How To Use Lunaria In A Sentence
- Most of the Lunarians wore ordinary garments, although their styles of it-upward-flared collars, short cloaks, dagged skirts, pectoral sunbursts, insignia of phyle or family, colors, iridescences, inset glitterlights, details more fanciful still-would have been florid were it not as natural on them as brilliance on a coral snake. The Stars Are Also Fire
- In experiments, jojoba substitutes have been made from the oils of plants such as crambe, limnanthus (meadowfoam), lunaria, and rapeseed. 7 Commercial Uncertainties
- The work of the lunarian, though seldom practised in these days of chronometers, is beautifully edifying, and there is nothing in the realm of navigation that lifts one's heart up more in adoration. Sailing Alone Around the World
- Dr. Gruithuisen, of Munich, maintains that he has descried through his large achromatic telescope "great artificial works in the moon erected by the lunarians," which he considers to be "a system of fortifications thrown up by the selenitic engineers. Moon Lore
- Of such are adlumia, Canterbury bell, lunaria, ipomopsis, oenothera Lamarckiana; and foxglove, valerian, and some other perennials would better be treated as biennials. Manual of Gardening (Second Edition)
- a whirlwind a thousand leagues above the surface of the water, where a new atmosphere meets them and carries them into a capacious harbour in the moon -- A description of the inhabitants, and their manner of coming into the lunarian world -- Animals, customs, weapons of war, wine, vegetables, &c. The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen
- Apparently the Lunarians have finally awoken.
- Finally, the Lunarians made a sudden mass attack on the alien base outside on the surface, almost destroying it.
- When it first arrived, yon volume kept its owner up all night, and its neighbor introduced him to realms more delightful and more strange than if he had taken Dr. Wilkins's lunarian journey. The International Monthly Magazine, Volume 5, No. 1, January, 1852
- The people of Namoris were, supposedly, descendants of the Lunarians, immortal beings, the subjects of the moon goddess Celhyst, banished to the Earth and subjected to mortality for some misdeed against their queen.