
How To Use Lowlands In A Sentence

  • The moist eastern slopes of the Andes tumble to dank, humid, jungle lowlands whose rivers are the highways for transportation.
  • The area encompasses zones of subarctic mountain birch forest in the lowlands, heather and grassland higher up, and mountainous alpine terrain at the highest altitudes.
  • But could the platforms, seen as extensive patterning in aerial surveys of the Maya lowlands just as likely have formed naturally?
  • The eastern plains, or llanos, account for 60 percent of the country's territory and are sparsely populated, as are the coastal lowlands.
  • To the west lie the Bordeaux lowlands and the Gironde Estuary, to the south the plains of Languedoc, and to the east the Rhône valley.
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  • In this image, dust plumes completely obscure the lowlands west of Bo Hai, and thinner dust plumes mix with clouds over the ocean. NASA Earth Observatory
  • Highland areas would be reforested to create a filter through which rain and groundwater could be purified for use in the more populated valleys and lowlands.
  • He would willingly raid into the Scotch lowlands; but his courage failed him at the border, and he regarded England as a perilous, unhomely land. Memories and Portraits
  • The Angles eventually took the remainder of England as far north as the Firth of Forth, including the future Edinburgh and the Scottish lowlands’.
  • Yes, it makes Sean Kingston's Beautiful Girls look like Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands, but Mohombi isn't about furrowing brows, he's about fun with a capital bilabial fricative. Mohombi (No 845)
  • The word Canaan, as we have seen, meant "the lowlands," and appears sometimes in a longer, sometimes in a shorter form. Patriarchal Palestine
  • The north-east of England is a land where uplands and lowlands meet, and are never far apart.
  • Sloping down from the Judean hills toward the plain of Philistia and the Mediterranean Sea is the Shefelah, or Lowlands, a section of Stories of the Prophets (Before the Exile)
  • There has been much interest recently in the Scots’ language Gaelic, once the preserve of the teuchters in the highlands but now increasingly popular among the keelies in the lowlands.
  • Both in the uplands and the lowlands insects continued to represent an astonishing diversity of forms.
  • The lowlands of the island are blanketed with muskeg, a type of bog up to 3 feet deep with a hard crust on top.
  • While the country's fertile highlands yield staple foods like yams and cereal grains, the semi-arid lowlands are largely rocky.
  • Lowlands, plateaux, foothills, and mountain slopes suitable for viticulture occupy only seven per cent of Tajikistan's area.
  • In the east, the sparsely populated, flat to gently rolling eastern lowlands called llanos cover almost 60 percent of the country's total land area. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • As discussed in the introduction such deposits are difficult to locate because of extensive peat cover in the lowlands.
  • Many areas of both the highlands and the lowlands supported very dense populations prior to the Roman invasion.
  • To widen the valleys, however, it is necessary to invoke sediment transport processes that can remove the material from the valley floors, to redeposit it in adjacent lowlands.
  • Aimero Kassa farms the riverbank lowlands at the lake mouth. Nile River Dispute Heats Up
  • Vegetation of the Telanca Plateau and central lowlands is a more open secondary forest, dominated by palms, such as Arenga pinnata, Caryota mitis and Arenga obtusifolia, which may occur in almost pure stands interspersed with taller canopy trees, such as Lagerstroemia flosreginae, Diospyros macrophylla, Vitex pubescens, Ficus sp., and Planchonia valida. Ujung Kulon National Park and Krakatau Nature Reserve, Indonesia
  • A well-documented and supported theory for the decline of the Maya central lowlands is the deterioration of trade routes. The Ancient Maya - A Commercial Empire
  • In the lowlands of Serenje district is Ibolelo High school, 10 minutes drive through a gravel road from the boma.
  • The water of the springs is as clear as crystal, except when rendered grumly by dashing rains, and is far sweeter and more palatable than the best filtered water of the lowlands. Mountain Scenery. The Scenery of the Mountains of Western North Carolina and Northwestern South Carolina.
  • There was no point cutting forests to expand plowlands if there wasn't enough dung to build soil or enough labor to spread it.
  • The dark loamed valleys among the sandy uplands of the north, the prairies of the centre, and the lowlands near the Mississippi, are all made to yield the great staple. History Of American Slavery
  • In this image, pale gray haze obscures the view of the coastal lowlands near Bo Hai and the Yellow Sea. NASA Earth Observatory
  • The terraces of the Western Lowlands Pleistocene Valley Trains ecoregion comprise a large expanse of early-Wisconsin glacial outwash deposits (older than 73b, 73c and 73l) reflecting braided stream depositional regimes. Ecoregions of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (EPA)
  • The remains from prehistoric times show that the country was inhabited when the present Hungarian lowlands were covered by the ocean.
  • To the Pasadena, California-based management team, this set of channels debouching into the ocean-like dark lowlands were reminiscent of the Los Angeles River's terminus at Long Beach, California.
  • On ‘Blues for the Lowlands’ Terry and McGhee show why they became so popular during the folk revival of the 50s.
  • For example, the Mackenzie and Yukon are both erosional rivers, while the Siberian rivers are depositional, especially the Ob for which the drainage basin includes marsh lowlands [25]. Carbon cycle and climate change in the Arctic
  • The success of the crop can be partially explained by its ability to grow in diverse tropical environments, including the extensive and complex rainfed lowlands of south and south-east Asia.
  • Between 1555 and 1559 an influenza epidemic swept through the lowlands of England and Wales and killed around 200,000 people.
  • Most Spanish speakers live in the Pacific lowlands and central highlands.
  • Eastern birds may migrate south, but western populations are more often altitudinal migrants, moving from the mountains into nearby lowlands in winter.
  • The mammalian fauna in the lowlands is typically Indo-Malayan, consisting of langurs (Semnopithecus spp.), Asiatic wild dogs (Cuon alpinus, VU), sloth bears (Melursus ursinus, VU), gaurs (Bos gaurus, VU), and several species of deer, such as muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak) and sambar (Cervus unicolor). Biological diversity in the Himalayas
  • The semi-arid lowlands around the head of the Gulf of Carpentaria form a notable disjunction in the distribution of many vertebrate groups in northern Australia. Carpentaria tropical savanna
  • Finally, when military occupation of the entire valley proved unfeasible, the general decided to leave the lowlands to the southerners and to occupy all the highlands with his people, and in time the Highlanders became known as the Hakka, the Guest People, while the lowlanders were called the Punti, the Natives of the Land. Hawaii
  • Despite the apparently irregular urban configurations of most ancient cities of the Maya lowlands, at least some Maya centers seem to have been organized according to cruciform urban plans.
  • Lower-income people of the high altiplano and those of the tropical lowlands build their own houses with the same logic, but these houses differ in the ways their climates and regional resources would suggest.
  • In the lowlands of Ecuador, Jivaro warriors traditionally used infusions of guayusa to purify themselves and their families before shrinking the heads of their slain enemies. One River
  • In the last one million years the ice sheets spread a layer of boulder clay across the lowlands.
  • Undulating coastal plains and other ungraded lowlands, underlain by permafrost, in summer form some of the tundra's wettest areas.
  • The north-east of England is a land where uplands and lowlands meet, and are never far apart.
  • In the south-eastern lowlands it is called sedapa or sedapak. On the trail of the orang pendek, Sumatra's mystery ape | Richard Freeman
  • These terebinthine stores were the property of the plantation lords of the lowlands of North Carolina, who correspond to the pinchbeck barons of the rice districts of South Carolina. Andersonville
  • But could the platforms, seen as extensive patterning in aerial surveys of the Maya lowlands just as likely have formed naturally?
  • Figure 5 clearly shows that in most cases rainforest stands on highly nutrient-depleted ferralsols, acrisols, and podzols of tropical lowlands attain diversity indices above 90% of the theoretical maximum.
  • a straight and narrow tree-lined road unswerving across the lowlands
  • I may be the only other person you have met who can visualize a DX-pedition to long wire Chinese longwave stations while sipping Lowlands whisky and, even so, that still kinda creeps me out. Oh yeah, and i like cheese
  • The Indo-Malayan lowlands are home to Asian elephants, clouded leopards, wild water buffalo, gaur, hornbills, cobras and geckos.
  • They favored the tropical coastal lowlands such as Veracruz, Yucatan and parts of Oaxaca, where the climate and landscapes were more familiar to them than the high interior plateaux of central Mexico. Did You Know? Blacks outnumbered Spaniards until after 1810
  • Mr. Crosbie was not deterred by the difficulty of the task before him, and undertook the redistribution of his tenantry, on the anti-rundale system, and by degrees succeeded in planting the surplus population of the lowlands upon the higher ground. Disturbed Ireland Being the Letters Written During the Winter of 1880-81.
  • Terrain: Andes Mountains and Maracaibo Lowlands in northwest; central plains (llanos); Guiana Highlands in southeast. Venezuela
  • The large areas of woodland, moors, marshlands and lowlands around east Lancashire were obviously difficult to manage from the castle.
  • VenezuelaAndes Mountains and Maracaibo Lowlands in northwest; central plains (llanos); Guiana Highlands in southeast Terrain
  • From the lowlands of the south to the rugged peaks in the north, Derbyshire has something for everyone.
  • Cash on the barrelhead might still be the ultimate seduction for a girl from the lowlands of Louisiana, no matter how wealthy and sophisticated she had become. Georgia Jeffries: Performance Art
  • Highland areas would be reforested to create a filter through which rain and groundwater could be purified for use in the more populated valleys and lowlands.
  • Coherent ice-flow lines reconstructed from bedforms across the Irish lowlands indicate contemporaneity of drumlinization and moraine building in eastern and western Ireland.
  • It is believed that the hardest-hit areas will be on the mainland, especially the lowlands.
  • The ‘devil dancing’ of the southern coastal lowlands developed from folk ceremonies to exorcise demons.
  • A natural extension to this was a scheme to move animals to the feed rather than the feed to the animals, with both cattle and sheep being wintered away from their own upland holding to the lowlands of the Vale of York.
  • The Altai is the major mountain range in Western Siberia biogeographic region and plays a central role in maintaining the hydrological regime of the Western Siberian Lowlands, by providing the source of the greatest rivers of Western Siberia - the Ob and the Irtysh Golden Mountains of Altai, Russian Federation
  • The Russians gradually colonized the north, establishing Cossack settlements in the lowlands.
  • The mural was found at a Maya ceremonial site called San Bartolo, in Guatemala's Petén lowlands.
  • Belgium's major geographic divisions are the coastal lowlands, the central plain, and the high plateau of the Ardennes.
  • Then we'd slip into the Kuskokwim lowlands, where the river carves channels through square-mile gravel bars and unravels in braids until it flows into the larger Aniak. Whitewater, Survival, and the Best Salmon Fishing in Alaska
  • In KSNP there are three main soils: podsols, erodable and infertile, are dominant, latosols in the lowlands are somewhat more fertile, and in the volcanic uplands, moderately to highly fertile andosols are common. Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra, Indonesia
  • The success of the crop can be partially explained by its ability to grow in diverse tropical environments, including the extensive and complex rainfed lowlands of south and south-east Asia.
  • Despite the apparently irregular urban configurations of most ancient cities of the Maya lowlands, at least some Maya centers seem to have been organized according to cruciform urban plans.
  • The north-east of England is a land where uplands and lowlands meet, and are never far apart.
  • Slash-and-burn, or "swidden," agriculture - clearing patches of woodland for crops and moving on after each harvest to allow the soil to replenish itself - is usually seen as a crude antecedent to the more intensive farming practiced in the lowlands and most of the developed world. Boston Globe -- Ideas section
  • They had left the lowlands of the rivers and entered the rolling, heath-strewn, midland hills. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • The civil centre of the barony was the great farm or grange, with its mill, for in the thirteenth century the Lowlands had water-mills which to the west Highlands were scarcely known in 1745, when the Highland husbandmen were still using the primitive hand-quern of two circular stones. A Short History of Scotland
  • The lowlands were the only habitable land areas and were occupied in the first decade or two of settlement. Land tenure and management in the boreal region
  • The largest of them is called the Sutlej, and the lowlands through which it flows are called the Punjab, a Persian word signifying "five waters. From Pole to Pole A Book for Young People
  • The pear-shaped island consists of lowlands and terraced limestone plains.
  • The net effect is to increase peak discharge heights and the probability of overtopping flood defences in the lowlands. Times, Sunday Times
  • They flourished in the swampy, jungle like lowlands of Parris Island, where palmettoes and nut grass grew in abundance. The Twelfth Of August -The life story of Sheriff Buford Pusser
  • This means, Zuber says, that the northern lowlands are flatter than the lava floods of the lunar maria, flatter than the vast volcanic plains of Venus, flatter than deserts on Earth.
  • These nests and this large songbird's melodious, liquid calls are signatures of the Neotropical lowlands.
  • Separated physically from the Andes by the Yaracuy depression, and from the forests of the Guyanan floristic province by the extensive plains of the Andes (llanos), these mountains are isolated from one another by much drier surroundings lowlands. Cordillera La Costa montane forests
  • And although the river is diked to prevent seasonal flooding, when you have lowlands at the bottom of a mountain you can expect water at certain times of the year. » The Big Thaw
  • In the last one million years the ice sheets spread a layer of boulder clay across the lowlands.
  • From the lowlands of the south to the rugged peaks in the north, Derbyshire has something for everyone.
  • In this image, dust plumes completely obscure the lowlands west of Bo Hai, and thinner dust plumes mix with clouds over the ocean. NASA Earth Observatory
  • In this image, pale gray haze obscures the view of the coastal lowlands near Bo Hai and the Yellow Sea. NASA Earth Observatory
  • Both uplands and lowlands possess a variety of soils.
  • It is therefore only with important qualifications that we can speak of two ways of exploiting the land in this period, the one characteristic of the lowlands, the other of the uplands.
  • In addition, extensive areas of marsh and bog covered parts of the lowlands in addition to extensive areas of the uplands.
  • The high mountain ridges protect the Fergana Valley and other lowlands from Arctic air masses, but temperatures drop below freezing more than one-hundred days a year.
  • Moreover, the traffic into Potosi necessarily included huge quantities of food and drink produced all over the altiplano and in the lowlands on either side.
  • Tribal leaders say the road, which is in the early stages of construction, would bisect their reservation in Bolivia's eastern Amazon lowlands. Indian Protests Spur Bolivia Crisis
  • The remainder consists of fertile coastal and riverine lowlands, including a narrow sandy and marshy coastal plain.
  • Ecoregion 84d is lithologically distinct from the reddish shale, sandstone, argillite, and siltstone of the neighboring Triassic Lowlands (64a). Ecoregions of New Jersey (EPA)
  • Patterns of landholding (poor highlands in Catholic hands, fertile lowlands in Protestant), even down to the level of family farms, have been stable over generations.
  • The Sierras’ isolation from the Andes by dry lowlands is one of the unique characteristics of this ecoregion. Córdoba montane savanna
  • After the original survey had been completed, it was necessary to resurvey a section that was in an area of swampy lowlands.
  • Over 60 percent of the settlers came from England's borderlands region surrounding the Irish Sea: the Scottish lowlands, northern Ireland, and the six northern counties of England.
  • The Altai is the major mountain range in Western Siberia biogeographic region and plays a central role in maintaining the hydrological regime of the Western Siberian Lowlands, by providing the source of the greatest rivers of Western Siberia - the Ob and the Irtysh Golden Mountains of Altai, Russian Federation
  • The lowlands include savannas, swamps, tropical rainforests, and semi-deserts.
  • A more lightly manned and shorter linear barrier could, potentially, release troops to garrison a more extensive territory such as the Lowlands of Scotland by a looser disposition of forts.
  • The clay lowlands are flanked by steep chalk escarpments.
  • Ecuador has three broad geographic areas: the coast, the sierra, and the jungle lowlands.
  • The East Coast consists of several narrow bands of lowlands that lead to an intermediate zone of steep bluffs and ravines abutting a 1650 foot escarpment which provides access to the central highlands.
  • The capybara, for instance, is at home in the Latin American lowlands, where the climate is hot and humid and floods cause seasonal inundations. Chapter 3
  • The species occurs on lowlands, and is susceptible to habitat destruction.
  • Land use in the Eastern Great Lakes and Hudson Lowlands ecoregion is primarily agricultural, consisting of dairy farms, row crops, and hayfields.
  • Ant bites were soothed with a poultice of peperomia, and ulcers were relieved with the red resin of a plant from the lowlands known as sangre de drago, the blood of the dragon. One River
  • The coniferous forests appear in the lowlands, which are filled with lakes, bogs, and fens.
  • Low temperatures and especially frosts in the high hinterland areas confine the Berber thuya forests to the milder lowlands. Mediterranean woodlands and forests
  • The higher herbivory pressure by mollusks in the lowlands has been discussed as the main reason for the lower altitudinal distribution limit of montane plant species.
  • The book is about two taxa: the live oaks that dominate the coastal Louisiana landscape and the ceibas, the signature tree of the Guatemalan lowlands.
  • While the balmy lowlands along the southwest border seldom experienced any snow, the frigid peaks and plateaus to the northeast bore a forbidding climate all year round.
  • Vegetation of the Lowlands Subregion is primarily low to high marsh forest, with restricted patches of deciduous seasonal forest and cohune forest.
  • Avian richness and diversity are high, and shares affinites with the Guyana Highlands and northern Andes (cock of the rock Rupicola rupicola) as well as the Amazonian lowlands (hoatzin Opisthocomus hoazin). Guianan moist forests
  • The ecoregion encompasses lowlands of the eastern slopes of the Sierra Madre Oriental. Veracruz moist forests
  • Both tree species are common in primary and secondary forests, from uplands to lowlands.
  • It features everything from snow-capped mountains and river canyons to the lowlands of the Amazon basin.
  • Spaniards enlisted Choco Indians in the counteroffensive with their feared poison-dart blowguns from the Pacific lowlands of Colombia.
  • Concern also continues with food-for-work programs in building roads for access to remote communities and terracing to help farming on the slopes of the mountains in both the lowlands and highlands.
  • They are uncommon to rare in the western Washington lowlands during migration, in March.
  • Undoubtedly the fever is not so severe at Basile as in the lowlands, but there are here the usual drawbacks to West African high land, namely an over supply of rain, and equally saturating mists, to say nothing of sudden and extreme alternations of temperature, and so the colonists still fall off, and their children die continuously from the various entozoa which abound upon the island. Travels in West Africa
  • The extent of desert shrubland is increasing across lowlands and mountain foothills due to gradual desertification caused in part by historical grazing pressure. Ecoregions of Texas (EPA)
  • North and west of the chalkland is the hill and vale country that separates the lowlands of southern England from the more rugged terrain of the west.
  • Confined to the wet evergreen forests in the Annamite lowlands of Vietnam and the Lao P.D.R., saola is under threat from severe habitat degradation and conversion, as well as indiscriminate snaring, which may increase with ongoing road construction projects in its habitat. Biological diversity in Indo-Burma
  • Berber thuya forests and woodlands are mainly distributed in the dry and mild lowlands and hills of the northern half of the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts of Morocco, the western half of the Algerian coast, and some mountain areas along the north-eastern coast of Tunisia. Mediterranean woodlands and forests
  • Most of Scotland outside of the southern lowlands is pretty much the same state as it was when the Picts were conducting raids on the Romans. Matthew Yglesias » GDP Maximizing Policies
  • Occasionally I glimpsed in the west a forested, razorback ridge sloping toward the equatorial lowlands below.
  • Both uplands and lowlands possess a variety of soils.
  • The lowlands in the west are mostly swampy; the reed-filled marshes of the area are called ciénagas by the people of Colombia. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • They often move into wooded lowlands in winter, but there is no consistent migration.
  • The lowlands of the island are blanketed with muskeg, a type of bog up to 3 feet deep with a hard crust on top.
  • The lowlands include savannas, swamps, tropical rainforests, and semi-deserts.
  • The Cameron Highlands offer a spectacular view of limestone hills and mountains dripping with vine-like vegetation and the lowlands filled with banana and date palm trees.
  • Somewhere between the gaudy lowlands of kitsch and the earnest highlands of world music sits the mythic, mixed-up realm of exotica.
  • On Nunnwood -- the sole remnant of antique British forest in a region whose lowlands were once all sylvan chase, as its highlands were breast-deep heather -- slept the shadow of a cloud; the distant hills were dappled, the horizon was shaded and tinted like mother-of-pearl; silvery blues, soft purples, evanescent greens and rose-shades, all melting into fleeces of white cloud, pure as azury snow, allured the eye with a remote glimpse of heaven's foundations. Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 6
  • Sediment-laden streams carve deep, steep-sided valleys which, where they debouch into adjacent lowlands, produce alluvial fans.
  • Those with the wealth to engage in profligate energy consumption contribute to the storms that kill and displace hundreds of thousands of people living on coastal lowlands in Bangladesh and elsewhere.
  • Compared with the surrounding terrain, Niamakoroni's lowlands are relatively lush.
  • The rains wash ( ed ) out fields and flooded more lands ( lowlands ).
  • For example, for people on the Shelf, the sky color is "blueshifted" while the lowlands at the bottom of the river appear red in color. REVIEW: Science Fiction: The Best of 2004 edited by Haber/Strahan
  • Set in a place called the lowlands, our protagonists must confront a massive empire that has slowly been swallowing all the scattered lands of humans. Empire in Black and Gold, A review
  • The Buddha was born in the Terai lowlands near the foothills of the Himalayas just inside the borders of modern-day Nepal.
  • The north-east of England is a land where uplands and lowlands meet, and are never far apart.
  • On the north, these lowlands are covered in part with timber, and great quantities of grapes, which are now ripe: on the south we found plenty of plums, but they are not yet ripe; and near the dark bluffs, a run tainted with allum and copperas; the southern side being more strongly impregnated with minerals than the northern. History of the Expedition under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clark, Vol. I. To the Sources of the Missouri, Thence Across the Rocky Mountains and Down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean. Performed During the Years 1804-5-6.
  • Both in the uplands and the lowlands insects continued to represent an astonishing diversity of forms.
  • The clay lowlands are flanked by steep chalk escarpments.
  • The lowlands are areas in which large craters have been filled by solidified lava to form lunar seas. RESCUING ROSE
  • He was a good gouger, and had marked up most of the boys on the "flats" as we called the lowlands where the poorer working people lived. The Iron Puddler
  • Terrain: Andes Mountains and Maracaibo Lowlands in northwest; central plains (llanos); Guiana Highlands in southeast Venezuela
  • When the climate changes, when it becomes warmer, for instance, northern creatures that once were at home in the lowlands draw off into the neighboring highlands, leaving their old haunts to newcomers from the south, while nevertheless the two faunas may be only a few miles apart; just as in Montana and Alberta moose and caribou in certain places were found side by side with the prongbuck. VIII. Primeval Man; and the Horse, the Lion, and the Elephant
  • Not of course the original Garden of Eden, though the remains of Java Man, the celebrated pithecanthropus erectus, were discovered in the lowlands on this side of Merapi in 1891. Richard Bangs: Climbing the Killer Prince -- Merapi Volcano of Java, Part 2
  • Large plantations of coffee, sugarcane, bananas, and cardamom, all grown primarily for export, cover much of the Pacific lowlands.
  • The living conditions of this rice growing family in Bolivia’s lowlands are affected by the various endemic diseases they are exposed to: malaria, yellow fever and some of the more exotic or emerging arboviral haemorrhagic fevers. Chapter 14
  • Many birds in Washington are migratory, and others move to lowlands forming large winter flocks.
  • From the lowlands of the south to the rugged peaks in the north, Derbyshire has something for everyone.
  • There is some question about the accuracy of these figures because it is possible that the windhovers migrate down to the lowlands in extreme winters.
  • There are at least seven different tribes in and around GLNP, with their own languages and cultures from the Aceh and Gayo muslim farmers in the north, Batak highland farmers and Pakpak hunters and swidden hill farmers to the Alas, Singhil and Melayu rice farmers and fishermen of the lowlands mixed with Javanese once imported by the Dutch. Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra, Indonesia
  • There is quite an assortment of wonderful & rare pheasants in the world; although it is hard to chose I go with the two huge argus pheasants of tropical lowlands or foothills.
  • declivities" or "slopes" (R.V.), i.e., the undulating ground lying between the lowlands (the shephelah) and the central range of hills. Easton's Bible Dictionary
  • You could hear the great diesel-electric locomotive miles away, just as you could hear its steam-powered predecessor clattering through the lowlands of the Hills of Clare.
  • From the numbers of aged persons we saw on the highlands, and the increase of mental and physical vigour we experienced on our ascent from the lowlands, we inferred that the climate was salubrious, and that our countrymen might there enjoy good health, and also be of signal benefit, by leading the multitude of industrious inhabitants to cultivate cotton, buaze, sugar, and other valuable produce, to exchange for goods of A Popular Account of Dr. Livingstone's Expedition to the Zambesi and Its Tributaries
  • All mountain activity was postponed and eager skiers were confined to the lowlands and forced to be resourceful in finding alternative ways of expending their energy.
  • Anderson suggests this was the case because, although the Baringo lowlands had too many livestock for the available land, the lands were not overstocked in terms of Tugen subsistence requirements.
  • The almendro (Dipteryx panamensis) and the monkey pot tree (Lecythis ampla) are two outstanding and rapidly disappearing canopy emergents, which are regional endemics of the lowlands, below 250 m. Isthmian-Pacific moist forests
  • The population is 55 percent urban, with most people concentrated in the Pacific lowlands because of the fertile land there.
  • On Nunnwood - the sole remnant of antique British forest in a region whose lowlands were once all sylvan chase, as its highlands were breast-deep heather - slept the shadow of a cloud; the distant hills were dappled, the horizon was shaded and tinted like mother-of-pearl; silvery blues, soft purples, evanescent greens and rose-shades, all melting into fleeces of white cloud, pure as azury snow, allured the eye as with Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
  • Yet as the levees channeled the water, they also kept fresh soil carried by the muddy Mississippi from replenishing the sediments that made up the lowlands.
  • They came out of the foothills a short while later, walking from winter into summer, it seemed, for even the Cailleac had little power over the lowlands in this season. The Woods Out Back
  • As flocks of sheep return home this month from winter grazing the lowlands of Pembrokeshire, farmers are being warned to be vigilant against the spread of a highly contagious disease.
  • The path broadened until we could stride out, dropping down into Portela and the thirsty lowlands, our heads and shoulders still pearled with mountain water.
  • This plant has a long leaf form which is found in the lowlands where the temperature is substantially high.
  • One strong contender is Ilopango in El Salvador, whose eruption caused major depopulation in Maya lowlands around this time. Weatherwatch: British summers can be like the Dark Ages
  • The Eurasian Wigeon is a regular winter visitor to Washington's coasts and western lowlands.

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