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How To Use Luminescence In A Sentence

  • Luminescence is rarely more than 1% efficient and thus of comparatively low intensity.
  • We often went to the park for picnics, sitting on the cannon in the sun, marvelling at the dewy luminescence of the bleeding heart begonias in the steamy green light of the conservatory.
  • When the time arrives to bunker down, when the insides are under threat from the outsides, here sit I, ears tweaked to the luminescence within.
  • Scientists testing old occupation sites by thermoluminescence have suggested an Aboriginal presence of up to 60000 years.
  • Prof. Bradley is one of the 1989 co-inventors of conjugated polymer of electroluminescence. Epolitix News
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  • Mineralization was studied in core using cathodoluminescence, transmitted and reflected light microscopy and fluid inclusion microthermometry.
  • and an overall luminescence far removed from the pervading gloom she was used to. THE GOSPEL MAKERS
  • Conclusions The performanceof Bayer ACS : 180 SE automated chemiluminescence system is reliable and suitable for clinical laboratoryto use.
  • The outdoor stage was lit by the luminescence of the lasers highlighting the magnificent Three Kingdoms Pagodas.
  • The invention belongs to a preparation method and a detection method of an electrochemiluminescence sensor that is used for quickly detecting ammonium (ammonia).
  • In this paper, a novel method so-called bioluminescence inhibition assay with luminous bacteria (Photobacterium phosphoreum) was introduced to evaluate the toxicity of quantum dots.
  • Metallic materials are known to affect the optical properties of quantum dots, either by enhancing or inhibiting photoluminescence, depending on a range of factors including the size and shape of the materials, the distance between them, and the wavelength of light used to induce photoexcitation. - latest science and technology news stories
  • There are different types of luminescence.
  • In addition , From emission spectrum, the as - prepared ultra fine luminescent LaPO _ 4∶ Eu powder can emit bright red luminescence.
  • As soon as a leaf dries, it begins to dull, lacking the luminescence that one full of juices has.
  • Chemiluminescence is a special case of luminescence in which the excitation source is a chemical reaction.
  • The luminescence in these cases may be excited by direct electron impact rather than with UV light.
  • Luminescence is rarely more than 1% efficient and thus of comparatively low intensity.
  • In 1902, he published his theory of electron excitation and luminescence.
  • The color, light refraction and luminescence is also very important. Eye For Details?
  • The sensing of oxygen with phosphorescent probes is based on luminescence quenching.
  • At this symposium, almost all the well-known researchers in bioluminescence and related fields gathered from all over the world, including Martin Chalfie, Roger Tsien, Shimya Inoué and Atsushi Miyawaki. Osamu Shimomura - Autobiography
  • I already knew that the aequorin luminescence was caused by an intramolecular reaction that takes place in the protein molecule, which would be difficult to study. Osamu Shimomura - Autobiography
  • Objective A new chemiluminescence method for determination of resorcinol with flow injection technique is developed.
  • How can he claim Christians’ view of the world should be connected to the observed real world, and yet arrogantly, scandalously dismiss everything from radiometric isochron dating to thermoluminescence to stellar distances to the complete absence of non-radiogenic nuclides with short half-lives to ice cores to varves to tree rings. The Conscience of John Mark Reynolds Speaks... - The Panda's Thumb
  • The bioluminescence emission was visualized following film development.
  • A selection of carbonate and sulphide samples were analysed to determine their composition, and also to correlate any changes in composition with colour zonation identified in transmitted light or under cathodoluminescence.
  • It seems clear that the photocyte has substantial local control of its luminescence and is not dependent on external oxygen in any simple way.
  • By using an improved conical bubble U tube, the spectra of conical bubble sonoluminescence in glycol are detected.
  • Examples include incredibly sensitive eyes - designed to pick up even the faintest blue glow of another animal's bioluminescence.
  • This is because some species are capable of bioluminescence, in which chemicals made by the organism produce light in a chemical reaction.
  • This phenomenon is called bioluminescence, and anyone who has cruised a tropic sea at night will know of it. Where Wonders Await Us
  • The thick black hands flamed with an eerie blue sheen in the low light of the bridge, and dark green eyes glowed with a deranged luminescence from deep-set pits under the gunner's brow.
  • Cue up a kaleidoscope of House Industries techniques, substrates, disciplines and muscle memory compressed into high-definition pixels and actively matrixed through modulated electroluminescence with an audio lesson from Boing Boing
  • The broad luminescence band is emitted with an efficiency of 1 - 5 % .
  • This luminescence is measured and is directly proportional to the number of trapped electrons, and thus to the total radiation dose.
  • Inc. Images of zircon in cross section, as imaged by cathodoluminescence detector on a scanning electron microscope. NYT > Home Page
  • The complexes are thermally stable and exhibit luminescence in the solid state.
  • This ability, called bioluminescence, is strikingly common, shared by as many as 90 percent of the creatures in the open ocean. NYT > Home Page
  • Ultimately he entered the field experimentally with a study on the pseudoflash with J. W. Hastings, soon to attain prominence in the molecular biology of bioluminescence and circadian biology.
  • These electroluminescence immunoassays have an analytical sensitivity of 0.01 ng/mL for cTnT.
  • A man who gets turned on by cold light technology and electroluminescence. Flash
  • The invention belongs to a preparation method and a detection method of an electrochemiluminescence sensor that is used for quickly detecting ammonium (ammonia).
  • Although its biochemistry is well understood and is applied for various scientific techniques, the survival value of bioluminescence to the organisms themselves often remains unclear.
  • A kind of bioluminescence infused the scene, reinforced by noise. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • Rey, Thermoluminescence of deuterated amorphous and crystalline ices, Radiation Phys. Tara Smith Speaks - The Panda's Thumb
  • It's been pretty well established that some squids use bioluminescence to communicate.
  • The relatively large shear forces that stimulate dinoflagellate bioluminescence are higher than typical levels of oceanic turbulence.
  • Increasing beam energy beyond this level actually produces a decrease in luminescence intensity; this is the inhibition phase.
  • The acceleration of the recombination rate and the strong stimulation of luminescence caused by the membrane potential are well known.
  • Despite the sickly light off the bulb, its luminescence still showed that the color of the image had not been diminished by time. COLDHEART CANYON
  • Thermoluminescence dating and environmental radiation monitoring is also pursued within the nuclear physics group.
  • Dinoflagellate bioluminescence differs biochemically from that of other major luminescent groups.
  • We are cautioned against confusing bioluminescence with fluorescence and phosphorescence.
  • Indeed, the presence of bioluminescence explains several otherwise paradoxical characteristics of mesopelagic body coloration.
  • Most of the arthropods consist of an infill of sparry calcite with uniform luminescence.
  • To investigate relationships between neutrophil antibody dependent respiratory burst (ADRB) activity and acquisition of natural immunity to malaria, a reproducible, standardized, high throughput in vitro chemiluminescence protocol was developed, based on merozoites opsonized with antibodies in the sera of two PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • One area of current interest is how low-level chemiluminescence arises from the reaction between hydroperoxide and Hb.
  • You can find more books, videos, and software about deep sea life, marine biology, and bioluminescence at the web site above.
  • The English scholar Francis Bacon observed triboluminescence as he chopped blocks of cane sugar at night in 1605.
  • Even today we have a limited understanding of triboluminescence and much remains to be discovered.
  • There were no windows, but there were, he saw, hairline cracks in the walls from which the luminescence was seeping. SACRAMENT
  • Raman spectrum study indicates that the inclusion minerals show the melting phase feature, and cathodoluminescence images show that this type of zircon has a relatively homogeneous internal structure.
  • Most studies that report in vivo bioluminescence emission spectra or describe the color of bioluminescence only deal with the adults.
  • But in the repeated curve of her thigh and calf he saw shapes like sea shells, with the luminescence and faint muscular rays of the great chambered nautilus.
  • Chemistry and biophysics of bioluminescence.
  • The gloomy sky had given way to an exquisite luminescence, the source of which was not a heavenly body but objects themselves. EVERVILLE
  • The luminescence was quantified in live cells using bioluminescence imaging.
  • Archaeologists used a technique called luminescence dating to show when the early settlers arrived. New Discoveries Suggest Earlier Settlement of Americans
  • Not electrical, but green luminescence; a glowing paint that had been painted along every shelf and spare inch of wall or floor.
  • But differences in spectra led some to suspect that single bubble sonoluminescence was a distinct process from the multibubble variety.
  • The only light was the fetid bioluminescence coming off the heaps of garbage. METAPLANETARY
  • Rapid control of wound infections by targeted photodynamic therapy monitored by in vivo bioluminescence imaging
  • A team of researchers are experimenting with genes to allow the trait that causes fireflies to glow - bioluminescence - to be implanted into a variety of different organisms .
  • Zircons separated from the rock samples were mounted in epoxy resin, sectioned, imaged by cathodoluminescence, and dated using the SHRIMP-II ion microprobe at the Isotope Science Research Centre, Curtin University, Perth.
  • To determine the time since the object was last fired, a sample of around 30 mg is removed and heated to 500°C, which releases the stored energy in the form of light - this is thermoluminescence.
  • In addition , From emission spectrum, the as - prepared ultra fine luminescent LaPO _ 4∶ Eu powder can emit bright red luminescence.
  • The complexes are thermally stable and exhibit luminescence in the solid state.
  • The only light was the fetid bioluminescence coming off the heaps of garbage. METAPLANETARY
  • Despite the sickly light off the bulb, its luminescence still showed that the color of the image had not been diminished by time. COLDHEART CANYON
  • Sonoluminescence arises from acoustic cavitation - the formation, growth and implosion of small gas bubbles in a liquid blasted with sound waves above 18,000 cycles per second.
  • Like an insomniac passing the time, she stares blindly into the artificial luminescence, as though hoping for either a diversion or a soporific.
  • With transfected cells grown as solid tumors in vivo, the bioluminescence light is emitted shortly after systemic administration of luciferin.
  • The unusual combination of familiar faces, and the unnerving sight of desolate domains viewed in night-vision luminescence is perfect for enjoying as the countdown to Halloween nears. Ghost Hunting with VH1: the Celebrity Paranormal Project
  • When caught by a predator, A. wyvillei lights up in a process called bioluminescence.
  • But the work of this small start-up is still limited to computer modeling and trying to detect fusion neutrons from sonoluminescence.
  • His eyes were an unusual green color that gave off a faint luminescence in the gaslight.
  • I wanted to study and clarify the chemical mechanism of aequorin bioluminescence, since some people doubted the existence of a photoprotein like aequorin. Osamu Shimomura - Autobiography
  • New hatchlings, which instinctively head toward the brightest spot on the horizon, confuse urban lights with the ocean's reflection of moonlight, starlight and bioluminescence in the water.
  • The wall was alight, or rather something behind it burned with a cold luminescence that made the solid brick seem insubstantial stuff. THE HELLBOUND HEART
  • This ctenophore seems to be exhibiting bioluminescence, but what the “lights” actually represent is reflection or refraction of the photoflood lights from rhythmically beating cilia. Bloodybelly Comb Jelly
  • Further work will try to determine the chemical reactions occurring during triboluminescence.
  • For 70 years, physicists have puzzled over sonoluminescence, a process where sound waves create thousands of hot, luminous bubbles in water.
  • Many minerals heated at hundreds of degrees emit luminescence, so that thermoluminescence has been used initially in geology, archeological dating and radiation dosimetry.
  • Funny to think that I used to do little more than chase fireflies around the yard; now, I make use of their proteins in bioluminescence assays. Archive 2008-07-01
  • This suggests that directed bioluminescence and the transmission of bioluminescence through gut walls are more important than ambient light for detecting animals at mesopelagic depths.
  • The origin of the initial spike observed upon detection of singlet oxygen luminescence remains unresolved.
  • The tools were dated using optically stimulated luminescence, which is able to date the sand grains on top of the tools and determine when they were last exposed to light, explained Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The coloration of transparent species, the lack of countershading, and the opacity of guts in deep-sea species are all hypothesized to be defenses against detection by bioluminescence.
  • It is generated by an enzyme-catalyzed chemoluminescence reaction, wherein the pigment luciferin is oxidised by the enzyme luciferase. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • When a laser light source is used to stimulate the release of electrons, the process is called optically stimulated luminescence.
  • The membrane was cross-linked for 2 min at a distance of approximately 0.5 cm from an ultraviolet lamp equipped with 254 nm bulbs, and biotin-labeled DNA was visualized by using enhanced chemoluminescence. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Single-bubble sonoluminescence occurs at the rapid collapse of the bubble after a long and slow expansion, and the bubble oscillation in the higher harmonic modes leads to the rapid collapse.
  • Some distance ahead, the hall bent to the left, and from those hidden precincts glowed a nimbus of yellowish luminescence.
  • The thermoluminescence ( TL ) glow curves and 3 D emission spectra of SrSO _ 4 : Eu (( 0.1 ) mol % ) powder sample were measured.
  • Three beams of its silvery luminescence came in through holes in the roof. COLDHEART CANYON
  • Some species are capable of producing their own light through bioluminescence, which also makes fireflies glow.
  • The luminescence of Nia's distinctive voice remains undiminished and her own compositions are unshowy yet lovely.
  • Figure 2a shows a comparison of the ratios of the two peaks of luminescence obtained from full datasets for two separate experiments.
  • Internal textures were imaged using backscattered electrons and cathodoluminescence.
  • Pholasin alone can emit luminescence if exposed to superoxide.
  • If the source is a bioluminescent searchlight, the ideal reflectance depends on the irradiance of the bioluminescence striking the organism relative to the background radiance.
  • However, bioluminescence, which is quite rare on land, is found at all depths in the sea, and ranges from a steady glow to flashes of varying duration, frequency and intensity.
  • It would be most unwise at present to rely solely on luminescence interpretations of geological phenomena.
  • While it is evident why certain organisms display bioluminescence, some organisms such as mushrooms glow for unknown reasons.
  • Specimens were observed using transmitted light, polarized light, reflected light under oil, and cathodoluminescence.
  • In light of their special adaptations related to bioluminescence, buoyancy, crypsis, feeding, intelligence, speed, and vision, they are generally considered to be among the most highly evolved marine invertebrates.
  • The luminescence was quantified in live cells using bioluminescence imaging.
  • When she was very young, she had a quality that's almost indescribable, a luminescence.
  • Methods The levels serum of throid hormone and parathyroid hormone (PTH) in 48 patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) were measured by electrochemiluminescence.
  • Cathodoluminescence imaging revealed that all grains contain a discrete core whose internal zonation was truncated by a surrounding brightly luminescent rim.
  • Detrital quartz from an igneous source is usually substantially brighter in luminescence than quartz of an authigenic origin.
  • This thesis introduces the research history of sonoluminescence, the properties and equipments of single-bubble sonoluminescence(SBSL) and the factors affecting the amount of light emission.
  • A kind of bioluminescence infused the scene, reinforced by noise. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • This property also leads to the intense luminescence and electron transfer capability of porphyrins and many metalloporphyins.
  • In electroluminescence, light is emitted from a thin layer of the polymer when excited by an electrical field. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2000 - Information for the Public
  • The first polymer to exhibit electroluminescence was poly p-phenylene vinylene.
  • It is possible that fluorescence in these medusae represents a daylight functional analog of bioluminescence (similar to ‘blanching’ in comb jellies ).
  • Natural sources of chemiluminescence include fireflies, glow-worms and a variety of bacteria and fungi.
  • The ecological significance of the color of bioluminescence and conservancy of green emission in larval fireflies and other luminescent beetle larvae is discussed.
  • Scientists also have not identified the internal pathways or mechanisms in the organisms that trigger physiological responses to flow, such as bioluminescence and changes in growth rate, nutrient uptake, and structure.
  • The chemiluminescent reactions found in living organisms are called bioluminescence.
  • Electrochemiluminescence technique has became a new gene detection method. It combined the sensitivity of electrochemiluminescence with the stability of traditional biology detection method.
  • Streptococci emit light during log phase growth, and luminescence subsides as they enter stationary phase.
  • Light-emitting diodes LEDs represent various types of semiconductor devices that produce incoherent narrow-spectrum light fascicles when powered with a steady-state voltage electrical source, producing the effect known as electroluminescence. System Led | Surveillance
  • This luminescence makes them interesting candidates for applications in biological test systems or as sensors.
  • Methods 10 kinds of bone marker were determined by enzyme immunoassay and electrochemiluminescence immunoassay in serum and urine of 164 healthy controls and 120 patients.
  • But with the advent of more sophisticated techniques, firstly with thermoluminescence and now with optically stimulated luminescence, our ability to define the limits of that chronology is much sharper.
  • Thermoluminescence is phosphorescence of a material due to heating.
  • • This coherent emission of bioluminescence (having the characteristics of a \ "bio-laser\" emission) was demonstrated by using high technology and methodology, such as a photomultiplier, that is able to determine the Poissonian Photocount Statistics of a \ "biophoton emission\" and the hyperbolic-like relaxation of \ "delayed luminescence\" by analyzing the \ "biophoton emission\" and the Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • When the crystals are pressed or scraped with a rod, the bright green flashes of the triboluminescence will be observed.
  • Reactions were mixed by inversion several times and then placed in a dark chamber with constant stirring in a luminescence spectrophotometer.
  • By 1978, we had achieved a general understanding of the aequorin luminescence reaction. Osamu Shimomura - Autobiography
  • This luminescence is measured and is directly proportional to the number of trapped electrons, and thus to the total radiation dose.
  • They shot downward, through the roiling waves of electroluminescence, and into the protecting grooves of the disk. Tides Of Light
  • During typical sonoluminescence experiments, spectral emission temperatures range up to tens of thousands of kelvins, and the rapidly imploding bubble walls can generate internal shock waves under certain conditions.
  • The glow of the firefly, which is due to the oxidation of the molecule luciferin, with the enzyme luciferase acting as a catalyst in the oxidation process and oxygen acting as the electron acceptor, is an example of bioluminescence.
  • So as the males fly overhead, she illuminates a small patch towards the rear of her abdomen, which produces an extraordinary greenish-yellow light, via a process known as bioluminescence. Weatherwatch: glow-worms
  • During typical sonoluminescence experiments, spectral emission temperatures range up to tens of thousands of kelvins, and the rapidly imploding bubble walls can generate internal shock waves under certain conditions.
  • If the disappearance of the jellyfish had occurred 20 years earlier, we wouldn't have been able to learn the mechanism of the aequorin bioluminescence reaction, as well as the chromophore of GFP. Osamu Shimomura - Autobiography
  • In a technique called luminescence resonance energy transfer, two proteins in a cell are labeled with differently colored, luminescent molecules that absorb light of one color and give it off as another color. Newswise: Latest News
  • nonthermal luminescence
  • This new technology, an imaging method known as in vivo bioluminescence, enables investigators to track changes in the viral population in the same animal day after day.
  • The thermoluminescence does not manifest itself until a temperature of 932°F is reached.
  • Woody, a pioneer in bioluminescence research and one of the early researchers studying GFP, who was a new and especially kind faculty member. Martin Chalfie - Autobiography
  • Polymers can also be made to light up, but by another principle, namely electroluminescence, which is used in photodiodes. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2000 - Information for the Public
  • Royer J.F. "The effects of Belladonna and Ferrum phosphoricum on the chemoluminescence of human poly-morphonuclear neutrophils". Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Next, they engineered the stem cells within the capsules to produce luciferase, the same bioluminescent chemical produced by fireflies, which is highly visible under bioluminescence imaging. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Analyses are being made by traditional and state-of-the-art methods including standard petrography, cathodoluminescence, scanning electron microscope/backscattered electron imaging with energy dispersive X-ray analyses, X-ray energy mapping, and ultraviolet fluorescence. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • The electroluminescence wavelength is 650 to 660 nm and describes the maximum emission at the wafer center.
  • Its surface polishes to a glass-like finish with a neon luminescence.
  • In addition, a number of these compounds showed detectable triboluminescence only in a small range of environmental gas pressure and low temperature.
  • Internal textures were imaged using backscattered electrons and cathodoluminescence.
  • Much of the research into red OLEDs has been directed toward overcoming concentration-quenching problems, a decrease in electroluminescence that can occur at dopant concentrations as low as 2%.
  • Electrochemiluminescence technique has became a new gene detection method. It combined the sensitivity of electrochemiluminescence with the stability of traditional biology detection method.
  • A bubble's collapse can be extremely violent, as revealed in light emission, called sonoluminescence.
  • He studied seawater luminescence and ocean temperatures while charting the path of the Gulf Stream.
  • This might be explained by the pattern of brain generated neural bursts that initiate luminescence and this appears to be the case in P. lucicrescens.
  • He studied seawater luminescence and ocean temperatures while charting the path of the Gulf Stream.
  • In the darkened second gallery were two book-like works involving electroluminescence or fiber-optic light.
  • This suggests that directed bioluminescence and the transmission of bioluminescence through gut walls are more important than ambient light for detecting animals at mesopelagic depths.
  • If the disappearance of the jellyfish had occurred 20 years earlier, we wouldn't have been able to learn the mechanism of the aequorin bioluminescence reaction, as well as the chromophore of GFP. Osamu Shimomura - Autobiography
  • Perhaps one of the best-known techniques is thermoluminescence, which is used on ceramic works.
  • Electroluminescence from semiconductive polymers has been known for about ten years. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2000 - Information for the Public
  • At 150 meters below the ocean surface, all is dark - until the submersible, Alvin, descends into a firestorm of bioluminescence produced by barely visible sea creatures.
  • The synthesis, luminescence and electrochemical properties of two novel phenothiazine derivatives were presented - photon fluorescence emission.
  • The luminescence of Eu 3 + is also observed in TL emission spectrum of CaSO 4: Eu .
  • Once, recalling the bioluminescence of their own seas, some Europans had speculated that these might indeed be living creatures; but their intensity makes that almost incredible. 2010 Odyssey Two
  • A proportion of this energy appears in the form of light emitted by the crystal; this is optically stimulated luminescence.
  • Compared with other types of flat panel displays such as LCDs and electroluminescence displays, FED is advantageous in its brightness and size (a huge size is possible). - latest science and technology news stories
  • At this depth the last rays of sunlight fail to penetrate the water and the only lights comes from life forms that produce twinkles and sparkles of primarily blue and green bioluminescence.
  • Labeled proteins were detected using horseradish peroxidase-coupled streptavidin and chemoluminescence. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Energy lost by electrons as they are evicted from their traps is emitted as light radiation and is termed thermoluminescence.
  • In the nonsilenced plant, strong luminescence was detected from all parts of the section, while no luminescence was found in the control plant.
  • Immunoreactivity was detected with the ECL-chemoluminescence reaction kit (Amersham). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Linear relationships have been found between increasing levels of the supplied amino acid and the bioluminescence emission of the auxotrophic mutant of E. coli carrying the lux system.
  • I guess the other reason is that science finds the unexplained to be a challenge - and there's still plenty of mystery surrounding the exact chemistry or physics that cause that bright pin-point of light that sonoluminescence produces.
  • How do flows trigger physiological responses such as bioluminescence in organisms, or changes in growth rate, nutrient uptake, and cell structure?
  • This illusion of luminescence is achieved not only through the reflectivity, but through changes in the skin tone: Archive 2006-11-01
  • Most of the arthropods consist of an infill of sparry calcite with uniform luminescence.
  • Electrochemiluminescence technique has became a new gene detection method. It combined the sensitivity of electrochemiluminescence with the stability of traditional biology detection method.
  • Intriguingly, rhythmic luminescence in certain lines was affected by only a subset of the pacemaker mutations.
  • The secondary antibody was detected by chemiluminescence.
  • Electrogenerated chemiluminescence can be employed as an analytical tool.
  • The amount of chemiluminescence is proportional to the quantity of the amplified product.
  • Data is obtained by a camera that is connected to a computer system that calculates areas of air pressure by measuring the amount of luminescence on the surfaces.
  • These three triboeffects acoustic emission, triboelectricity and triboluminescence are coherent and all can be used for the friction interpretation as well as to their applications.

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