How To Use Luda In A Sentence

  • It is a public good with two attributes - “non-rivalrous competition” and non-excludability - meaning it is difficult to prevent others from enjoying its benefits. B2fxxx
  • Unfortunately the investigations undertaken for this end have for a long time been fruitless, for the preconceived paludal theory has led investigators to occupy themselves exclusively with the inferior organisms inhabiting marshes. Scientific American Supplement, No. 458, October 11, 1884
  • These permanently domiciled non-citizens were includable in the population of the states where they resided. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Congress Should Reapportion Representatives Only on the Basis of Citizen Populations”
  • All interesting, and potentially includable, but, of course, space is limited and those who make the final cut are either contemporary composers whose profile is such that you cannot ignore them (e.g. Lindberg and Adès) or simply either reflect the enthusiasms of myself and fellow contributors. Laurence Vittes: Want to Know More About Classical Music? Read Joe Staines' Rough Guide to Classical Music
  • My comrade is English, I am Irish," said Ludar, "and unless we have food forthwith, we are not even that. Sir Ludar A Story of the Days of the Great Queen Bess
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  • Because of these "nonrival" and "nonexcludable" characteristics, Flaubert's publisher would have a more difficult time coming up with a business plan than the petunia farmer. The Public Domain Enclosing the Commons of the Mind
  • Lancisi was completely imbued with the paludal notion, and consequently believed that the very severe malaria of Cistema was brought by the winds from the coast marshes, instead of being produced in the soil surrounding the district, which was then covered by this forest. Scientific American Supplement, No. 458, October 11, 1884
  • The menu design reflects to an extent the costs of excludability of various religious goods, and the menu-monitoring approach implicitly allows some free-riding to dynamically foster commitment. Archive 2008-04-01
  • Kulf-faluda or gula jamun sweet, cream-flled dessert THE PROGRAM
  • He instructs the masters to lecture regularly according to the statutes and to explain the text of Aristotle, "de puncto in punctum," and, holding that fear and reverence are the life-blood of scholastic discipline, he repeats an injunction which we find in 1336, that the students in Arts are to sit not on benches or raised seats, but on (p.  144) the floor, "ut occasio superbiae a juvenibus secludatur. Life in the Medieval University
  • Grown folks seined for fish in Big Crick and Saluda River at night, 'cause dey couldn't git away f'um field wuk in de day. Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves Georgia Narratives, Part 2
  • The paludamentum, a military style of garment reminiscent of the chlamys that Agrippina Minor once scandalously wore in public, had previously been reserved for the wardrobe of emperors. Caesars’ Wives
  • We owe to it the fact that we have been liberated from the paludal idea, and furthermore, that we have learned that it is often better, instead of trying to prevent the importation, for the most part imaginary, of malaria from distant marshes, to suppress its production in the soil under our feet or in that immediately surrounding us. Scientific American Supplement, No. 458, October 11, 1884
  • I mean, folks who claim as income every penny they found on the street, every dollar that comes to them that is includable in gross income. U2 Responds to Critics of Their Deal With the Taxman - The Lede Blog -
  • A combination of two immunosuppressive drugs, cyclophosphamide and fludarabine, was given with the intent to knock out the patient's immune system to allow the foreign donor immune cells to take hold.
  • How much of rental income is includable as income on your U.S. tax return, and how depreciation, maintenance expenses, operating expenses, mortgage interest, property taxes, insurance, and so forth, are allocated between personal use and rental use on you tax return, revolve around how many days the property is used for each purpose. Uncle Sam has something to say about your Mexican home
  • sweeping by," in gorgeous paludaments, Paulus or Marius, girt round by a company of centurions, with the crimson tunic hoisted on a spear, and followed by the _alalagmos_ of the Roman legions. Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
  • Combinations of chlorambucil, Prednisone or cyclophosphamide and a new drug Fludarabine are used in treatment.
  • Pray for the Lord Jesus Christ to be glorified in HULUDAO, a military port on the Bohai Rim, which opened to commercial shipping in 2000, and Chinas top zinc producer.
  • It was only in 1879 that Klebs and myself, after having been thoroughly freed, by a long series of preparatory studies, from the unfortunate paludal idea, undertook together some investigations in malarious districts of the most varied character, marshy and not marshy. Scientific American Supplement, No. 458, October 11, 1884
  • Paul Hartzog has blogged at On The Commons on how technology can change the way we classify resources and can “blur the lines between subtractability and excludability.” Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Technology and the Commons
  • BTW, education is clearly NOT a public good, as it flunks both the tests of non-excludability and non-rivalrous consumption. Teacher Pay, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • This word, therefore, is the one best suited to designate this specific ferment in question, and I have on this account, employed it and its adjectival derivatives in order not to resuscitate the idea of the exclusively paludal origin of the morbific agent. Scientific American Supplement, No. 458, October 11, 1884
  • Ad plenum calcentur: aqua eludabitur omnis Scilicet, et grandes ibunt per vimina guttae; P. Virgilii Maronis Opera
  • Is it a better idea than eliminating the excludability of health insurance purchases from income and using the higher tax revenues to provide refundable tax credits to lower income households who purchase insurance, as I s ... Subsidize Health Care to Cut Costs?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • First, it offers a menu of club goods of varying excludability, with the most valued goods excluded from less-committed members. Archive 2008-04-01
  • My best day saver was a striper I caught while fishing for trout on the lower Saluda River, a cold tailrace section, in SC. Fish That Save The Day
  • All interesting, and potentially includable, but, of course, space is limited and those who make the final cut are either contemporary composers whose profile is such that you cannot ignore them (e.g. Lindberg and Adès) or simply either reflect the enthusiasms of myself and fellow contributors. Laurence Vittes: Want to Know More About Classical Music? Read Joe Staines' Rough Guide to Classical Music
  • A top economic advisor said that the Clinton and McCain plan is ludacris. Bill Clinton: High oil prices here to stay
  • Stat Imperator pa - ludatus, ApoHinis Scchrouae habl* 'tUj d. hallam tcnens, auem laeua geilitans, lotum in ctpitc, hoc e (lj Acgypdam herbam, quae fimilis fcre papauerieft, capitibur; VI.p. 135O Hantbaler. Lexicon vniversae rei nvmariae vetervm et praecipve Graecorvm ac Romanorvm: cvm observationibvs ...
  • As long as the paludal theory held sway, the chemical interpretation of this identity of the product in every latitude was easy. Scientific American Supplement, No. 458, October 11, 1884
  • Ad plenum calcentur: aqua eludabitur omnis Scilicet, et grandes ibunt per vimina guttae; P. Virgilii Maronis Opera
  • Giauidura cnim mundumdi - cit caufis nafccntium, quia abii detmatcria miftorum difpofi - ta ad fufcipicdum formas ipfas, quarum aliquse animsE nomcn nonadipifcutur, ali« autem ani tnds appcUantur; ipfafqucani - mas & formas alias a ftima cauf fa crcari (Iargeloqucdo de crca* tione, vtincludat gcncratione) exprcire teftatus cft, cum dixit» Antoniana Margarita: opus nempe physicis, medicis ac theologis non minus ...
  • The four types of goods or amenities, according to their property of rivalry/non-rivalry and excludability/non-excludability are represented in Table 1. Microeconomics and the environment
  • Cancellation of debt income is not includable in income if the taxpayer is in bankruptcy, or to the extent the taxpayer is insolvent.
  • Rather than the Bush administration's proposal to make out-of-pocket expenses deductible via expanded medical savings accounts, I favor removing the excludability of health-insurance premiums from taxable income. Samwick, Thoma, and Pearlstein on Health Care Policy, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • All patients underwent a conditioning regimen that included total body irradiation (8Gy single fraction) and a chemotherapy regimen of thiotepa (4mg/kg x 2), fludarabine (40 mg/m2 x 5), and cyclophosphamide (35 mg/kg x 2). Undefined
  • If a good is non-rivalrous but excludable, a private provider of that good can only remain in business by charging the users a positive price.
  • Tanini ib. — ImferB 'tor galeacus, paludatus ct ocrea* tU6 ft.d. clipco, f. baftae - Innixus. Lexicon vniversae rei nvmariae vetervm et praecipve Graecorvm ac Romanorvm: cvm observationibvs ...
  • Venetis, atque adeo regis Romanorum subditis largita vnquam aut donata fuit, celsitudinem vestram rogamus ne tam singularis beneficenti� laus in tam angustis terminis duorum aut trium hominum concludatur, sed ad vniuersos subditos nostrus diffusa, propagat醧ue, celsitudinis vestr� beneficium e� reddat augustius, qu� eiusdem donatio lati鵶 patebit, et ad plures pertinebit. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • These includable templates should be outside of the document root; the templating engine should use a configuration parameter to select a template directory. Snell-Pym » A design for a Scheme web application framework
  • But in accordance with the idea that malaria is a product of paludal decomposition, the trees selected have almost always been the _eucalyptus_. Scientific American Supplement, No. 458, October 11, 1884
  • Vnde constat qu鄊 ver� � Frisio scriptum sit, nauigationem ad hanc insulam tant鵰 quadrimestrem patere, propter glaciem & frigora, quibus intercludatur iter, C鵰 Anglic� naues quotannis nunc in Martio, nunc in Aprili, qu鎑am in Maio, Germanorum & Danorum in Maio The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • I reject, therefore, wholly the paludal assumption, and in order to express this view in the title of my paper, have been forced to employ terms which to my hearers may sound like italicisms. Scientific American Supplement, No. 458, October 11, 1884
  • Dominions, they make a decoction or drinke, which is in the stead of Wine to them, and generally sold in all their tappe houses, called by the name of _Caova_; _Paludanus_ saith _Chaova_, and All About Coffee
  • Fludara is a chemotherapy approved to treat B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Sanofi Unit Recalls One Lot of Leukemia Drug
  • Traité des fièvres palustres (Treatise on paludal fevers) and I returned to it on several occasions. Alphonse Laveran - Nobel Lecture
  • First, I cannot find a principled distinction between "excludability" and "rivalrousness" that would apply to intellectual property, even should I accept that "rivalrousness" has a meaning independent of "excludability" not all schools of economics do. Scrivener's Error
  • Since this missing market is a "public bad" (as in, it is nonrival and nonexcludable), its alleviation can be considered a public good. Education Loans, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The Japanese imperialists began its aggression upon northeast China when they procured the lease access of Luda and the franchise right of the South Manchurian Railway in 1905.
  • In the Minima template, the section of code which produces the "date heading" for each post is outside the main "includable" for the blog posts. Vigilante Sports
  • Justice Sotomayer had suggested that the decision be limited to what is excluded without attempting to define what is included, given the uncertainty about what ought to be includable. The Volokh Conspiracy » Supreme Court Skeptical of Business Method Patents
  • All patients underwent a conditioning regimen that included total body irradiation (8Gy single fraction) and a chemotherapy regimen of thiotepa (4mg/kg x 2), fludarabine (40 mg/m EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • It is sometimes called paludal fever, and at others la grippe, and it is epidemic rather than contagious. Our War with Spain for Cuba's Freedom

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