How To Use Lug In A Sentence
Their ancestors might have looked a little like colugos.
It sits a little lower and the lower floor means more luggage and interior space.
The Sun
Put all the fruit in a saucepan on a gentle heat and add a couple of tablespoons of caster sugar and a slug of something pleasantly alcoholic such as brandy, whisky or even sherry.
The back seats can be moved forward and backward, to make the most of luggage space or rear legroom.
There are two main approaches: one is a synthetic plug the same shape as a cork that can be placed in the top of the bottle in the same way as a cork and removed with a corkscrew, so preserving the ritual of opening a bottle of wine.

Unlike anything else in his catalog, Aura is a ten-part suite composed by Danish flugelhornist Palle Mikkelbourg as a tribute.
This is a Dutch lugger from Samarcand, laden with raisins and fig-paste and lichi nuts and cream dates.
The Merryweathers
Whether these positive initiatives will be enough to overcome disappointment on the limited over-all budget reduction will depend on the extent to which the investor is willing to look beyond near-term sluggishness in North American growth.
Budget '85 Special Meeting of The Empire Club of Canada
The epic cricket battle between England and Australia has sparked a deluge of wagers.
The Sun
Alternatively, you could use a three pin plug with a built-in thermostat, available from electrical retailers.
But what excites me most is that the coffee shop has plug sockets - no more dying gadgets for me.
The Sun
Statistics paint a sobering picture — unemployment, tight credit, lower home values, sluggish job growth.
So, in the next article in this series we'll explore Vim's simple plug-in architecture, which allows you to factor out parts of your .vimrc and isolate them in separate modules.
The electronic power-assisted steering feels well weighted, with a slow rack ratio but an on-centre sluggishness, which is safe and steady but not at all responsive. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
For men, halfhearted comb-overs, plugs, weaves, and toupees are strictly forbidden and will be cause for harsh disciplinary action.
The team built a robot which could distinguish a slug from a stone and pick it up.
Add in endless plugs in magazines and news bulletins and the less addicted may want to flee the country.
Times, Sunday Times
They claim for the bath plug, and in the act of seeking recompense for such a small and essential item they show their incredible greed.
Times, Sunday Times
Unlike other porpoises and dolphins, belugas are quite leisurely.
Well, it wasn't rock and roll as you would recognise it but there was certainly enough power and decibels to give the lugholes a good stinging.
Engines usually idle slower and are sluggish to respond until they warm up.
Perhaps it's because of the deluge of words, perhaps it's the weightiness of the subject, but one doesn't actually become involved emotionally.
If you feel sluggish in the morning, use turquoise tones in the bathroom.
The Sun
Along the way you'll encounter bath plugs, rubber ducks and get the obligatory soaking from intermittent showers.
Then, widening our focus, we looked at Lugbara witchcraft and the ancestor cult which complements and completes it.
The guitars plug in and the amps come to life with a clean thread of pure rock.
It was important that they were allowed to slug it out over the so-called flip-flop on that legislation.
Plug it in to your computer to charge the battery and transfer songs.
His departure from Time Warner coincided with sluggish operating results at the cable channel.
Customers seem fed up with lugging around massive lap warmers.
The weekend bag also arrives ready to go with a debossed leather luggage tag.
The spigot stem had an annular cutting edge to cut a cylindrical plug out of the bung or stopper by twisting the spigot.
One of his idiosyncrasies was a faith in coffee as a panacea; and I heard that while sickening he deluged himself with that beverage, to what profit let physicians say.
From Sail to Steam, Recollections of Naval Life
Many CFOs believe that an unplugged vacation is not an option.
As gardeners already know, all other slugs and snails (or gastropod mollusks, to the experts) sport a soft and slimy foot.
It's only four dudes, but together they play drums, guitar, keys, upright bass, trumpet, flugel horn and assorted "electronics.
The Drift - Invisible (Music (For Robots))
Thomas Lincoln, on the other hand was more like a "fireplug," Price said.
Opening Arguments
The second approach uses an app and plug-in devices or wireless controllers installed next to the equipment.
Times, Sunday Times
Meanwhile I will be lugging words from brain to brouillon.
French Word-A-Day:
While she waited on the step May thought about Maurice's mother looking at Southport's slug-like sea with mean, jaundiced eyes.
Lord of the Rings, the tale of a pacifist-turned-assassin lugging a rifle to a dictator's heartland in order to get off that one critical shot.
Zornhau: Merlin's Snake Oil – or why arcanists are not artillery
En la sama momento papilio, kiu sidis proksime de ni sur la barilo kaj jen etendis, jen altiris siajn rugxajn flugiletojn kun argxenta subajxo, rapide levigxis kaj transflugis al la germana flanko.
The Esperanto Teacher A Simple Course for Non-Grammarians
The cash-strapped councils need the money to plug leaks in school roofs, shore up unstable walls, install modern heating systems, repair cracked, draughty windows and remove temporary classrooms.
And he takes the plug and he plugs it into the generator.
OK, so fitting in four reasonably sized adults may be a tight squeeze, especially with luggage, but for a car of its size it packs a mighty punch.
Birds - blackbirds and thrushes, robins, starlings, rooks and crows, jays, ducks, seagulls and owls will eat slugs
The water going down your plughole, the planets going around the sun, the electrons spinning around a nucleus, they all reflect the same dynamic tension between opposing forces.
If a new unit was plugged in, it would probably burn out at once.
The Enigma machine looked like a typewriter in a wooden box, with an electric current travelling from the keyboard through a set of rotors and a plugboard to light up the ‘code’ alphabet.
Every four years, our brave lads and lasses tend to venture to foreign slopes with faint expectations, which will be duly fulfilled, as they wind up racing to a plucky 32nd in the giant slalom or 29th in the luge.
Currently I've aligned the shim with the frameset cut and have the collar at 180 degrees to the seat lug.
In spite of the complexities of spanning the globe and a sluggish economic environment, most of these tech transnationals have been delivering outstanding financial results.
Where the Sumerian tale presents the deluge as the work of an intemperate overlord whose attitude to humanity is far from benevolent, whose might may not be right, and offers an ethical opposition to him in figure of a merciful intercessor, the Biblical tale ultimately sanctions the genocidal destruction of most of humanity by ascribing it to a God whose wisdom, justice and mercy are presented as unquestionable.
Creative Control - Part 4
I think the days that I haven't been active is when I start feeling very sluggish and I lose the energy, I don't think as clearly.
He loaded the bags on to the luggage rack of the Argyll.
However a red tide can have implications for marine fauna and some organisms including cockles, lugworms and sea potatoes have been washed up onto Sligo beaches as witnessed by many beach users.
So here you had the scenario, you've got a highjacker on the plane; he's got his passport in his pocket, or in his luggage, and they hit the building, and this enormous fireball erupts and this passport floats out of his pocket or whatever, and gets through the fireball without being singed, then it gets out of the building and falls to the ground where somebody can find it.
Interview with David Ray Griffin on the Rob Kall Radio Show
Before she handed him the electric razor, she reached behind the bedstand and plugged the cord into the outlet, then passed the razor to him.
Western Man
Our own hand luggage was stowed firmly beneath our table, out of the danger zone.
John Edwards today said that after watching his rivals slug it out last night, he's proud to represent what he's calling the grownup wing of the Democratic Party.
CNN Transcript Jan 22, 2008
Expect a deluge of apps in the future.
Times, Sunday Times
And from belugas to blowfish, the world's largest aquarium has it all.
Byron Wallen switches between trumpet and flugelhorn, whilst Ed Jones likewise moves from soprano to tenor horns.
With his refined boxing skills and blending in his tendency to slug it out, he can still entertain us with some great fights in the future.
There they gather short, or editor-shortened, letters in which correspondents with opposing views slug away at each other on a topic selected by the editor.
The only problem with slobbing out for the day or having a slugfest as Kelly likes to call it is that you don't have much to write about the next day.
To put it simply, this bike climbs like a squirrel, descends like a greased squirrel on a luge, corners like a decagon, and accelerates like a methamphetamine-addicted rabbit.
Happy Birthday To Me: BSNYC Turns 1
Hence, an isolated piece of tissue removed from an organism—for example, the eye of a sea slug—will maintain its own daily rhythm but will quickly adopt that of the whole organism when restored to it.
If the boot is full of luggage - two of you are away for a weekend - then that has to be removed to make space for the punctured tyre.
Simply fry off a diced onion in butter until soft, add some chopped red cabbage, some vegetable stock and a glug of brandy.
Please attach a label to each piece of luggage.
A certain lugubrious yarn, "My Graves," was my masterpiece.
The Alpine Path: The Story of My Career
Now shush and plug in the hair dryer - I've got some hair to toss!
Alex woke late feeling tired and sluggish.
Use the discount code and pick up some awesome T-shirts, like a skeletonized Hello Kitty shirt or a T-shirt with Edward and Bela Lugosi!
And the All-Time Champion of the World Is...
Thus it is possible to increase an engine 's horsepower or adjust the way a car handles by plugging it into a computer.
Times, Sunday Times
Hinter diesem Gedanken, der ein wenig misanthropisch vorkommen mag, hört man deutlich den milden und klugen Humor, der Ihr ganzes schriftstellerisches Werk durchströmt.
The Nobel Prize in Literature 2002 - Presentation Speech
We had to cart our luggage up six flights of stairs.
This option loads one of the language-specific but format-agnostic plugins.
Some lenders plug in 12 months, requiring you to come up with more cash, and then rebate the difference at year-end.
Afterwards, Terry tells me he ended up putting in earplugs in between songs, the applause and yelling was deafening him.
We return to our hotel to slug whiskey and create conversational doodles in the private bar.
It has started preparing next year's budget weeks earlier than usual to ensure it plugs the budget gap in time.
The Latin translation of Petrus Bertius was literally copied for me by another friend in Holland, Dr.M. Cohen Stuart, from the Scripta adversaria Collationis Hagiensis, Lugd.
The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
Kenny Wheeler, the expat Canadian trumpeter and jazz composer, was 82 last week – but this big band session featuring new themes and plenty of flugelhorn improvising, was recorded only a few months ago.
Kenny Wheeler: The Long Waiting – review
A million cubic meters of contaminated dirt has been converted into parkland, nearly 3,000 apartments, and shopping centers, all with high tech amenities and smart energy meters to make future improvements plug-and-play.
Terry Tamminen: The City of the Future Is Already Here
I was waiting at the luggage carousel and suddenly, beside me, was this six foot blonde Laplander.
One jumps into the pond. Glug, Glug! one green frogs, On a little log.
The room smelled of new calfskin luggage and nail-lacquer remover.
Joe Deeves never did nothin ', never warbled once, an' jes 'because his stomach was out of order, Manchester ups an' plugs him.
The Passing of Marcus O'Brien
I will also be given an excess luggage waiver.
Times, Sunday Times
It will help shed pounds from your holiday luggage too with no books to lug around.
The Sun
Festival to give a reading of your new tome and found that, entirely because of a struggle between competing ideologies, your luggage had to stay at home.
Times, Sunday Times
Seedlings of parsnip, carrot, beetroot and radish must fight off slugs, and weeds also need checking, hoeing them as they grow, to leave the pests nowhere to hide.
She stumbles off the escalator and is swept along with the crowd of Asian businessmen and tourists towards the luggage carousel.
Ye see we march on the tap o Touthop-rigg after we pass the Pomoragrains; for the Pomoragrains, and Slackenspool, and Bloodylaws, they come in there, and they belang to the Peel; but after ye pass Pomoragrains at a muckle great saucer-headed cutlugged stane, that they ca Charlies Chuckie, there Dawston Cleugh and Charlies-hope they march.
Chapter XXXVI
He will also perform live on the show to plug his forthcoming solo album.
The Sun
BBC claims angry iPlayer plugin mob 'conflated' open source term BBC activates iPlayer Flash verification - Locking out open source - Update Article: Adobe Helps PHP Developers Create Rich Internet Applications
Linux Today
Dress with the lemon juice, a good slug of olive oil and season with the salt and pepper.
Times, Sunday Times
Shorter pockets can indulge among the automobilia, with petrol and sparking plug enamel advertising signs at anything from 20 upwards.
Times, Sunday Times
Maps: Some models have built-in contour lake maps, but most need plug-in map cards or downloadable maps, sold separately.
What to Look for in a Bass Fishing GPS
This little extension gives you the ability to plug it in regardless of the USB landscape you are dealing with.
I don't give plugs as a rule, but I make an honourable exception for the annual Saints & Sinners meeting at Hamilton on Wednesday.
They said China relies heavily on exports, though its export growth is expected to slow down due to the sluggish world economy.
The PoGo, which stands for Polaroid-on-the-Go, is an inkless printer that churns out 2x3-inch photos sent to it via Bluetooth devices like cellphones or from plugged-in digital cameras.
Printer Makes a New Kind of Polaroid Magic
But many critics claim the policy of a strong currency has decisively contributed to sluggish growth and record unemployment in both countries.
Including a lot in the price - from door-to-door travel to visas and porterage of luggage - has guaranteed much repeat business.
Times, Sunday Times
What with ripened berries, snails, slugs and insects, there was a veritable feast on offer.
The luggie, it must be observed, varies in size throughout the district.
The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
Will the sports person only agree to the interview if you plug their products?
Times, Sunday Times
Before Sydney, her quest for five gold medals attracted a deluge of media attention.
Real scientists are mostly plugging along, exploring and refuting evolutionary theory's basic constructs all the time.
Launched the GuideLiner ™ catheter, D-Stat Rad-Band ™ topical hemostat, Gator ™ ClipSeal plug, Drainer ™ centesis catheter and Guardian® II hemostasis valve in the U.S.
The vinverse script is actually where vinverse was originally thought, but I recommend getting the actual plugin by tritical instead.
Doom9's Forum
She took out the plug attachment and started dialing.
If you keep plugging away at it, your English will improve.
Here and elsewhere in the book, we shall use the term highest tantra to refer both to anuttarayoga in the Gelug, Kagyu, and Sakya systems and to the unit formed by mahayoga, anuyoga, and atiyoga (dzogchen, rdzogs-chen; the great completeness) in the Nyingma tradition.
Relating to a Spiritual Teacher: Building a Healthy Relationship ��� 2 The Traditional Meaning of a Spiritual Teacher
The report deluged him with criticism, albeit worded in the silky prose of a veteran mandarin.
Very soon, a small, dumpy figure in a shaggy brown overcoat appeared, lugging a large sack.
The deluges also prompted an increase in crop prices.
You just add the episode number to the slug or permalink of your podcasts.
You are off to a fine pya mwaki (new year, in case your Swahili has become rusty) with your January unplug, my friend.
She admitted however, that because so many people had experienced theft out of their luggage they could be feeling "gatvol" and not bother to complain.
IOL: News
For those who don't remember him, Osborne was the charismatic founder of Osborne Computer, makers of the world's first luggable computer, the Osborne 1.
But here's the rub ... if the parents are so plugged-in, why hadn't they heard about the Ultra Mini dataport model?
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Must draw sluggish from the exciter current grid to grid skill category factor reduction.
The machine had some other features to increase the complexity: There was a plugboard to further scramble the letters, and the machine came equipped with half a dozen or so rotors, of which 3 (later 4) were inserted at any one time.
Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
Most airlines in the US will gouge you for taking your bicycle on board, but the Mexican airlines usually let it pass as just another piece of luggage.
He was assuming that the big, bull-necked, slug-like guys were in some way connected with InfiniDim Enterprises, but it was a reasonable assumption and he felt happy about it because they had logos on their armour-plating which said ` InfiniDim Enterprises 'on them.
Mostly Harmless
I grandthinked after his obras after another time about the itch in his egondoom he was legging boldylugged from some pulversporochs and lyoking for a stool-eazy for to nemesisplotsch allafranka and for to salubrate himself with an ultradungs heavenly mass at his base by a suprime pomp-ship chorams the perished popes, the reverend and allaverred cromlecks, and when I heard his lewdbrogue reciping his cheap cheateary gospeds to sintry and santry and sentry and suntry I thought he was only haftara having afterhis brokeforths but be the homely Churopodvas I no sooner seen aghist of his frighte-ousness then I was bibbering with vear a few versets off fooling for fjorg for my fifth foot.
Finnegans Wake
Despite the deluge of World Cup promotions and advertising campaigns, Walkers' heavy spending and football tie-ins appear to have cut through the advertising clutter.
Set aside and heat a glug of oil in a wok.
Times, Sunday Times
Problems range from lost luggage and minor injuries through to road traffic accidents and serious diseases.
Villagers look like they will be losing their main bus service in just over a fortnight, despite a deluge of complaints to the bus company.
Remove all but the sturdiest seedling in each position and protect from slugs and snails after planting.
Times, Sunday Times
Asset management companies set up by governments in Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia and Thailand have mopped up the worst bad loans, unburdening banks by pulling the plug on deadbeat borrowers.
Bona fides: Longtime activist for Darfur who just returned from a week-long trip in the southern half of the country and briefed President Obama at a White House meeting and Sen. Richard Lugar on Capitol Hill earlier in the day.
Celebvocate: George Clooney reps for Darfur
For this trip I planned to put our luggage in a small trailer and leave the backseat open so Ray could stretch out during the long driving days.
The home is compact and stunning, with gorgeous xeriscape landscaping, and the most high-tech green materials and sustainable systems available, including a greywater recycling system, green roof, solar panels, and even a spot to plug in your electric vehicle for charging!
PREFAB FRIDAY: Zero-Energy MkLotus debuts! | Inhabitat
A liveried flunkey doffed his cap and drove the Peugeot away while others dutifully hauled luggage about.
Instead, plug electronics into a power strip, and then flip the off switch when you're not using your appliances.
While the cod, pollack and haddock may have all but disappeared, you stand a good chance of spotting porpoises, minke whales and even the odd beluga.
A proper interpretation of the rocks arid fossils speaks of a global, dynamic, watery catastrophe: the biblical Deluge.
They have encouraged carry-on bags to cut the time and expense of loading luggage into aircraft holds.
This is a difficult concept to grasp for western consumers, who are worried about job cuts and a sluggish economic recovery.
Times, Sunday Times
Similarly, Tom on trumpet & flugelhorn, and Carlos on alto sax, are used for coloration far more often that they are given the spotlight.
When no sponsor was found to plug the gap, it pulled the concert, forfeiting a substantial deposit.
This (the tax change) is a further evidence the government is pulling the plug on the stimulus policies introduced during the crisis," said Jeremie Capron, analyst at CLSA.
Changing trains with all that luggage was a real hassle.
The plug-in manufacturers have developed a real fixation on modeling and mimicking discrete gear, including mics, tape, outboard pieces.
Julio Lugo is the incumbent shortstop, but young Adam Everett could push him out. - 7. Atlanta Braves
Asda Extra Special Prosecco is decent bargain bubbly that makes a soft gluggable alternative to champagne The recession has hit sales of Champagne hard, and increasingly we're November 10, 2009 Quick Summary Afternoon tea is a chance to drop the cares of the world for at least one golden hour. - Articles related to Bumper crop of British blueberries sees sales soar
If this congestion is not cleared up quickly, the blood will clot and arteries that bring the tissues their necessary nourishment will become plugged and the tissues will die.
'Tis a dam sight asier thin goin 'over with a slug iv joynt powder an' blowin 'up a polis station with no wan in it.
Mr. Dooley: In the Hearts of His Countrymen
I'm back after 4 days unplugged in the Virginia countryside.
The water going down your plughole, the planets going around the sun, the electrons spinning around a nucleus, they all reflect the same dynamic tension between opposing forces.
That's fine, but to make the transition from pitcher to slugging outfielder is phenomenal.
Ankiel's comeback has Cardinals back in swing
The cable explained that he "suffered a rare auto-immune reaction to the procedure and the plugs had to be removed.
Gaddafi is ecccentric but the firm master of his regime, Wikileaks cables say
It charges you, it puts a dance in your step, it clears the fog from your senses and plugs you in to a glowing, blaring night that can be yours again.
Reliability- The process fluid flows through the trim, flushing away solid deposits above and below the guide bushing , thus reducing the possibility of a sticking valve plug.
Gently hooking the single clip to a lug on one side of the socket, I then slowly dropped the Volcano into place and used a flathead screwdriver to fasten the clip to the other lug.
Behind the pilot sits a standard astromech droid, plugged into an abbreviated, ventrally-fed socket which requires the droid to compress slightly in order to fit within the vessel's curves.
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Filling a tiny one gigabyte memory stick with music from a home computer, then plugging it into the car, will provide the equivalent of 40 to 50 CDs instead of the six or so an in-car changer can cope with.
The border police required the traveler to unlock his luggage.
Frogs eat a number of different garden pests including slugs, ants and other bugs.
Ragged fire from the slug guns ended in a choking cloud of plaster dust and an ear-splitting roar as most of the west wall fell, severed from its foundations by the azoth Silk had received from Doctor Crane and given to Maytera Mint.
Exodus From The Long Sun
Drain, cut out the core in a pointed plug shape, quarter the tomatoes while peeling away the skin.
Times, Sunday Times
If a stud does rip out, simply patch it with a tire plug and then install a new stud a little further away on the knobby.
Top 10 Tire Tips!
The Model 76 flat-bottomed receiver with integral recoil lug is time consuming to machine while maintaining concentricity.
Andy is really plugged into the popular music scene.
When William Herschel landed at Dover he had in his pocket a single crownpiece, and his luggage consisted of the clothes he wore, and a violin.
Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great - Volume 12 Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Scientists
However, the many lineages of gliding animals today, including a host of lizards, squirrels, marsupials, and colugos show no signs of turning into flappers anytime soon.
The government's been working on an austerity program for months in an effort to plug a huge budget deficit leftover from the global financial crisis.
Britain Announces Steep Austerity Measures
Take out the pancetta pieces, add a slug of olive oil and sweat the shallots until they are soft and translucent.
Times, Sunday Times
All of the light fixtures and electronic devices currently plugged in exploded from the jolt of electric energy that had rocketed from the sky.
Even if we're headed in that direction and the progress is irritatingly sluggish, one shouldn't be grouching about it.
I can remember struggling to match 10 different plugs to 10 different sockets and configure a PC in a desperate attempt to have a teleconference.
Chinese boy, suffering from infantile autism, looks at a beluga whale in Changfeng Park in Shanghai December 21, 2005.
Sera is one of the three great Gelug monastic universities where monks do intensive study and training in Buddhist philosophy.
We were particularly sluggish and incohesive in the first half.
The Sun
You will see in this drawing there is a pivot and lug mechanism.
Mix in offbeat football (it has a feature on Super Bowl Gatorade-dumping on coaches), get in network plugs (Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien and Tina Fey will pop up) and don't forget the mandatory cooking segment (in this case Tom Colicchio from Top Chef on NBC-owned Bravo).
NBC putting on the peacock for Sunday
Worn out or dirty spark plugs are a common cause of misfiring in petrol engines, and cleaning or replacing them can make your car go better.
Times, Sunday Times
Are machines with moving parts unplugged?
I have no sympathy whatever with the idea that a humourist ought to be a lugubrious person with a face stamped with melancholy.
My Discovery of England
Security threats often sneak in the back door via browser add - ons and plug - ins .
This should be configured automatically for EJB modules; you may need to add WAS_50_PLUGINDIR/lib/ras.jar for Web modules (Figure 1).
She pondered her plan while she stood at the luggage carousel and stared blankly at the conveyor.
The dried sample is then transferred to a small thistle-headed funnel which has been cut off from its stem, and the opening plugged with a little glass wool, and round the top rim of which a piece of fine platinum wire has been fastened, in order that it may afterwards be easily removed from the Soxhlet tube.
Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
_Carrambo_! it's fetched beaver down to a plew a plug; while only ten years ago, we could get six _pesos_ the skin!
The Wild Huntress Love in the Wilderness
But with just one day to go, fate spites me with a deluge and I shall drive to work draped in towels and with a cap on my head.
Their day-to-day diet is a mix of worms, lugworm, white rag, smashed up shellfish like razorfish, cockles and sand clams, small crabs, shrimps and even small fish, for they, like most sea fish, are a predator in their own right.
The stock attaches to a lug at the bottom rear of the grip frame.
The study places the Eastern Arctic bowhead whale, Western arctic bowhead whale and the Eastern Hudson Bay beluga whale on the list of species facing imminent extinction.
La gente que se siente afectada por no tener el ultimo chichito tecnologico o pagarlo un poco más, solo piensan en su hedonismo y no en el país, que sí necesita afianzar su industria, como la supo tener y que necesita dar trabajo a los argentinos, en lugar de darle trabajo a los obreros de otras latitudes; es muy mezquina la actitud de los detractores a esta idea.
Global Voices in English » Argentina: Proposal to Increase Taxes on Some Technology Products
The ethylene dibromide misses some of the lead because what is not caught by it and blown out the exhaust as lead bromide is deposited in the combustion chamber and on the spark plugs.
I'm also very grateful to my travel companions, who rallied round me, helped me carry my luggage, and looked out for me in crowds.
Several kilos of crack were found in her luggage.
A puff of smoke from behind a distant rock, the boom of a jezail, and Desmond fell beside the Boy, stunned by a well-aimed shot on the edge of the cheek-bone, the slug glancing off perilously close to the right eye.
Captain Desmond, V.C.
(Survey Report 6800 summarizing Adm. 68/194, and Survey Report 6801 summarizing Adm. 68/195, Virginia Colonial Records Project, Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library, University of Virginia.) [8] "The lowest grade [of tobacco] was known as lugs as early as 1686. ...
Letter from Robert Carter to William Dawkins, April 16, 1730