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How To Use Lustre In A Sentence

  • We easily see the united lustre of them, though the light of no one of the single stars could have affected the unassisted eye.
  • Orange is the perfect antidote when a garden looks lacklustre. Times, Sunday Times
  • I found myself in a salon with a very well-painted, highly varnished floor; chairs and sofas covered with white draperies, a green porcelain stove, walls hung with pictures in gilt frames, a gilt pendule and other ornaments on the mantelpiece, a large lustre pendent from the centre of the ceiling, mirrors, consoles, muslin curtains, and a handsome centre table completed the inventory of furniture. The Professor, by Charlotte Bronte
  • Võibolla on siin süüdi see, et alustasin ulmega lähemat tutvumist Seiklusjuttude sarjast mille raamatud olid alati kobedalt illustreeritud aga minuarust annavad head illustratsioonid ulmekale väga palju juurde. Hyperion Cantos – kanoonilised kaaned
  • Post-Civil-War America therefore seemed to exhibit the worst kind of small-minded, lacklustre parochialism, but it had coupled it with a loutish popularism.
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  • The dancing of the principal ballerina added lustre to an otherwise unimpressive production of 'Giselle'.
  • Expect some shrill recorded sound and lacklustre orchestral playing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its stock market performance has been lacklustre and investors are being advised to stay away until full-year results are revealed next month.
  • Certainly, Theotimus, beauty is without effect, unprofitable and dead, if light and splendour do not make it lively and effective, whence we term colours lively when they have light and lustre. Treatise on the Love of God
  • Where the rock contains mineral grains it may be possible to determine the hardness, lustre and streak of the minerals.
  • Poor sentiment towards the technology sector was also blamed for the lacklustre performance.
  • Dr. Edgar Sheaffer, who writes for The Health Care Letter, recommends combining a dietary approach, citrus dips, and remedies such as arsenicum album, lachesis, lycopodium, or ledum palustre to deal with fleas. 250 Things You Can Do to Make Your Cat Adore You
  • In recent times, the roulette wheels have not been spinning with such regularity and the casinos have lost a little of their lustre. Times, Sunday Times
  • We're both great fans of a cream rosy blusher because it gives a fabulous healthy glow and mimics the lustre of young skin. The Sun
  • As he stepped upon the bridge the trumpets sounded, and over the aplustre rose the vexillum purpureum, or pennant of a commander of a fleet. Ben-Hur, a tale of the Christ
  • He spent a decade toiling away as frontman for under- appreciated alt-rock band the Czars before finally gaining traction as a solo artist with last year's Queen Of Denmark, a collaboration with the band Midlake that rather outshone their own lacklustre recent album. This week's new live music
  • O senhor, ilustre deputado, declarou que (que se abram as aspas) quer dizer que agora eu venho a Brasília e minha mulher fica lá? Global Voices in English » Brazil: Fly me to the moon with public money
  • Her thick, black hair shone with lustre.
  • The handmade QM2 teapots will be painted in gold lustre for the ship's first year, after which silver leaf will be used.
  • Once that wears off, it maybe loses a little of its lustre. The Sun
  • He insinuates a languor of sun-mist and lustre into his modish Arcadia: a region of roses, felicitously painted, and ruins sketched on his Italian journeys, all against the backdrops of the opera-ballets of his time.
  • I have a fragment of their plaster postiche copying the close-grained Egyptian granite; the oily lustre of the quartz is so fresh and the peculiar structure of the rock, with its mica scintillations, so admirably rendered as to deceive, after two thousand years, the eye of a trained mineralogist.] Old Calabria
  • The dance lacked lustre and shine. The Sun
  • In recent times, the roulette wheels have not been spinning with such regularity and the casinos have lost a little of their lustre. Times, Sunday Times
  • His exploits appeared merely to have added to his lustre in Berlin. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gold retains its lustre for far longer than other metals.
  • Lacklustre performance failed to convince many to stay once the moratorium expired, however, prompting RAB to review its business and move to delist – a move formally announced last Friday.
  • While the city has since lost much of its lustre, our rubber-wheeled underground public transportation system remains something still worth showing off.
  • He glanced at her and noted that she seemed sexier than ever, more curvaceous, her hair of stronger lustre, her eyes more vivid.
  • Instead, couples ask for things that are decorative or luxurious, that would add lustre to the things they already own. Times, Sunday Times
  • Duncan Smith's uninspiring leadership and his lacklustre shadow cabinet failed to make any initial impact on the electorate.
  • The dance lacked lustre and shine. The Sun
  • Look contentedly upon the scattered difference of things, and expect not equality, in lustre, dignity, or perfection, in regions or persons below; where numerous numbers must be content to stand like lacteous or nebulous stars, little taken notice of, or dim in their generations. Christian Morals
  • Orange is the perfect antidote when a garden looks lacklustre. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has come under fire for a series of lacklustre displays since his return from injury last month. The Sun
  • Tin purifies water, has an attractive silver lustre symbolic of light, and has no detrimental impact upon other substances.
  • There are, it seems, still women prepared to pay €3,000 (£2,600) for a fox-trimmed suede skirt or €75 (£65) for a small milk jug, even from a label whose lustre could do with a polish. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The supporting band add lustre to the old arrangements, although most of them have very bad hair and play too many solos.
  • And they saw lying at full length upon the throne our lord Solomon, clad in robes of green silk inwoven with gold and broidered with jewels and precious minerals: his right hand was passed over his breast and on the middle finger was the seal ring whose lustre outshone that of all other gems in the place. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • His uninspiring leadership and his lacklustre shadow cabinet failed to make any initial impact on the electorate.
  • Happy the author whose earliest works are read and understood by the lustre thrown back upon them from his latest! for then we receive the impression of continuity and cumulation of power, of peculiarity deepening to individuality, of promise more than justified in the keeping: unhappy, whose autumn shows only the aftermath and rowen of an earlier harvest, whose would-be replenishments are but thin dilutions of his fame! The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 30, April, 1860
  • The shell had a beautiful pearly lustre.
  • The notion that this race is losing its lustre brings an explosive riposte. Times, Sunday Times
  • He comes nearer and nearer, sizes up his victim with his bulging lacklustre eyes and drives it mad.
  • There'll be a celebrity guest to add lustre to the occasion.
  • The novel's heroine, however, is so determined to have her day in church that when her lacklustre fiancé dumps her with six weeks to spare she madly decides to go ahead with the wedding anyway.
  • But he thought also of the beauty of Maria, of the sweetness of her smile, and of the tears of voiceless gratitude which he had seen bedimming the lustre of her bright eyes. Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume XXIII
  • So you do wonder, if she knows that's the case, why David Cameron and the Shadow Cabinet have still been sent to "ginger up" her party's "lacklustre" performance North of the Border - again these are not my words, but instead the rather more scathing words of the Torygraph. Are The Tories Just A Party of The Home Counties?
  • Use in place of your serum, and spray on to styled hair to give it lustre. Times, Sunday Times
  • The exhibition displays exquisite pieces made by fusing and blowing with top quality glass powders, precious metals, lustre and leafs from different countries.
  • Surely it takes more than a sly dig at her lacklustre routine and outfit colour to truly offend her? The Sun
  • El Licenciado Lope de Leon su Padre, siendo uno de los mayores letrados de su tiempo, vino por Oidor a Sevilla, donde hizo oficio de Asistente, i en ella tuvo (para onra de nuestra Patria) este ilustre hijo, que siendo promovido luego ala chancilleria de Granada, nacio en ella, elano 1528 para engrandecer l 'Andaluzia la Nacion Espanola, i el mundo. Fray Luis de Leon
  • Over time, its lustre has faded. Times, Sunday Times
  • A lacklustre budget could trigger a sell-off as investors recalibrate their expectations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Real-life DIs are generally lacklustre, dead-pan and dull - if you want proof, watch Crimewatch.
  • Lake we had boiled the Indian tea plant, _ledum palustre_, which produced a beverage in smell much resembling rhubarb; notwithstanding which we found it refreshing, and were gratified to see this plant flourishing abundantly on the sea-shore, though of dwarfish growth. Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1819-20-21-22, Volume 2
  • Skynet's performance and the lacklustre response prompted a more socially focused experience.
  • The great success of the first Tutankhamun exhibition resided in the sheer beauty and splendour of its contents, which triumphed over rather lacklustre presentation. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the zenith was a white lustre which obliterated distinction of form as much as did the cloudy obscurity at the end of the room. Idolatry A Romance
  • The thunderbolt (which became my primary magical tool for the next 8 years or so) was created with the help of Brother R.B.B., and formed from two glass chandelier lustres.
  • A great cast goes to waste in this lacklustre drama chronicling the ancient warrior's exploits. The Sun
  • How did something so enjoyable lose its lustre? Times, Sunday Times
  • The only exception to this is our range of lustred ware - the silver, gold, and platinum lustred items should not be used in dishwashers.
  • This shows the Medici device of a diamond ring with two feathers, as on the Valencian lustred vase in the British Museum.
  • This attractive necklace is made from re-cycled TV screen beads, they are a lovely soft grey colour and sparkle like chandelier lustres.
  • They are supported by patinated bronze bases formed as peacock feathers inset with lustred favrille glass balls.
  • But at that time the difference was not so clearly distinguishable; though Charlotte ever felt and owned her sister's superiority in this respect, it was not recognised as of a sort to quite outshine her own little tales in verse, and quite outlustre Anne's pious effusions. Emily Brontë
  • Even the statues of great scholars and freedom fighters that add lustre to the city's heritage will be covered with party flags and posters.
  • Lacklustre ticket sales and a reduction in the space occupied by the festival was not enough to throw a dampener on Gig on the Green revellers.
  • Some iconic works have been imitated so often that the original, viewed years later, seems to appear faded and lacklustre.
  • He insinuates a languor of sun-mist and lustre into his modish Arcadia: a region of roses, felicitously painted, and ruins sketched on his Italian journeys, all against the backdrops of the opera-ballets of his time.
  • Pleasantly in-the-face, the play divests mythological heroes of their aura and presents them in a lacklustre light.
  • Do you imagine this adds lustre and gravitas to your CVs? Times, Sunday Times
  • All right," called Cleghorn, giving a few strokes of the pump, but never taking his eyes from the lustred pots. The Collectors
  • After a lacklustre season he recaptured his form in style, winning as he pleased. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lustreware ceramics from this period were signed, showing the high regard in which artists were held. Times, Sunday Times
  • The citing capped a miserable day for England after a lacklustre display in the tour opener. The Sun
  • And the old thing loses its lustre and then you're onto something new. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite criticisms of a lacklustre campaign by most of the leaders, 46 per cent say they have found the campaign interesting. The Sun
  • The citing capped a miserable day for England after a lacklustre display in the tour opener. The Sun
  • The lacklustre script gives the actors nothing to do and the villain is decidedly bland.
  • And the face especially gives a lustre to the rest: the face is it that commonly denominates a fair or foul: arx formae facies, the face is beauty's tower; and though the other parts be deformed, yet a good face carries it (facies non uxor amatur) that alone is most part respected, principally valued, deliciis suis ferox, and of itself able to captivate. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Her fur, a deep blue-grey, had a softness that belied its almost metallic lustre.
  • But they're not missing much - this lacklustre gaggle of wannabes spent practically all day lolling around in bed. The Sun
  • A great cast goes to waste in this lacklustre drama chronicling the ancient warrior's exploits. The Sun
  • In true darts style, some of the lacklustre play was blamed on the drink - hangovers from the night before, that is.
  • One reason behind the lacklustre performance of the businesses is massive shareholder dilution. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rulers of these comparatively minor states were engaged in a fierce cultural competition, designed to add honour and lustre to their dynasty.
  • It's better to have loved and lost than to be in a lacklustre and uninspiring relationship for the rest of your life.
  • The programme has become stale and lacklustre. Times, Sunday Times
  • Face the facts: Mr Gore waged a lacklustre, message-shifting campaign against the weakest Republican candidate in recent history.
  • O senhor, ilustre deputado, declarou que (que se abram as aspas) quer dizer que agora eu venho a Brasília e minha mulher fica lá? Global Voices in English » Brazil: Fly me to the moon with public money
  • The sell-off was caused by lacklustre global growth and the spectre of deflation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Colour passes too much miscellaneous, change alimental nature colour and lustre easily when the light is reflexed and make handlers produces illusion when cook food.
  • The notion that this race is losing its lustre brings an explosive riposte. Times, Sunday Times
  • The movement brought the stern to view, with all its garniture-Tritons like those at the bow; name in large raised letters; the rudder at the side; the elevated platform upon which the helmsman sat, a stately figure in full armour, his hand upon the rudder-rope; and the aplustre, high, gilt, carved, and bent over the helmsman like a great runcinate leaf. Ben-Hur, a tale of the Christ
  • Severin's 2.35:1 anamorphic transfer is exquisite, adding considerable lustre to a title heretofore known in this country only through dupey, unsubtitled, bootleg tapes. Archive 2006-10-01
  • Its particles have a dull metallic lustre, far less brilliant than that of gold.
  • There is an effluence of divinity in the first sketch; and there, if any where, you find the pure light of inspiration, which the subsequent toil of the artist serves to bring out in stronger lustre, indeed, but likewise adulterates it with what belongs to an inferior mood. Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader Being Selections from the Chief American Writers
  • The citing capped a miserable day for England after a lacklustre display in the tour opener. The Sun
  • In the picture of a lustre bowl with green peas, the main items are off-centre, giving a diagonal thrust to the composition.
  • The piled fibres absorb and reflect the light, alternating deep and pale hues and giving the cloth its unique lustre.
  • We said at the time that she was by far the most bourgeois of the available contestants, and would undoubtedly add lustre to the office.
  • Bruno rimasero sulla nave che ognuno vedeva colare a fondo: ma dopo qualche tempo non essendosi visto che cio avveniva, le persone fuggite a terra respinsero la nave nell 'acque: ma il tempestoso mare la ribasto una seconda volta contro i scogli, ed allora si aveva per certo che la nave coll' illustre personaggio, una grande quantita di denari, Life of Lord Byron
  • The female leads were rather lacklustre in terms of sound quality and staging, with one notable exception.
  • Today brings a positive surge of energy over your recent lacklustre love life. The Sun
  • Expect some shrill recorded sound and lacklustre orchestral playing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The greatest tentacle length in a bryozoan lophophore known to us is 1.2 mm, reported by Cook from a highly obliquely truncate lophophore in a colony of the ctenostome Flustrellida hispida.
  • After a lacklustre season he recaptured his form in style, winning as he pleased. Times, Sunday Times
  • Over the years the lustre of the mosaics has faded and dust gathered in the nooks and crannies of the brick and stone cubes which make up the designs.
  • The whole team produced a lacklustre display and created little until a final flourish in the 15 minutes.
  • Excited young women are whispering around a woman whose eyes glow with a bright lustre.
  • About two hours later Arrius stood under the aplustre of the galley; in the mood of one who, seeing himself carried swiftly towards an event of mighty import, has nothing to do but wait-the mood in which philosophy vests an even-minded man with the utmost calm, and is ever so serviceable. Ben-Hur, a tale of the Christ
  • Its stock market performance has been lacklustre and investors are being advised to stay away until full-year results are revealed next month.
  • Since our conference had begun, the dusk of twilight had melted away; and the moon had called into lustre -- living, indeed, but unlike the common and unhallowing life of day -- the wood and herbage, and silent variations of hill and valley, which slept around us; and, as the still and shadowy light fell over the upward face of my brother, it gave to his features an additional, and not wholly earth-born, solemnity of expression. Devereux — Volume 01
  • And the face especially gives a lustre to the rest: the face is it that commonly denominates a fair or foul: arx formae facies, the face is beauty's tower; and though the other parts be deformed, yet a good face carries it (facies non uxor amatur) that alone is most part respected, principally valued, deliciis suis ferox, and of itself able to captivate. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The culices of South America have generally the wings, corslet, and legs of an azure colour, ringed and variegated with a mixture of spots of metallic lustre. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Tin purifies water, has an attractive silver lustre symbolic of light, and has no detrimental impact upon other substances.
  • There'll be a celebrity guest to add lustre to the occasion.
  • It is also where the prudery of a later time has obviously crept in; the sculptures all seem lack-lustre and no sexual connotations are to be found here.
  • Another interesting variety of this blue sapphire is one known as "chatoyant"; this has a rapidly changing lustre, which seems to undulate between a green-yellow and a luminous blue, with a phosphorescent glow, or fire, something like that seen in the eyes of a cat in the dark, or the steady, burning glow observed when the cat is fascinating a bird -- hence its name. The Chemistry, Properties and Tests of Precious Stones
  • The golden ceiling is artificially lit from below, so it glows with a gentle lustre.
  • It reminds me of another bubble shell, Hydatina amplustre, which has pink bands on its shell, but the shape of the animal certainly looks like Micromelo.
  • Without that sop to shareholders, the response to its lacklustre interim results yesterday could have been even glummer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lacklustre reviews had primed me for disappointment with this one, and perhaps that's why, as I turned each page, my delight and fascination grew.
  • But look closely and it loses its lustre. Times, Sunday Times
  • Traité des fièvres palustres (Treatise on paludal fevers) and I returned to it on several occasions. Alphonse Laveran - Nobel Lecture
  • However, one luminous star of the first magnitude did slip into Toronto almost unnoticed to add lustre to that inaugural year - Jeanne Moreau.
  • Three parameters in stimulation space domain of lustre sensation physiology that is physiological reflectional value Y1, physiological lustre value Y2 , physiological diffuse light value Y3.
  • But Hilda's face softened not; no gleam of tenderness mitigated the hard lustre of her eyes; her expression lessened not from its set purpose. The Cryptogram A Novel
  • Oriental look: the face of it having the lustre, as well as the pale-green tint, a kind of bluish-green, of a certain type of The Time Machine, by H. G. Wells
  • You are the Chairman of the company that made it and the buck for lacklustre design stops with you.
  • Ghia trim heralds a huge list of goodies, but perhaps only to turn the attention away from the lacklustre dynamics.
  • Against a back ground of lemon-coloured sky, with the stars shedding their spiritual lustre through the purple twilight, these gorgeous creatures, each ensphered in her beatific bubble, floated tremulously upward on the balmy breeze. The War of the Wenuses
  • Before the lustred pots themselves shed a baleful gleam over this narrative, something should obviously be said about Italian wells and why they contain pots. The Collectors
  • The dance lacked lustre and shine. The Sun
  • The dance lacked lustre and shine. The Sun
  • A lustreless protrusive eye Stares from the protozoic slime the future looks fine David swanson : honeymoon over
  • It is softer than cotton and nylon and has a similar lustre to silk.
  • His kingly virtues had some mixture and allay that hindred them from shyninge in full lustre, and from producinge those fruites they should have bene attended with; he was not in his nature bountifull, though he gave very much, which appeared more after the Duke of Buckinghams death, after which those showers fell very rarely, and he paused to longe in givinge, which made those to whome he gave lesse sensible of the benefitt. Characters from 17th Century Histories and Chronicles
  • A "lacklustre" performance by Safety and Security minister ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Despite a lacklustre campaign, he deserves the chance to show what he can do. The Sun
  • The room had been originally intended for a drawing-room, as was evident from the inevitable white and gold wall-paper and the tarnished gilt beading round the doors and window shutters; the mantelpiece, too, was of white marble, and the gaselier fitted with dingy crystal lustres. Vice Versa or A Lesson to Fathers
  • The thunderbolt (which became my primary magical tool for the next 8 years or so) was created with the help of Brother R.B.B., and formed from two glass chandelier lustres.
  • In fact, an artificial ruby will typically have a better colour and lustre than a natural one.
  • He became a brilliant campaigner for his new party, far surpassing the lacklustre performance of his liberal and social democratic opponents.
  • This is timely, since you must either restore their lustre or consider making some serious changes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bruno rimasero sulla nave che ognuno vedeva colare a fondo: ma dopo qualche tempo non essendosi visto che ciò avveniva, le persone fuggite a terra respinsero la nave nell 'acque: ma il tempestoso mare la ribastò una seconda volta contro i scogli, ed allora si aveva per certo che la nave coll' illustre personaggio, una grande quantità di denari, e molti preziosi effetti per i Greci anderebbero a fondo. Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 6 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals
  • The beads are then lustred all over with mother of pearl giving them a beautiful sheen like oil on water.
  • The latter mineral, a sulphide of iron, has a shiny metallic lustre and was often mistaken for gold itself: it is the infamous fool's gold.
  • When eye candy loses its lustre, its raison d'être is spent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many Type I tiles are to be found at Tentudia, and the two in the British Museum still retain their lustre decoration.
  • Gem still lacks some lustre. Times, Sunday Times
  • The third and most unusual of his talents is an eye for the lustre among the manifold drudgeries of research. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was so unlike his usual running style and looked worryingly lacklustre. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sixth is the "hyalite," which has but a glassy or vitreous lustre, and is found almost exclusively in the form of globules, or clusters of globules, somewhat after the form and size of bunches of grapes; hence the name "botryoidal" is often applied to this variety. The Chemistry, Properties and Tests of Precious Stones
  • It's better to have loved and lost than to be in a lacklustre and uninspiring relationship for the rest of your life.
  • He contended that his majesty, by undertaking the office of mediator, would have added lustre to the national character, and have placed Britain in the exalted situation of arbitress of the world. The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.III. From George III. to Victoria
  • His performances have been lacklustre and lacked bite. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its particles have a dull metallic lustre, far less brilliant than that of gold.
  • I've used dark green sea glass with a bronze coloured wire, gorgeous lustred beads, bronze filigree beads, and a couple of green seed beads.
  • His exploits appeared merely to have added to his lustre in Berlin. Times, Sunday Times
  • His campaign has been described as lacklustre, lacking in urgency and we still know very little about Gordon Brown the man. Yahoo! News: Latest news headlines News Headlines | Top Stories
  • This is timely, since you must either restore their lustre or consider making some serious changes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Later, Valencia came to dominate as the major lustreware centre.
  • Expect some shrill recorded sound and lacklustre orchestral playing. Times, Sunday Times
  • This ornament then is of two sortes, one to satisfie & delight th'eare onely by a goodly outward shew fet vpon the matter with wordes, and speaches smothly and tunably running: another by certaine intendments or sence of such wordes & speeches inwardly working a stirre to the mynde: that first qualitie the Greeks called _Enargia_, of this word _argos_, because it geueth a glorious lustre and light. The Arte of English Poesie
  • We're victims, we say: mere vessels, drinking the vanilla scent of this one's skin, the lustre of another's eyes so skilfully darkened with bistre. Archive 2004-12-01
  • The lacklustre second-quarter performance has fuelled fears the economy could dip back into recession.
  • Just examine this limp, lethargic, lacklustre display. The Sun
  • This lacks integrity, depth and rigour, is unfair to theologians who would not be swayed by lacklustre science (as a one-way ticket) and is disingenuous to religious persons who would (unknowingly) hear only a one-sided view of ˜science 'in Christian student groups. The Memory Hole
  • Excited young women are whispering around a woman whose eyes glow with a bright lustre.
  • Duncan Smith's uninspiring leadership and his lacklustre shadow cabinet failed to make any initial impact on the electorate.
  • Where the rock contains mineral grains it may be possible to determine the hardness, lustre and streak of the minerals.
  • His skin was fair as a woman's, far more satiny, and no rudimentary hair-growth marred its white lustre. Chapter 4
  • But Japan has been wrestling for more than a decade with falling prices and a lacklustre economic performance.
  • Skynet's performance and the lacklustre response prompted a more socially focused experience.
  • The programme has become stale and lacklustre. Times, Sunday Times
  • The good character expression of Peng lustre crucian carp is in: 1. Grow rate is rapid.
  • His opponents within Labour say what they call his lacklustre leadership will ensure electoral defeat. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Ex-ministers call for Brown ballot
  • Their availability won't impact the chances of Paul Gallen earning a representative recall, with the Cronulla lock understood to have already had his name pencilled in by selectors keen to add some starch to the pack after a lacklustre performance in Origin I. "I'm not reading into it too much, all the media talk, we will see what happens," Gallen said. The Sydney Morning Herald News Headlines
  • The exhibition displays exquisite pieces made by fusing and blowing with top quality glass powders, precious metals, lustre and leafs from different countries.
  • And while expensive star signings have won lacklustre ratings, the channel's film arm has produced a string of critical and commercial bombs.
  • Whereof I thoughte good to giue this aduertisemente: and waying with my selfe that by the publishing hereof no dishonour can dedounde to the illustre race of our noble kinges and Princes, ne yet to the blemishinge of the fame of that noble kinge, eternized for his victories and vertues in the auncient Annales, Chronicles and Monuments, forren and domesticall, The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1
  • A succession of weak Prime Ministers and lack-lustre governments saw the country stagger from bad to worse.
  • The lustre of this is the true "adamantine," or diamond, brilliancy, and the other and impure divisions of this particular lustre are: _splendent_, when objects are reflected perfectly, but of a lower scale of perfection than the true The Chemistry, Properties and Tests of Precious Stones
  • There'll be a celebrity guest to add lustre to the occasion.
  • Her critics say the lustre could fade. Times, Sunday Times
  • He glanced at her and noted that she seemed sexier than ever, more curvaceous, her hair of stronger lustre, her eyes more vivid.
  • From the former it differs in leaf-section and bud (the bud of P. sinensis is never white), from the latter in the lustre and the color variation of its cone, and from both in the frequent obliquity of its cone and in the frequent presence of trimerous leaf-fascicles. The Genus Pinus
  • The Wensleydale's primary value is in its fleece, which produces among the finest lustre wool in the world.
  • The cobwebs that hung from the corners of the ceilings, and festooned the lustred chandeliers, were thick as string with it. The Way Home
  • Many Type I tiles are to be found at Tentudia, and the two in the British Museum still retain their lustre decoration.
  • The lacklustre second-quarter performance has fuelled fears the economy could dip back into recession.
  • That will make their next year of study dull and lacklustre.
  • It could not have been lustred, and the bright polychrome is entirely out of key with the blue and gold of the other tiles.
  • A good name keeps lustre in the dark. 
  • Daphne, — laudat digitosque manusque; a straight and slender body, a small foot, and well-proportioned leg, hath an excellent lustre, [4924] Cui totum incumbit corpus uti fundamento aedes. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Ghia trim heralds a huge list of goodies, but perhaps only to turn the attention away from the lacklustre dynamics.
  • It is softer than cotton and nylon and has a similar lustre to silk.

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