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How To Use Lustily In A Sentence

  • The from home business irena, capaciousness, film, and the perspective restharrow are shipboard polder of niche stormbound by a lustily overreaching druthers of fossil and we palaeobotany ugly the pharmaceutical superstition on that woodgrain. Rational Review
  • The engine is willing too, with the supercharged 2.0-litre tested performing lustily, and its low-end torque gives some real shove-into-the-seat moments.
  • As if cued by an invisible hand, both twins began crying lustily.
  • THE IRONY OF RHEE -- Michael Tomasky on Michelle Rhee in the Guardian: She's lately thrown in whole hog with the right wing, advising tea party governors like Rick Scott of Florida, and undoubtedly cheering lustily for the jackboot to land on the throats of the teachers of Wisconsin. DeMorning DeBonis: Feb. 23, 2011
  • The audience was woo-hooing lustily before the women, all in their 40s and still rocking in tight black leather catsuits and beehive hairdos, were even finished tuning up.
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  • When I open up my loving pages of Cosmopolitan magazine, nothing makes me want to douse myself in freesia back notes than staring at Scarlett Johansson, lustily clutching puppies in a garden. The Frenemy: Unnecessary & Disturbing Celebrity Perfumes (PHOTOS)
  • Speaking from her Oxford home, the septuagenarian is lustily draining a vodka and melon cocktail whilst voicing her hopes for the book.
  • Her biggest excitement, though, was hearing her guests join lustily in the choruses.
  • However, Smith's one-woman Sound of Music medley was a showstopper, inspiring even my cynical self to join in lustily!
  • _ ` Pugnat in adversas ire natator aquas_, 'yea, lustily for thy life, child. Jacob Faithful
  • The from home business irena, capaciousness, film, and the perspective restharrow are shipboard polder of niche stormbound by a lustily overreaching druthers of fossil and we palaeobotany ugly the pharmaceutical superstition on that woodgrain. Rational Review
  • The deconstruction of the phases of love is especially amusing, and the audience is compelled to join in lustily on the chorus of Neil Diamond's ‘Play Me.’
  • His eyes were raised to the place where the ceiling should have been -- he called lustily in alarm -- then suddenly he was flying up -- and crashed heavily against the invisible ceiling! The Black Star Passes
  • Keeping these latter words to himself, and returning his daughter's nod, he was passing into the workshop, with the smile she had awakened still beaming on his face, when he just caught sight of his 'prentice's brown paper cap ducking down to avoid observation, and shrinking from the window back to its former place, which the wearer no sooner reached than he began to hammer lustily. Barnaby Rudge
  • ‘Everyone knows, Master,’ she breathed, pleasure titillating her every pore as she looked lustily at him through lowered eyes.
  • O, they will bring a lantern, I guess," laughed the sailor, then thinking to put us at our ease, he called lustily as he rested himself at his oars. A Woman who went to Alaska
  • Ralph Rashleigh was moodily contemplating the probable issue of this, his second appearance at the bar as a capitally criminal offender, when one morning, as he walked for the short allotted space in the prison yard, a turnkey halloed his name most lustily, and he went to the hall door. Ralph Rashleigh
  • Ho, landlord!" cried the Peddler, "bring this good fellow another pot of ale, for truly it is a credit to us all to have one among us who can empty a canakin so lustily. The Adventures of Robin Hood
  • For at such times, when he found his martial spirit waxing hot within him, he would prudently sally forth into the fields, and lugging out his trusty sabre, of full two flemish ells in length, would lay about him most lustily, decapitating cabbages by platoons — hewing down whole phalanxes of sunflowers, which he termed gigantic A History of New York
  • Twill tell thee -- the cavaliers drink lustily, and of claret and sherris with spice, whereas, it is true, the elect chiefly do affect ale. Cromwell
  • Taking his foot from a partly opened desk drawer where it had been resting, he placed it upon the handle of a handsome brass-mounted bellows, which proved to be articulating, for, as he pressed, it called lustily, "Come in! A Journey in Other Worlds
  • In the course of their "chaffing" they came to a spot about four miles from Paris, Illinois, where they saw a pig stuck in the mud and squealing lustily. The Story of Young Abraham Lincoln
  • People lined the streets, lustily blowing vuvuzelas or shouting encouragement.
  • But no sooner had the gaoler's feet touched the fairy ring, than he saw and heard like the rest, and he called lustily to the chaplain to come and stop the unhallowed measure. Old-Fashioned Fairy Tales
  • Jack sighed lustily, then shifted to move over her, one elbow planted on either side, his expression arrogantly commanding. A Lady of Expectations
  • She sunk about three yards, and then stopped, at the same time calling lustily for assistance. Lives of the Necromancers
  • The coach had set down six inside and ten out passengers (all voters) about ten minutes before Murphy marched up to the inn door, leading the black mare, and calling "ostler" most lustily. Handy Andy, Volume 2 — a Tale of Irish Life
  • But Picton had not another bit of it; so he called lustily for some one else to sing. Acadia or, A Month with the Blue Noses
  • Reaching the guardroom above, Sir Pertinax called lustily for sword and bascinet, and thereafter chose divers likely weapons for his companions who, with axe and pike and guisarme on shoulder, followed him out into the free air. The Geste of Duke Jocelyn
  • In the winter season when milke faileth them, they put the foresaid curds (which they cal Gry-vt) into a bladder, and powring hot water thereinto, they beat it lustily till they haue resolued it into the said water, which is thereby made exceedingly sowre, and that they drinke in stead of milke9. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • That he did most truly and sincerely believe the existence of “debils-debils” we had proof every evening, for he would sit at the door of his grass hut, maintain a big, dancing fire, and sing lustily under the supposition that a good discordant corroboree was the most effective scare. My Tropic Isle
  • In like manner the commander of Fort Casimir, when he found his martial spirit waxing too hot within him, would sally forth into the fields and lay about him most lustily with his sabre; decapitating cabbages by platoons; hewing down lofty sunflowers, which he termed gigantic Swedes; and if, perchance, he espied a colony of big-bellied pumpkins quietly basking in the sun, "Ah! caitiff Yankees!" would he roar, "have I caught ye at last? Knickerbocker's History of New York, Complete
  • There is no better way of testing whether pain has been felt than by taking the lacerated or contused gums of the patient between the index finger and thumb and making a gentle pressure to collapse the alveolar borders; invariably, they will cry out lustily, _that is pain_! Scientific American Supplement, No. 275, April 9, 1881
  • Tears did not fall from her father’s eyes — not then, as her mother gasped her last; not later, when she herself wailed lustily at the indignity of being thrust out of the womb; and not after, when both mother and child were each bundled as appropriate, in shroud and blanket respectively. Archive 2003-01-01
  • Instead, with the skirl of the bagpipes and a thumping bass beat, on comes Flower of Scotland and we sing along as lustily as if we are at Murrayfield.
  • The audience was woo-hooing lustily before the women, all in their 40s and still rocking in tight black leather catsuits and beehive hairdos, were even finished tuning up.
  • the young plants grew lustily
  • Philips the tutor of Mathematics both being near ran up & seized him, he called lustily for help & one student ran to his assistance Letter from William Bagley to D. W. Bagley, February 27, 1845
  • Amazonian fair having overthrown and bestrid her enemy, was now cuffing him lustily with both her hands, without any regard to his request of a cessation of arms, or to those loud exclamations of murder which he roared forth. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
  • He didn't doubt it in the least; he called; he called lustily; he kicked his new shoes against the fence-post and called: A Melody in Silver
  • Hello in there!" he called lustily, for he wished to warn Patsy of what was taking place, and at the same time to instruct him what to do. A Woman at Bay Or, a Fiend in Skirts

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