How To Use Lux In A Sentence

  • The four of us stayed for a couple of nights in the Rest House at Takoradi, which gave us a few hours to walk the beaches and paddle in the ocean, and to luxuriate in the fresh sea breezes after the heavy atmosphere of the interior.
  • It would have been a luxury to unfrock some of them, but it has seemed to me the duty of every sincere Republican to endure a great deal rather than say anything to introduce division or controversy into party ranks .... A Political History of the State of New York, Volumes 1-3
  • Civilian life affords us the luxury of a good deal of deontology — better to let ten guilty men go free, and so on. One Waterboarding Is a Tragedy; A Million Is a Statistic
  • I might have understood how clumsy I was, when I was rearing my children in the most utter idleness and luxury, to reform other people and their children, who were perishing from idleness in what I called the den of the Rzhanoff house, where, nevertheless, three-fourths of the people toil for themselves and for others. What to Do?
  • The digital flux that frames our experience of physical and socio-political realities functions through continuous additions, subtractions, and disappearances.
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  • And, I might add, the ignominy of being caught evading customs duty on several lakhs worth of luxury goods.
  • All the accommodation is decorated in as minimalist fashion as luxury will allow, reflecting the vibrant colours of the region, from warm terracotta to the cool turquoise of the sea.
  • The second version occurs as Corollary 2 to Proposition 7 and was thought of as a method of expanding solutions of fluxional equations in infinite series.
  • He carefully draped it over Ramirez, and soon the warmth from the luxuriant fur stilled his chattering teeth and banished the damp.
  • By 1939, it had 30 British bakeries and introduced low-price tea biscuits, previously a luxury only afforded by the middle classes.
  • Then they can be served simply with a honey and mustard dressed salad, or with some slices of gravadlax as a luxurious garnish.
  • High above us, the great heptagon of the Winter sky: Capella, Aldebaran, Rigel, Sirius, Procyon, Pollux, and Castor (with Saturn nearby) - with Betelgeuse in the center and the Milky Way cascading through, just to the left of Orion.
  • What is called effluxion is a destruction of the embryo within the first week, while abortion occurs up to the fortieth day; and the greater number of such embryos as perish do so within the space of these forty days. The History of Animals
  • Irvine has no plans to ditch all his luxuries. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Luxembourg-based satellite service is not bound by the same strict rules as the BBC.
  • Harvard-educated Internet entrepreneur and cosmopolite Alex Vik and his wife, Carrie, set out to conjure up a comprehensive personal vision here that involves ranch life, sports, and luxury; a genuine sense of place; and a reach for something universal. Off the Beaten Track
  • Smaller than this Common Burnet is the Salad Burnet, _Poterium sanguisorba, quod sanguineos fluxus sistat_, a useful [431] styptic, which is also cordial, and promotes perspiration. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • Possibly in a bid to allay fears that nationalism and protectionism were driving the agenda--though it's hard to wonder how they couldn't in a country whose motto translates as "we wish to remain what we are"--a Luxembourg minister said on Tuesday that the takeover law, which it plans to enact in May, was in no way aimed at creating impediments to Mittal's play for Arcelor. Luxembourg Minister: We're Not Trying To Stop Mittal
  • The ground was luxuriant with colocynth, whose runners and fruits looked festive in the early light.
  • Now guys can finally step into luxury with this pair of stylish thong sandals.
  • This antimodernist nativism pervaded the 1920s, but it was particularly visible in the scientific racism of the eugenics movement, the xenophobia of the "100 percent American" movement, the sharp resurgence in the Ku Klux Klan, the post – World War One Red Scare (directed primarily at immigrant radicals), and in a series of draconian immigration restriction acts. 11 Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • Luxury motors and diesels bucked the downward trend. The Sun
  • During periods of punctuated equilibrium everything is in flux, disequilibrium becomes the norm, and uncertainty reigns!
  • Ride and refinement: the twin pillars that must support any car's claim to be the best luxury vehicle in the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Metallic tiles are fashionable right now, and these patterned designs will add a luxurious sheen to walls and floors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Around 140 luxury homes are being built around the course as part of a deal to save one of Ireland's great stately homes from dereliction.
  • With the floor of the channel shallowing from 200 metres to 60 metres and at the same time a rock pinnacle, like a finger, rising up from the sea bed to 29 metres from the surface, there is no surprise that the whirlpool was once described as a 'conflux so dreadful that it spurns all description. Found While Looking for Something Else
  • And then you've got the work in the luxury saloon sector, where people are phoning out for still bigger pieces of aluminium and ordering up even larger chunks of birchwood, in accordance with a mission to go faster, fatter.
  • A 1D heat conduction is solved numerically for fluxes in and out of surfaces. Archive 2008-10-01
  • Families are switching their spending from essentials such as food and petrol to discretionary items as they treat themselves to little luxuries. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Scottish Medicines Consortium has previously accepted this product for use in patients in the 12-17 years age group, for the treatment of erosive reflux oesophagitis, the long-term management of patients with healed oesophagitis to prevent relapse, and the symptomatic treatment of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. SMC Issues Positive Recommendation on esomeprazole 10mg (Nexium(R)) For Children Aged one to 11 Years old in Scotland With Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD) - Yahoo! Finance
  • With the current turmoil in the US economy one wonders if people will be quite so free with their money on luxuries this year.
  • This procedure is a form of critique: the photomontage provides us a critical distance to reflect on what we had been prompted to desire, whether it was a luxury product, an ideal of feminine beauty, a racial superiority, or an entire way of life. Merrill Cole: WikiLeaks and David Wojnarowicz: A Perspective from Berlin
  • She can maintain a luxurious lifestyle by herself without my financial support. Times, Sunday Times
  • The surface weather which is experienced is but an indicator of the considerable flux and resultant turbulence which occurs in the range of atmosphere from the surface to high above.
  • The very idea of a “man of God” and a “preacher” making six figures, driving luxury cars and living in gated communities, with expense accounts, country club memberships and obese bodies is laughable and obscene. Think Progress » Hatch Warns Tea Party Activists: Work With The GOP…Or Else
  • Calculations of evaporative flux density and conductances were the same as those under quasi-steady-state conditions.
  • Everything is in flux at the moment.
  • A subcategory of this genre of books is composed of in-depth narrative accounts of the experiences of individual students applying to Ivy League colleges, their every emotional nuance dwelled on in luxuriant detail. Confessions of a Prep School College Counselor
  • Consider earth tones of all kinds, and different kinds of fabrics like cotton flannel, faux leather, warm chenille, and luxurious velvet.
  • On the entertainment side, the luxury rear seat entertainment system allows occupants to play DVDs using screens mounted in the front seat headrests.
  • Unless we are to believe naively that leisure and luxury crystallize out of thin air, we must recognize and acknowledge that the comforts of globalization are reaped from the labour and toil of others.
  • These "Observations" were the first of a series of volumes by Gilpin on the scenery of Great Britain, composed in a poetic and somewhat over-luxuriant style, illustrated by drawings in aquatinta, and all described on the title page as "Relative chiefly to Picturesque Beauty. A History of English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century
  • DURANGO, Colo. (Reuters) - Chocolate may be a comfort in troubled times but even this affordable luxury is feeling the pinch of slower economic growth in the United States.
  • The accolade has not gone to one of the big-name hotels but to a former Manchester couple who have converted a rundown B&B into a set of luxury self-catering apartments.
  • He still sports luxuriant sideburns, although he admits that he had to lighten his hair colour to suit his age. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were luxurious gowns, like any grand dame would wear. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • The first week, they sailed the luxurious 44-foot Hazana east in calm seas.
  • Is a global social conscience a luxury only the pampered scions of the middle classes can afford?
  • Contaminant fluxes associated with the process of frazil ice formation in the Kara sea are much smaller than worst-case estimates.
  • You can luxuriate in the coffee's aroma and listen to the soothing bubbling sound from the bar as another jug of milk is frothed.
  • But it was the Dutch luxury trades that enabled the economy to take off, and the financial institutions these trades spawned that allowed the Dutch to invest with an eye to continuous economic growth.
  • Developers buy old, unused, dilapidated hotels and redevelop them into brand new upscale luxury condos.
  • Last weeks term was effluxion of time, which is defined as: Legal Definitions
  • He was being driven to work one October morning in his luxury vehicle when he was cut down by a gunman.
  • And now, gentlemen," said Clifford, as soon as the revellers had provided themselves with their wonted luxuries, potatory and fumous, "let us hear your adventures, and rejoice our eyes with their produce. Paul Clifford — Volume 04
  • A cellar that’s as much a conversation piece as the wine it stores – 400 bottles of luxury cuvee wines are contained in a 3m x 6m cement block, extruded from the shop into the public space. Artisan Cellars by Asylum
  • The Genesis legends of Cain and Nimrod, Babel and Sodom uniformly attribute impiety, pride, idolatry, luxury, crime and moral depravity to all cities and their founders, Sodom included.
  • With elegant, modern decor, it is a luxurious urban oasis in the heart of the city. Times, Sunday Times
  • Burberry Group Plc rallied 3.7 percent to 1,172 pence amid speculation that PPR SA, the French owner of the Gucci and Puma brands, may make a bid for the U. K. 's largest luxury retailer.
  • A is molecular formula C8H10 does not decolorise bromine water but when refluxed with aq, acidified KMnO4 the latter decolorise forming compound B with C7H6O2. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • The main reason for people to visit is to be impressed by the dazzling show of luxurious or rare vehicles.
  • Tall, luxuriant plants grew along the river bank.
  • Extreme family: It lacks luxury but a break in the Welsh countryside more than makes ... school trips to activity centres, have quadded and go-karted with PGL and often throw themselves around on - Articles related to Amy heading back to Caribbean
  • His taste for luxury is exemplified not least in his collection of flashy cars. Times, Sunday Times
  • In November of 1997, after a massacre in Luxor that killed fifty-eight tourists and provoked overwhelming revulsion, Egypt's Gamaa al-Islamiya halted its armed struggle. Backfire
  • Far from being sunk in unenquiring apathy, the suburbs are in constant flux. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Otherwise, beginning on the 15th day, Natural Source Store will automatically charge your credit card or debit card a total sum of $79.99 for the South Beach Smile Deluxe Kit, which is a 1 month supply and includes: 4 syringe applicators, retainer case for storage, tongue scraper, color shade guide and an interproximal pick, which you previously received as a trial. LAist
  • But he told us one felt the motion there, more than anywhere else, in a storm; which must be some consolation to the "middies" who have to work for years before they can ever hope for such luxurious quarters. Set in Silver
  • Given their love of luxe, Leos tend to overindulge in delectably unnecessary high-fat and sugary goodies.
  • Luxembourg sketched out an acceptable compromise between Britain, France and Germany.
  • Modern luxury ships are a pale imitation of the glamour and style of the early ocean liners.
  • In an article last October, I described how my wife and I planned to chop around £800 a month from our expenses by cutting back on unnecessary luxuries, frills and trimmings.
  • There I saw the first olive tree ever planted in Australia; the Cork-tree in luxuriance; the Caper growing among rocks, the English Oak, the horse chestnut, broom, magnificent mulberry trees of thirty-five years growth, umbrageous and green, great variety of roses in hedges, also climbing roses.
  • The converted catamaran will have a 50ft pool, luxurious rooms and a swish lounge bar. Times, Sunday Times
  • Are these textiles Baroque draperies, shrouds or the curtains of a luxurious four-poster bed defiled and destroyed?
  • In some cases where the word has extensive normal usages, as in the case of 'lux' this is true of the English 'light' as well, depending on how one takes the word the same sentence can be treated as figurative or literal and mean basically the same thing. Archive 2005-05-01
  • In other words, its aim is to exploit its heritage as a global luxury brand based around its colourful, modern rainwear.
  • Last week the frustration was shared from the top deck of the bus to the foredeck of the luxury yacht. Our dependence on new technology has its scary side | Observer editorial
  • Longman has published a deluxe, leather- bound edition of Johnson's Dictionary.
  • At the end of the time he was out of money but was befriended by the captain of a luxury tourist canal barge who offered him a two month job as a deckhand.
  • Boyd had allowed them the luxury of lightweight Gore-Tex sleeping bags. CHAMELEON
  • First the candy: Known as Mozart Kugeln, packed in a delightful red tin with tiny portraitures of the composer, these are deluxe confections exquisitely filled with marzipan, made from "fresh green pistachios, almonds and rich hazelnut-nougat, enrobed with delicious milk and bitter chocolates. Rozanne Gold: Tastes of the Week
  • A Miami housing tour, education sessions, and exhibitions highlight the best in luxury kitchens and baths.
  • Its soft fair luxuriance was, no one could tell how, made to assume the half-dressed, half-undressed air of the head in Delaroche's picture; and Frederica looked the part well. Melbourne House
  • Second, the population flux will converge towards those countries that provide the more generous social benefits or the best living conditions.
  • Luxury consumption is always connected with motivation of flaunt.
  • As many facets of the automobile industry have recently declined or grown modestly over the past year, the sales of luxury cars have risen 5.5 percent.
  • Vegetables and bread, when they indulged in such luxuries, and even fresh water, was to be procured from the main land, which was about five miles distant. Chapter 19
  • Nestled in terra cotta, thick, gutsy prosciutto barely girdles hunks of luxuriantly gooey mozzarella bocconcini that have been roasted into a delicious taffy, the perfect bonbon to chomp on during a film by the Taviani brothers.
  • Luxury bed linen and towels are also favourites. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tolstikov is a wealthy professional athlete, yet he considers bananas a luxury.
  • It's a typically riotous mix of oompah music-hall cavortings, slurred-pitch Middle Eastern rhapsodising, luxuriously sensuous clarinet love-songs, and stormy collective blasts reminiscent of the 1960s John Coltrane quartet. Gilad Atzmon Orient House Ensemble: The Tide Has Changed
  • Types of workers thus ranged from peasants who supplemented their income with domestic industry, usually in textiles, to highly skilled craftsmen in towns and cities who concentrated on luxury items.
  • Combination of a histamine H 2 receptor antagonist with a prokinetic agent may therefore provide an alternative treatment for reflux oesophagitis.
  • The monthly settling particulate samples provide a data set of seasonal and interannual export fluxes of organic carbon, biogenic opal, calcium carbonate, and lithogenic material.
  • Extravagant weddings, lavish dinner parties, luxurious luncheons, you name it and I attended it.
  • Luxembourg have entered the World Cup 15 times and finished bottom of their qualifying group every time.
  • Trophy trought and salmon are only part of the catch at these luxe western lodges.
  • So this is the zillionaire luxury yacht lifestyle.
  • By Gerry Baldo 08/18/2009 Sensing the public outrage that hasn't subsided over what has been described as the ostentatious and luxurious lifestyles of President Arroyo and her entourage displayed during her New York has sent a memorandum to the Office of the Press Secretary, saying the New York Post report on the pricey dinner of President Gloria - Articles related to Developing Economies Like Egypt Can Lead the World Out of Recession
  • * Fatty liver disease (also called nonalcoholic steatohepatitis or NASH) * Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) * Gout CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Turkey is expecting an influx of several thousand refugees over the next few days.
  • His expenditure on pleasure and luxuries is rather high in proportion to his income.
  • Featuring an “unparalleled level of luxury” in the “widest seat in the sky”, and sleeping on a “standalone bed that was not converted from a seat”. » 2009 » August » 05 - SimpliFlying || Aviation :: Branding :: Technology || Airline marketing, airline brand management, social media, Web 2.0
  • But at the time, all thoughts of tempo totally vanished as the senses encountered a rare flux of movement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Besides, there is so much to do that such luxuries as spending hours and hours stalking cats in pursuit of the perfect shot are simply not possible.
  • She can maintain a luxurious lifestyle by herself without my financial support. Times, Sunday Times
  • His radical plans include a revolutionary, sliding lightweight roof, as well as new buildings to house a fashion and art college, multiplex cinema, luxury flats and even a centre for the town's youth.
  • This bus was deluxe, new with soft seats that reclined.
  • You don't have the luxury of a shower every day but that doesn't bother me - as long as I've got my lippie.
  • Prior to processing Luxus clean and granulate the tanks. Archive 2008-09-01
  • I opened the door and went in, still struck by the sheer comfort and luxury of the room.
  • This includes luxury coach, motel accommodation, three breakfasts and dinners plus one lunch.
  • There is a lot of emphasis on comfort and luxury with the new car.
  • I just have a soft spot for luxury "coupes" I guess. Autoblog
  • She finally finds herself in the employ of a doctor and his pleasant wife, and moves into their luxurious London flat.
  • Terms: Maturity: Nov. 5, 2020; coupon: 3.5%; reoffer: 99.189; date: Nov. 5, 2010; spread: 75 basis points more than midswaps; debt ratings: Aaa (Moody's), triple-A (S & P) and AAA (Fitch); denominations: € 1,000; listing: Luxembourg; interest: annual. New Securities Issues
  • Della sells her luxuriant hair to buy Jim a chain for his gold watch, while Jim in turn sells his watch to buy a set of tortoise shell combs Della has desired for her hair.
  • Given their love of luxe, Leos tend to overindulge in delectably unnecessary high-fat and sugary goodies.
  • Designed in the 1970s, the Oberoi was the first of the luxury hotels to build lanais in the local vernacular, a style much copied by subsequent architects.
  • In a letter to the Super Committee, Congressman Howard Berman D-CA, Ranking Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee wrote, In this period of belt-tightening and economic uncertainty, some seem to think that foreign assistance is a luxury we can no longer afford. Regan Hofmann: How President Obama Makes Love, Not War, by Pledging to End AIDS
  • They didn't know how they were going to cope with the sudden influx of refugees.
  • The full desiderata of resort luxury is here, including huge seafront grounds private villas and fine dining - not to mention a spa where the healing hands are exceptional.
  • Dedicating a room to formal dining and nothing else is a luxury most of us can ill afford.
  • The best restorative processes are sometimes the simplest - like a lengthy soak in a luxurious bath. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her main strength is her hypocrisy, which she uses to bully the other teams into giving up luxuries that she herself uses daily.
  • This diagnostic vacuum is fundamental and may pose important questions at the current concept of reflux of gastric juice as a common cause of laryngopharyngeal inflammation.
  • The lorette carried within her persona all the connotations of urban display and luxury consumption.
  • Buy a dark purple suede bag or a plum velvet blazer for a luxe look.
  • The different areas were the medial and lateral heel; the medial and lateral midfoot; the medial, central, and lateral forefoot; the hallux; the second toe; and the lateral toes.
  • The MADS consists of two separate high-speed, 3-axes digital fluxgate magnetometers.
  • It has a seriously luxurious hotel with a superb restaurant and spa, and its own helicopter for guests to use. Times, Sunday Times
  • What they have concocted is a sleek, discreet and luxuriously appointed hotel that is stylish but still accessible.
  • The model presented here is focused on interpreting the mechanism and resulting dynamics of the solute per se so it will be further assumed that there is no radial flux of solute through the tube walls.
  • It's a pejorative that means Americans don't understand luxury.
  • With a growing demand for luxury products to reflect pedigree and personality, authentic rarity has become a design trend. Times, Sunday Times
  • Extending it out to 30 or even 50 or so light years which would then include nearest giants, Pollux - & its exoplanet "Polydeuces" (34 ly) Capella (42 ly)plus other sun-like F & G type dwarfs would be fantastic. 32 Nearby Stars
  • He defiantly skirted the Italian coastline aboard his luxury yacht, taunting the authorities who had steadfastly refused to allow him to set foot in his native country for more than half a century.
  • We observed an influx of long-tailed ducks into coastal lagoons in July, followed by dispersal to other areas in late August.
  • Silk sheets are the ultimate luxury.
  • Many women enjoy more luxuriant hair later in pregnancy.
  • Therefore, devoting substantial staff resources to training, organizing, leading, and sustaining family psychoeducation is seen as a luxury.
  • The Luxembourg and Belgian francs are tied to one another in a monetary union in 1921.
  • The other definition is sheer luxury-gassed yarns, extremely fine gauge tricot, linen and a width of knits woven in patented Benetton new age fabrics.
  • There is something deeply luxurious and comforting about them, and it's a very specific kind of luxury. Times, Sunday Times
  • This facility is producing fabrics with luxurious finishes in a range of worsted and synthetic fabrics for the moderate to better markets.
  • Expensive costumes were a vital part of the visual appeal of theatre, and characters of high social rank were represented by appropriately luxurious clothing.
  • A little time to carry on this intrigue with the Frank, when possibly, by the assistance of this gallant, Alexius shall exchange the crown for a cloister, or a still narrower abode; and then, Agelastes, thou deservest to be blotted from the roll of philosophers, if thou canst not push out of the throne the conceited and luxurious Caesar, and reign in his stead, a second Marcus Count Robert of Paris
  • Theirs was the Prince of Wales carriage, an historic carriage of de luxe suites which smelt of cedar polish.
  • Also they mixed materials such as wood, iroko, luxurious fabrics, wallpapers, antique furniture and impressive chandeliers. Contemporary Greek Style House in the UK
  • CCM - 4 - magnetometer to measure the magnetic field is the vertical component of the fluxgate magnetometer.
  • For water extraction of Sophora flavescens, 200 g of dried root was mixed with 1,800 ml of distilled water and extracted under reflux for 3 hr by boiling the mixture.
  • The warmth displayed in the opening adagio was refreshing, but the constant flux in this elusive symphony needs to sound natural, inevitable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The driver examined the damage caused to the car, while Hubert and his Phaedran friends chatted with us by a hedge delimiting a field of mastodon grazing on tall luxuriant grass.
  • The new glamping tents make a family sleepover an exciting yet luxurious outdoor experience. The Sun
  • Arnie's Place was luxurious, with wooden nooks for its machines to rest in lovingly. The Dark Side Of Arcading
  • That is not a luxury we can afford. Times, Sunday Times
  • Consequently, reducing enzyme activity by much as 50% has a negligible effect on flux through the pathway.
  • The recent tourism season aggravated the problem because of the huge influx of people and increased water usage.
  • Seo, also out of bounds on 49th between 1st and 2nd aves has cold “inaniwa” udon, the best kind of udon noodles from Japan. kinda pricey, but worth it if you’re in the mood for a little luxury. Today May Be a Good Day For Cold Noodles | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • At night, luxuriate at charming inns, sampling Scotch whisky.
  • Like many a libretto and even many a straight play, it creates its dramatic flux by a careful control and mixture of versification.
  • Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but the allure of affordable-luxury businesses such as day spas and beauty salons is positively irresistible.
  • When you mix Asia's rapidly spreading affluence with the region's cultural affinity for brand-name luxury goods, you have a mouthwatering recipe for Richemont, owner of such well-known lines as Cartier and Van Cleef & Arpels jewelry, Piaget watches, Montblanc pens and Alfred Dunhill leather goods. To make good stock decisions, consider a global perspective
  • Yet conventional wisdom suggests that such tactics do not work for luxury goods. Times, Sunday Times
  • They lodged us at the Seaman's Rest, took our painted rags away and clothed us in blue "civvie" suits which seemed to us the height of sinful luxury. The Escape of a Princess Pat Being the full account of the capture and fifteen months' imprisonment of Corporal Edwards, of the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, and his final escape from Germany into Holland
  • Discovering and understanding the many benefits of luxury and convenience from a Quality Air Mattress Bed.
  • A modernist vacation cottage in the woods of Argentina uses an overlarge door to resist the sense of smallness and to add a feeling of luxury. Living Within Less
  • It didn’t help that I have to jumper my drives to run at SATA 1 speeds instead of SATA 2: my ASUS P4C800-E deluxe motherboard is old enough that it will not recognize a SATA 2 drive, and without a PCI-E slot there’s as far as I can tell no point in getting a new sata drive controller card. Surveying the Wreckage
  • The Lux is a photometric unit, rather than a radiometric unit, which means that it takes into account the basic physics of energy and radiation, but also includes the physics of the human eye.
  • The Atlanta Games will boast an "official" scouring pad and timepiece, two official game shows, and three official vehicles: a family car, an import minivan and a luxury sedan.
  • Researchers say many sodas are acidic and contain carbon dioxide that can expand the stomach, which in turn can cause acid reflux.
  • They emerge from the luxuriant foliage like lost Mayan temples.
  • This luxury hotels vancouver usneaceae sets inaccessibly avifaunal myosarcoma to magellan carsick wait in motherliness tastily the lasciviously ten tecophilaeacea. Rational Review
  • They haven't become used to the luxury of working only on huge films, where they'll reshoot every scene until it's perfect.
  • This problem is particularly acute in the automobile industry where the rosin used in soldering flux, varnishes, lacquers and surface finishes is thought to be a major cause of dermatitis.
  • Thanks!!! diner monitor my pc monte blance half past dead kneehole balpen rollerball cast stylo pen waterman carene deluxe blue ball pen ricoh waste toner bottle tempur pedic baltimore stackable storage cube tempur pedic topper calvin and hobbes gucci purse wallet Feeling all gooey inside
  • Your hand luxuriant line entanglements into the city in whose laughter.
  • Founded in 1915 in Georgia, the "modern" Ku Klux Klan, an anti-Negro, anti-Catholic, anti-Semitic organization, reached its peak of power in the U.S. in the mid-twenties; is now moribund. Albert Lutuli - Nobel Lecture
  • If diving for wrecks turns you on, Bermuda is a veritable treasure trove of maritime disaster, with a wreck collection including 16th century Spanish galleons, warships and a luxury transatlantic liner.
  • Ampli鵶 autem dum adhuc propriam regionem peragraret, antequam barbarorum aliquis aduersus nos militaret in bellis aduersarius, 鎔ritudo difficillima fluxus ventris invasit nos, qui diffusus per agmina imperij nostri pertransibat, depopulando et interimendo multos, omni pugnatore grauior. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The season looks at a more chic look with cool cut tailoring, knee length coats and luxurious knitwear.
  • This is a day of good tidings, and Montserratians, including this Chief Minister, can be forgiven for luxuriating in this occasion.
  • CAR boss Bob Quirk and his two-family party were bumped from their luxury hotel just a week before departure - and offered an alternative break at a hotel with a nudist balcony.
  • When there is an influx of nectar into the nest, the colony deploys more workers for foraging.
  • The alternating flux in the core in turn induces an alternating current in each of the secondary coils.
  • Magnetic parameters measurement technology refers to magnetic field strength measurement and magnetic flux measurement.
  • The forefeet and hindfeet have 3 large digits; the pollex and hallux are reduced in size or absent and the fifth finger is very small.
  • Any seamster or cobbler or tailor or artificer of any trade keeps us shut up in prison for the luxurious and wanton pleasures of the clergy. The Love of Books : The Philobiblon of Richard de Bury
  • About the twenty-first, weight generally in the left side, with pain; slight urine thick, muddy, and reddish; when allowed to stand, had no sediment; in other respects felt lighter; fever not gone; fauces painful from the commencement, and red; uvula retracted; defluxion remained acrid, pungent, and saltish throughout. Of The Epidemics
  • Merino, cashmere, Angora… these luxury yarns were too expensive to be hastily turned into just another scarf.
  • Both quantum mechanics and chaos theory suggest a world constantly in flux.
  • The competent authorities concerned that the influx of funds caused by a new bubble over.
  • The attribute that most distinguishes Lexus 'navigation controller from other devices in other luxury models is its "haptic" - feedback technology, which provides a tactile response to the hand. Autoblog
  • After he turned to painting that same year, he exhibited widely in Germany under the name Theodore Lux before emigrating to the United States in 1936. NYT > Home Page
  • For me, it's a step above "Aeon Flux" because AF is ultimately forgettable. Ccfinlay: Equilibrium
  • They are released now by officials anxious to dispel the myth that bishops, some of whom still occupy grand palaces and stately castles, enjoy a life of luxury.
  • FANCY a week of luxury pampering in Sri Lanka? The Sun
  • Nothing fancy, just a long drop, probably leading to a cistern that served several other jakes, but it was a luxury here.

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