How To Use Lustful In A Sentence
Demos they may be but these Hazlewood rarities are rounded, rustic country songs: lustrous and lustful, quirkily and dryly humorous, yet poignant stories from the other side of love.
He had never professed love, just a lustful possessive desire that fueled the cruelty in his obsession.
They listened, with eager attention, to the complaints of their captive children, who had suffered the most cruel indignities from the lustful or angry passions of their masters, and the same cruelties, the same indignities, were severely retaliated on the sons and daughters of the
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Another showed the contemptible hypocrisy of the man, whose lustful glances at other women, as he walks with his wife, changes to anger as another man targets his wife.
Like all air signs, Aquarians carry the double-edged gift of being able to detach their reason from their emotions, allowing them to rationalise their feelings and override base instincts or lustful passions.

Our coats are taken and the women's beautiful dresses are revealed, as are their eyes as they gaze lustfully over Leo's impressive figure.
It is not enough not to commit adultery; lustful thoughts must be set aside too.
But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Ultimately the batterer is himself tricked by his lustful appetite, and his violent acts inevitably escalate.
Sensual and self-indulgent, they will pursue their pleasures as ardently and lustfully as they pursue their professional endeavors.
I feel that it is not necessary for me to go further to convince any one of my readers that the lustfulness of the priestcraft is a menace to the chastity of womankind, for if this nun has told the truth, and which I know from past experiences is true, and which I also know is a recital that could be intensified ten thousand times over, if the whole truth could be told, but which cannot be told in this volume, as I have too much respect for my readers to recite what I have seen with my own eyes and what I have had repeated to me by broken-hearted "sisters" who have come to me with tears in their eyes and with sighs in their throats to tell me of their miseries.
Thirty Years In Hell Or, From Darkness to Light
As a check, ask yourself, "How would my choice of clothing be perceived by my Heavenly my earthly someone with unchecked lustful thoughts.
Growing Up - Learning Modesty in Dress
Now this breaking of the voice is the more apparent in those who are making trial of their sexual powers; for in those who are prone to lustfulness the voice turns into the voice of a man, but not so in the continent.
The History of Animals
The three demons behind Diane were giving the boys lustful hungry glances.
Sex and religion are a constant theme in her lyrics, while her highly charged live performances straddle the divide between divine possession and lustful abandonment.
This I vow in full knowledge of my sins of pride and vanity and lustfulness, and of those sins known and unknown of my husband, and those too of my boy.
Their thoughts betrayed their lustful desires.
They used the very same myth of the lustful African just waiting to deflower Southern maidenhood …
Think Progress » Shep Smith hits Robertson’s ‘devil’ comments: The people of Haiti ‘don’t need that’ at a time like this.
We would often devote our Sundays to having a picnic as we termed our lustful bouts, stimulating ourselves with wine.
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 5 Erotic Symbolism; The Mechanism of Detumescence; The Psychic State in Pregnancy
Technically, the doll belongs to Emily, but whenever Jake has a chance, he takes her away for a bit of kissy-face and lustful chatter.
When she wasn't lustfully nuzzling up to him, wanting to make love, she was spending her time in the Lonely Place, or at least it seemed that way at times.
And what did he say about woman looking at men in lustful way?
Campaigning in Kentucky, Clinton hears sermon on infidelity
I don't think you can go through years of being told every single day that the only reason for your incarceration was your lustful desires without being damaged.
So then in lustful, that is, in darkened affections, is the true distance from Thy face.
The Confessions
He begins by acknowledging his own lustfulness, but then describes a hypothetical man who "leaves his wife and shacks up with somebody out of wedlock" and one who "screws a whole bunch of women.
Jimmy Carter's Lust and North Korea's Nukes
And all my austere nights of midnight oil, all the books I had read, all the wisdom I had gathered, went glimmering before the ape and tiger in me that crawled up from the abysm of my heredity, atavistic, competitive and brutal, lustful with strength and desire to outswine the swine.
Chapter 27
One reading of that, encouraged by the lines immediately following the blank page, is to take 'concupiscible' as synonymous with desirable; but it could be a play on words, as well, since 'concupiscible' can also mean 'filled with strong desire, lustful', which describes the widow to a T, as she lays siege to poor uncle Toby in order to get him as a husband.
Archive 2005-07-01
He is aggressively omnisexual, directing his lustful intentions toward everybody except, of course, Riff-Raff and Magenta.
The cartoon shows some helicopters, tanks and paratroopers converging on a suburban house; a typical schlump who looks like the sort of New York exurbanite not quite witty or lustful enough to get into a Cheever tale stands in the door.
With the same detached honesty he famously records the great events, the invaluable ongoing political story, as well as his own foolishnesses and lustful fumblings.
The female characters are two-dimensional temptresses who do nothing but create lustful havoc.
At some point my lustful desire must have conflated with the love of the letterforms laid prostrate on the Qwerty keyboard.
She then encouraged me to take her and for the last time in this house we had what could be described as a full 25 minutes of lustful intercourse leaving us both very exhausted afterwards.
On my To-Dine List: “Here it is again, just to serve as a painful reminder to myself that until I actually land a job, I am resigned to listful, lustful longing while eating halfway decent tofu pho.
August - Listgeeky is the New Sexy
Some addicts cave in to their most lustful and obsessive desires on a regular basis, while others remain impotent and untemptable no matter what is dangled in front of them.
Club Med is the renowned retreat for lustful yuppies.
Does this young man wholly escape guilt of lust, simply because his gluttonous palate overbore his lustful loins?
Others think his image is more autumnal than vernal, signifying the sin of lustfulness and death—the devil.
Bel's Fire and Little Green Men
The sexist expects men to be ambitious, aggressive, dominant, economically self-sufficient, excited by sports and money, lustful, and emotionally strong.
She might be a prurient woman of lustfulness, or she may be a prudish, puritanical girl.
Spitzer's Whore Should Not Make a Nickel
The holy water have they poisoned with their lustfulness; and when they called their filthy dreams delight, then poisoned they also the words.
Thus spake Zarathustra; A book for all and none
So, like any other warm-blooded lustful man would do, I went to the Intertubeywebs and looked on IMDB. COM.
2009 December « Monster Scifi Show Blog
In his travel writing, and increasingly in his fiction, there's a theme of lustfulness.
Nina's unstable, domineering mother Barbara Hershey, a former dancer who never made it beyond the corps, wavers between overbearing concern, vicarious arousal, and Münchausen syndrome by proxy; even she seems to want to get into the sick S&M game, demanding a little too lustfully to Nina, "Take off your shirt!" so that she can inspect her daughter for self-inflicted wounds.
Rob Kirkpatrick: Burlesque and Black Swan: The Showgirls of Burlesque vs. the Showgirls of Ballet?
It is certain that the anthropoid ape is lustfully excited by the presence of women and I have related how at Cairo (1856) a huge cynocephalus would have raped a girl had it not been bayonetted.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Lustful travellers came from all over the world to watch him dance, naked except for a silk cap atop his curls.
He had never professed love, just a lustful possessive desire that fueled the cruelty in his obsession.
Her gutsy yet lustful performance made her one of the most adored actresses in Hong Kong and also brought critical acclaim.
Unceremoniously walking up to Stefàn and grabbing him from behind, she wrapped her arms around his waist in a possessive manner and lustfully stuck her tongue in his ear.
Who Said It Would Be Easy
Nina's unstable, domineering mother Barbara Hershey, a former dancer who never made it beyond the corps, wavers between overbearing concern, vicarious arousal, and Münchausen syndrome by proxy; even she seems to want to get into the sick S&M game, demanding a little too lustfully to Nina, "Take off your shirt!" so that she can inspect her daughter for self-inflicted wounds.
Rob Kirkpatrick: Burlesque and Black Swan: The Showgirls of Burlesque vs. the Showgirls of Ballet?
Here it is again, just to serve as a painful reminder to myself that until I actually land a job, I am resigned to listful, lustful longing while eating halfway decent tofu pho.
List Lust and Settling for Pho
What if, as Tena appears to be, you're proud of your lustfulness?
New Dole Attack Ad: Hagan Went To A Party Hosted By Atheists!
When we were in the backseat of his car, we began kissing lustfully and our hands groped one another's bodies, in all the right places.
In order to use delusions, such as lustful desire, as a path, however, we must first be devoid of the self-cherishing attitude, that is the greedy attachment to our own self-interest.
The Wheel of Sharp Weapons
I could see myself only raging through life without end like one of Nietzsche's blond beasts, lustfully roving and conquering by sheer superiority and strength.
With no discussion, he glossed the legal meaning of obscene as ‘[t] ending to stir the sex impulses or to lead to sexually impure and lustful thoughts’.
She harshly rolled her big bubble eyes at a couple of brothers who were staring lustfully in our direction.
Show Stoppah
After all, many a time I have seen these farming curs casting lustful glances at my lovely wife.
Just like I choose to not give into lustful sinful behaviour so that I remain faithful to my wife.
Richard Dawkins explains how the gay gene was preserved « Anglican Samizdat
He was hulking, unshaven, and shaking with lustful glee.
If you think of the psychologist Maslow's hierarchy of needs, it's almost like Michael figured out sexuality and has moved to the higher needs, the more difficult, more spiritual and symbolic needs, those small awakenings that are not so much lustful but springing from a deeper source.
Michael Cunningham and a new generation of writers transcend 'gay literature'
he looked at the young woman lustfully
For there are excessive banquetings, and subtle flutes which provoke to lustful movements, and useless and luxurious anointings, and crowning with garlands.
A Dark And Hidden God
You have heard that it was said 'You shall not commit adultery. ' But I say to you that every one who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
And why is it that the research has never been done on the effect of booze on women's lustfulness?
Deep in the nature of all these noble races there lurks unmistakably the beast of prey, the _blond beast_, lustfully roving in search of booty and victory.
Gems (?) of German Thought
So lifting up the Cudgell, he gave him therewith halfe a score good bastinadoes, laying them on soundly, both on his armes and shoulders: and Egano feeling the smart of them, durst not speake one Worde, but fled away from him so fast as hee could, Anichino still following, and multiplying many other injurious speeches against him, with the Epithites of Strumpet, lustfull and insatiate
The Decameron
If there is even a suspicion of truth in tributes which have, to the last eulogist, declared the sublime, apple-tumescing appeal of a plump, lustful, self-destructive alcoholic, whose excesses make top femme fatale Angelina Jolie look like a much tattooed Milly-Molly-Mandy, you have to wonder if blanched, gristly diet victims along Renée Zellweger's lines really represent any kind of shared ideal.
The strange case of Liz Taylor as a 'real woman' role model | Catherine Bennett
The issue is not Roth's depiction of "lustful" Jews as he seems to believe.
Philip Roth and the Jews: An Exchange
Without love, sex becomes more of a lustful event, where one of the two people may be used, or indeed both people may be using each other.
The same God that said thou shall not commit adultery also said thou shall look at a woman lustfully.
Vitter defends Southern influence in GOP, slams Voinovich
That it’s so lustful is what makes it so brilliant.
Needful Things | Her Bad Mother
So, how can one inspire that kind of lustful adoration?
Devra Maza: A Twilight Seduction: What Men Can Learn From Edward
It is a morning of sunshine and lustfulness at chez Humpington.
Obama is everywhere!
She is an incarnation of the Lucretian Venus, an impossible contradiction of holiness and eroticism that prompts even the 'holy priests' of the temple to bless her when she is 'riggish' or lustful.
Leopard Man" is a plotboiler: an old story written for a quick $25: the Leopard Man, a circus performer, tells a reporter of "King" Wallace, a lion-tamer who is hated by another man, a juggler and sword-swallower named De Ville, toward whose wife Wallace had the temerity to look upon, apparently lustfully.
“I, in the course of making my living by turning journalism into literature. . .”
They never demean them in speech, watch vulgar or erotic shows, or associate with lustful or promiscuous women.
‘Oh God, you look so amazing,’ he whispered in a lustful husky voice.
No longer should she mask her fears and pains with lustful desires.
Husband, which she had a more covetous intent to keepe, questionlesse, not caring how many like lustfull matches shee coulde make, to be so liberally rewarded, if this had succeeded to her minde: whereas he shewed himselfe wise and discreete, in paying nothing for his pleasure, and requiting a covetous queane in her kinde.
The Decameron
But whither goes that vein? whither flows it? wherefore runs it into that torrent of pitch bubbling forth those monstrous tides of foul lustfulness, into which it is wilfully changed and transformed, being of its own will precipitated and corrupted from its heavenly clearness?
The Confessions
His own lustful desires had trapped them both and he must remember that.
But I find myself casting my eye around lustfully.
On his whistlestop sojourn to Blackpool, there were autographs and shirts to sign, and sufficient lustful glances from ladies to remind you that one year this fellow received 6000 Valentine cards.
Declarations of love and lustful interest can often be both amusing and embarrassing simultaneously.
In The Maltese Falcon, the dandified villain is a corpulent homosexual with a lustful penchant for ancient art and gunsels.
The body ranges between the sexes, the pose extremely lascivious while the lustfully mounting tones of the overture are played slowly, to be savoured.
People have a lustful desire for entering such enterprises.
Demos they may be but these Hazlewood rarities are rounded, rustic country songs: lustrous and lustful, quirkily and dryly humorous, yet poignant stories from the other side of love.
While dressed in white, Sarah is ostensibly a chaste housewife, in red she becomes the lustful Dolores.
At the same time, his bad temper and lustfulness make him a mirror of his master, and this makes the mistaken identities of Act Two (and Leporello's eventual repentance) all the more realistic.
To Haggerty, love not only implies the emotional bond between pairs of friends, but also the lustful or erotic aspect of such friendships.
It is not enough not to commit adultery; lustful thoughts must be set aside too.
He is aggressively omnisexual, directing his lustful intentions toward everybody except, of course, Riff-Raff and Magenta.
Speaking today a spokesman for Dante said that the new manager's first job would be to purge the lustful, the gluttonous, the avaricious, the violent, the dishonest and the slothful from the team.
Archive 2007-12-01
‘He’ still looks to Nettie often with lustful desires, despite Celie's constant warnings.
She plucked a chocolate and held it between her lips, closing her eyes and moaning so lustfully, the three boys widened their own eyes and shifted about as though they were in torment.
But Fang is schooled not only for survival; he also lustfully relishes the idea of finding meat and of battling with the birds.
Le Milieu, Le Moment, La Race: Literary Naturalism in Jack London's White Fang
The term ‘orgasm’ - derived from ‘organ’, meaning to grow ripe, swell, or be lustful - is applied equally to the sexual climaxes of women and men.
Ted cannot or will not conjure the secret images of his childhood; he does not reveal his lustful desires or disclose how he imagines his own body.
Ultimately the batterer is himself tricked by his lustful appetite, and his violent acts inevitably escalate.
As a man, he was apparently "given to lustfulness but fastidious in other particulars," something which, we are told, "by a curious chance consorts well with the imagery of the plays where there are plentiful references to bawdiness, but where there is also evidence of a general sensitivity to unpleasant sights or smells.
The One and Only
If there is even a suspicion of truth in tributes which have, to the last eulogist, declared the sublime, apple-tumescing appeal of a plump, lustful, self-destructive alcoholic, whose excesses make top femme fatale Angelina Jolie look like a much tattooed Milly-Molly-Mandy, you have to wonder if blanched, gristly diet victims along Renée Zellweger's lines really represent any kind of shared ideal.
The strange case of Liz Taylor as a 'real woman' role model | Catherine Bennett