- the period of time taken for the moon to make one full rotation on its axis (about 27.3 sidereal days)
How To Use lunar day In A Sentence
- Projecting some excess power as light during lunar day to an Earth-based solar array probably wouldn't be worth much, but adding video to an existing lunar solar power broadcast buildout might enhance it.
- A fascinating clue being debated is whether the water signal rises and falls during a single lunar day.
- At dawn of a two-week lunar day, Edwin Aldrin strides across a small crater near one of Eagle's foil-wrapped landing probes.
- There is, therefore, a constant eastward breeze in the air of the outer galleries, and an upflow during the lunar day up the shafts, complicated, of course, very greatly by the varying shape of the galleries, and the ingenious contrivances of the Selenite mind. First Men in the Moon