How To Use Lund In A Sentence

  • Its heroes were beastly revellers or cruel and ferocious plunderers; its heroines unsexed hoidens, playing the ugliest tricks with their lovers, and repaying slights with bloody revenge, -- very dangerous and unsatisfactory companions for any other than the fire - eating Vikings and redhanded, unwashed Berserkers. The Conflict with Slavery and Others, Complete, Volume VII, The Works of Whittier: the Conflict with Slavery, Politics and Reform, the Inner Life and Criticism
  • Other numerous species include the yellowbilled diver Gavia adamsii, whooper swan Cygnus cygnus, lesser whitefronted goose Anser erythropus, slatybacked gull Larus Schistisagus, Kamchatka tern Sterna camtschatica, guillemot Uria aalge, thickbilled guillemot Uria lomvia, pigeon guillemot Cepphus columbs, ancient murrelet Synthliboramphus antiquus, horned puffin Fratercula Corniculata and tufted puffin Lunda cirrhata. Volcanoes of Kamchatka, Russian Federation
  • With those resources, there's no need to plunder the Arctic Wildlife Refuge or support repressive regimes like the Saudi monarchy.
  • Most, however, returned home, brimming over with plunder.
  • Twitter users shared video clips of his blunder. The Sun
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  • After much blundering and backing, it stopped at the door: rolling heavily from side to side when its other motion had ceased, as if it had taken cold in its damp stable, and between that, and the having been required in its dropsical old age to move at any faster pace than a walk, were distressed by shortness of wind. American Notes for General Circulation
  • The captain, having lost two brave fellows of his troop, was afraid of diminishing it too much by pursuing this plan to get information of the residence of their plunderer.
  • In other words, forgiveness is for real sin, not for foibles, mistakes, excusable blunders, and things we can't help.
  • The taxman is seeking the power to plunder the bank accounts of both individuals and companies to recover unpaid taxes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The conquerors advanced , killing and plundering as they went.
  • I am convinced that what there is of good in that theory of reform of our evils is not advanced toward embodiment in our law by the character of the men who make the Chicago platform an excuse to get the public confidence and carry out schemes of public plunder, political corruption and miscellaneous incivism. The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 10
  • It took the intervention of the media, and the consequent uproar to stop what would have been a truly monumental blunder.
  • They pressed ahead, blundering into the woods through the darkening maze of trees and shrubs. Christianity Today
  • Complexes suggested for Bombay, Calcutta, Jullundur, Kanpur, and Madras would have similar facilities and output, except for product lines specific to certain places. Strategic Management in Developing Countries Case Studies
  • Yet, more serious is the blunder in his statement "the Finzi-Continis moved out of society altogether and began to cultivate what B's father sees as absurd pretensions to nobility (the name Finzi-Contini in Italian actually suggests 'fake little counts'). Bassani's Father
  • So I slipped through the flies, blundered through the warren of half-remembered alcoves and out the stage door.
  • The guileless McKenzie is of course immune, as he blunders through a palsied old world.
  • The term escalate became popular during the Vietnam War and refers to the United States' significantly increasing its involvement, but the term also carries an undertone of blunder. Site Home
  • On land, they plundered logwood, a tree used to produce a dye used in the woolen industry.
  • Why do you blunder about and play the fool? THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • The whole thing has been a hideous blunder, and the idea of encumbering a force of four thousand men with something like thirty thousand camp followers, and with a train of no less than nineteen thousand bullocks, to say nothing of other draught animals, is the most preposterous thing I ever heard of. At the Point of the Bayonet A Tale of the Mahratta War
  • These multitude blunders of the FFI 2004 only confirm the opinion that the organizers should be comprised of young people, instead of old-timers who suddenly resurface with the revival of the film scene.
  • In addition to finally recovering from hepatitis and becoming docent at Lund, it was in this same year that he made his next great theoretical breakthrough.
  • One of the most important things will be to stop the two countries from blundering into conventional conflict without realising the risk.
  • The huge sum has been set aside for payouts to tens of thousands of patients who suffered blunders in hospital. The Sun
  • Jullundur was in a state of the greatest confusion. Forty-one years in India From Subaltern To Commander-In-Chief
  • During the war communities in Unita-controlled areas had been subjected to violence, bush justice and plundering, an Institute of Security Studies (ISS) report says.
  • free non profit debt consolidation owls alundum:vial Featherman The Volokh Conspiracy » Velocious:
  • Manufacturing operations were at Agra (central) for footwear; Calcutta, Bombay (west), and Madras for leather goods; Meerut and Jullundur (north) for sports goods; and at Kanpur (central) for harnesses and boots. Strategic Management in Developing Countries Case Studies
  • Revenue are going after people in a blunderbuss approach without making allowances for the fact that some people have inherited this problem.
  • So I was busy, -- but managed to dismast the _hantu_ prau and wrap it up in matting, so that it went aboard with the plunder. The Spinner's Book of Fiction
  • I am hoping that my hirsute body will prevent any bugs from plundering the sanctity of my inner ear.
  • Lundbeck, which manufactures the drug in the US under the tradename Nembutal, now demands that its US distributors sign an agreement stating that they will not make pentobarbital, which is a sedative with a wide range of uses, available for prisons using it for lethal injections. Troy Davis case brings calls for execution drug controls
  • Of course, if you get rid of the State, not only would you gain friendlier tax brackets (zero sounds good), but "multinational" corporations would no longer be able to hide behind and gain from what Frederic Bastiat lucidly wrote about: legal plunder, aka the law. Cancun Trade Talks, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • BILL SCHNEIDER, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST: Well, Carol, it was the gaffe of the week and maybe the campaign when John Kerry made what he called a blundered joke about President Bush, which came out as an insult to U.S. soldiers in Iraq. CNN Transcript Nov 4, 2006
  • Carlotta was a "prod"; it was only because she came at the end of the alphabet that she was left out, but thanks to Betty's fly-away fashion of running off to speak to some junior ushers, and then calling the Blunderbuss, whose mother wanted to see her a minute, nobody could find out positively who it was that had been "flunked out" of 19 --. Betty Wales Senior
  • It was Chief Buthelezi, who despite the IFP/ANC agreement, continued to politicise and emotionalise this question by demanding that Ulundi be the capital. Contents
  • Humanity has come so far, yet we're still just a bunch of blundering boobs who've learned nothing from past mistakes.
  • They become dusted with pollen from male flowers and, as they blunder around, they transfer it to the female flowers. Times, Sunday Times
  • For far too long they've plundered the pockets of the citizens of this country and treated us with utter disrespect.
  • Humans are discussed as arrogant and blundering, an unflattering contrast to the innocent and compassionate chimps or gorillas.
  • Unfortunately, rather than considering specific solutions, opponents of spam are currently adopting a blunderbuss approach, latching on to every anti-spam technology going in the vain hope that one of them might do the job.
  • Bordered by nine countries, its mineral wealth is brazenly plundered, made possible by an infernally weak state in which corruption, violence and lawlessness are rife.
  • Both blundered about as others plunged the world into conflict. Times, Sunday Times
  • Haha, you silly twit, he won with 55 percent of the vote against Stefan's hero Toby Nixon, in a district that Nixon had carried twice before, a district that once elected Kathy Lambert and the never-to-be-forgotten Bill (Spanky) Backlund. Sound Politics: Urban Legends And Eric Oemig
  • The complainant was an officious intermeddler, a busybody, the town scold, an anti-Christian activist named Darren Lund who had an axe to grind, and Andreachuk gave it to him. Ezra Levant: June 2008 Archives
  • This is with the view of saving lighterage and plunderage, and bringing the great mass of commerce so much nearer to the heart of the City. The Life of Thomas Telford
  • Les Italiens ont leurs _spropositi_, leur arlequin ses balourdises, les Anglois leurs _blunders_, les Irlandois leurs _bulls_. Tales and Novels — Volume 04
  • She cast a sidelong glance at Eric to see if he had noticed her blunder.
  • For seamen, special patterns of musket were introduced and the musketoon, or blunderbuss, became a shipboard weapon useful for discouraging both boarders and putative mutineers.
  • Both blundered about as others plunged the world into conflict. Times, Sunday Times
  • The scoundrels who made their living plundering, murdering those who got in their way, mercilessly defiling women… it was too much for her to bear.
  • They need to be told that they will not become criminals because of the department's bungles and blunders.
  • Forest Goblin shamans are prone to run off dizzily, or just blunder about, unable to distinguish fact from venom-induced fiction.
  • The Black Cats boss says the ropey ref made two major blunders which cost his side all three points. The Sun
  • After the president fled the country, the palace was plundered by soldiers.
  • There were too many temptations to plunder, and little to stop it. SPICE: The History of a Temptation
  • After all, no greedy hucksters could steal or plunder them.
  • Seemingly it's because Sen McCain blundering of information of facts about the War in Iraq has been discovered. Obama: McCain should admit he was wrong on surge comments
  • MIT Press The bombing for the sake of "frightfulness" (an imitation of the Germans) and the insolent demand for unconditional surrender, and the blind policy with Russia were all blunders as well as wrongs, and have produced a stale-mate where materially there was a clear victory. 'The Letters of George Santayana'
  • This administration has debauched our once independent civil service. It has also plundered our pension funds, condemning millions to meagre pickings in their retirement.
  • The days when you could blunder around all over Europe virtually unopposed have gone, you know! LOHENGRIN
  • On the other hand his risky and ill-judged decision to appear before the Petrov Royal Commission in 1954 was a significant blunder.
  • These treasure hunters were coarse and greedy types whose only intention was plunder.
  • Happily, designers continue to plunder the her archive with a riot of florals that look more flirty than frumpy.
  • As can be seen from the failure to pinpoint him this time round, the lapse in security was a careless and costly blunder.
  • But he knows the odd blunder can make games more interesting. The Sun
  • The inn is actually a front for illegal operations involving the luring of ships onto the coastal rocks where the crews are murdered and the ships' cargoes can be plundered.
  • The problem was that nobody got close to him at any time as the Brazilian plundered a hat-trick over two legs. The Sun
  • His nose changed from the natural copper hue which it had acquired from many a comfortable cup of claret or sack, into a palish brassy tint, and his teeth chattered with apprehension at the unveiled audacity of my proposal, which seemed to place the barefaced plunderer before him in full atrocity. Rob Roy
  • Before fleeing East Germany, he took care to excoriate himself from Stasi records and to plunder as many top secret files as he could. CHAMELEON
  • The problem was that nobody got close to him at any time as the Brazilian plundered a hat-trick over two legs. The Sun
  • The currency was hopelessly debased, the government corrupt, the armies more interested in plundering the provinces than protecting them; many people believed the dissolution of the empire was at hand. Superversive: Gondor, Byzantium, and Feudalism
  • The Cardiff centre made a huge blunder three years ago when a couple's last viable embryo was placed in the wrong woman. The Sun
  • A silly thing to say given that the champions have plundered 88 goals in 37 league matches this term? Times, Sunday Times
  • But while she was talking to fans inside, the robber was busy plundering her unlocked car in nearby Barker's Pool car park.
  • Labor hygiene of a brown alundum grinding material workshop ofTaiyuan emery wheel factory was investigated.
  • Currently companies are putting stuff into letter boxes using a blunderbuss approach.
  • There would have been a certain sporting symmetry if he had plundered more goals last night. Times, Sunday Times
  • His countenance was the droll medley of fun, shrewdness, and blundering, that is so often found in the Irish peasant, and which appears to be characteristic of entire races in the island. Miles Wallingford Sequel to "Afloat and Ashore"
  • Lundberg noted the "slavocracy was not terminated .... for moral reasons; it committed suicide for political and economic reasons, blinded by simple greed and vaingloriousness, and long after slavery was abolished in most places elsewhere. Reviewing Ferdinand Lundberg's "Cracks in the Constitution"
  • Of course _Anneke_ couldn't be "electrified" -- but you may find many less evident blunders than that would be. Shenandoah Representative Plays by American Dramatists: 1856-1911
  • They later made a second Chernobylesque blunder by bodging a highly-explosive warhead part back together with tape.
  • Ah yes, salleh, if der is WUN snoflaek in Lundon teh hole citty grindz tu a hawlt. Is there sumthin - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • But the sub shrugged off his problems to plunder a crucial winner. The Sun
  • The dominick hen is setting," ventured Dannie, and Mary's face showed that he had blundered on the truth. At the Foot of the Rainbow
  • a feed from Naslund under the crossbar from the doorstep for his third two-goal game of the season and the fifth of his career. NHL - National Hockey League - N.Y. Islanders vs. Vancouver
  • Four lights have been erected around the bandstand in Lund Park, Keighley, and the entrance in Malsis Road.
  • They plunder the natural resources, particularly oil, in order to compel their allies to submit to their diktat and to a collective imperialism operating to the exclusive benefit of the trans-national corporations.
  • By the time the scattered troops were mustered, the enemy was already returning home and had to be ambushed in passing while laden with plunder.
  • Ser jag åt lunden, där står mången stam 405 med Ingborgs runor ritade i barken. Fritiofs Saga
  • It confirmed Foreign Secretary Russell's fears that ‘acts of plunder, of incendiarism, and of revenge’ would ravage the American continent.
  • Back when you were plotting your online profile, the delete key and edit function bailed you out of blunders before posting to the cyber-nation.
  • The report outlines a string of major blunders. The Sun
  • Well, he's still there - and, no matter what this serial blunderer does, he will stay put as long as the people are not given a choice in the matter.
  • It is now common knowledge that thousands of crores worth of sandalwood is being plundered from our forests every year.
  • An embarrassing blunder nearly blighted his career before it got off the ground.
  • If the pollsters are overestimating Labour's support once more, the consequences of their blunders could leave a lot of leftish voters looking very silly.
  • In 1204, the Fourth Crusade sacked Constantinople and huge amounts of artistic treasures were taken to the West in the form of plunder, to fill cathedral treasuries and decorate cities across western Europe.
  • The winner made one bad blunder six fences from home but that could be put down more to frustration than anything else.
  • If we give up our vague, devastating quest, I suspect the Iraqis will have a lot of suddenly frantic help from the chaos-sponsors and bystanders in their neighborhood, the countries which have been so deeply delighted at the ongoing spectacle of America's ignorant blunder, at the unhoped-for crippling of America, at the astonishing waste of American lives and resources. Frank Dwyer: Better Numbers
  • To me, this paints a picture of a deeply insecure woman who had long since waved goodbye to the verge of paranoia and blundered into the chasm of abject delusion.
  • After the island came a long beach stroll; oystercatchers plundered the mussel beds and crows feasted on small crabs.
  • As we said elsewhere, this readiness to accept and embrace corruption and plunder of the public purse goes deep.
  • It would seem that tips on playing competitive bridge, overweening pride, and short-term plundering were the leadership messages passed on through succession and down the ranks at Lehman. John O'Neil: President Obama's Future Leadership of Capitalism 3.0
  • Per Bylund economist, writer, and founder of web site Anarchism. net.
  • I couldn't really have blundered on anything quite as good as this.
  • Robbins was looking over the morning _Pic. _, detecting, as young reporters will, the gross blunders in the make-up, and the envious blue-pencilling his own stuff had received. Roads of Destiny
  • His mathematical friends could have told him, that though it was talked of as a polygon, it was not supposed to be a square; but _polygon_ would not have rhymed to _stare_; and poets, when they launch into the ocean of words, must have an eye to the helm; at all events a poet, who is not supposed to be a student of the exact sciences, may be forgiven for a mathematical blunder. Tales and Novels — Volume 04
  • Obviously a government can be punished for its blunders at a general election. Times, Sunday Times
  • The council has now promised to withdraw the advert, blaming an administrative error for the blunder.
  • His best form has come in boggy ground and he just lacks the class to plunder this pot. The Sun
  • The notion that she was seconds from rescue before the blunder must be intolerable for her anguished parents to bear. The Sun
  • Lundbeck markets the drug under the name Nembutal. Texas Adopts Animal Drug for Executions
  • And they are still out there now, killing the game and blundering into the path of backs who are far better qualified to attack. Times, Sunday Times
  • The best television generally plunders from books and plays and the arts that existed before.
  • These are molecules that are targeted to specific parts of the inflammatory cascade, so they interfere very specifically with inflammation and they very often don't have the blunderbuss side effects.
  • Even fighting for the glory of the Overlord starts to pale when it's costing you money and there's no plunder in sight. TREASON KEEP
  • What TV needs now, in these uncertain times, is dramatic characters like those of Marshall Herskovitz and Ed Zwick ( "Once and Again," "thirtysomething") or on "Brothers and Sisters" — characters who aren't trying to save the world or plunder it, but are just trying to subsist in it. Too Much Of a Bad Thing
  • The goldfinches chittered and sang like drunken canaries and once in a thunderstorm a barred owl blundered into that fake crystal chandelier she had always detested.
  • Although he does a great job commentating on a fast and unpredictable sport its the blunders and one liners he will be remembered for.
  • This paper deals with the functional responses of Microvelia horvathi lundlad to Nephotetlix cincticeps(vhler) and the coaction and mutual interference among predator individuals.
  • The former president will also be tried in a multi-million dollar case of plunder, a crime punishable by life imprisonment or death.
  • Come back and shut the door, thou blundering dizzard! The King's Daughters
  • However monkey, chimpanzee and many other rare and endangered species are plundered from the forest and killed for food.
  • Nor would they appear to be aware that the blunders committed by the censors, such as they were, were by no means confined to malapert blue-pencilling of items of information that might have appeared without disclosing anything whatever to the enemy. Experiences of a Dug-out, 1914-1918
  • Other blunders interfere more with the visual integrity of the building than its structure.
  • There would have been a certain sporting symmetry if he had plundered more goals last night. Times, Sunday Times
  • Three weeks of rapine, slaughter and plunder were sufficient to anger the king and the emperor, who entered into negotiations with each other.
  • Were they all pretending to be ignorant in order to trap him into making some punishable blunder.
  • Ultimately, when we talk about government, we are talking about a bunch of ignorant bullies, looters, and plunderers.
  • This proved a huge tactical blunder. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • Plundering and raiding, pirating and smuggling were the only ways they could survive in this universe…
  • By defending his blundering ways, this self-serving little weasel shows callous disregard for that poor little girl.
  • Clear Channel, KFI, and John and Ken have been in the wrong to purvey, condone, and sell hate speech in the past and are in the wrong now as they blunder this opportunity to make amends to several key Los Angeles communities. Jorge-Mario Cabrera: John and Ken: The Best Apology Is a Farewell Message
  • It is a good workman that never blunders. (918). 
  • The expedition acquired the character of a vast plundering raid.
  • That's as good a line of reasoning as any, right? jo5h dexter is gonna off lundy. Win DEXTER Season One on DVD | the TV addict
  • I played the gomeral brawly, but in the darkness we blundered ram-stam through the Sassenach lines. A Daughter of Raasay A Tale of the '45
  • This may be criticised on a number of grounds, such as its acceptance of a blunderbuss hit and miss approach, or its presumption of guilt in relation to those whose premises were being searched.
  • Bruce Bennett, who with his partner Kevin Maxfield, opened J. Backlund Designs in 2007, saw Backlund's "doodled" guitar designs on a guitar forum in 2001 and, it took some time, but Bennett finally formalized an agreement with Backlund to make his "VERY exciting" retro-futuristic guitar designs. Inventor Spot - Inventions, Innovations, and Interesting Ideas for the Inventor in All of Us
  • Parodies of the "expressionistic" blunder quickly sprang up in the Egyptian blogosphere; a popular one shows a young man who has inserted himself into the photograph and flies superhero-like ahead of the all of the leaders; in another photoshop collage Obama is looking at the fake photo, laughing. Joscelyn Jurich: US Military Funding to Egypt Needs Investigation
  • He had innocently blundered into a private dispute.
  • A woman suffered neck and back injuries after her car was clipped by a white Ford Escort van outside the Blundell Arms pub in Chorley Old Road, Bolton.
  • He attempted to cover up his blunders by shunting the blame onto dead subordinates.
  • Gloucester's defensive blunders only helped the visitors' cause. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a one-book explanation for the current move to the left in a growing number of Latin American countries, tracing a centuries-long history of rapine and plunder, of genocide and dictatorship, first at the hands of Spain, and more recently under the baleful influence of the US, which operated directly or by proxy to ensure that nothing would ever change. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Hence the relative attraction of a centrally-planned, lowest common denominator mediocracy with just enough capitalism to be plundered and wasted on their ever failing social engineering schemes and flawed political theories.
  • In the past, veggies in shorefront gardens have been plundered by raiding parties from visiting yachts. Times, Sunday Times
  • In May, 1593, sick, and 'tumbled down the hill by every practice,' he would go on exclaiming against the administrative blunders which had let England be baffled and 'beggared' by a nation without fortifications, and, for long, without effective arms. Sir Walter Ralegh A Biography
  • Gloucester's defensive blunders only helped the visitors' cause. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said that the tax was a major political blunder.
  • The blunder was the apparent failure of detectives to inform the Parole Board that he had threatened to return to kill her.
  • A frenzied grouper blundered into Neil, striking his arms and legs. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • Founder Christine Lund describes event as a source of light exercise with an environmentally friendly twist.
  • Justice found no effectual means at his disposal for coping with what he very aptly calls the enslaved condition of Londoners, assaulted, pillaged, and plundered; unable to sleep in their own houses, or to walk the streets, or to travel in safety. Henry Fielding: a Memoir
  • But they went on to make blunder after blunder and it ended up a messy match. Times, Sunday Times
  • On occasion woodchats have been known to plunder the nests of other birds.
  • The difference between pirates and privateers was that the pirates were simply sea robbers who captured or looted ships at sea for plunder, without authority.
  • As a matter of fact this whole rising, if it could be called that, was a succession of blunders, mistakes and errors.
  • Following the announcement, Peter Englund, Permanent Secretary of the Swedish Academy, told senior editor Simon Frantz why Herta Müller's uniqueness comes from the double experience of being part of a minority language while being under an oppressed society. The Nobel Prize in Literature 2009 - Prize Announcement
  • You turned to piracy, you steal, you plunder, you lie, you cheat… you kill.
  • At Kiukiang, where the vessel stopped, the lowdah and his men went ashore after receiving the gold dust and sycee shoes as their share of the plunder, while Wang, taking the junk and cargo as his portion, shipped a fresh crew and sailed on to Hankow, where he set up in business with the proceeds of his ill-gotten gains. Life and sport in China Second Edition
  • So maybe old Rene wasn't such a blunderer after all! Ayn Rand, Wise Philosopher Despite Some Bad Arguments, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • They amassed huge wealth by plundering the colonies.
  • Wiping his sweaty palm on his jeans, he thought about the many times he had blundered in his attempts to ask girls out.
  • He used to say man has had his chance - man has bungled, man has blundered, man has built up a civilization of violence and war, of hatred and strife - the new civilization will be built by women.
  • Catalan plundered the first try after 50 seconds. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘There is no room even for a mouse,’ shrilled the wife of a well-to-do cultivator — a Hindu Jat from the rich Jullundur, district. Kim
  • But Evan was unfazed, and has gone on to write a series of important stories on the way Rumsfeld's forward-leaning style has shaken up the Pentagon, but also contributed to strategic blunders from Abu Ghraib to undermanning the Iraq occupation. The Editor's Desk
  • On land, they plundered logwood, a tree used to produce a dye used in the woolen industry.
  • In 1585 he travelled to the West Indies and the coast of Florida where he sacked and plundered Spanish cities.
  • That says much on a day when Ireland plundered four of the six races. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both stand accused of plunder, an offense punishable by death.
  • The minister has made a series of political blunders.
  • Prime Minister Edward Natapei forfeited his seat after missing three consecutive sittings without notifying the speaker, a blunder one analyst called "flabbergasting". Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • However, lawlessness remained a problem, with bandits known as mosstroopers, very often former Royalist or Covenanter soldiers, plundering both the English troops and the civilian population.
  • But they went on to make blunder after blunder and it ended up a messy match. Times, Sunday Times
  • To combat this double machination of Satan, he was obliged carefully to reperuse the work, and to form this singular list of the blunders of printers working under the influence of the devil. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 17, No. 475, February 5, 1831
  • Traditional chemistry uses a blunderbuss approach, based on the idea that if you produce 10,000 variations of a drug that seems to work a bit you will probably come up with something that works a bit better.
  • When Christianity became the state religion of the Roman empire, the early Christian teachings on land were overtaken by the Roman land laws of "dominium" - a legalization of property in land originally obtained by conquest and plunder. P2P Foundation
  • It is a skillful technician that never blunders
  • There was no order among us — he that was captain today, was swabber tomorrow; and as for plunder — they say old Avery, and one or two close hunks, made money; but in my time, all went as it came; and reason good, for if a fellow had saved five dollars, his throat would have been cut in his hammock. Redgauntlet
  • Victims of the blunders usually have their buildings and contents insurance cancelled and often struggle to renew cover at a reasonable price. Times, Sunday Times
  • Somehow we blundered into the war.
  • ULUNDI, May 20 (Reuter) - Zulu King Goodwill Zwelithini did not arrive at an official presentation of the new KwaZulu-Natal provincial cabinet and premier Frank Mdlalose in Ulundi on Friday because he was "indisposed". ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The blunder was the apparent failure of detectives to inform the Parole Board that he had threatened to return to kill her.
  • He shows how desertions, profiteering, hoarding, and plunder were widespread.
  • No doubt, America has had some terrible foreign policy blunders - some real, others embellished or imagined.
  • The report outlines a string of major blunders. The Sun
  • The introduction of a new child support benefit follows the ministerially appointed Lund Committee investi - gation last year which found serious shortcomings in the present system. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • She could not forgive the nimiety of blunders and Carmen offered no apologies.
  • When she sits back down, my mouth makes one of its first and most terrible swift blunders.
  • It was the most important moment of his career to date, and having blagged my way through several layers of security I'd blundered into the middle of it.
  • The notion that she was seconds from rescue before the blunder must be intolerable for her anguished parents to bear. The Sun
  • This blunder means that we have miseducated a whole generation of young Irish people into having underage sex.
  • Since her disappearance, her bank accounts have been plundered, with illegal transactions worth thousands of pounds made in her name. Times, Sunday Times
  • Comme tous les lundi je devais retourner la matinee chez mes parents pour mon rendez vous chez la psy mais alors que ma mere venait d'arriver a l'appart ', mon telephone sonne et ct le secretariat pour m'annoncer que la psy etait absente ajd'hui et qu'elle repoussait le rendez vous a demain. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Both stand accused of plunder, an offense punishable by death.
  • But this project went unrealized, and after Caesar's assassination he was proscribed by Mark Antony: his library at Casinum was plundered, but he escaped to live the rest of his life in scholarly retirement.

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