How To Use Lucullus In A Sentence
Plutarch records of Lucullus that he died of a philter; and that Cleopatra used philters to inveigle Antony, amongst other allurements.
Anatomy of Melancholy
Lucullus to give place to his successor, Sylla, and resign the war to whom it was decreed, he presently left Boeotia, and retired back to Sentius, although his success had outgone all hopes, and Greece was well disposed to a new revolution, upon account of his gallant behavior.
The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Seeing Lucullus had stirred a remembrance of Agathe, and I had a nightmare in which I asked him about her and he told me he had no idea whom I meant but that all his slaves in Misenum were dead.
Lucullus, Catulus, and Hortensius, to Cato and Brutus, he finally adopted the suggestion of Atticus to gratify Varro by giving him a share in the dialogue together with Atticus and himself (_ad Att. _ xiii. 13, 1, 'commotus tuis litteris, quod ad me de Varrone scripseras, totam Academiam ab hominibus nobilissimis abstuli transtulique ad nostrum sodalem et ex duobus libris contuli in quattuor').
The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
Marcus Lucullus is not to be confused with his brother Lucius Licinius Lucullus, who was busy at the time commanding Roman troops against Mithridates in Anatolia but is better known today for his love of gastronomyhence the adjective Lucullan.
The Spartacus War

Lucullus, likewise, for opposing him with some warmth, he so terrified with the apprehension of being criminated, that, to deprecate the consul's resentment, he fell on his knees.
De vita Caesarum
Lucullus invades Armenia, starting centuries of warfare between the Roman and Persian empires.
She was clearly enduring a harsher existence than she had been used to in Misenum—a capricious life, the life of a slave, determined not so much by the status itself as by the character of the master: Lucullus would not even have noticed she existed.
Now he felt his inexperience keenly, and he had to leave it to the likes of Curio and Lucullus, Catulus and Isauricus, to question Nepos.
Polemonium, and Amisus, and Tios, and Amastris, all originally founded by the energy of the Greeks; and Cerasus, from which Lucullus brought the cherry, and two lofty islands which contain the famous cities of
The Roman History of Ammianus Marcellinus During the Reigns of the Emperors Constantius, Julian, Jovianus, Valentinian, and Valens
He slept throughout the entire journey and woke only toward the end of the afternoon as we jolted down the narrow lane to Misenum, where Lucullus had his—well, I was going to call it a house, but the word hardly fits that veritable palace of pleasure, the Villa Cornelia, which he had bought and extended on the coast.
One might believe Lucullus thought his money really captive and barbarian, so wantonly and contumeliously did he treat it.
The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Sulla's successor in the eastern command, Lucius Licinius Lucullus, became a byword for luxury and personal indulgence.
Lucullus spent the remainder of his days in voluptuous magnificence
Mithridatic war being then under debate, Marcus declared that it was not finished, but only respited for a time, and therefore, upon choice of provinces, the lot falling to Lucullus to have Gaul within the Alps, a province where no great action was to be done, he was ill-pleased.
The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
He slept throughout the entire journey and woke only toward the end of the afternoon as we jolted down the narrow lane to Misenum, where Lucullus had his—well, I was going to call it a house, but the word hardly fits that veritable palace of pleasure, the Villa Cornelia, which he had bought and extended on the coast.
When Ahenobarbus taxed him in the House with deliberate destruction of Roman property — siegeworks and camps especially — Lucullus simply looked down his nose and said he thought the new governor would want to start in his own way.
The First Man in Rome
Lucullus, Catulus, and Hortensius, to Cato and Brutus, he finally adopted the suggestion of Atticus to gratify Varro by giving him a share in the dialogue together with Atticus and himself (_ad Att. _ xiii. 13, 1, 'commotus tuis litteris, quod ad me de Varrone scripseras, totam Academiam ab hominibus nobilissimis abstuli transtulique ad nostrum sodalem et ex duobus libris contuli in quattuor').
The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
Alas, I may say with Lucullus, if I could have anticipated the honor of your visit, I would have prepared for it.
Both had been stuck outside the city for a long while waiting for the Senate to vote them their triumphs—years, in the case of Lucullus, who had whiled away his time building a vast retreat at Misenum on the Bay of Naples as well as his mansion north of Rome.