
  1. type and sole genus of the Lycopodiaceae; erect or creeping evergreen plants often used for Christmas decorations
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How To Use Lycopodium In A Sentence

  • BLOOM: (REFLECTING) Wheatenmeal with lycopodium and syllabax. Ulysses
  • Could you please quote for lycopodium powder, it is made of plants and is used for special effects.
  • Some remedies that frequently come up include lycopodium, arsenicum, sepia, and apis, but these are usually taken in extremely high potencies and should be professionally prescribed. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • Insert sections of lycopodium all around the bottle brush to create a realistic miniature Christmas tree.
  • The FDA further recommended that the use of talc or lycopodium be banned, despite the fact that these substances already have been out of favor for several decades.
  • Homeopathic remedies to consider include mix vomica 6th to 30th when there is frequent but ineffectual desire to ease oneself; natrum mur. 6th to 12th; bryonia 6th to 30th when there is no desire; lycopodium 30th when there is difficulty passing stools, tendency toward bloating, and gas after meals; and sulphur 30th when there are lower abdominal feelings of heat and heaviness with burning and itching of the anus. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • At left is a picture of the clubmoss Lycopodium obscurum showing the habit of the plant and position of the strobili, or cones.
  • After users discovered that talcum powder caused patient complications similar to those caused by lycopodium powder, they began to transition to the use of cornstarch in 1947.
  • Common remedies for facial pigmentation include sulfur, lycopodium clavatum, sepia officinalis, thuja occidentalis, argenticum nitricum, cadmium sulphuratum, copaiva officinalis, guarana, caulophyllum thalictroides and plumbum metallicum. EHow - Health How To's
  • Approximately 160 species of phanerogams, three club-mosses Lycopodium annotinum, Diphasiastrum alpinum and Huperzia selago, two horsetails Equisetum arvense and E. variegatum, and four ferns Cystopteris fragilis, Dryopteris fragrans, Woodsia ilvensis and Woodsia glabella occur in the nominated area. Ilulissat Icefjord, Denmark-Greenland
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