How To Use Luckless In A Sentence
However, Dolan's fortunes took a dramatic slump with the loss of Fox to a foot injury, luckless wideman Craig Skinner to a ricked neck and young Marc Thompson, who turned his ankle.
But in his heart he thought, My unlucky protegee has with this luckless answer shot dead, by a kind of chance-medley, her only hope of success.
The Heart of Mid-Lothian
The luckless Sandro tore a calf muscle and, according to Redknapp, will be a long-term casualty, and William Gallas damaged the same muscle and "didn't look very good".
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No! no! No deceiver is the luckless Matha Shri, despite her barrenness.
Love and Life Behind the Purdah
As the sun beat down on Sicily last summer, there was the traditional water shortage and the luckless residents of Palermo knew who to blame.

The "luckless" farmer simply did not _perceive_ the indications of wealth under his plodding feet; or, if he saw signs of oil, he did not realize that they _denoted_ the possibility of millions.
Certain Success
The story presents a picture of the luckless, homeless skinhead which corresponds closely to the movement's own mythology about itself.
But in a new twist a witness has come forward and identified the van in which the kidnappers were driving when they nabbed the luckless straw man.
(Suddenly, I wonder if the word "luckless" was the outcome of a thesaurus search rather than a moment of inspiration.) Moreover, if it's a matter of "hap" or "luck," why warn someone about what cannot be averted or foreseen?
Sonoma Coast
Hemingway's novelette tells of the Cuban fisherman Santiago who for 84 luckless days has rowed his skiff into the Gulf Stream in quest of marlin.
The fierce house-dog, however, will be noticed as bounding through the poultry, and knocking down one luckless hen, he jumps upon his mistress, and almost oversets her also.
Gladys, the Reaper
Then, and because of this, the man with understanding eyes will never be deceived by complacent harangues on sacred things from such as Coombs who never lend a luckless neighbor seed-wheat, and oppress the hireling.
Lorimer of the Northwest
The Master, James, finally dies only after he has succeeded in frightening his luckless victim into dying first.
Keen Hunter was second and luckless Elbio third.
He has since suffered a luckless defeat at Newcastle, meeting trouble in running and being denied a clear run until it was too late to finish any closer than fifth in a big field.
Offering no alternative to the rounds of local privatisation and deregulation, and with no desire to create one, Lib Dems have been happy to push toytown neoliberalism on their luckless voters.
Unless, he decided, some luckless footpad or cutpurse was falsely accused.
The third has won since and she can end a luckless run.
The Sun
The story, as you'll remember from the film, revolves around a luckless Broadway producer, who ensnares Bloom into his can't-lose scheme to swell their coffers by intentionally producing a megaflop.
Stirling County will remember their last match of this season after scoring seven touchdowns in their relegation consigning job on luckless Peebles.
She spoke to him of his luckless courtship of Widow Denison (a most unpleasant topic), thus giving a clue to the whole situation, in showing that Madam Winthrop resented his desertion of her in his first widowerhood, and like Falstaff, would not "undergo a sneap without reply.
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But few policyholders will find themselves in the perilous state shared by her luckless investors.
Luckless monkeys have coils implanted in both eyes, multiple craniotomies for electrode placements in their brains and head immobilization surgeries in which screws, bolts and plates are directly attached to their skulls.
Leading Alzheimer's researcher: Animal experiments will not help humans
A freak goal 10 minutes from time consigned luckless Lancaster City to a sixth successive league defeat at Giant Axe on Saturday.
Her strong, independent characters have more in common with the sassy broads of 1940s and 1950s Hollywood than the insipid, passive roles generally meted out to today's luckless ingénues.
If you get some chain letter that's threatening to leave you hairless or luckless for the rest of your life, delete it!
Several miles below Abilene, John Wesley Hardin took a pair of pants from a luckless cowboy at gunpoint, ordering the man on into town in his underdrawers.
They had the job of dealing punishments, such as decimation, where one soldier out of ten was selected for the wrongdoings of another, and the other nine soldiers would stone the luckless soldier to death.
Just a few metres away from where most of the crashes have happened is a deep, open drain, certain to present a luckless driver with anything but a soft landing.
He died in the desert like so many other luckless explorers.
While 19th century viewers of the original stereograph for Reaching for the Out of Reach #9 may have enjoyed the dramatic image of luckless passengers shipwrecked on the shores of Massachusetts, it's hard to imagine they would be similarly amused by the sad Victorian-looking characters stranded atop coffee bales and beneath umbrellas while the crippled ship looms like a set piece from some 3D Tim Burton film.
The New York Public Library: New Perspectives on Old Perspectives: How an Art Project Helped the NYPL Put Its 3D Stereograph Collection in Your Hands
St John's continued their good form in Men's Three with a 6-3 away win over luckless Terry's.
Many luckless people imagine that romance is dead: some, overcivilised, fondly suppose that there never was romance: a poet tells us that romance is unrecognised though really present: but scientists can meet him daily, walking at large and undisguised in the world.
Archibald V. Hill - Banquet Speech
Then among the ladies there were a half-score of dubious pale governesses and professionals with turned frocks and lank damp bandeaux of hair under shabby little bonnets; luckless creatures these, who were parting with their poor little store of half-guineas to be enabled to say they were pupils of Signor
Mens Wives
The luckless defender, Mark Emery, sustained his third injury of the season.
And the subject of the script leads to the luckless director who had to stage it, Kenneth Branagh.
'Thor': A Vehicle of Low Norsepower
But neither is it so lightweight that you might be embarrassed to carry it onto a beach even here in New Jersey, the proud home of Boardwalk attractions such as the Shoot the Geek concession stand that lets you fire paintballs at a luckless teenager dressed like a terrorist.
2009 July 01 « One-Minute Book Reviews
The Bosnian conflict was a war that had no favourites: Peter Brysky, a 27-year-old Canadian freelance photographer, was luckless , killed by a mortar.
But of course it's like those emblems of "luckless" people — it shows the carin betweenbeing on the road and flipping over (and over and over).
Sonoma Coast
I can easily imagine the story of "luckless" Carol trying to keep poor "Lucky" on the right side of the dirt.
HH Com 468
But with a new-found strength she swung it as a feather, at the luckless Rubberneck.
On luckless occasions my protestations that dancing might aggravate an old shrapnel wound have been overruled, and I have been dragged out onto the dance floor.
The effect of the luckless comparison was to produce an image of surpassingness in the features of Clara that gave him the final, or mace-blow.
The Egoist
In the end a battling and luckless second half by the Kildare lads was not enough to atone for their first half defensive lapses and the champions held out for a hard earned victory.
At the end of his dive, woe betide any luckless invertebrate in the path of his trawl net.
Bernie is the quintessential ironic protagonist, the luckless man.
Now some meretricious construct called Big Brother - without value, meaning or even entertainment-value - seems to captivate the luckless viewer.
Some copy writer in the park service waxed poetic and referred to the people who are pulled out to sea never to be seen again as "luckless" (or "hapless," I can't remember now), as if the sleeper wave were a particularly horrific agent of fate, which I guess it is.
Sonoma Coast
Never before, or afterward, not even when the luckless Butch fell in love, and T. Haviland Hicks, Jr., assisted Cupid, did the pachydermic Butch act so insanely as on this occasion.
T. Haviland Hicks Senior
Adding insult to injury, a double cross awaits our luckless hero in the final stanza.
While 19th century viewers of the original stereograph for Reaching for the Out of Reach #9 may have enjoyed the dramatic image of luckless passengers shipwrecked on the shores of Massachusetts, it's hard to imagine they would be similarly amused by the sad Victorian-looking characters stranded atop coffee bales and beneath umbrellas while the crippled ship looms like a set piece from some 3D Tim Burton film.
The New York Public Library: New Perspectives on Old Perspectives: How an Art Project Helped the NYPL Put Its 3D Stereograph Collection in Your Hands
Which said, the lady and her now partly reassured lover got them to bed, where for a great while they disported them right gamesomely, laughing together and making merry over the luckless scholar.
The Decameron, Volume II
So perhaps before we indulge ourselves in a ritual sneer at those luckless rich, with their empty life of floating purgatory, we should look a little harder at ourselves and our own view of the outside world.
3119: The Night-Crow cry'de, aboding lucklesse time,
Henry VI, Part Three (1623 First Folio Edition)
Poetry, being one of those luckless art forms whose practitioners remain in constant danger of outnumbering their audience, is rarely news.
He was living in New York by that stage, opening one luckless restaurant after another and putting on weight, but still attracting young women.
But collectively they present a hazy picture of a luckless dreamer with unfortunate amatory judgment.
As the train stayed stubbornly put, she began mentally to sketch out a story about a luckless orphan who became a wizarding hero.
I'm not knocking the luckless officer, who is going to be in trouble whether or not he had a beer.
The latest injury to the luckless Henderson is a huge blow for the player.
And the press would pile on, painting a picture of a luckless, incapacitated campaign, powerless to avoid its approaching doom.
O: A Presidential Novel
If they are going to match their achievement in Germany in 2006, that so called luckless streak is going to have to come to an end in Nelspruit.
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She remains, as she always has been, a pleasant, thoughtful young woman, but the luckless Schnyder found her in mean mood.
As you leave the wreck, look out for squid hovering on the edge of your boat's pool of light, waiting for luckless fish who are also attracted by the glare.
Before that I'd been living directly opposite, in a luckless bivouac best forgotten, sharing with two couples.
The dog-collar seller tips his billycock and disappears, but his luckless companion, having fetched a small black object out of his knapsack, lingers.
It's mind-boggling to think that, a mere four years before, Hendrix had been a luckless session player.
Hemingway's novelette tells of the Cuban fisherman Santiago who for 84 luckless days has rowed his skiff into the Gulf Stream in quest of marlin.
The luckless defender, Mark Emery, sustained his third injury of the season.
In the film, Reeves plays a luckless, down-at-heel gambler heavily in debt to the bookies.