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How To Use Lurk In A Sentence

  • We've moved from imagining a little homunculus lurking in the sperm to one hiding in the genome.
  • There's a strangeness about the whole image, as though a story lurks untold. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The land was wild and empty, but there always seemed to be a human shape lurking in the tunnels.
  • To the right you see an ordinary nephroid lurking in a coffee cup. Rambles at » Blog Archive » Imaginary Law Firms, Part 1: Brannock, Foley, and Freeth
  • Free-range pigs have shelters shaped as triangles or half circles, but most porkers were lurking inside; pine trees had snow plastered on the north side of their trunks and the hot sun on the south side.
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  • He is out there somewhere, lurking in the shadows of the underworld and, I do not doubt, burning for revenge. LION IN THE VALLEY
  • One of the current topics on the Child-Lit listserv, where I usually lurk, is a discussion "Harry Potter -- Hype or Word Of Mouth," which got me thinking about when I first read HP and its impact on me, personally and professionally. How I Found Out About Harry
  • A dozen or so greenish boulders lurked with angular menace below.
  • I guess Michael Powell has been lurking on some of these community WiFi mailing lists.
  • Drake's eyes made a quick scan of the alley to ensure that no other threat lurked nearby, then his gaze returned to the man.
  • There are human conflicts, but they are by their nature curable, because there's always a higher principle, lurking in the background.
  • Finally, although I didn't hear that Weiner was facing any charges, I'm also taken by this day-after-the-confession "we're going to follow you around the neighborhood" shot in the NYT in which the press not only frames Weiner as someone officials would call "a person of interest," but, like a guy out on bail, we see the visual media starting to own not just the title of paparazzi, but also the "lurker" role. Michael Shaw: Reading the Pictures: Media's Weiner Pictures: Who's Getting Dirty Now?
  • The fact is that our founders did not give us a nation frightened by the apparition of the Deity lurking about in our most central places.
  • That the world has come round is due to the melodic pop that now lurks amid their rock riffs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The NCC could well be lurking near the entrance ready to mount some kind of attack.
  • The light didn't quite reach the high ceiling where carved figures lurked in the shadows of a graceful groin vault.
  • As if whatever lurks in your dreams - in your visions - might take tangible form and threaten you. TIME OF THE WOLF
  • This is an extreme case but it highlights the dangers that lurk online. The Sun
  • Instead of lining up at feeders like proper birds, they lurk in the treetops and skulk in the brush.
  • But his former high school teachers recall that he did it with such panache that few doubted the inner cool that lurked behind his starched shirt. The Sun
  • Teenage fighters with rocket-propelled grenades and rifles lurked on bridges or in derelict areas near the main highway leading west toward the embattled town of Fallujah.
  • It was such a perfect scene of raw unpackaged travel that I half expected to find Jan Morris or Colin Thubron lurking behind a cast-iron column.
  • Aardvarks, rabbits, zebras, and other animals that rely on a more sedentary diet opt for eyes on each side of the head, maximizing their ability to spot lurking dangers.
  • Deep beneath the Nebraska prairie lurks a vast bunker that has lain undisturbed for nearly four decades. Marvel Solicitations for January 2008 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • Euan gives voice to another reason why people "lurk" - or maybe why they never jump into the community in the first place. Knowledge Jolt with Jack
  • He was aware of the elephants and also the dangers that lurk in the jungles. The Sun
  • A grove of crotons became a magical jungle where snakes and other exotic creatures lurked, waiting to pounce.
  • The spores blow in the air to infect nearby plants and can lurk in the soil. The Sun
  • In the studio David Gower, Mike Atherton and Ian Botham lurked around an unusually small cardboard coffee table looking oddly bleached-out, a sense of ghostliness accentuated by the ever-present World Cup logo with its backdrop of faceless, baying cartoon figures set against a glaring firestorm of a sky, like a Soviet-era depiction of some future cricketing apocalypse. India's future is so bright they gotta wear shades | Barney Ronay
  • He was to be found lurking in the band's dressing room whenever they ventured into Mancunian territory, which was often.
  • Whereas in times when there was some order and government the travellers might be safe in the open roads, and the robbers were forced to lurk in the by-ways, no, on the contrary, the robbers insulted on the open roads without check, and the honest travellers were obliged to sculk and walk through by-ways, in continual frights. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume II (Joshua to Esther)
  • A great many surprises are lurking between now and November.
  • Outside, the photographers were lurking, trying to goad her into saying something. Times, Sunday Times
  • She also sings rather well, with a husky, sensual tone hinting at a passion lurking under all those crinolines.
  • There was something about the place, something in the air - not so much a smell, as an aura - that made you check your step, as if you were a rabbit sensing a lurking lurcher.
  • Closer to home, in England's West Country, a man woke with a start when he found a deer lurking in his bedroom after a night of heavy downpours and gale force winds.
  • There is no sultry Russian temptress lurking in the wings. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, perhaps what is lurking underneath all your botheration is the idea that a Muslim has shot his fellow soldiers, this has terrible ramifications that you want to leave to others to “parse,” and none of these conclusions are politically correct. NSFW: After Fort Hood, another example of how ‘citizen journalists’ can’t handle the truth
  • Users of Wikipedia do get to recognise which parts are shaky, but the unwise may suddenly stumble into benighted stretches, like some crinkum-crankum byway in old London, where footpads lurked and communicable diseases were offered at low prices. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Beneath the cartoon graphics lurks a series of puzzles so fiendish and ingenious that only a twisted mastermind could think of them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The word that lurks in the criticism of Webster et al is 'bibliolatry', but strictly speaking that is not something which orthodox believers have been guilty of. Exiled Preacher
  • Eet eez soo gud uv yoo too inviteengz awl zhee noobeez. i wudz like tu adding, pour le noo peepz, dat zhee verree nawt-sekkond commint vouz makeengz eez sentedz tu zhee moder ay torz ware eet be egg zameened wiss zhee mikro skope beefore eet be posted ware weee kan bee seeing eet. pu tetre, zhee lurkerz wanteeng too dee kloakeeng O zhor dwee ou de men. Kittehs help wif science - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • The wraiths and phantoms creep under your carpets and between the warp and weft of fabric, they lurk in wardrobes and lie flat under drawer-liners.
  • And that boy be cockered up much by Mister Dale; and the Papishers went and sat with him and his mother a whole hour t'other day; and that boy is as deep as a well; and I seed him lurking about the place, and hiding hisself under the tree the day the stocks was put up -- and that ere boy is Lenny Fairfield. The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 2, January, 1851
  • He worked on the lurkey itself, it was a huge, sweaty mass, aslosh in nutrients. Across The Sea Of Suns
  • That there would be a time, lurking in the foggy years to come, when the brooch was the lone key to her survival. The Forgotten Garden
  • The danger that lurks within these museum pieces cannot be overstressed, with the possibility of fire, electrocution or both.
  • But an ugly awakening could well be lurking around the corner. Times, Sunday Times
  • Behind the cheery facade of constitutional government lurks the inextinguishable specter of legally unregulated power.
  • If you place your zealot above a lurker, and your archon attacks the zealot, will the splash affect the lurker? Dreiven vs Mondragon Set 2 @ ESL Winners Bracket Finals « Esl Videos « Videos « Literacy News
  • Give me a quiet lurker over a bolshie contributor any day! How was it for you? A look back at the Noughties – Part 1 « Ken Wilson's Blog
  • You then come face to face with a wall of glass, behind which lurks the hotel reception desk, quite unlike any other you will have seen.
  • Because, contrary to what's been said about us in the past, New Zealanders are not a passionless people, and the brightest gems will sometimes be found lurking in a hole in the ground, clad in blue overalls.
  • Obviously, in his later years, when he became king, necessity demanded he modify his ways, but as we witness in “Phoenix on the Sword,” the barbarian is always lurking just beneath the surface. The Triumph of Barbarism over Civilization « Gerry Canavan
  • Hoo gnow whut ebil lurks inna harts ob wimmin! poussinboi says: World Dominashun Training Class - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Advertising can be an enormous lurk for governments to exploit.
  • While the others were leaping around in Union Jack mini-dresses or leopardskin catsuits, flashing tattoos and tongue studs, she was usually lurking in the background.
  • The joy, obviously, outweighs the anxiety – by volumes it outweighs the anxiety – but the anxiety is always, always there, lurking in the dark corners and bursting into the light when I least expect it, casting shadows, imposing a chill. Sweating The Small Stuff - Her Bad Mother
  • Where the blue-bell and gowan lurk, lowly, unseen; Song-Their groves o’ sweet myrtle
  • I guess it's always been there, lurking, waiting for the occasion to show up.
  • These words express fear of the possibility of a destructive risk that lurks in poetry.
  • People seek more balanced diets even as hunger lurks for lack of purchasing power and distributive shortcomings.
  • Yet there is still a lurking softness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite this formidable reputation, it has lurked largely in the shadows in this country. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ship being cleared of Dingdong and his tups: Is there ever another sheepish soul left lurking on board? cried Panurge. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • In some episodes where a threat lurks, the colored scribbles grow dense and fraught, mutely warning against dangers that the character is too naive to see for himself.
  • Behind that gloss was something cold and terrible, that lurked and waited and watched -- something catlike, something inimical and deadly. CHAPTER II
  • Objectively, the plot is slight, but wrapped up in the details there lurks an epic tale.
  • There were several places where Herb might be lurking, and she knew them all.
  • The suddenly-famous Airbus (which happens to be the most comfortable kite Air Canada has ever owned) has been lurking in the background for a long time.
  • As Helen sat, they stood, and with this the mood changed from purely pastoral to a hint of lurking satyr. DEATH OF A NYMPH
  • He thought he saw someone lurking above the chamber during the address.
  • It is terrifying to think that such evil can lurk behind an internet site that brings pleasure to millions. The Sun
  • Pieces are fitted together, all is not as it seems, danger lurks in unexpected places. The Sun
  • The chthonic Dick Whitman still lurks in the shadows, threatening to resurface when others discover the secret box of relics. Janet Turley: Mad Men Season 4, Episode 6 -- Dissolving Identity and the Female Gaze
  • In the richer suburbs plainclothes police lurk on street corners. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sometimes she rehearsed in her mind means of escape from the murderer who lurks always just within the consciousness of the solitary.
  • But those are clichés only to those of cynical persuasion who assume that an ulterior motive lurks behind every altruistic act.
  • He's usually lurking somewhere near the bar.
  • It also makes one wonder how many superlative pieces of literature might be lurking out there, forgotten.
  • Look... why don't you lurk off to the loo, then come back and join me for elevenses ? BABYCAKES
  • There are no known tectonic plate boundaries in the area but a very ancient boundary may be lurking in the area.
  • They lurk in the woods, they watch through the darkness from roadside verges and creep up on unsuspecting victims. Times, Sunday Times
  • A bloodstained tree marks a leopard ‘canteen’ and the diner could be lurking in any of the many caves above us.
  • Yet each year the new paradigm lurks closer and closer. INSIDE THE TORNADO: MARKETING STRATEGIES FROM SILICON VALLEY'S CUTTING EDGE
  • There was a peculiar gleam in his eyes, and a half-amused, half-mocking expression lurked on his inscrutable features. The Cryptogram A Story of Northwest Canada
  • The _greatest Eels_ lurk under Stones [_g of “greatest” _] The School of Recreation (1684 edition) Or, The Gentlemans Tutor, to those Most Ingenious Exercises of Hunting, Racing, Hawking, Riding, Cock-fighting, Fowling, Fishing
  • Hector said it was a jolly good idea and very brave of her and he would be lurking in the corridor in case there was any trouble.
  • There is a sense that the worst is over and there aren't any nasty surprises lurking around the corner. Times, Sunday Times
  • You know, creepy images on videotape and icky looking kids lurking in the back blackness of the frame.
  • Bindii (bindi-eye) - ferocious little plants that lurk in the lawn and then attach themselves to any part of the anatomy they can reach.
  • In perusing the popular culture of the time -- and there is no better psychogram of an era -- I noticed that beyond the Bomb, the Reds and Aliens, there was a greater terror, one lurking in their midst: Teenagers. Jason Pinter: Books Uncovered -- Four Books You'll Want to Read
  • First, a few numbers for the quant lurking in all of us.
  • There were still relics like this lurking in farm buildings when I started out on my agricultural life: I recall finding a woodworm-infected patten lying in the manger of a stable a week or so after the last draught horse had been put to sleep. Country diary: North Derbyshire
  • But an ugly awakening could well be lurking around the corner. Times, Sunday Times
  • For suddenly he became conscious that it was there, behind the trees somewhere lurking, a curious kind of stilly glimmer creeping about the air, along the ground, in and out of the tree-stems. A Silent Wooing
  • I sense a PhD thesis lurking somewhere here. Times, Sunday Times
  • Holding foreign investments inside your portfolio is great, but there may be some tax consequences lurking in the background that you are unaware of.
  • Even a dizzy blonde like Marilyn suggests something more spiritual with the sadness lurking behind her baby blues.
  • Deer love to play by the sides of the roads, waiting and lurking for the unsuspecting car to travel by.
  • Beneath/Below/Under the surface of contemporary West Indian life lurk memories of slavery.
  • The two actors may be unreasonably good looking, but they capture perfectly the regrets and emotional awakenings that rise to the surface as surely as the more literal monsters that lurk in bottomless oceans.
  • For, thought Ahab, while even the highest earthly felicities ever have a certain unsignifying pettiness lurking in them, but, at bottom, all heartwoes, a mystic significance, and, in some men, an archangelic grandeur; so do their diligent tracings-out not belie the obvious deduction. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • I list it along with bluebottles, broken glass, backwash and muggers - the last-mentioned not actually in the surf but lurking in the nearby sanddunes, waiting for an opportune moment to interface with you and your valuables.
  • I had always figured the reclusive Yeti as being a mysterious, private creature who lurked in some backwoods plot of land slowly being bulldozed and turned into apartment complexes.
  • Either way, evil lurked within to snare the unwitting and unwatchful until brave souls rose up to cleanse it.
  • He's usually lurking somewhere near the bar.
  • I'm back to the lurking by the mousehole stage of storytelling, where I wait for the book to tell me how it ends. It's like Goldilocks became a serial killer.
  • Real and imagined depths were lurking under the probing axe, and twice I broke through a crust with boot and ferrule.
  • Prohibition—the legislated imposition of teetotalism on the unwilling—was an idea that had been lurking beneath the earnest pieties of the temperance movement and was transformed in the late 1840s into a rallying cry. LAST CALL
  • Advertisements, that wrought a revolution in that department of literature, my uncle was brought to realise not only the lost history, but also the enormous field for invention and enterprise that lurked among the little articles, the dustpans and mincers, the mousetraps and carpet-sweepers that fringe the shops of the oilman and domestic ironmonger. Tono Bungay
  • I spotted this today in one of the many scary pregnancy forums I've been lurking in recently, and it made every hair on my body stand on end.
  • The world is full of very lonely people, and it's safe to assume that a lot of people lurking and talking in online chat rooms are among them.
  • As they trample on nationalities to reproduce London and Londoners in Europe and Asia, so they fear the hostility of ideas, of poetry, of religion, -- ghosts which they cannot lay; -- and, having attempted to domesticate and dress the Blessed Soul itself in English broadcloth and gaiters, they are tormented with fear that herein lurks a force that will sweep their system away. English Traits (1856)
  • I'd been bewitched by the mystery of a city so unknowable that even full sunshine could not illuminate the shadowy noirness lurking in the spaces between palm trees.
  • It was a heart attack constantly lurking just beneath the surface. Times, Sunday Times
  • She'd feel safer trapped in a cave, with some dark formless danger lurking in the shadows.
  • Beneath/Below/Under the surface of contemporary West Indian life lurk memories of slavery.
  • Where one is particularly apparent, be sure that the other is lurking in its shadow. Why am I Afraid to Grieve
  • Hidden dangers lurk in the ocean depths.
  • Then the rowers in the lurkers, as we call our seine-boats, surround the shoal with a tuck - net, or drag the seine into Mullion Cove, all alive with a mass of shimmering silver. Michael's Crag
  • Whatever it was out there amongst the ferns, he didn't know, but it was lurking, waiting.
  • The canker is suggestive of the character weaknesses, hurtful habits and secret sins that lurk below the surface of our respectability until exposed by extreme stress.
  • In almost total darkness, a hoodie was lurking.
  • Trolling a large lure in mid-river was the undoing of the monster predator that was lurking in the deep section
  • Following Fredric Jameson, he holds out hope that history may yet get beyond aporias to reveal a genuine contradiction ‘with its lurking sense of imminent solution or mediation’.
  • The young birds, which are speckled brown like the hens, tend to lurk beneath the hedge. Times, Sunday Times
  • Inside his Manhattan brownstone lurks something even more terrifying than his business associates: a giant sewer rat.
  • And in the half of him that consented lurked the vivisectionist that is in all of us.
  • Be careful when you go shopping as there could be something lurking in the fruit and veg aisle. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a mystic beauty lurking in its vales and dells, which lifts the soul above the realms of time and space, and makes the beholder sense the presence of the divine.
  • Who knows what other microarthropods are lurking in the sand beneath, interstitial fauna inhabiting the chinks of the world.
  • Posters with his picture will be put up asking the public to contact police if they spot him lurking. The Sun
  • Amid the groves of academe, entrenched in the ivy covered tranquil buildings, there lurks more politics, latent hostility and simply bad manners than one can imagine.
  • Lurking on the cusp of the penalty area Sanjuan met a defensive header with a walloping half volley into Craig Nelson's top right - hand corner.
  • However, behind this façade lurks a strict disciplinarian who never hesitates to act firmly and take unpopular decisions.
  • There are times when I regret the decision to hide in plain sight, fictionalizing accounts of my activities in the pages of The Wraith Magazine so that any reports of a silver masked figure seen lurking in the streets of Recondito will be written off as an overimaginative reader with more costuming skill than sense. Masked
  • Finding little to eat in the bleak, snow-drifted woods, it soon began to depredate on the moose, and killed two or three, generally by lying in wait and dashing out on them as they passed near its lurking-place. Hunting the Grisly and Other Sketches
  • Here's the idea - lurk around on a few discussion boards and poach some of the good ideas you see there.
  • And he abode bewildered about his case and knew not what to do, but, as he was thus behold, in came Abd al-Rahman from his lurking place without the door and said to him, “No harm shall befal thee, for indeed thou deserves” safety. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • There may be some stinky skeleton lurking in his past.
  • But something told Morano that in this fight the stranger was master and that along that pale-blue, moonlit, unknown sword lurked a sure death for Rodriguez. Don Rodriguez; chronicles of Shadow Valley
  • Yet it makes you wonder about the doubts and fears that might lurk beneath. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pulp fiction clichés that mar his portrait of Young's mother are typical: ‘A tough old dame, yet beneath the bulldog exterior lurked a sensitive soul’.
  • Beneath his confident and charming exterior, lurked a mass of insecurities.
  • Bigger bass are lurking underneath; fishing pogy chunks at Lovell Island during the outgoing tide this week, Allison from Go Pogy in Winthrop scored three bass over 40 inches. Home -
  • “Though we talk of the progress that the race has made in learning and enlightenment,” he wrote, “it is alarming to notice … how germs which men deem dead really lurk dormant for ages, and then develop themselves with startling rapidity when they find the proper menstruum”: A Furnace Afloat
  • Two of the new sculptures (all works 2004) feature big plywood or Sheetrock screens behind which lurk some wildly incongruous commercial objects.
  • Even recent liberalisation has failed to dispel deep-seated suspicions that discrimination still lurks beneath the surface.
  • Surprises and plotters lurk along the road ahead waiting to ambush him.
  • TheEvilThatLurksInTheHeartsOfMen runs a fanlisting for DEATH Qdiosa Diary Entry
  • Pieces are fitted together, all is not as it seems, danger lurks in unexpected places. The Sun
  • The villagers reported that the lion from the zoo was still lurking close to.
  • This is an extreme case but it highlights the dangers that lurk online. The Sun
  • Parrotfish, filefish and sergeant major fish prowled as starfish lurked on the bottom. CANOE Travel Features
  • I keep hunting through the mechanical jungle, looking for the human beings that lurk there. Times, Sunday Times
  • While the deal was imperfect, it beat lurking alternatives like another generation split by minefields or another cyclic war of revenge.
  • With hours still to kill, he's lurking around the station when Walker passes.
  • Hoping to make peace and begin to overcome his loss, he is saddened to see the bodachs, gruesome black shades who feed on death, begin to show up on the abbey grounds and lurk over the children.
  • There was pain lurking beneath the sparkling surface of those eyes, and genuine intelligence cloaking itself behind that hail-fellow-well-met act.
  • I know Dean's lurked here at least a little, so on the off chance he's reading this, take care matey.
  • And while I understand that some lurkers don't post for fear of being flamed, that is not a problem for me - I can give as good as I get. Who's On Line and Why Do They not Post?
  • While that is a time-filler for many students, it's returned a sense of positive control to my life as I lurk for comment spammers who waltz in and mark up their unwanted remarks.
  • I never thought of myself as having any morals but it seems a few firmly held convictions are lurking in there somewhere, doing queer things to my stomach when someone questions their validity.
  • I'm not sure if I've ever commented before, but I "lurk" often, and I have a question: Celebrating 300 by Opening the Floor
  • But they are ideal for dealing with those small slugs that lurk just below the soil surface. The Sun
  • An elaborate mantelpiece framed the hearth in a dizzying array of swirls and curlicues, and a tall grandfather clock lurked in the corner like a brooding sentry, counting out the seconds with a gloomy tock, tock, tock.
  • And, on the odd occasion, she did get a glimpse of a violent temper lurking beneath the calm surface of his apparent good nature.
  • They were sorely tested here in another reminder of the ambushes lurking all over the Premier League. Times, Sunday Times
  • The evil genius himself, IBB lurks in the background and I wonder what role he has to play in all of the lawyers say cui bono? Nigeria- cui bono,where's Prezza, image politics and recent reading
  • For certain noted fugitives from the army of King Monmouth (which he himself had deserted, in a low and currish manner), having failed to obtain free shipment from the coast near Watersmouth, had returned into the wilds of Exmoor, trusting to lurk, and be comforted among the common people. Lorna Doone
  • What we object to are the attitudes that lurk beneath the surface his writing such as the persistent and recurring notion that contemporary art is guilty until proven innocent.
  • Confusing, however, same-gender sexual violence with homosexuality, McClurkin misinterpreted the molestation as the reason for his gay sexual orientation. Irene Monroe: The messology of Bishop Eddie Long
  • Lurking behind every chance to be made whole by fame is the axman of further dismemberment. Scott Westerfeld: Uglies Quartet
  • The other one is my familiarity with a bunch of other languages (and having lived in France and Hong Kong) ... beneath this housewifey exterior lurks a polyglot. Guest Blogger Robin Burcell
  • Yet somewhere lurking beneath that charming exterior must lie an evil streak. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even if voters navigate those dangers, another shoal lurks beneath their bow.
  • Racism continues to lurk in the heart of American society.
  • It's nice to have that leeway, in case there are any bad days lurking.
  • A big pufferfish lurked in there and I took its portrait before making my way up to the superstructure, still in the lee of the current.
  • For while they may appear every inch the middle-class professional, there is a growing chance a surprising secret lurks beneath the respectable clothing.
  • I just stare at the can periodically, wondering what kind of unpleasantness lurks just under that lid.
  • Why are you lurking around outside my house?
  • I concentrated on this ominous visage that lurked behind a children's playground a few yards from where I sat.
  • Lurking behind the Euro-sophism is an uneasy sense that, if there were open primaries on this side of the A tlantic, voters might start demanding all sorts of unreasonable things — might, in other words, start behaving like tea partiers. Why Europeans Can't Throw a Tea Party
  • Through the stuttering doors of the other hall lurks a gathering of spare souls who saved for hardbacked notebooks and empty time to be filled with fictions. Reading at the Anatomy Museum
  • The sidestreets had turned into shadowy canyons where monster cats lurked.
  • Has been lurkin, and wheezin. was sick fer a few weeks wif teh bad broncs…breich… icki lunk sick caufin thingies. Plz won’t u be - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • We cut through open remains of stern cabins, the galley and engine room, working up to the wheelhouse, where a large grouper lurks behind the remains of the steering binnacle.
  • Modern man's primitiveness lurks beneath every layer of civilization, at times so obvious that one cannot see it.
  • He could feel creatures all around him, lurking, waiting to sink their teeth and claws into his flesh.
  • Just a dog that can let me know when I'm about to bust into a patch of quail, or when a cottontail is lurking nearby. Who Wrote The Dogs Out?
  • I'm so sorry for your loss. p.s. I'm heather in the 'shwa's sister - who will no longer lurk:) Gingerpie Out: Wordy Thursday Edition
  • They planned their attack for when we all came back from Vivienne's funeral, lurking in wait in our respective rooms.
  • This lurking and sometimes intrusive presence of the past might perhaps be supposed to weaken or dull the impact of the present. Molly Keane's Ireland
  • We are judgmatically placed here, both canoes being hid by the high bank and the bushes, from all eyes, except those of any lurker directly opposite. Pathfinder; or, the inland sea
  • Needles spent from heroin injection litter the streets, left to the unwitting hands of preadolescent children; burned-out teenagers lurk in projects.
  • You sense that somewhere inside the chief inspector there still lurks a head teacher. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just when you thought it was safe to put the vacuum away, you spy yet another pine needle lurking between the floorboards. Times, Sunday Times
  • Uncertain body language is like blood in the water for robbers, touts and con artists, all of whom lurk outside Customs like skycaps.

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