but occur as infiltrations into the mucous membranes.
- The filtering function of lymphatic tissue enables the tonsils and adenoids to trap pathogens.
- The filtering function of lymphatic tissue enables the tonsils and adenoids to trap pathogens.