

[ UK /lˈuːsɪdli/ ]
  1. in a clear and lucid manner
    this is a lucidly written book

How To Use lucidly In A Sentence

  • Looking radiantly healthy - in contrast to her wan mien of recent months - she lucidly defended herself the interviewers tried to extract an apology from her.
  • The intricate polyphonic choruses and semi-choruses with solo recitative were always lucidly controlled.
  • If all the clowns who excoriate Keynes just because some ignorant dogmatist told them to, would actually go read the General Theory (which is exceptionally lucidly written), perhaps they might begin to understand why. Matthew Yglesias » “Taking Money From One Place and Giving it To Another Place”
  • It is pellucidly obvious that technologies - like the invention of the internal combustion engine or the written word - are disruptive.
  • What always surprises me about your weblog is your ability to write lucidly and at length, despite the various pressures you face. The Amazing Survivor Race Challenge: Parenting Edition | Her Bad Mother
  • He was lucidly aware of political realities.
  • Openpalm – I quite understand why you would take the approach to reading through your own writing and you speak so lucidly and insightfully about the need to express and communicate suffering, which must surely be one of the fundamental motivations of creativity (to say it, and also to make something out of it, to make it worthwhile). Reading Dangerously « Tales from the Reading Room
  • I wanted him to give her up and lucidly informed him why; on which he never protested nor contradicted, never was even so alembicated as to declare just for the sake of the point that he wouldn't. Glasses
  • It is lucidly and coherently structured around a single axiom, a single percipient insight into the nature not only of tyranny, but implicitly of the State apparatus itself…
  • Edel shoots lucidly and swiftly, somewhat in the manner of Costa-Gavras, but he doesn't heroize anybody. Movie City News
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