
How To Use Luxuria In A Sentence

  • The four of us stayed for a couple of nights in the Rest House at Takoradi, which gave us a few hours to walk the beaches and paddle in the ocean, and to luxuriate in the fresh sea breezes after the heavy atmosphere of the interior.
  • He carefully draped it over Ramirez, and soon the warmth from the luxuriant fur stilled his chattering teeth and banished the damp.
  • The ground was luxuriant with colocynth, whose runners and fruits looked festive in the early light.
  • A subcategory of this genre of books is composed of in-depth narrative accounts of the experiences of individual students applying to Ivy League colleges, their every emotional nuance dwelled on in luxuriant detail. Confessions of a Prep School College Counselor
  • These "Observations" were the first of a series of volumes by Gilpin on the scenery of Great Britain, composed in a poetic and somewhat over-luxuriant style, illustrated by drawings in aquatinta, and all described on the title page as "Relative chiefly to Picturesque Beauty. A History of English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century
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  • He still sports luxuriant sideburns, although he admits that he had to lighten his hair colour to suit his age. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can luxuriate in the coffee's aroma and listen to the soothing bubbling sound from the bar as another jug of milk is frothed.
  • Tall, luxuriant plants grew along the river bank.
  • There I saw the first olive tree ever planted in Australia; the Cork-tree in luxuriance; the Caper growing among rocks, the English Oak, the horse chestnut, broom, magnificent mulberry trees of thirty-five years growth, umbrageous and green, great variety of roses in hedges, also climbing roses.
  • Its soft fair luxuriance was, no one could tell how, made to assume the half-dressed, half-undressed air of the head in Delaroche's picture; and Frederica looked the part well. Melbourne House
  • Nestled in terra cotta, thick, gutsy prosciutto barely girdles hunks of luxuriantly gooey mozzarella bocconcini that have been roasted into a delicious taffy, the perfect bonbon to chomp on during a film by the Taviani brothers.
  • Della sells her luxuriant hair to buy Jim a chain for his gold watch, while Jim in turn sells his watch to buy a set of tortoise shell combs Della has desired for her hair.
  • Many women enjoy more luxuriant hair later in pregnancy.
  • The driver examined the damage caused to the car, while Hubert and his Phaedran friends chatted with us by a hedge delimiting a field of mastodon grazing on tall luxuriant grass.
  • At night, luxuriate at charming inns, sampling Scotch whisky.
  • They emerge from the luxuriant foliage like lost Mayan temples.
  • Your hand luxuriant line entanglements into the city in whose laughter.
  • This is a day of good tidings, and Montserratians, including this Chief Minister, can be forgiven for luxuriating in this occasion.
  • R. did not so much wallow in self-pity as luxuriate in a whimpering, orchestrated, self-flagellating symphony of slights, woes, and despairs.
  • High temperatures combined with lots of rainfall result in luxuriant vegetation and boundless wildlife. Did you know? An enchanted lake in Veracruz rises every dry season, but falls again during the wet season
  • Suddenly, on the gravelled path, unhurrying, cool, luxuriant, Mme. Swann appeared, displaying around her a toilet which was never twice the same, but which I remember as being typically mauve; then she hoisted and unfurled at the end of its long stalk, just at the moment when her radiance was most complete, the silken banner of a wide parasol of a shade that matched the showering petals of her gown. Within a Budding Grove
  • Despite his blue eyes, fresh complexion and luxuriant white hair, he often sought reassurance about his appearance. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition to this flattering appearance, the face of the country is such, as to promise success whenever it shall be cultivated, the trees being at a considerable distance from each other, and the intermediate space filled, not with underwood, but a thick rich grass, growing in the utmost luxuriancy. The Expedition to Botany Bay
  • After luxuriating in the playful sonic palette (and fine cast of notable collaborators) that Byrne's one-time mucker Brian Eno brought to the band's studio productions, the listener's rudely woken by the later work.
  • The contiguous country as white as if covered with snow, contrasted with the foliage of trees flourishing in the verdure of tropical luxuriancy*. The Settlement at Port Jackson
  • And just to rub salt into the wound, I had a luxuriant crop of hair on the top of my head in those wasted years (there is a photo to prove it).
  • Not just longer, but bushier, thicker, glossier, more luxuriant - downright biblical many of them. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Brazil, though rich in luxuriant vegetable and animal life, there is no history – all is new and progressive, but vulgar and parvenu; whereas Syria, in her abomination of desolation, is the old land, and she teems with relics of departed glory. The Romance of Isabel, Lady Burton
  • … So: dusk in the frozen lake of a city park, skating behind the puffy red earmuffs and the fluttering yellow ringlets of a strange shikse teaches me the meaning of the word longing… Forgive me luxuriating, but these are probably the most poignant hours of my life I'm talking about. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • My mother has brought her own bed-linen, from home, and below my hot cheek, chafing it, is a butterfly: spreading luxuriant wings, embroidered on the pillowcase by my mother's own hand.
  • We had a delicious gallop over the sands to the Waiakea river, which we crossed, and came upon one of the vast lava-flows of ages since, over which we had to ride carefully, as the pahoehoe lies in rivers, coils, tortuosities, and holes partially concealed by a luxuriant growth of ferns and convolvuli. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • Lie back and luxuriate in the scented oil.
  • There is something picturesque and original in the first sight of a place like Arras, or St. Omer, with the rich and lavish greenery, luxuriant trees, banks of grass by which the 'fosse' and grim walls are masked. A Day's Tour A Journey through France and Belgium by Calais, Tournay, Orchies, Douai, Arras, Béthune, Lille, Comines, Ypres, Hazebrouck, Berg
  • Instead, we listened to tributes that limned his capacity to touch and generosity of spirit, his impact, his love of words, his insatiable curiosity and, most importantly, the empathy and warmth that fueled his writing and the relationships in which he luxuriated. Andrew S. Doctoroff: The Last Lecture Given by Our Good Friend Jeff Zaslow
  • They have hawkish noses, receding chins and luxuriant mullets that fall to their jeans.
  • Her first entrance, as an excited teenage princess, was full of confidence, her arms featherlight and gorgeous, her phrasing luxuriant. Times, Sunday Times
  • As Betty tenderly uncovers the wound beneath Rita's luxuriant hair, we know she's already in too deep for her own good.
  • They worked with a will, luxuriating in the feel of the sun on their bare backs.
  • There were two very large oak trees in front of our house with wide spreading branches and luxuriant foliage.
  • Ringo has kept a home in LA since the mid-Seventies, luxuriating in the climate, the blissfully opulent lifestyle, and the presence of scores of fellow musicians.
  • There were two very large oak trees in front of our house with wide spreading branches and luxuriant foliage.
  • We've been playing for 25 years, and we played very intensively together, and then we invited people to join us, so I have luxuriated in trios and quartets and quintets.
  • Though the centre is not immune from horn blare and tyre screech, a tranquillity hangs in the air, nurtured by luxuriant greenery and birdsong.
  • Unabashedly physical, the surfaces of Bhavsar's canvases luxuriate in a granular abundance of color.
  • In summer, especially lush vegetation, holly leaves shiny shiny, elm tree with luxuriant foliage, give people put up a thick green shade.
  • They motored their way behind the luxuriant tour buses of the headliners, and thought, privately, that they were living in a dream.
  • The vocabulary of integral space is luxuriant, rich, enchanting and do not break abstemious, faint emerge those who moving romance is passional .
  • An ancient Egyptian would not be recognisable as such without a swath of luxuriant, raven hair. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hair is full, luxuriant and bursting with healthy vitality.
  • Understory growth is not luxuriant, consisting mostly of grouse whortleberry, Oregon grape, and birchleaf spirea. Ecoregions of Wyoming (EPA)
  • To me the plant called to mind a giant jungle of a cheese plant in the corner, with huge luxuriant leaves on tangly, ropey stems, streaming out of a giant clay pot and taking over half of the room all the way up to the ceiling.
  • With those changes from major to minor, they can wrap a luxuriant sense of yearning around you like a mink stole. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have absolutely no fresh food in the house… except if you count the luxuriant growth of mould on an avocado I left in the fruitbowl.
  • Luxuriant and beautiful is livid face, stand up firm firm fan my spank, this is I grow so great first time to be in public circumstance by person slap sb in the face.
  • Flexing my cramped limbs and wiggling my toes, I luxuriated in my undisciplined stance. Exit the Actress
  • We're luxuriating in the Blue Lagoon, Iceland's premier tourist attraction, an incredible outdoor pool heated by geothermals from the adjoining power station.
  • In a labial dawn I savoured salty draughts of liquor springing from your tumid lips, luxuriated in a magnanimity your primal crouch expressed, heard half-suppressed love-cries tell the tumult in your loins. When I Close My Eyes (rev)
  • Venetian noblesse, with their cool porticos and colonnades, overhung with poplars and cypresses of majestic height and lively verdure; on their rich orangeries, whose blossoms perfumed the air, and on the luxuriant willows, that dipped their light leaves in the wave, and sheltered from the sun the gay parties whose music came at intervals on the breeze. The Mysteries of Udolpho
  • In summer, especially lush vegetation, holly leaves shiny shiny, elm tree with luxuriant foliage, give people put up a thick green shade.
  • Once more, in fancy, he was sailing up the mighty Amazon, shooting alligators on its banks, spearing fish in its waters, paddling through its curious gapo, and swinging in his hammock under its luxuriant forests. Martin Rattler
  • And luxuriant greenery is a magnet for local wildlife in the dry, so station gardens also require considerable fortification to discourage pigs and wallabies from making damaging incursions.
  • When you are luxuriating in comfort, then and only then, can you pop a piece of choccy into your mouth.
  • The hour-long flight takes in both sections of the Gregory National Park and passes over luxuriant river valleys, yawning gorges, rocky ravines and a chain of magnificent flattop sandstone mesas.
  • Then they changed that suit for another and, veiling her face in the luxuriance of her hair, loosed her lovelocks, so dark, so long that their darkness and length outvied the darkest nights, and she shot through all hearts with the magical shaft of her eye-babes. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • There are delightful libraries, more aromatic than stores of spicery; there are luxuriant parks of all manner of volumes; there are Academic meads shaken by the tramp of scholars; there are lounges of Athens; walks of the Peripatetics; peaks of Parnassus; and porches of the Stoics. The Love of Books : The Philobiblon of Richard de Bury
  • The Emperor Franz Josef favoured equally luxuriant mutton-chop whiskers - effectively a beard, with the chin shaven.
  • Hence Sydney Airport's owners are luxuriating in profit margins of some 80% while forever seeking new avenues for gouging.
  • In the fall of the year this luxuriant growth of grass would be set on fire by the Indians or hunters, and especially when the wind was high would sweep resistlessly over the prairies, forming a spectacle, especially at night, that was at once magnificent and terrifying.
  • Then I climbed the long street over the rock and cobble stones between walls half green with pellitory, houses with high gables and rough wooden balconies where geraniums shone in the shadow, and from which the trailing plants hung low in that supreme luxuriance which is the beginning of their death. Two Summers in Guyenne
  • While her green, gold, and red metallic body costume with its short skirt emphasizes her luxuriant sensuality, her waist beads indicate that she is marriageable and morally desirable.
  • Suddenly Mrs Brown catches sight of Florence's head of luxuriant hair under her bonnet and is gripped by the lust to clip the tresses off and sell them.
  • In Venice — as in Tuscany — painting came to perfection after the heroic period; and the arts have been truly described as the gilded bark which covered the cankered trunk of a luxuriant tree. ' Explaining Titian's Egg Seller
  • An hour later, like a resurrection, the moon will rise and the snow will sparkle and we'll still be luxuriating in the delicious pools.
  • At last those in the know can luxuriate in the lost aural treasures that have been mouldering in the BBC vaults.
  • Instead, it invites you to luxuriate in the familiar, to enjoy what you've enjoyed before.
  • We rested above an hour in the cool shade, while our horses refreshed themselves on the "grama" that grew luxuriantly around. The Scalp Hunters
  • At last those in the know can luxuriate in the lost aural treasures that have been mouldering in the BBC vaults.
  • Percy the Peacock's luxuriantly highlighted and coiffured barnet is his pride and joy. Because You`re Worth It ...
  • whiskers grew luxuriantly from his ample jowls
  • The luxuriant bouffant enhances his youthful appearance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her failed vision of herself, though men almost unfailingly found her beautiful, was of ‘a smaller, elegant creature with luxuriant auburn hair, sea-green eyes and a dazzling white skin’.
  • Even so, I had a delicious day, luxuriating in the suddenly speedy access to the websites I have had, until now, to visit with all the patience I can muster.
  • The growths were not so luxuriant or prodigious, but for the most part the trees offered suggestions of alluring possibilities to the semiarboreal Nu, for the branches were much heavier and more solid than those of the great tree-ferns of his own epoch, and commenced much nearer the ground. The Eternal Savage
  • Dotted with green islets and set in a spectacular lunar landscape, Lake Myvatn is notable for its luxuriant vegetation and for providing a home for 45 nesting bird species.
  • We've bought a wonderfully luxuriant carpet for our bedroom.
  • His curly hair was luxuriant. Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
  • The scenery is luxuriant because San Pancho is surrounded by the Sierra Madre Mountains, covered in verdant foliage. Playa San Francisco: San Pancho for music and art
  • The village is noted for the colours of its villas and their roofs, luxuriant foliage, the beauty of the surrounding mountains and the blue of the water and sky.
  • There were two very large oak trees in front of our house with wide spreading branches and luxuriant foliage.
  • No doubt, with sufficient drainage, and great care in cultivation, and the tea plant might be made to exist in such a situation; but I am convinced it would never grow with that luxuriance which is necessary in order to render it a profitable crop. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • Tall, luxuriant plants grew along the river bank.
  • Lie back and luxuriate in the scented oil.
  • I need scarcely expatiate upon the delicate and long-continuing fragrance which this luxuriant perfume imparts to all things with which it comes in contact; it is peculiarly calculated for the drawer, writing-desk, &c. since its aroma is totally unmingled with that most disagreeable effluvium, which is ever proceeding from alcohol. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 12, No. 334, October 4, 1828
  • The ballet begins in Egypt with Cleopatra luxuriating in her bath, and swiftly moves on to her quick-witted evasion of an assassination attempt by her brother to her triumphant seduction of Caesar and decampment to Rome.
  • Such little strips of open land would seem very mean in other latitudes, but at the equator, where there is vertical sun and luxuriant vegetation, they can work and be pleasant to look into, if not be in.
  • An ancient Egyptian would not be recognisable as such without a swath of luxuriant, raven hair. Times, Sunday Times
  • The two armchair seats in which the boys luxuriated were covered with stuff that resembled duvetyn, but seemed woven in numberless colours of the ends of ostrich feathers. Tales of the Jazz Age
  • During our annual summer stay in North Yorkshire, we generally cook at home, luxuriating in the fantastic quality of local surf and turf, but I was lured into the restaurant by a pot of lemon posset.
  • Below this was a swamp surrounded by a luxuriant growth of asters of every hue, and white and pink spirea and golden rod, and blue iris, and the delicate, rose-colored arethusa, and the blue fringed gentian abounded on every hand; also shrubs of the bayberry, wild rose and sweet brier, with many beautiful ferns. Peak's Island A Romance of Buccaneer Days
  • Your hand luxuriant line entanglements into the city in whose laughter.
  • It was gushing with hot water, just the right temperature, so we stripped-off and luxuriated in a welcome bath, only to be interrupted by a low-flying plane which opened fire on us – what cheek! Alan Glass
  • An ancient Egyptian would not be recognisable as such without a swath of luxuriant, raven hair. Times, Sunday Times
  • She presented a luscious curvy figure and wore a luxuriant dark wig - something that seems to have developed since this production's early performances.
  • The lady on the left had long, dark luxuriant hair, full lips and eyes like black olives; on her head perched a jewelled coronet.
  • Your hand luxuriant line entanglements into the city in whose laughter.
  • Harnoncourt has it purring along from the start, plumping up a generous cushion of sound on which to float the equally impressive Arnold Schoenberg Choir, who luxuriate in Brahms's glorious vocal lines. Brahms: German Requiem – review
  • Their oddity is that Lombardi's craftsmanship is so exquisite that one senses him helplessly luxuriating in the very complexity that he claims to find so suspicious.
  • Suddenly Mrs Brown catches sight of Florence's head of luxuriant hair under her bonnet and is gripped by the lust to clip the tresses off and sell them.
  • Our crew flew as passengers (deadheaded) all the way to Bangkok in first class, luxuriating in being pampered and catered to by our friends. Helen Davey: Tales of Pan Am: "The Pool"
  • If this sounds a little claustrophobic, head to the Szechenyi baths, in City Park, where on a Sunday morning we found legions of men and women luxuriating in its outdoor pools.
  • A tall, bespectacled figure, his face half concealed by a luxuriant walrus moustache, Perky had enjoyed an extraordinary career.
  • An ancient Egyptian would not be recognisable as such without a swath of luxuriant, raven hair. Times, Sunday Times
  • The very luxuriance of the vegetation, however, with its unlimited hiding-places for cryptozoic animals, made the task of collection more difficult than it would have been in a clearer neighbourhood, where the animals are concentrated, as it were, in a comparatively few spots.
  • We've bought a wonderfully luxuriant carpet for our bedroom.
  • In summer, especially lush vegetation, holly leaves shiny shiny, elm tree with luxuriant foliage, give people put up a thick green shade.
  • The cutting off the hair being a recognized sign of uncleanness (Le 14: 8, 9), its unpolled luxuriance was a symbol of the purity he professed. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • This new luxuriant yatch is near completion.
  • She there appears surrounded by the luxuriance of vegetable life: she pours forth her bounty with a profusion which the partizans of utility would call prodigality, and covers the earth with a splendour of beauty, which serves no other purpose than to minister to the delight of human existence. Travels in France during the years 1814-15 Comprising a residence at Paris, during the stay of the allied armies, and at Aix, at the period of the landing of Bonaparte, in two volumes.
  • Across a two-mile expanse of water, Dorchester Heights, bosoming to the skies with luxuriant verdure, was at that time undisturbed by any habitation of man, save one small, rude building, where dwelt a fisherman and his wife, to whom we shall more particularly refer hereafter. Nix's Mate
  • You can luxuriate in the coffee's aroma and listen to the soothing bubbling sound from the bar as another jug of milk is frothed.
  • In front of the pulpit was a stand bearing tall white geraniums in luxuriant blossom. Chronicles of Avonlea
  • She luxuriated in the sensuous feel of the silk sheets.
  • The point of diving in a lake is not immediately to swim to the shore, but to be in the lake, to luxuriate in the sensation of water.
  • I let thim grow solid, the luxuriant and becoming gr-rowth ye're admiring this very minute .... The Return of Blue Pete
  • I'm afraid that his voice simply does not reach the same gorgeous peaks of luxuriant smoothness as the honeyed tones of some of his colleagues.
  • The sward was the brilliantly green, luxuriant wild growth that in these islands covers every foot of earth surface. White Shadows in the South Seas
  • In summer, especially lush vegetation, holly leaves shiny shiny, elm tree with luxuriant foliage, give people put up a thick green shade.
  • The vegetation of Lower California makes up in bristliness what it lacks in luxuriance.
  • I was startled by a great patch of vivid scarlet on the ground, and going up to it found it to be a peculiar fungus, branched and corrugated like a foliaceous lichen, but deliquescing into slime at the touch; and then in the shadow of some luxuriant ferns I came upon an unpleasant thing, — the dead body of a rabbit covered with shining flies, but still warm and with the head torn off. The Island of Doctor Moreau
  • Her age about eighteen, the firmness, the symmetry and the luxuriancy of her bosom might have tempted painting to copy its charms. The Settlement at Port Jackson
  • And this skin was stretched over curves which likewise seemed ripened by a southern sun, recalling a sultana with their indolent and vegetative luxuriance. Loulou
  • Too much liberty of this kind savours of a luxuriant ungovernable fancy and borders on enthusiasm.
  • For our present purpose hypertrophy may be considered as it affects the axile or the foliar organs, and also according to the way in which the increased size is manifested, as by increased thickness or swelling -- intumescence, or by augmented length-elongation, by expansion or flattening, or, lastly, by the formation of excrescences or outgrowths, which may be classed under the head of luxuriance or enation. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • And you can easily say things like that, given the luxuriance of youth. A walk on the moon
  • Unabashedly physical, the surfaces of his canvases luxuriate in a granular abundance of color.
  • Whether it be the boudoir of a strumpet or the death-bed of a monarch -- the strong character of a statesman-warrior abounding in contrasts and rich in mystery, or the personal history of a judge trained in the Old Bailey to vulgarize and ensanguine the King's Bench -- he luxuriates with a vigour and variety of language and illustration which renders his "History" an attractive and absorbing story-book. Famous Reviews
  • Writing in the second century AD, the biographer Suetonius employed the word luxuria to characterize the degenerate behavior of Emperor Nero, whose habits he said included traveling with a thousand carriages pulled by mules shod with silver, and entertaining in his wildly extravagant palace, which he had overlaid with gold and fitted with pipes to spray perfume on his guests. The English Is Coming!
  • A prison cell, semi-luxuriant, for a deserving con - and I was in it!
  • Christmas trees are essentially a foliage crop, and luxuriant foliage with good color is a definite asset when trees are sold.
  • Your hand luxuriant line entanglements into the city in whose laughter.
  • President's picture, full of grace and life, and richly meriting the term exquisite: nothing can be finer than the dark luxuriant hair contrasted with the alabaster delicacy and elegance of the features; the eyes too beam with benignant expressiveness. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 402, Supplementary Number (1829)
  • Air-vehicles were fluently moving above ziggurats submerged in the luxuriant greenery.
  • In your salon, the probable palm and rubber-plant give the impression of luxuriant Edenic flora, relatively speaking, and illustrate the transmogrification which is to allow M. Gaston Deschamps -- critic of a_ Barks and Purrs
  • Donna enjoyed her meal, luxuriating in the warmth of the carriage.
  • Vice thrived in its most sordid and elegant forms, from squalid opium dens and off-the-street brothels… to the decorum and plush luxuriance of the so-called French restaurants. Frank Norris
  • Nor are those who have a "sweet tooth" forgotten, for on the west side of the French Broad river, where the sourwood is the thickest and the wild flowers most varied and luxuriant, an apiary has been placed. North Carolina and its Resources.
  • No species showed any great luxuriance, and seldom did the black and white lichen-crust produce any 'apothecium,' The lichen-vegetation was most abundant on the driftwood of the beach and on the tufts in the marshes. The Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe, Volume I and Volume II
  • In spite of its smoky luxuriance and organic contours, the album's architecture is a snakes-and-ladders affair of telescoping hallways, spiral staircases and dim-lit chambers of unclear dimensions.
  • He sports a luxuriant Salvador Dalí moustache and a body covered in tattoos. Times, Sunday Times
  • The contrast between these cold glaciers and the luxuriantly wild-flowered and forest-edged meadows which border them as snugly as so many rippling summer rivers affords one of the most delightful features of the Mount Rainier National Park. The Book of the National Parks
  • Britain needs more men with luxuriant heads of hair.
  • Luxuria cum omni aetati turpis, tum senectuti foedissima. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The luxuriant growth of wheat on the marled field showed an even more striking difference.
  • He sports a luxuriant Salvador Dalí moustache and a body covered in tattoos. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sides of the valley were here nearly precipitous; but, as frequently happens with stratified rocks, small ledges projected, which were thickly covered by wild bananas, liliaceous plants, and other luxuriant productions of the tropics. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • Few things make you look so silly as luxuriating in a cart pulled by an elderly rickshaw in torn, worn-down slippers.
  • The rich and luxuriant carpets of the many varieties of box, thuya, taxus, and dwarf pine, in dark, somber greens and many lighter color variations, are superb. The Art of the Exposition
  • The luxuriant lawn is an ideal place for walking.
  • C. illius ut primum senserunt numina terrae, coepit et uberior sulcis fallentibus olim luxuriare seges tandemque legumina plenis uix resonant siliquis; nec praefocata malignum115 messis habet lolium nec inertibus albet auenis. A Singing Match
  • Here we rested, and our tired animals fully appreciated the cool water and the luxuriant "gramma" grass which abounded. Seven and Nine years Among the Camanches and Apaches An Autobiography
  • The hosing down is followed by a douche abdominale, which is more of the same but lying down, after which I luxuriate in a stimulating bain hydromassant before being wrapped in hot seaweed for soothing, therapeutic algothérapie.
  • A friend from Hawaii, tanned and bright-eyed, is similarly attired except that her pants are a dazzling green; a green that mirrors the rolling, tree-blanketed vista that extends for miles outside the window of Walker's luxuriant kitchen -- which is where she and I settle after her friend excuses herself. Alice Walker: On Finding Your Bliss Interview by Evelyn C. White
  • In summer, especially lush vegetation, holly leaves shiny shiny, elm tree with luxuriant foliage, give people put up a thick green shade.
  • For our present purpose hypertrophy may be considered as it affects the axile or the foliar organs, and also according to the way in which the increased size is manifested, as by increased thickness or swelling -- intumescence, or by augmented length-elongation, by expansion or flattening, or, lastly, by the formation of excrescences or outgrowths, which may be classed under the head of luxuriance or enation. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • The Portuguese nobles, with King Diniz (reigned 1279-1325) at their head, filled the idle hours of their bloody and passionate lives by composing strangely abstract, conventional poems of love and religion in the manner of the Provençal _canso, dansa, balada_ and _pastorela_, which had had such a luxuriant growth in Southern France in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Modern Spanish Lyrics
  • Not just longer, but bushier, thicker, glossier, more luxuriant - downright biblical many of them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Donald himself sports a luxuriant mane of reddish hair that seems to spring not just out of his pate but also out of his brow, where it almost merges with his wildly profuse eyebrows.
  • Hair is full, luxuriant and bursting with healthy vitality.
  • He still sports luxuriant sideburns, although he admits that he had to lighten his hair colour to suit his age. Times, Sunday Times
  • Olivia, now about eighteen, had that luxuriancy of beauty with which painters generally draw Hebe; open, sprightly, and commanding. The Vicar of Wakefield
  • All travellers attest the luxuriant verdure of those extensive wadies; and that they were equally or still more rich in pasture anciently, is confirmed by the numerous flocks of the Amalekites, as well as of Nabal, which were fed in the wilderness of Paran (1Sa 15: 9). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • He luxuriated in loose-limbed movement and sly verbal wit.
  • The most luxuriant rain forests occur in northwest Morotai and north Halmahera, as opposed to the south arm of Halmahera, which is in the rain shadow of north Halmahera and Bacan. Halmahera rain forests
  • The beauty of the language pulled me into a world I literally luxuriated in. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Win a SONY Reader. It’s as easy as sharing your emotions.
  • While there, I will be luxuriating in a full-sized bath.
  • Viewers can luxuriate in a riot of color, aerial ballet, and wildly imaginative notions of love and yearning - expressions of what it feels like to be alive.
  • She luxuriated in the sensuous feel of the silk sheets.
  • We halted to noon under the shade of some fine large cottonwoods, our animals luxuriating on rushes, (_equisetum hyemale_,) which, along this river, were remarkably abundant. The Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, Oregon and California To which is Added a Description of the Physical Geography of California, with Recent Notices of the Gold Region from the Latest and Most Authentic Sources
  • On view until May 6, the exhibit examines his richly colored Pre-Raphaelite portraits of women blessed with cupid's bow lips, luxuriant hair and deep, hooded eyes.
  • You have to admire the joy of one of the four men soaring through the familiar "little swans" variation from "Swan Lake," his smile beaming to the balconies, wide-mouthed in exhilaration and -- in contrast to his colleagues, who were shooting him well-timed disapproving looks -- luxuriating like a little boy in the sheer thrill of flying through space. Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo: Divas infuse humor, character in dances
  • So, instead of luxuriating in the restorative glow of words, I am muddling my way through a bunch of very badly amassed data, cleaning up too much - and too late.
  • And luxuriant foliage is no longer just apple green but ranges from purplish blue to green splashed with white.
  • Gama Valley is famous for the luxuriantly green forest, colorful cuckooflowers, limpid spring, deep and steep gorges and various birds.
  • Organic care nourishes the soil for a lawn that's naturally luxuriant, disease-resistant and pest-free.
  • Then I'd have a face pack and luxuriate in a long, slow bath and beauty routine. DEAD BEAT
  • And birds were singing too, sometimes; and mosses were spread out in luxuriant patches of wood carpeting in many places; and rocks were brown and grey, and grown with other mosses and ferns; and through all this fairy work of beauty, Daisy's chair went at an easy, quiet pace, with a motion that she thought it very pleasant to feel. Melbourne House
  • Before us, in the bersaglieri trench, a bold stove-pipe luxuriates the overcast ceiling with smoke-trails amid argent oriency.
  • These days Satch luxuriates in his own back garden and gets plenty of exercise when the babies chase him, trying to grab hold of his stumpy but ever-wagging tail.
  • Melons, cucumbers and pumpkins run with unbounded luxuriancy, and I am convinced that the grapes of New South Wales will, in a few years, equal those of any other country. The Settlement at Port Jackson
  • He shows me a picture of a man sporting only a luxuriant moustache, wraparound sunglasses and a pair of underpants.
  • An ancient Egyptian would not be recognisable as such without a swath of luxuriant, raven hair. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has lost his right testicle and his luxuriant mullet but has somehow managed to cling on to his ratty little moustache.
  • Man-made stone colour and lustre is much, the exterior is luxuriant, won't suck again smeary , color is rich, become mesa of high-grade kitchen first selection.
  • His curly hair was luxuriant. Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
  • It was almost enveloped in luxuriant wreaths of yellow jessamine, and garlanded with a magnificent lamarque rose, whose cream-colored buds and flowers contrasted beautifully with the dark, polished green of the finely-cut leaves. Dred; A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp. Vol. I
  • This phenomenon is more exhilarating to me than the luxuriance and fertility of vineyards.
  • After descending from Almora the road winds its way mostly along the valley and we had the constant companionship of lush green paddy fields, luxuriant vegetation all around and an occasional rivulet.
  • Your hand luxuriant line entanglements into the city in whose laughter.
  • Too much liberty of this kind savours of a luxuriant ungovernable fancy and borders on enthusiasm.
  • this suave, culture-loving and luxuriantly good-looking M.P.represents the car-workers of Coventry

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