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How To Use Lungi In A Sentence

  • The results were disastrous, plunging the country into deep depression, with high unemployment, sharply falling living standards and serious political unrest.
  • I passed plunging gorges, streams in spate, riverbanks ripped open, fields flooded, a brown soup drowning the track.
  • It proved necessary to row ashore in a small dinghy, plunging through the hot spray past a Turkish battleship that had been moored for so long that the coral had grown up around it, immobilising it forever.
  • Her bare feet created a rhythm of their own as she moved all over the floor, lunging and retracting, parrying invisible foes.
  • The country is sinking/plunging into an abyss of violence and lawlessness.
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  • No creditor is gonna want want a piece of your sweet assets these days unless you've got a nice fat down payment and a plunging debt-to-income ratio that reveals a nice plump credit score. How To Be A Sexy Borrower - The Consumerist
  • Everyone stared at her as the young woman strutted into the room, fingering a spaghetti strap of her red minidress with plunging neckline.
  • Dogs came lunging forward with their fangs bared.
  • His success enfeebled the national democratic process, plunging Cambodia back into turmoil that continues to plague it today.
  • They also feed visually by capturing prey from the surface of mud or water, by plunging their heads into water, and by snatching insects from the air.
  • The fallen tree pulled down electricity and telephone lines, plunging the entire area into darkness and cutting off land line communications.
  • This outfit is one of her more hideous concoctions in the way of outfits: white wedge sandals, a mini skirt made from Dalmatian-patterned suede, and a black and white checked t-shirt with a plunging neckline.
  • The swords sang as the soldier and I danced; pirouetting, blocking, lunging, advancing, and retreating.
  • He walked across the frozen reservoir to retrieve his football but the ice gave way, plunging Luke into the water up to his waist.
  • The men tend to wear a sarong-like garment, the lungi, which is tied around the waist.
  • Civil war and famine sent the nation plunging into anarchy.
  • From the center of its torso, a razor tongue extruded suddenly, lunging catercorner at its intended victim. Notes from the peanut gallery
  • This is really kind of lunging us into the future," said D'Youville President Sister Denise Roche. Boston Business News - Local Boston News | Boston Business Journal
  • Erin tried to arrest his downward progress but the plunging stream carried him bumping along.
  • The cliffs were barely visible now, plunging downwards to a broad inlet spanned by many bridges and surrounded by a sprawling port. THE GREENSTONE GRAIL: THE SANGREAL TRILOGY ONE
  • My caregivers have been instructed that if I ever describe myself as "rhapsodic" they are to continue plunging a Philips screwdriver into my throat until everyone's arms are tired. Cause once is really never ever enough times to be nitwit of the day
  • Women in wet saris and men with lungis hoisted between their legs paddled in the spume to do puja, or worship. Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
  • Plunging her hands into the warm water and lathering them with soap, she began to scrub her face.
  • One day a young female began to wash the sand from the sweet potatoes by plunging them in a small brook that ran through the beach. Cultural Anthropology
  • Consumer and business confidence are plunging as a harbinger of a sharp slowdown in economic growth next year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why is the U.S. blindly plunging ahead with such a potentially disastrous and outmoded concept?
  • A broken V formation of Canada geese passed high overhead, their wild calls plunging down the cold air. ABSOLUTE ZERO
  • Then the Greeks they groaned and quivered, And they knelt, and moaned, and shivered, As the plunging waters met them, And splashed and overset them; And they call in their emergence Upon countless saints and virgins; And their marrowbones are bended, And they think the world is ended. Notes of a Journey From Cornhill to Grand Cairo
  • The plunging global economy is wreaking havoc with British exports. The Sun
  • Once crowded in here, the creatures were prisoned, each in a separate pen, by gates that shut, leaving them no room to turn around; and while they stood bellowing and plunging, over the top of the pen there leaned one of the "knockers," armed with a sledge hammer, and watching for a chance to deal a blow. The Jungle
  • Walking the deck with quick, side-lunging strides, Ahab commanded the t'gallant sails and royals to be set, and every stunsail spread.
  • Greg Bird's girlfriend, whom he has been convicted of glassing in the face, had been "lunging" at him with the glass before it smashed, the ex-NRL star says. National Nine News
  • The peso breached 50 to the dollar, plunging the country further into crisis.
  • One day a young female began to wash the sand from the sweet potatoes by plunging them in a small brook that ran through the beach. Cultural Anthropology
  • But experts said the phenomenon was probably a sonic boom triggered by the space rock plunging through the atmosphere. The Sun
  • Why did he sleep in his car when temperatures were plunging below zero? The Sun
  • A few seconds later I emerge from an arroyo, and with the road now traveling due north, the Santa Lucias loom directly ahead, a great shrouded wall plunging down to meet the Pacific.
  • Oofty-Oofty took a turn on a bitt, the rope tautened, and the Ghost, lunging onward, jerked the cook to the surface. Chapter 21
  • The rising cost of mortgage financing for Detroit borrowers with weak credit has added to the downdraft from a slumping local economy to send home values plunging faster than many investors anticipated a few months ago. Houses Selling for Less than New Cars in Detroit | Impact Lab
  • The fragile euro will implode, plunging the world into another catastrophic financial crash. The Sun
  • Out of the gift box came spanking new saris, shirts, trousers, lungis and nighties and the happiness of the inmates knew no bounds.
  • The intransitive very inactive verb is from the 15th-century Scottish dialect noun lungis, meaning “laggard, lingerer,” rooted in the Latin Longinus, the apocryphal name of the soldier who lanced Jesus in the side, and was influenced by longus, “long,” associated with “slow.” The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • They were plunging feet-first toward a little motorboat putt-putting across the ocean.
  • And don't say a woman's plunging neckline that reveals only the boniest possible chestal region. Archive 2006-07-01
  • Cook the peas by plunging them into boiling water.
  • Silver moved indecisively last week as the market paused after plunging from near-record highs above $49 an ounce. Goldman View, Euro Worry Lift Precious Metals
  • The beast snorted angrily at the cloaked men, and Tim had a hard job of keeping it from lunging.
  • He stabbed at it with his guisarme, plunging the sharp end of it deep into the demons flesh. Cassandra Clare: The Mortal Instrument Series
  • The helicopter was airborne for only a minute when it started plunging toward the river.
  • The flaring ends of the dress were skirted in moiré and beads of black lace edged the plunging neckline and flaring cuffs.
  • She looked starry in a tulle ball gown with a plunging illusion neckline and fluttery full sleeves.
  • Some of the casino crowd were here, an assortment of dinner jackets and plunging cocktail dresses.
  • The overhead light in the room suddenly switched off, plunging the room in darkness.
  • But the third time the terror was so strong that it transmitted itself to my horse, and I could barely stay in the saddle for her plunging and rearing and fighting to return home.
  • Cherry blossoms floated by on the breeze and looking up into the sky was like plunging towards an undisturbed pool of tropical water.
  • By blunging the clay, especially in a high-speed blunger, these lumps can be broken down. Chapter 8
  • She was in lunging motion before Mark had recovered his wits, sliding like a snake southwestward towards Carnarvon and Abermenai, where doubtless her companions were now in harbour or moored in the roads outside the dunes. His Disposition
  • Nestlings use this beak hook in lunging pecks and bites to the backs and heads of their siblings that result in scratches, bruises, and skin lesions.
  • The chick is flicking its head to the side, then lunging forward, gagging. Times, Sunday Times
  • That's exactly what is happening in personal computing, where prices are plunging on vast tracts of open-disk storage space.
  • The candle blew out, plunging the room into a shadowy darkness.
  • It struck both Mr Chan's and Miss Holden's cars before smashing through the crash barrier, plunging 60 ft to the bank of the Weaver Navigation canal below.
  • No one knows better than I, the fatal necessity for any one in your position: more than that, the duty in many cases of plunging into public functions, and all the guttle, guzzle, and gammon therewith connected. The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
  • The blunger shown at fig. stirs the clay slip by rotating two sets of blades at 17 rpm (rotations per minute), and blunging time for ball clay is more than 10 hours. Chapter 7
  • What this means is that journalists need to forewarn people of the dangers of certain words and actions that carry the potential of plunging their communities or the nation into chaos.
  • In repeated tests, other gators also responded the same way, lunging or at least turning their heads toward disturbances in the water - but only when their stubble of domes was lying along the plane of the water's surface.
  • In the meantime, Philippine's export keeps plunging and falling price of palm also begins to threaten the export situation of Indonesia and Malaysia.
  • The men were still exquisite, postured with their arms draped over their heads in stillness or lunging and leaping in wild fits as the Tchaikovsky score crescendoed. Susan Eley: Hooters to Swan Lake During One Week in New York
  • Merchants ran about, plunging their bejeweled fingers into their bulging leather purses in order to recount their coins every three minutes or so.
  • By the outbreak of World War I, moreover, battleship ordnance could once more outrange most of the guns of the shore defenses, with the plunging trajectory of naval shells making open-topped defensive works untenable.
  • Exquisite too is the Kohinoor Diamond of a dub cradled among rocks on the Black Sails ridge above the plunging depths of Red Dell on one side and Coppermines Valley on the other. Country diary: Lake District
  • Plunging both hands deep into the sack she rummaged among the parcels.
  • Every body shape imaginable was squeezed into super short skirts and super tight tops with plunging necklines.
  • It was all a mad swirl, a crazed delirium of plunging horses and shouts in the darkness, but somehow they formed a line.
  • On the way back I passed an old man riding a motorcycle, wearing a blue plaid lungi, dingy white shirt, and a tall red fez with a black tassel.
  • He had enormous glasses and an orange lungi (like a sarong for men).
  • And good news, plunging rent levels mean even more can move in.
  • The vessel exited from his view, spiraling out of control and plunging into the lake moments later.
  • I saw this whole bunch of young people going crazy, plunging into the counterculture, becoming psychotics, among the Baby Boomer generation.
  • These deceitful tactics are plunging mid- and low-income individuals and their families into deeper and deeper debt causing all sorts of unspeakable social vices.
  • The overhead lights suddenly switched off, plunging the café into the semi-darkness of the automatic nightlights.
  • ‘The soccer was never sold out when I was a kid,’ I said, lunging irrevocably into the world of fogydom the instant the words left my lips.
  • He loped down into the shadows, plunging into a cool chamber with ornately carved walls, tiled floors, and trapezoidal stone tables arrayed across them. GuildWars Edge of Destiny
  • To his supporters, Rawlings remains an incorruptible savior and pragmatist who kept the country from plunging into chaos.
  • For those interested in plunging into authentic regional Mexican cooking, this is a good place to start, because the pared-down yet tasty cuisine of Zacatecas is truly a gateway to the flavors found further south. Zacatecas: Culinary Gateway
  • SPICE the labrador had an amazing escape after plunging 150ft down a cliff and doggy paddling in the sea for 40 minutes. The Sun
  • Lunging forwards with all her strength, Cassie pushes Julia backwards into the pool and watches with glee as she reaches the water with a splash.
  • Plunging necklines were rendered almost demure with ruffled detailing and structured hips on a dress made from floral cloque. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • You can hike ravines like Emma Gorge, arriving at a circular pool fed by waters plunging over a high cliff.
  • The intake of air can be minimised by cutting when the transpiration of the plant is low and both stem and bloom are turgid, that is the cells are full of water and stretched to their fullest limit so that stem and bloom are stiff and solid, and by plunging the cut stems straight away into water, preferably warm water as this tends to be taken up more quickly and thus breaks any air lock. Article Source
  • There were also reports of drivers plunging their cars in lakes to escape the inferno. The Sun
  • The right posture not only helps avoid a sore back, it also means better control of the raft by the team as a whole - especially important when you start plunging through rapids.
  • There were kurtas and saris, dhotis and lungis, trousers, towels and aprons in brilliant hues and varied textures.
  • An internal passenger flight had crashed on take-off from Washington: coughing a few feet off the ground before planing through a crowded commuter bridge and plunging into the frozen river beyond.
  • Greg Bird's American girlfriend, whom he has been convicted of glassing in the face, had been "lunging" at him with the glass as it smashed in their hands, the former NRL star has told his appeal hearing. National Nine News
  • The fluid levels in the special bath that protected her betrayer from the dangers of hyperspace flight ebbed, then began plunging. 365 tomorrows » 2009 » July : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • She was dressed in a long flowing gown that did nothing to conceal her charms, its neckline plunging to below her navel in a sharp vee, its long skirt slit up the front of each leg almost to her waist.
  • I passed plunging gorges, streams in spate, riverbanks ripped open, fields flooded, a brown soup drowning the track.
  • She lay with her chin on her forearms, deliciously amused at the sight of Wolf plunging through the shallows, growling like an amphibious tiger.
  • Pick out one particular spot in that imaginary scene, and sketch me in it, with outstretched arms, curved back, and heels in the air, plunging headforemost into a black patch of water and mud. The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices
  • Jean nodded and was quick to strike, lunging his sword in Tyson's direction.
  • The plunging gorges and plateaus offer plenty of scope for bushwalking, climbing, caving and canyoning trips. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the grand musical tradition of Lil 'Kim's 1999 MTV VMA pastie and Jennifer Lopez's plunging green Grammy gown in 2000, Sunday night's MTV Video ... var news_amount = 4; Who Has The Best Chest In Hollywood? (PHOTOS, POLL)
  • Too late - Verrarc was speaking to the militiamen, summoning a pair, plunging into the crowd and heading straight for him. A TIME OF WAR
  • If they foresee a need for help, they check an the availability of other people before plunging ahead.
  • The economy is plunging into recession.
  • The country is sinking/plunging into an abyss of violence and lawlessness.
  • Alphameric was the day's major casualty with its shares plunging 32 percent to 23p as hopes for its profit recovery faded.
  • Like birds plunging into the ocean is a sign of baitfish. Are You A Birdwatcher?
  • The first movement's lunging abrasiveness reminds you that he was Xenakis's favourite pupil.
  • All of the tops were skin-tight, shirred, with plunging necklines. Family Storms
  • Twenty unclimbed mountains, gaping crevasses, blizzards and temperatures plunging to 25 degrees below zero were just some of the challenges overcome by a Navy expedition to Greenland.
  • The country is sinking/plunging into an abyss of violence and lawlessness.
  • Tesla nodded, and did just that, plunging on into the press of bodies with the abandon of an orgiast. EVERVILLE
  • The whole setting is wonderful, with the track swooping and plunging its way through magnificent pine forests.
  • Sammael waited for a moment before lunging his sword at Jessam.
  • The speed of the cat startled the dog and she woofed lunging forward.
  • That system is also creaking to a halt, with plunging enlistments and retentions.
  • Men and boys are dressed in casual lungis or loose-fitting kana robes as they go about their daily affairs.
  • Asian, African and Middle Eastern attire such as the sarong, dhoti, lungi, caftan, kameez, the Chinese robe and the kimono are increasingly turning up on the catwalks of fashion capitals in the west.
  • Plunging into this happy conception headforemost, Mr. Goodchild immediately referred to the county-map, and ardently discovered that the most delicious piece of sea-coast to be found within the limits of The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices
  • The plunging global economy is wreaking havoc with British exports. The Sun
  • For the latter, there are numerous shots of Barrymore and Diaz with plunging necklines and undone buttons.
  • Trails probe the cool inner sanctums of 18 sandstone-walled canyons, where you'll find steep gorges and waterfalls plunging from cliffs.
  • For evening, the collection is a procession of gathers, plunging necklines and backs, irregular lines.
  • The coastline is rough and plunging, its tiny coves barely visible from jagged cliff edges. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then the elephants again, and torches under the mysterious trees, with a sabered escort plunging to the right and left. Guns of the Gods
  • One cachalot killed, it ran at the next, tacked on the spot that it might not miss its prey, going forwards and backwards, answering to its helm, plunging when the cetacean dived into the deep waters, coming up with it when it returned to the surface, striking it front or sideways, cutting or tearing in all directions and at any pace, piercing it with its terrible spur. Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
  • Unfortunately, it doesn't take long for things to begin the slippery slide into mediocrity before plunging off a precipice into idiocy.
  • The traditional garment for men is the lungi, a cloth tube skirt that hangs to the ankles; for women, the sari is the norm.
  • But now he was tied with a chain that defied his teeth, and he strove in vain, by lunging, to draw the staple from the timber into which it was driven. The Mad God
  • Then his father was lunging after the both of them, and he dodged to the side to avoid being pummeled by a fist twice the size of his hands put together.
  • In another place, an overloaded circuit breaker tripped, plunging a corridor into sudden darkness.
  • When initially plunging into a project, Alex circumvents storyboards and goes straight to the computer.
  • The other markings include a smattering of stars plunging from the nape of the neck down her back, a music note on her right ankle, a Pisces sign behind her right ear, a star in her left ear, a Sanskrit prayer going down her hip, and the word shhh .... on her right index finger. The Times of India
  • It's a staccato language of enigmatic hand gestures, flailing arms, touching oneself, herky-jerky starts and stops, plunging into space, crashing, spinning, jumping back up.
  • The show started off at Residency Towers on Saturday with Nidhi's bridal collection (colourful red sarees, snazzy lehengas, lungis and vibrant salwars).
  • Levi near the brass cauldrons of the sanctuary, and every now and then plunging in a consecrated hook, and drawing out of the sea, of broth the fattest of heave-shoulders and the fleshiest of wave-breasts. The Professor, by Charlotte Bronte
  • They first dunk the tissue in a simple solution of ethylene glycol and buffered saline, and then chill the samples by plunging them into liquid nitrogen.
  • The helicopter was airborne for only a minute when it started plunging toward the river.
  • And the 'bhai' would either be speaking Urdu or wearing ankle-high lungi and skull cap and speaking chaste Ramnad Tamil. The Hindu - Front Page
  • Away went these upon their errand to the sea, and then came back the grating roar and plashy jerks of launching, the plunging, and the gurgling, and the quiet murmur of cleft waves. Mary Anerley
  • The boys and I bodysurf and rent surfboards, plunging into happy white breakers.
  • This approach preserves native structure by rapidly freezing the specimen in a thin aqueous layer by plunging into cryogen, without the use of fixatives or stains.
  • For evening, the collection is a procession of gathers, plunging necklines and backs, irregular lines.
  • One was stopped from plunging into a river by pine trees. The Sun
  • It braved plunging surface temperatures and a swirling dust storm that drained its power.
  • Plunging bond yields have swollen the liabilities of all defined-benefit pension schemes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The floaty dress made its regular appearance but Pucci cut it sexily onto the body with plunging V-necks and yokes which skirted slimmingly across the hips.
  • There he would feign despair by plunging fully clad into the swimming pool carrying weighted suitcases.
  • It also offers a natural evolution for the consumer rather than plunging their wardrobes suddenly into a whole set of new trends. Times, Sunday Times
  • Elizabeth groaned and wrapped a shawl around her shoulders to cover her nightdress before plunging out her door with the empty pitcher in her hand.
  • I get marginally better, and finally master a few of the lunging leg exercises. The Sun
  • Instead of plunging into the pool you simply put your head in a salad bowl.
  • If the water flows into the room, grab the tanks and get aqualunging.
  • Flared wraparounds made from Maharashtrian lungis and Maharashtrian Nau-vari saris, kitschy floral jholas and chappals with bead works are also lined up for display at the studio.
  • Passengers were herded to the back of the planes in horrific scenes of panic and confusion as many came to the terrible realisation their flights were about to be sent plunging to the ground.
  • Many ridges are formed on well-cemented, relatively resistant material such as sandstone or conglomerate; they are often rather parallel and alternate with valleys but, in central Pennsylvania, they zigzag because resistant strata were compressed into plunging folds during orogeny and later eroded. Ecoregions of Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia (EPA)
  • On Sunday, the Kentucky-bred son of Pulpit stretched that streak to four when he rated a ground-saving fourth down the backstretch before plunging through a tiny hole on the inside to notch his second consecutive graded stakes victory.
  • Though barn and spire stand against the heavens' downward-plunging level, here we are captive though unfenced. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The tree is also good climbing material for the cat, who seems oblivious to the prickly foliage and spends hours at the top precariously lunging at flies and watching the birds who sit just out of reach on the telegraph wires.
  • A colored film forms over each hair and washes off with shampoo - a safe way to test out a hair color before plunging into the realm of semi-permanent and permanent dyes.
  • Towels, lungis, kerchiefs, nine-yard dhotis, bedspreads and ‘angavastram’ are also on sale.
  • You should also do research before plunging into any new situation.
  • This meant climbing to the top of the 80 ft mast in a safety harness, with the yacht plunging in gusts of wind and a choppy sea, and holding on for dear life for five hours while she attached a spare halyard.
  • As far as the eye can see in all directions is green savannah, dotted with anthills and termite hills, scrub and manioc fields plunging down into forested valleys with jungle and rivers and women carrying huge loads on their heads and thousands of little kiddos shouting “mundele” ‘white person’ in Kikongo almost hysterically and running after the truck as we drive by. Archive 2007-05-01
  • The candle blew out, plunging the room into a shadowy darkness.
  • Instead, as Patel does, they wait in the crease, backfoot, not lunging forwards – using the angles they work the field and then, only when the bowler is forced to compensate in length, the drive. Kevin Pietersen lives the dream in India to end England year on a high
  • A mother is recovering at home after plunging six feet into the ground after a manhole collapsed beneath her.
  • The poet's truth to Nature in his 'gummy' chestnut-buds, and to Art in the 'long green box 'of mignonette -- and that masterful touch of likening the first intrusion of love into the virgin bosom of the Miller's daughter to the plunging of a water-rat into the mill-dam -- these are beauties which, we do not fear to say, equal anything even in Keats. Early Reviews of English Poets
  • I have heard of a story from my Sheikh Hazrat Phulpoori (RA.), that Moulana Qasim Nanotwi (RA.), the founder of Darul Uloom, Deoband was going somewhere dressed in a lungi and a very simple 'kurta' (shirt). Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Solo viola and cello passages sang of solitude; shivering violins sent the temperature plunging. Times, Sunday Times
  • The clay slip is then screened through 60 or 100 mesh, other screened materials like talc or feldspar are added, the slip is thoroughly stirred, and in order to ensure a uniform mixing the slip is screened again. blunging: Where electric power is available, a high speed blunger is used. Chapter 7
  • That is despite house prices and rebuild costs plunging. Times, Sunday Times
  • With a 7-iron, Peter made a tentative, lunging swing and knocked his ball into a bunker again.
  • In another place, an overloaded circuit breaker tripped, plunging a corridor into sudden darkness.
  • In rural areas, Bangladeshi men wear the lungi and a vest or a shirt.
  • Only he has this strange twist of plunging straight into what matters.
  • We have a rich tradition of attire - dhotis, pyjamas, mundus, lungis, angavastrams.
  • To explore this to its logical conclusion, every time you pull your bath plug you see spontaneous order emerge in the way water spirals down the plughole, instead of simply plunging in an every-molecule-for-itself fashion.
  • One of those balls, generally called fire-balls, had fallen from the clouds, and was burning on the plain at a short distance; and the voice which I had heard, and the plunging, were as easily accounted for. 16 posts from March 2010
  • The yuppie apostles of the ‘new economy’ will also be humbled by a plunging stock market.
  • With alternating awe and bemusement, Paul watches as his entrepreneur wife multitasks, plunging herself into the center of whatever she touches - creating, re-creating, changing, improving.
  • Hobbs advises investors to assess their attitude to risk before plunging in.
  • Mr. Lee, I could find in any clodded trifle the outlets of sky my yearning mind covets: hay fever would lead me by prismatic omissions and plunging ellipses of thought to the vaster spirals and eddies of all-viewing Mind. Shandygaff
  • My caregivers have been instructed that if I ever describe myself as "rhapsodic" they are to continue plunging a Philips screwdriver into my throat until everyone's arms are tired. Cause once is really never ever enough times to be nitwit of the day
  • It also offers a natural evolution for the consumer rather than plunging their wardrobes suddenly into a whole set of new trends. Times, Sunday Times
  • The horse was small, but it was sturdy, and it suddenly started bucking and plunging in a manner that would have done a bronco proud.
  • Below is a Gothic fantasy of plunging gorges and isolated mesas - flat tablelands with steep edges - all in paintbox colours.
  • We appear prepared to follow the precepts of free trade wherever they lead us, even if that means plunging lemminglike to our economic ruin. "As an economist, I am supposed to have something intelligent to say about the current financial crisis."
  • After plunging into a sorry plight, the pollster quit poking about and plotted a conspiracy.
  • Incredibly, this vertical shaft - called a moulin (French for mill) - manages to swallow this entire river into oblivion, the water plunging a third of a mile towards the base of the icecap. Home | Mail Online
  • She sucks cool air into her mouth, making him shiver at the sudden temperature differential and then pulls off, just keeping the head inside her mouth, her tongue circling wildly around the frenulum before plunging him back into her mouth as far as she can reach. Study Break--A Sky Without Zeppelins Missing Scene--Happy Birthday Amyo67
  • Plunging head-on, beyond the words he'd carefully prepared to tell his assistant. THE TATTOOED GIRL
  • My eyelids didn't want to stay open, and I shluffed the note off to my bedside table and quickly turned off my light, plunging my room into blackness.
  • Momotombo was said to be shooting great shafts of fire into the sky, and an accompanying earthquake had supposedly sent a government dock plunging into Lake Managua. The Path Between the Seas
  • One of the best ways to punch through the bunker of risk-aversion is plunging into activities and passions off-the-clock, as Lingafelter did with climbing. Joe Robinson: Risk vs. Fear: Safe Is Sorry
  • I happened one day to pass along the lane I have described as skirting the garden of the manor-house, on my way homewards to my farm; and on plunging my eyes, as usual, into the verdant depths of the clipped yew-walks, visible through the iron-palisades, was struck by the contrast afforded to the scene I had just witnessed, not only by its aristocratic tranquillity, but by the grave and subdued deportment of Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. CCCXXXVI. October, 1843. Vol. LIV.
  • The insult, which refers to an ancient religious sect but is commonly used to refer to a self-righteous person, sent Martynyuk lunging for his fellow politician, grabbing him by the neck and pushing him to the ground. Adam Martynyuk Attacks Ukraine Parliamentarian (VIDEO)
  • Ms Telford said the government was trying its hardest to raise aspirations amongst people from low-income backgrounds, but was only dashing their hopes by plunging them into tens of thousands of pounds of debt.

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