How To Use Luzon In A Sentence
New this year is an intradermal flu vaccine, Fluzone Intradermal, which will be available for adults aged 18 through 64 years.
CDC: Don't skip this year's flu shot
The classical Sinawali, a double-stick style popular in the Central Luzon plains, is fluid and requires ambidexterity - a primer for the sword and dagger system.
Notes from the peanut gallery
In all subsequent amphibious campaigns - Luzon, Iwo Jima, Okinawa - the carriers battled land-based Japanese kamikazes, striking their airfields and other strategic targets.
Lowland Greater Mindanao is home to endangered mammals also found in other parts of the Philippines, including the golden-capped fruit bat (Acerodon jubatus) and the mottle-winged flying-fox (Pteropus leucopterus) (found on Luzon and Dinagat).
Mindanao-Eastern Visayas rain forests
The apparel and clothing of these natives of Luzon before the entrance of the Spaniards into the country were generally, for the men, certain short collarless garments of _cangan_, sewed together in the front, and with short sleeves, and reaching slightly below the waist; some were blue and others black, while the chiefs had some red ones, called _chinanas_.
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 16 of 55 1609 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the

In a interview with journalists Government Weather Bureau officails warn, 'Rainfall withgale forcewinds will be felt as early as friday afternoon', Affecting province of Aurora, andup tosouthern part of North Luzon, an area already badly hit in past storms with a major lake, Laguna de Bay, over its normal levels withmany lakeside communites still inundated and flood infrastrcuture damaged from the last threestorms. rainfall
Typhoon Santi (Mirimae) : All Souls Day typhoon expected to bring floods and landslides
A lake of southwest Luzon, Philippines, south of Manila . It contains Volcano Island volcano Mount Taal.
The ferry was traveling from Puerto Galera to Batangas City on Luzon Island when it was buffeted by large waves and strong winds around 7 a.m.
A landing on Mindoro had to follow, and the planned landing on Luzon had to be postponed until January 1945.
Between War and Peace
The Tarlac Advance Depot quartermaster, supporting the North Luzon force, broke his supplies up into division-size lots before withdrawing in the hopes that retreating units could grab them on the run.
By November of 1899, Aguinaldo and his forces had been pushed further and further into central Luzon (the main Philippine island) and he realized he could not fight the Americans with conventional military units.
Memorial Day: Burning Pols in Effigy « Blog
[The last name is given] because the principal island is that of Luzón, whose form is that of a tenterhook, one hundred and thirty leguas along its longest side and seventy along the shortest.
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 27 of 55 1636-37 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
Several fishing boats have also gone missing off the northern main island of Luzon.
At least eleven threatened bird species (IUCN categories VU and above) occur in the ecoregion, and two others may be present, but their distributions are poorly known (brown-banded rail [Lewinia mirificus] and Luzon buttonquail [Turnix worcesteri]).
Luzon montane rain forests
Before reaching the strait there is a rock, or barren islet, called San Bernardino; this strait is formed by the coast of the island of Luzon and that of the island of Capul.
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 16 of 55 1609 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the
The apparel and clothing of these natives of Luzon before the entrance of the Spaniards into the country were generally, for the men, certain short collarless garments of cangan, sewed together in the front, and with short sleeves, and reaching slightly below the waist; some were blue and others black, while the chiefs had some red ones, called chinanas.
History of the Philippine Islands
Because of its strategic location on the Lingayen Gulf in northern Luzon (the country's most populous island), Dagupan was the landing spot for U.S. troops in the Spanish-American War, and for Japanese and U.S. soldiers during World War II.
The Rocky Road to Reform in Manila
The marchers from Central Luzon will be joined by thousands of protesters from Manila and Southern Tagalog.
The classical Sinawali, a double-stick style popular in the Central Luzon plains, is fluid and requires ambidexterity - a primer for the sword and dagger system.
Notes from the peanut gallery